John Kasich preparing to launch bid for 2016

Does he support increase in funding for infrastructure, science, r&d and education?? That is important as anyone that doesn't shouldn't be allowed into the white house.
Liberals hate the notion of a balanced budget. They would prefer to spend the hard-earned money of the middle class in order to support their status quo.
Liberals hate the notion of a balanced budget. They would prefer to spend the hard-earned money of the middle class in order to support their status quo.

What happened if I where to tell you that infrastructure and science makes up less then 5% of our entire budget? Yet, you don't have any plan to fix the real cause of our debt...military, ssi, healthcare and welfare. You can't drive down a street that is shitty and you will wish like hell you had that cure when you get sick.

You just don't believe America should compete anymore...You'd like to see us a third world hell hole...Don't attempt to tell me that you give a single damn about the middle class as you wish to take away their high paying construction and science jobs.
Liberals hate the notion of a balanced budget. They would prefer to spend the hard-earned money of the middle class in order to support their status quo.

What happened if I where to tell you that infrastructure and science makes up less then 5% of our entire budget? Yet, you don't have any plan to fix the real cause of our debt...military, ssi, healthcare and welfare. You can't drive down a street that is shitty and you will wish like hell you had that cure when you get sick.

You just don't believe America should compete anymore...You'd like to see us a third world hell hole...Don't attempt to tell me that you give a single damn about the middle class as you wish to take away their high paying construction and science jobs.
The "plan" is for less government spending, less taxes on business, more economic stimulation, and more positive signals to commercial endeavor.

As for you... here's a hint: :slap:
Heck, if you don't like paying taxes, Well, don't
1. drive on our roads
2. Don't expect a police man to help you or help you find a missing love one.
3. Don't expect the fire burning your house down to be put out!
4. Don't expect the nws to warn you of that flood, tornado or hurricane!
5. Don't expect the cdc or the fda to give a damn or have the ability to stop that virus or to recall that poisoned packed steak!
6. Don't expect people to be paid right or treated with respect on the job! Takes money to enforce laws and regs!
7. Don't expect nasa to stop that 500 foot wide asteroid!
8. Don't expect cures for cancer, fixes for your heart problems or much of anything that doesn't bring in a shit load of a profit!
9. Don't expect the epa to demand clear air and water for you!
10. Don't expect to see America be number one on this planet in anything.

Now go live in the hill sides like a animal or a ******. What ever comes first.
11. If you're poor don't expect your kids to be educated! Unless you can afford to spend the time breaking your ass home schooling them.
Does he support increase in funding for infrastructure, science, r&d and education?? That is important as anyone that doesn't shouldn't be allowed into the white house.
No, he's another tedious social conservative and Christian fundamentalist hostile to privacy rights for women, equal protection rights for gay Americans, and opposes the Framers' mandate that church and state remain separate.
Liberals hate the notion of a balanced budget. They would prefer to spend the hard-earned money of the middle class in order to support their status quo.
Actually it's conservatives who hate the notion of a balanced budget – between 2001 and 2007 they squandered a budget surplus, created a deficit, increased the size and cost of government, expanded Medicare without the money to pay for it, and wasted billions of dollars on two failed illegal wars.

The county can't afford any more republican administrations.
Liberals hate the notion of a balanced budget. They would prefer to spend the hard-earned money of the middle class in order to support their status quo.
Actually it's conservatives who hate the notion of a balanced budget – between 2001 and 2007 they squandered a budget surplus, created a deficit, increased the size and cost of government, expanded Medicare without the money to pay for it, and wasted billions of dollars on two failed illegal wars.
And Obama came into office and tripled the rate of spending.
Liberals hate the notion of a balanced budget. They would prefer to spend the hard-earned money of the middle class in order to support their status quo.
Actually it's conservatives who hate the notion of a balanced budget – between 2001 and 2007 they squandered a budget surplus, created a deficit, increased the size and cost of government, expanded Medicare without the money to pay for it, and wasted billions of dollars on two failed illegal wars.
And Obama came into office and tripled the rate of spending.

On the wars, on the tax cuts and on welfare. Of course, you blame it all on infrastructure investment, science and r&d! Oh'yesss, you blame it on things that help America just after your party fucked this country.
Liberals hate the notion of a balanced budget. They would prefer to spend the hard-earned money of the middle class in order to support their status quo.
Actually it's conservatives who hate the notion of a balanced budget – between 2001 and 2007 they squandered a budget surplus, created a deficit, increased the size and cost of government, expanded Medicare without the money to pay for it, and wasted billions of dollars on two failed illegal wars.
And Obama came into office and tripled the rate of spending.

On the wars, on the tax cuts and on welfare. Of course, you blame it all on infrastructure investment, science and r&d! Oh'yesss, you blame it on things that help America just after your party fucked this country.
WTF are you talking about?
Now I like the sound of this.....
F Jeb Bush...

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And Obama came into office and tripled the rate of spending.

Yea, so he could pay for the fucking bullshit that Bush spent the money on. Without Bush making any provision to pay for; the wars, the drug program and the tax cuts. Oh and the economic bailout.

Where were you when the Bush Presidency ended? La la land?
Yea, so he could pay for the fucking bullshit that Bush spent the money on.

when did you lose your mind, shortly after birth when you were dropped on your head or when you joined USMB ?

every fucking dime GWB spent money on was approved by Congress, the muslime mulatto mutha fucka feeeels he is a king and spends and borrows as he sees fit.
every fucking dime GWB spent money on was approved by Congress, the muslime mulatto mutha fucka feeeels he is a king and spends and borrows as he sees fit.

You are a liar. Over and over again you are a liar.

During the Bush Presidency, show the legislation paying for the war in Iraq. Show the legislation paying for the prescription drug program. Show the legislation paying for the tax cuts.

Or shut the fuck up and admit you are a liar.

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