John Kasich Calls For New Agency To Promote 'Judeo-Christian' Values To The World

Yeah, great idea. A hoard of RW religious nuts roaming the world railing against the infidels. The 99% of Muslims who are peaceful will certainly be charmed by that.

oh my roaming Christian "nuts!".. Oh the horror; hitting people over the head with our bibles!!!? Oh noes! At least they STILL will have a HEAD! YOU FUCKING LIBTARD POS.

A RW 'Christian' on this board yesterday or the day before called for the genocide of the Palestinian people. Others are supporting nuking Syria and Iraq.
Republican presidential candidate John Kasich says he'd set up an agency with a "mandate" to promote what he calls "Judeo-Christian values" overseas to counter Islamist propaganda.

The Ohio governor says he would create the new agency to promote the values of human rights, democracy and the freedoms of speech, religion and association. Kasich says the information would be distributed in the Middle East, China, Iran and Russia, to compete with the propaganda and misinformation purveyed by Islamic militants.

He made the comments Tuesday at the National Press Club in Washington, as part of a speech on national security. Kasich says the U.S. is "failing to advance our values in the battle of ideas" in the face of advances by the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq.

The agency's "job would be fundamentally to revive what we used to do when we beamed messages into the former Soviet Union," he told NBC News in a subsequent interview. "We need to beam messages around the world about what it means to have a Western ethic, to be part of a Judeo-Christian society. It means freedom, it means opportunity, it means respect for women, it means freedom to gather, it means so many things."

John Kasich Calls For New Agency To Promote 'Judeo-Christian' Values To The World

The founding fathers gave us a "Godless" secular Constitution. So on what legal basis would a President Kasich attempt to proselytize the world in promoting Judeo-Christian values?

(makes a hand gesture with thumb and forefinger that's gotten children expelled from school) ;)
Who is Kasich again?
Just another politician, down in the polls, who keeps changing his rhetoric to fit whichever way the political winds are blowing this week.
Like he was wanting to reject the refugees before Paris happened... Don't make me laugh - before then, he accepted anyone that the Feds would pay the state to take.
Republican presidential candidate John Kasich says he'd set up an agency with a "mandate" to promote what he calls "Judeo-Christian values" overseas to counter Islamist propaganda.

The Ohio governor says he would create the new agency to promote the values of human rights, democracy and the freedoms of speech, religion and association. Kasich says the information would be distributed in the Middle East, China, Iran and Russia, to compete with the propaganda and misinformation purveyed by Islamic militants.

He made the comments Tuesday at the National Press Club in Washington, as part of a speech on national security. Kasich says the U.S. is "failing to advance our values in the battle of ideas" in the face of advances by the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq.

The agency's "job would be fundamentally to revive what we used to do when we beamed messages into the former Soviet Union," he told NBC News in a subsequent interview. "We need to beam messages around the world about what it means to have a Western ethic, to be part of a Judeo-Christian society. It means freedom, it means opportunity, it means respect for women, it means freedom to gather, it means so many things."

John Kasich Calls For New Agency To Promote 'Judeo-Christian' Values To The World

The founding fathers gave us a "Godless" secular Constitution. So on what legal basis would a President Kasich attempt to proselytize the world in promoting Judeo-Christian values?

So children are forbidden to pray in school in the US and are not taught morality and John wants us to evangelize other countries?

John has not only fallen off the tracks in the Presidential race, I think he may have sunk his entire political career the way he has been acting lately.
The GOP primaries has finally broken Kasich!!

Obvious pandering to social conservatives!! Unashamed pandering!!

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