John Kerry: No regime change in Syria

Only Assad has political power in Syria, buddy. By vacuum, people mean the void of power. Assad and the Baths are not going to survive the civil war. It wont stop til their gone, probably through an election. Iranian interest will win the election, almost for certain. No Sunnis or Kurds will, that's for sure. All of that will be seen to in by Hezbollah in Syria, just like it was in palestine.

That's the way things are right now, things will have to turn around somehow to change this.

Do you realize how much money has been dumped into Syria by the Sunni dominated Gulf Coast States? Money used to build and sustain a Sunni army with the express purpose of undermining the perceived Shia expansion in the wake of the Iraq war. There is no way Iranian interests will be allowed to control Syria, the best Iran will get out of this deal is a much weakened Assad staying in power. Which, things being the way they are, is as likely an outcome as any.
So far, reality is contrary to what you've explained. There's marginal shia participation in Yemen and Iraq; less in Syria. Where are these Syrian Sunni rebels?
What do you think ISIS is? And I never claimed they were Syrian specifically nor did I call them rebels. They are a mercenary army brought together from around the globe for the express purpose of undermining the Shia expansion.
I doubt that ISIS has a seat in the political settlement there. That is being seen to by a Russo-Iranian bloc. We acquiesced to the Russian plan - making all the difference - and don't want that wahhabi bs spreading either.
Sure, the big evil Russian plan, lol.
Looks like the Americans begin to withdraw their support from the Sunni faction. Saudi Arabia apparently tries to take over and lead its own coalition.
Well at least Saudi buckled on oil production rates as another half-assed effort. I'm loving it.
Only Assad has political power in Syria, buddy. By vacuum, people mean the void of power. Assad and the Baths are not going to survive the civil war. It wont stop til their gone, probably through an election. Iranian interest will win the election, almost for certain. No Sunnis or Kurds will, that's for sure. All of that will be seen to in by Hezbollah in Syria, just like it was in palestine.

That's the way things are right now, things will have to turn around somehow to change this.

Do you realize how much money has been dumped into Syria by the Sunni dominated Gulf Coast States? Money used to build and sustain a Sunni army with the express purpose of undermining the perceived Shia expansion in the wake of the Iraq war. There is no way Iranian interests will be allowed to control Syria, the best Iran will get out of this deal is a much weakened Assad staying in power. Which, things being the way they are, is as likely an outcome as any.
So far, reality is contrary to what you've explained. There's marginal shia participation in Yemen and Iraq; less in Syria. Where are these Syrian Sunni rebels?
What do you think ISIS is? And I never claimed they were Syrian specifically nor did I call them rebels. They are a mercenary army brought together from around the globe for the express purpose of undermining the Shia expansion.
I doubt that ISIS has a seat in the political settlement there. That is being seen to by a Russo-Iranian bloc. We acquiesced to the Russian plan - making all the difference - and don't want that wahhabi bs spreading either.
I will believe the US acquiesced when I see it. Based on everything I have witnessed thus far the US is not interested in a political settlement, especially not one that leaves Iran as the defacto winner.
I see it as a hamas/hezbollah coin flip to which we're ambilevous. I think our policy position is to stay in Iraq.
The regime change (or not change) in Syria should be none of Kerry's business.

"It should be only up to Syrian people." (Putin)

yes...the whole world should look to Syria's elections for fairness..... idiots
I doubt the Syrian people will give a sh*t what the whole world think about their elections. It will be their elections and their future will depend on it. "The whole world" should just mind its own business and stop sticking its nose where it doesn't belong. Period.

What do you not understand?
Syria doesn't have countries such as Venezuela...they have staged elections where the outcome is waaay predetermined. In the last elections, only in Assad held areas were voting stations permitted...gee...he won...surprise!!
I have no idea what Syrian people think, I do believe however that ignoring dictators has never worked in the past.
Dec.17, Vladimir Putin's annual news conference. Putin:

The fate of the Syrian president. I have said it many times, and I would like to repeat it: We will never agree with the idea of a third party, whoever it is, imposing its opinion about who governs who. This is beyond any common sense and international law. Of course, we discussed it with US Secretary of State Kerry. Our opinion remains the same, and this is our principled approach. We believe that only Syrians can choose their leaders, establish their government standards and rules.

Therefore, I will say something very important now. We support the initiative of the United States, including with respect to the UN Security Council draft resolution on Syria. The Secretary of State’s visit mainly focused on this resolution. We generally agree with it. I think Syrian officials will agree with the draft, too. There may be something that somebody does not like. But in an attempt to resolve this bloody conflict of many years, there is always room for compromise on either side. We believe it is a generally acceptable proposal, although there could be improvements.

But first, it is necessary to work together on a constitution and a procedure to oversee possible future elections. It must be a transparent procedure that everyone trusts. Based on these democratic procedures, Syria will decide which form of government is the most suitable and who will lead the country.

Let me repeat, there is no solution to this problem except a political one. Do we have a plan? Yes, we do, and I just spelled it out. In its key aspects, strange as it may sound, it coincides with the American vision, proposed by the United States: cooperative work on the constitution, creating mechanisms to control future early elections, holding the elections and recognizing the results based on this political process.

Of course, it is a complicated objective and of course there are various mutual grievances: some do nt like this group and others do not like that group, some want to work with the Syrian Government and others refuse do so categorically. But what is necessary is that all conflicting parties make an effort to meet each other halfway.

Vladimir Putin’s annual news conference
I wonder why the West thinks that regime change (or not change) in Syria is Kerry's business. "It should be only up to Syrian people." (Putin)

I do too. The arrogance is amazing.

The people did want it, but Assad killed those that wanted him gone..

A small minority of the secular Syrian majority wanted regime change. The Islamists minority are the people that wanted regime state so that they could an Islamic state.
Do you realize how much money has been dumped into Syria by the Sunni dominated Gulf Coast States? Money used to build and sustain a Sunni army with the express purpose of undermining the perceived Shia expansion in the wake of the Iraq war. There is no way Iranian interests will be allowed to control Syria, the best Iran will get out of this deal is a much weakened Assad staying in power. Which, things being the way they are, is as likely an outcome as any.
So far, reality is contrary to what you've explained. There's marginal shia participation in Yemen and Iraq; less in Syria. Where are these Syrian Sunni rebels?
What do you think ISIS is? And I never claimed they were Syrian specifically nor did I call them rebels. They are a mercenary army brought together from around the globe for the express purpose of undermining the Shia expansion.
I doubt that ISIS has a seat in the political settlement there. That is being seen to by a Russo-Iranian bloc. We acquiesced to the Russian plan - making all the difference - and don't want that wahhabi bs spreading either.
Sure, the big evil Russian plan, lol.
Looks like the Americans begin to withdraw their support from the Sunni faction. Saudi Arabia apparently tries to take over and lead its own coalition.
Well at least Saudi buckled on oil production rates as another half-assed effort. I'm loving it.
They have to act. Qatar is currently undergoing an economic transformation to become more independent from resources. The gulf states decreased their production to a fraction of the normal in 2013/2014.

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