john kerry says Israel becoming "apartheid state"


Why don't the supposed Palestinians go back to Jordan, or Egypt? The answer is that the people of Jordan and Egypt consider the Palestinians dogs! In 1970 the PLO tried to kill the King of Jordan. And then the Palestinians were expelled. That was called Black September 1970. Even their own hate the mother fuckers, BUT use them as PAWNS in the ME war against Israel!

There are 3 million Palestinians living in Jordan. While the PLO was expelled, the millions of Palestinians were not. This is why the "Right to Return" is such a sticking point. If Palestinians were allowed to return to their homes, they'd outnumber the Zionists.

Well, for Israel losing one battle means losing everything including their country. You have to remember that Israel is not the aggressor here, the Arab fractions that proclaim the destruction of the state of Israel are the aggressors. Until these fractions come to terms with the fact that Israel is a sovereign nation and has the right to exist then there will probably not be any peace in that part of the world. If someone keeps beating you up and taking your lunch money every day, do you lay down and say OK I'm here for my daily beating and by the way, you can also take everything I own, or do you strive for self respect, stand up to your aggressors and make it a point that anyone else who tries to do the same thing will pay a price

I think the word you are looking for is "Factions".

If someone was beating me up and taking my lunch money every day, I'd transfer to another school. I wouldn't insist on getting into a knock-down,drag out fight with him every day when everyone else at that school hates my guts. The Zionists can go back to Europe where they came from. That would solve everyone's problems.

The United States has to support Israel on principle as a sovereign nation that has the right to exist. Much as it supported Kuwait when Iraq decided to invade it.

And that was kind of stupid, too.

First, because we had no treaty with Kuwait.

Secondly, because the Emir of Kuwait (famous for entering sham marriages so he could deflower a virgin once a week) was as much a despot as Saddam, who had financed Saddam's war machine when he was attacking Iran.

Third, because the only reason we went to war with Iraq in 1991 was because AIPAC and the rest of the Zionist Amen Corner saw an oppurtunity to get rid of an enemy of Israel.

How I love it when they say Zionist stole the land.

Apart from it being propagandonic and twisted.

The UN came with the solution to part the land to 2. One for the Arabs, one for the Jews.

The Jews agreed, since it means they'll have a state and the Arabs will have a state and that will end the bloodshed.

The Arabs said "no way" and took an oath to destroy the Jews and the not yet even established Jewish state.

So they rose to kill the "Palestinian" Jews, and the Jews, 90% of them Holocaust survivors fighting for the so little they had, and in obvious minority, not only survived and kept their land, but succeded and complitely restrain any Arab force.

In other words, this "land theft" you talk about is Israel winning a war.

So the Arabs tried to kill the Jews, lost, and this is what you call now "land theft".

What Americans did to the natives? THAT is land theft.

What Jews did in Israel? that's redemption itself.

Again, the UN didn't have any business giving away Arab land.

If you feel bad about the Holocaust, then give them a big chunk of Germany as compensation.

oh, wait, no, Germans can fight back. That'd be a bad idea. Let's take some land from someone who can't fight back. Because a Magic Sky Pixie promised us that land.

How I love it when they say Zionist stole the land.

Apart from it being propagandonic and twisted.

The UN came with the solution to part the land to 2. One for the Arabs, one for the Jews.

The Jews agreed, since it means they'll have a state and the Arabs will have a state and that will end the bloodshed.

The Arabs said "no way" and took an oath to destroy the Jews and the not yet even established Jewish state.

So they rose to kill the "Palestinian" Jews, and the Jews, 90% of them Holocaust survivors fighting for the so little they had, and in obvious minority, not only survived and kept their land, but succeded and complitely restrain any Arab force.

In other words, this "land theft" you talk about is Israel winning a war.

So the Arabs tried to kill the Jews, lost, and this is what you call now "land theft".

What Americans did to the natives? THAT is land theft.

What Jews did in Israel? that's redemption itself.

