John Durham's Assistant Resigns


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
Nora Dannehy, a federal prosecutor who is a top aide to U.S. Attorney John H. Durham in his Russia investigation, has quietly resigned from the probe, the Hartford Courant reports. Dannehy’s resignation was at least partly out of concern that the investigative team is “being pressed for political reasons to produce a report before its work is done,” her colleagues tell the Courant.

There goes the witch hunt that never had any credibility to begin with. She will certainly be a key witness to the actual criminal investigation from Bidens new DOJ.
Citing interference and pressure from Bill Barr. Dannehy is the third US prosecutor to resign over the actions of Bill Barr. Career prosecutors in the Flynn Case, and the Roger Stone case have all resigned, all citing political interference by Bill Barr as the reason for their resignations.

This further undermines the credibility of the Durham Investigation which has nothing to show for it's 2 year existence but a bunch of rumours. The Inspector General has already investigated the origins of Russia Investigation, as has the Senate. None has found anything inappropriate about the actions of the FBI or the CIA, and much to criticize in the action of the Trump Campaign and the President's senior advisors both during the campaign, and during the transition.

Durham will withstand Barr's pressure.
I do not know whether Durham will or won't resist, as I really know nothing about him, just know about Barr and trump. Skews, posting right before you did, characterizes it as a witch hunt under pressure from Barr, which means under pressure from trump, as Barr is undeniably trump's personal lawyer. It does appear as a political witch hunt at this point. Lead prosecutor quitting could very well signal the coming demise of the investigation. Like the presidents commissioned investigation into Democrat election cheating fell apart, failing to find evidence, Barr's, Durham investigation may be toast for similar reasons.
Dupe thread

... “being pressed for political reasons to produce a report before its work is done,” her colleagues tell the Courant.

So anonymous sources again. Let her say it or it is fake news.

Maybe she resigned because the investigation is wrapping up.
First of all, Barr is not Trump's personal lawyer, that is crap no matter what the Left says. Second, there is absolutely no evidence to support the idea that Durham's investigation is a witch hunt. Third, Dannehy was NOT the lead prosecutor, she is or was a top aide to Durham but the OP's link does not say she was the lead prosecutor. It wouldn't surprise me if Trump does want a report out before election day, and it true Dannehy's resignation could indicate it ain't going to go well for the Dems. Fourth, there could be other reasons that lead to this resignation, personal ones that have nothing to do with the investigation, or maybe she resigned instead of getting fired for some kind of misconduct. Or maybe she quit because she is implicated in some way and had to be recused.
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... “being pressed for political reasons to produce a report before its work is done,” her colleagues tell the Courant.

So anonymous sources again. Let her say it or it is fake news.

Maybe she resigned because the investigation is wrapping up.
She resigned so she won't get caught on the political flash bang on Barr.

Please do not deny that Barr is acting as if he were Trump's personal shyster.
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Nora Dannehy, a federal prosecutor who is a top aide to U.S. Attorney John H. Durham in his Russia investigation, has quietly resigned from the probe, the Hartford Courant reports. Dannehy’s resignation was at least partly out of concern that the investigative team is “being pressed for political reasons to produce a report before its work is done,” her colleagues tell the Courant.

There goes the witch hunt that never had any credibility to begin with. She will certainly be a key witness to the actual criminal investigation from Bidens new DOJ.

The Orange administration is out of gas.
So an Obama holdover doesn't want to do their work so they quit.


If ands and buts were candy and nuts, it would be Christmas every day.

She resigned, because she refused to be part of an October Surprise, based upon an incomplete, and trumped up report.

The only compromised people in this whole sordid affair are Donald Trump and William Barr. With it remaining to be seen who else has compromised themselves at the alter of the Trump crime syndicate.

Try as they may, and try as they might, they aren't going to be able to wash away the stench of Russia hanging around Trumps neck like a decaying albatross carcass.
Nora Dannehy, a federal prosecutor who is a top aide to U.S. Attorney John H. Durham in his Russia investigation, has quietly resigned from the probe, the Hartford Courant reports. Dannehy’s resignation was at least partly out of concern that the investigative team is “being pressed for political reasons to produce a report before its work is done,” her colleagues tell the Courant.

There goes the witch hunt that never had any credibility to begin with. She will certainly be a key witness to the actual criminal investigation from Bidens new DOJ.
Biden isn't going to win.
Deal with it.
So an Obama holdover doesn't want to do their work so they quit.


If ands and buts were candy and nuts, it would be Christmas every day.

She resigned, because she refused to be part of an October Surprise, based upon an incomplete, and trumped up report.

The only compromised people in this whole sordid affair are Donald Trump and William Barr. With it remaining to be seen who else has compromised themselves at the alter of the Trump crime syndicate.

Try as they may, and try as they might, they aren't going to be able to wash away the stench of Russia hanging around Trumps neck like a decaying albatross carcass.

You're not very good a satire. The Russian collusion delusion is eating your brain. Now where's Hunter, hiding in China?
Nora Dannehy, a federal prosecutor who is a top aide to U.S. Attorney John H. Durham in his Russia investigation, has quietly resigned from the probe, the Hartford Courant reports. Dannehy’s resignation was at least partly out of concern that the investigative team is “being pressed for political reasons to produce a report before its work is done,” her colleagues tell the Courant.

There goes the witch hunt that never had any credibility to begin with. She will certainly be a key witness to the actual criminal investigation from Bidens new DOJ.

According to "legal experts" on kidding, who knew.
Nora Dannehy, a federal prosecutor who is a top aide to U.S. Attorney John H. Durham in his Russia investigation, has quietly resigned from the probe, the Hartford Courant reports. Dannehy’s resignation was at least partly out of concern that the investigative team is “being pressed for political reasons to produce a report before its work is done,” her colleagues tell the Courant.

There goes the witch hunt that never had any credibility to begin with. She will certainly be a key witness to the actual criminal investigation from Bidens new DOJ.
Biden isn't going to win.
Deal with it.

Maybe. Maybe not.

If he does, life is going to become very uncomfortable for magamite America.

What would be even better is if Trump won, and the Dems took back the Senate.

Then you fluffers would have to watch Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer turn him into an irrelevant ball of quivering shit, lame duck from day one, making him grovel to them just to be able to get enough money to eat.

Rattle that around in that empty space between your ears for a minute.

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