Again, the UN didn't have any business giving away Arab land.

If you feel bad about the Holocaust, then give them a big chunk of Germany as compensation.

oh, wait, no, Germans can fight back. That'd be a bad idea. Let's take some land from someone who can't fight back. Because a Magic Sky Pixie promised us that land.

^^^^ muslim terrorist sympathizer, and complete idiot!^^^^

You guys are trying to have a rational argument with a person who'd like nothing more than to see all the Jews in Israel dead and Arab muslim terrorist in their place. The guy is a lunatic:cuckoo:
You can't be a bigot if you're an NBA owner, but it's okay for Israel to be racist against the Palestinians. Declaring the Palestinians terrorists because of Hamas, is like declaring all blacks terrorists because of the BLACK PANTHERS.

Except that they voted for Hamas to speak for them.:doubt:

Seriously, this threat is full of people without the slightest idea about the Israeli Palestinian conflict.

Then there are those that try to defend Israel's bigotry. Here's a clue: when a race of people believe that they are God's "chosen people" and everybody else is beneath them, THAT'S RACISM! According to the Jews, God told them to go to that land and kill the owners and take the land. That's pretty fucked up.
You guys are trying to have a rational argument with a person who'd like nothing more than to see all the Jews in Israel dead and Arab muslim terrorist in their place. The guy is a lunatic:cuckoo:

No, JRoids, a LUNATIC is someone who goes into a part of the world full of people DETERMINED TO KILL HIM and then insists they should own that land because, hey, a Magic Fairy in the Sky promised him that land.

That's a lunatic.

A sensible person asks, 'Why is this MY problem?"

SO I'm asking.

Why is this MY problem?

Let me know when can give me a rational answer, 'kay.
You guys are trying to have a rational argument with a person who'd like nothing more than to see all the Jews in Israel dead and Arab muslim terrorist in their place. The guy is a lunatic:cuckoo:

No, JRoids, a LUNATIC is someone who goes into a part of the world full of people DETERMINED TO KILL HIM and then insists they should own that land because, hey, a Magic Fairy in the Sky promised him that land.

That's a lunatic.

A sensible person asks, 'Why is this MY problem?"

SO I'm asking.

Why is this MY problem?

Let me know when can give me a rational answer, 'kay.

The bully analogy doesn't work because the Arabs have been the unsuccessful bullies and Israel has supposedly become the successful bully thanks to bad Public Relations on their part.

Actually, based on the bully analogy, the West Bank Jordanians should have been long gone but NOBODY is stupid enough to accept the trash.
You guys are trying to have a rational argument with a person who'd like nothing more than to see all the Jews in Israel dead and Arab muslim terrorist in their place. The guy is a lunatic:cuckoo:

No, JRoids, a LUNATIC is someone who goes into a part of the world full of people DETERMINED TO KILL HIM and then insists they should own that land because, hey, a Magic Fairy in the Sky promised him that land.

That's a lunatic.

A sensible person asks, 'Why is this MY problem?"

SO I'm asking.

Why is this MY problem?

Let me know when can give me a rational answer, 'kay.

The bully analogy doesn't work because the Arabs have been the unsuccessful bullies and Israel has supposedly become the successful bully thanks to bad Public Relations on their part.

Actually, based on the bully analogy, the West Bank Jordanians should have been long gone but NOBODY is stupid enough to accept the trash.

WHo said anything about Bullies.

Try to put this in perspective. A bunch of Space Aliens land in America, and using their superior technology, push Americans out of the key bits of land and crowd us into refugee areas of the more undesirable parts of the country like Texas.

What amazes me is that you guys all insist you need your guns to protect yourselves, and the Palestinians are doing exactly what you guys go around talking smack about.
You guys are trying to have a rational argument with a person who'd like nothing more than to see all the Jews in Israel dead and Arab muslim terrorist in their place. The guy is a lunatic:cuckoo:

No, JRoids, a LUNATIC is someone who goes into a part of the world full of people DETERMINED TO KILL HIM and then insists they should own that land because, hey, a Magic Fairy in the Sky promised him that land.

That's a lunatic.

A sensible person asks, 'Why is this MY problem?"

SO I'm asking.

Why is this MY problem?

Let me know when can give me a rational answer, 'kay.

They left the genocide you idiot, and you wish for's not your problem, so get over it hater
You can't be a bigot if you're an NBA owner, but it's okay for Israel to be racist against the Palestinians. Declaring the Palestinians terrorists because of Hamas, is like declaring all blacks terrorists because of the BLACK PANTHERS.

Except that they voted for Hamas to speak for them.:doubt:

Seriously, this threat is full of people without the slightest idea about the Israeli Palestinian conflict.

Then there are those that try to defend Israel's bigotry. Here's a clue: when a race of people believe that they are God's "chosen people" and everybody else is beneath them, THAT'S RACISM! According to the Jews, God told them to go to that land and kill the owners and take the land. That's pretty fucked up.

I'm not bringing the bible in here.

Is relying on the bible your best argument.

Should I mention that Jesus was a Jew and that he believed in those "fucked up things" as well?

That is not the argument, though. The argument is based on History, and not religion (currently).

And in that department Israel wins 10 times.

I'm not bringing the bible in here.

Is relying on the bible your best argument.

Should I mention that Jesus was a Jew and that he believed in those "fucked up things" as well?

That is not the argument, though. The argument is based on History, and not religion (currently).

And in that department Israel wins 10 times.

Guy, in case you haven't been paying attention, I'm an Atheist.

Jesus never existed. He's a fairy tale. There never was a Jesus.

And, no, History is not an argument. Judea was wiped out 2000 years ago. The Europeans who moved to Palestine have no valid claim to the land.

It's been Arab land for the last 1500 years, except for that century when the Crusaders did the last "The Sky Fairy Promised me this".
You guys are trying to have a rational argument with a person who'd like nothing more than to see all the Jews in Israel dead and Arab muslim terrorist in their place. The guy is a lunatic:cuckoo:

No, JRoids, a LUNATIC is someone who goes into a part of the world full of people DETERMINED TO KILL HIM and then insists they should own that land because, hey, a Magic Fairy in the Sky promised him that land.

That's a lunatic.

A sensible person asks, 'Why is this MY problem?"

SO I'm asking.

Why is this MY problem?

Let me know when can give me a rational answer, 'kay.

They left the genocide you idiot, and you wish for's not your problem, so get over it hater

Oh, I see. The "Hitler Card".

I'd have no problem if the Zionists saved themselves by going back to Europe where they came from.

I have a huge problem with AMERICA constantly getting dragged into wars in that region because they want to play, "The Magic Sky Fairy Promised Me!"

And, yeah, when you are picking my pocket to subsidize this religious stupidity, and make me an accomplice to your bad behavior, it IS my problem.

Not to worry, the whole world is getting wise to the Zionists and their bullshit. The whining about Hitler is getting a bit old.
No, JRoids, a LUNATIC is someone who goes into a part of the world full of people DETERMINED TO KILL HIM and then insists they should own that land because, hey, a Magic Fairy in the Sky promised him that land.

That's a lunatic.

A sensible person asks, 'Why is this MY problem?"

SO I'm asking.

Why is this MY problem?

Let me know when can give me a rational answer, 'kay.

They left the genocide you idiot, and you wish for's not your problem, so get over it hater

Oh, I see. The "Hitler Card".

I'd have no problem if the Zionists saved themselves by going back to Europe where they came from.

I have a huge problem with AMERICA constantly getting dragged into wars in that region because they want to play, "The Magic Sky Fairy Promised Me!"

And, yeah, when you are picking my pocket to subsidize this religious stupidity, and make me an accomplice to your bad behavior, it IS my problem.

Not to worry, the whole world is getting wise to the Zionists and their bullshit. The whining about Hitler is getting a bit old.

Humm... You only come out again the Jews. all the money sent to the muslim nutjobs who would be happy to cut off your head, doesn't seem to bother you much. Come out against foreign aid generally, maybe you'll sound more like an actual rational person, but you are what you are, a miserable person with mental problem:cuckoo:
They left the genocide you idiot, and you wish for's not your problem, so get over it hater

Oh, I see. The "Hitler Card".

I'd have no problem if the Zionists saved themselves by going back to Europe where they came from.

I have a huge problem with AMERICA constantly getting dragged into wars in that region because they want to play, "The Magic Sky Fairy Promised Me!"

And, yeah, when you are picking my pocket to subsidize this religious stupidity, and make me an accomplice to your bad behavior, it IS my problem.

Not to worry, the whole world is getting wise to the Zionists and their bullshit. The whining about Hitler is getting a bit old.

Humm... You only come out again the Jews. all the money sent to the muslim nutjobs who would be happy to cut off your head, doesn't seem to bother you much. Come out against foreign aid generally, maybe you'll sound more like an actual rational person, but you are what you are, a miserable person with mental problem:cuckoo:

Excellent playing the victim, well done. Invalid point though as the poster is clearly talking about military aid rather than foreign aid in general. The US doesn't give military aid to Islamic extremists.
Oh, I see. The "Hitler Card".

I'd have no problem if the Zionists saved themselves by going back to Europe where they came from.

I have a huge problem with AMERICA constantly getting dragged into wars in that region because they want to play, "The Magic Sky Fairy Promised Me!"

And, yeah, when you are picking my pocket to subsidize this religious stupidity, and make me an accomplice to your bad behavior, it IS my problem.

Not to worry, the whole world is getting wise to the Zionists and their bullshit. The whining about Hitler is getting a bit old.

Humm... You only come out again the Jews. all the money sent to the muslim nutjobs who would be happy to cut off your head, doesn't seem to bother you much. Come out against foreign aid generally, maybe you'll sound more like an actual rational person, but you are what you are, a miserable person with mental problem:cuckoo:

Excellent playing the victim, well done. Invalid point though as the poster is clearly talking about military aid rather than foreign aid in general. The US doesn't give military aid to Islamic extremists.

Really? Pakistan, Afghanistan, Libya, Syrian rebels ect....We helped get rid of Gaddafi now Libya is run by terrorist. Get your head out of your ass boy
Humm... You only come out again the Jews. all the money sent to the muslim nutjobs who would be happy to cut off your head, doesn't seem to bother you much. Come out against foreign aid generally, maybe you'll sound more like an actual rational person, but you are what you are, a miserable person with mental problem:cuckoo:

Excellent playing the victim, well done. Invalid point though as the poster is clearly talking about military aid rather than foreign aid in general. The US doesn't give military aid to Islamic extremists.

Really? Pakistan, Afghanistan, Libya, Syrian rebels ect....We helped get rid of Gaddafi now Libya is run by terrorist. Get your head out of your ass boy

You're asking too much
They left the genocide you idiot, and you wish for's not your problem, so get over it hater

Oh, I see. The "Hitler Card".

I'd have no problem if the Zionists saved themselves by going back to Europe where they came from.

I have a huge problem with AMERICA constantly getting dragged into wars in that region because they want to play, "The Magic Sky Fairy Promised Me!"

And, yeah, when you are picking my pocket to subsidize this religious stupidity, and make me an accomplice to your bad behavior, it IS my problem.

Not to worry, the whole world is getting wise to the Zionists and their bullshit. The whining about Hitler is getting a bit old.

Humm... You only come out again the Jews. all the money sent to the muslim nutjobs who would be happy to cut off your head, doesn't seem to bother you much. Come out against foreign aid generally, maybe you'll sound more like an actual rational person, but you are what you are, a miserable person with mental problem:cuckoo:

Guy, the only reason we are giving ANY money to the Muslim "Nutjobs" as you say, is to bribe their governments to play nice with the Zionist Entity. I've explained this to you about a dozen times, but it just doesn't seem to get through to you.

We give the Zionists 4 billion a year to pretend God Loves them.
We give the Arabs a few billion to promise not to attack Israel.
And then we spend hundreds of billions fighting wars and keeping a military presense in the area.

Incidenly, I have no problem with foreign aid when it does stuff like provide clean drinking water and food to poor people around the world.

Paying a bunch of rich assholes to play "God Loves Me!" isn't a good use.
Humm... You only come out again the Jews. all the money sent to the muslim nutjobs who would be happy to cut off your head, doesn't seem to bother you much. Come out against foreign aid generally, maybe you'll sound more like an actual rational person, but you are what you are, a miserable person with mental problem:cuckoo:

Excellent playing the victim, well done. Invalid point though as the poster is clearly talking about military aid rather than foreign aid in general. The US doesn't give military aid to Islamic extremists.

Really? Pakistan, Afghanistan, Libya, Syrian rebels ect....We helped get rid of Gaddafi now Libya is run by terrorist. Get your head out of your ass boy

Exactly. And who was campaigning for decades for us to get rid of Khadafy?

Oh, right. The Zionists. because he was funding the Palestinians.
Oh, I see. The "Hitler Card".

I'd have no problem if the Zionists saved themselves by going back to Europe where they came from.

I have a huge problem with AMERICA constantly getting dragged into wars in that region because they want to play, "The Magic Sky Fairy Promised Me!"

And, yeah, when you are picking my pocket to subsidize this religious stupidity, and make me an accomplice to your bad behavior, it IS my problem.

Not to worry, the whole world is getting wise to the Zionists and their bullshit. The whining about Hitler is getting a bit old.

Humm... You only come out again the Jews. all the money sent to the muslim nutjobs who would be happy to cut off your head, doesn't seem to bother you much. Come out against foreign aid generally, maybe you'll sound more like an actual rational person, but you are what you are, a miserable person with mental problem:cuckoo:

Guy, the only reason we are giving ANY money to the Muslim "Nutjobs" as you say, is to bribe their governments to play nice with the Zionist Entity. I've explained this to you about a dozen times, but it just doesn't seem to get through to you.

We give the Zionists 4 billion a year to pretend God Loves them.
We give the Arabs a few billion to promise not to attack Israel.
And then we spend hundreds of billions fighting wars and keeping a military presense in the area.

Incidenly, I have no problem with foreign aid when it does stuff like provide clean drinking water and food to poor people around the world.

Paying a bunch of rich assholes to play "God Loves Me!" isn't a good use.

Blame the Jews. You're nothing new boy. Same old, same old...Haters with psychological problems..Get some help boy :cuckoo:

I'm not bringing the bible in here.

Is relying on the bible your best argument.

Should I mention that Jesus was a Jew and that he believed in those "fucked up things" as well?

That is not the argument, though. The argument is based on History, and not religion (currently).

And in that department Israel wins 10 times.

Guy, in case you haven't been paying attention, I'm an Atheist.

Jesus never existed. He's a fairy tale. There never was a Jesus.

And, no, History is not an argument. Judea was wiped out 2000 years ago. The Europeans who moved to Palestine have no valid claim to the land.

It's been Arab land for the last 1500 years, except for that century when the Crusaders did the last "The Sky Fairy Promised me this".

It's never been Arab land. Jews always sat here, and where is the 1500 years taken from? why not 10,000 years of Arab land?

What a bunch of nonsense.

The sky promised me nothing. My family lived in Israel since 1883. Some Hamas wackos now blaim them of "occupation", trying to kick them off their lands which belonged to them before the oldest Hamas asshole was even born.

So yeah, let's not talk about history or religion. Let's talk about facts.

What I pointed out now is a fact. The Palestinians want the Jews out. some of the people they want out belong to my family who developed that land for generations.

So the palestinians can go to hell for all I care.

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