john kerry says Israel becoming "apartheid state"

Obama and Kerry follow the Soviet model

The 'Apartheid' Israel Charge Began with the Soviet Union


The history of the false analogy between "apartheid" and Israel is a rather dismal one. It was promoted by the Soviet Union in the 1970s as a way to isolate Israel and cultivate communist allies in the Arab world. This was the era of the infamous "Zionism is racism" UN resolution--rescinded in 1991--and the effort to associate Israel with apartheid and colonialism was a systematic one, aimed at harming not only Israel but also the U.S.

Among the first to use the analogy at the United Nations was Idi Amin, the bloody dictator of Uganda, who compared Israel to apartheid South Africa in a speech to the UN General Assembly. Daniel Patrick Moynihan, the American ambassador to the UN at the time, recognized that the Soviet-backed effort was a direct threat to American strategic interests and marshaled the support of the Ford administration- to come to Israel's defense.

The "apartheid" analogy was revived in 2001, in the run-up to the UN World Conference Against racism in the South African city of Durban. That conference collapsed into an orgiastic festival of antisemitic hatred, with activists disseminating cartoons featuring crude Jewish stereotypes and breaking up meetings held by Jewish organizations

Makes perfect sense, what you're saying there, given that the US is trying so desperately to make allies out of rogue Islamic states who have at least to some degree, however minimal, in the past sponsored terrorism, or more importantly, (drum roll ...) whose oil we need.

Follow the money in today's world means following the oil.

There are just some people with whom one can't make friends. It's that simple.
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Obama and Kerry follow the Soviet model

The 'Apartheid' Israel Charge Began with the Soviet Union

The history of the false analogy between "apartheid" and Israel is a rather dismal one. It was promoted by the Soviet Union in the 1970s as a way to isolate Israel and cultivate communist allies in the Arab world. This was the era of the infamous "Zionism is racism" UN resolution--rescinded in 1991--and the effort to associate Israel with apartheid and colonialism was a systematic one, aimed at harming not only Israel but also the U.S.

Among the first to use the analogy at the United Nations was Idi Amin, the bloody dictator of Uganda, who compared Israel to apartheid South Africa in a speech to the UN General Assembly. Daniel Patrick Moynihan, the American ambassador to the UN at the time, recognized that the Soviet-backed effort was a direct threat to American strategic interests and marshaled the support of the Ford administration- to come to Israel's defense.

The "apartheid" analogy was revived in 2001, in the run-up to the UN World Conference Against racism in the South African city of Durban. That conference collapsed into an orgiastic festival of antisemitic hatred, with activists disseminating cartoons featuring crude Jewish stereotypes and breaking up meetings held by Jewish organizations

Oooooh, Communists! Do they even still make those?

What a stupid question, and from someone with the sense of humor of a ball of earwax.

Go figure.
Maybe that's partly why Mr. Olmert is no longer the Prime Minister then, hmmf, sport?

Incidentally, Barak lost the support of the people he had at one point sworn under oath to lead, too. Gee.

She also hated former U.S. President George W. Bush.

What has the Obama Administration done for her, or more importantly, the Jews???

Another "former head of".


It is that simple.

I would add a tidbit to your comment and make it like this:


Far more Israeli Jews support Kerry's view than not. And American Jews such as myself. You just can't hear us over those neocons war drums you're banging.

Oh yeah, I shoulda said something here about this a coupla days ago, but I looked right past your post (I expect you probably hear that quite a bit; just sayin', but ...):

You have no idea what my political affiliation is.

Matter of fact, I don't even know what my preference is, myself, so I know you sure as hell don't, sport.

Ain't anybody in Washington who looks anything like me, so truth be told, I don't care for any of 'em.

Short and sweet, I am NOT a "neocon," Sherlock.

And it's probably not in your best interest to keep presuming things as such with regard to folks about whom YOU KNOW ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.

Your polarizing views are part of the problem in Washington — NOT the solution.
I'm not a progressive, I'm a libertarian who thinks that we should not be enabling countries like Israel to stick out their tongues at the other kiddies while they smugly threaten that their big brother will kick their asses.

American Liberalism= Those who lick Jihadist asses in hopes they won't be killed?


Hmmmm.... We didn't have a problem with Jihadists until AFTER the Zionists stole their land.

I get a little tired of watching young Americans come home in body bags because the Zionists and Jihadists are fighting over who an Imaginary Sky Pixie loves the best.

What a bunch of bullshit.

You American fellows are dying because you insist on repeating your useless actions while expecting different result.

Einstein said something about that...I believe he called that insanity.

Your fellow Americans got killed in Afghanistan and Iraq and Libya because America insists on trying to save Muslims from themselves.

How do they repay you when you try removing the dictators? do they thank you? NO. they kill your soldiers and ambassadors and your heroes.

And how typically Liberal of some of you to point at the Zionists! you don't fight for the Zionists, you fight for American democracy, so stupidly trying to save people who don't want to be saved! who feel inferior when you save them, because they see you as infidels and they don't appreciate being saved by enemies of Allah.

Zionists stoll the land? perhaps. But what about what happened BEFORE 1967? They people of Gaza and West Bank learned to hate Jews before the "occupation".

So this is another bullshit.

I'm surrounded by bullshitism. It's tiring:doubt:
You can't be a bigot if you're an NBA owner, but it's okay for Israel to be racist against the Palestinians. Declaring the Palestinians terrorists because of Hamas, is like declaring all blacks terrorists because of the BLACK PANTHERS.

Except that they voted for Hamas to speak for them.:doubt:

Seriously, this threat is full of people without the slightest idea about the Israeli Palestinian conflict.
Israelis tell of Gaza war misdeeds

TEL AVIV | The Israeli army said Thursday its military prosecutor is launching a criminal investigation into the reported killing of Palestinian civilians in Gaza during a three-week war earlier this year against Hamas.
The inquiry was initiated after the publication of eyewitness accounts of misconduct by combat soldiers delivered at a postwar seminar at a military preparatory school one month ago.
It marks first acknowledgment by Israel of possible misdeeds in an offensive that left 1,300 Gazans dead and has stirred up allegations of war crimes.
Speaking at the convention of a school named for the late Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, soldiers described lax rules of engagement and the killing of women, children and the elderly even though they were not perceived as threats. The veterans added that IsraeliIsraelis tell of Gaza war misdeeds soldiers also vandalized Palestinian property.
In one instance contained in the testimony, soldiers said a women and two children were killed at a distance of 100 to 200 yards because they had misunderstood army instructions on how to leave the combat zone.
“We didnt think there was moral problem until these guys started getting it off of their chest,” Danny Zamir, head of the Yitzhak Rabin military preparatory school, told the Israeli news Web site Ynet.

Read more: Israelis tell of Gaza war misdeeds - Washington Times
Follow us: [MENTION=39892]Was[/MENTION]htimes on Twitter

Bad things happen, and bad things are done by soldiers.

Doesn't change the fact that Hamas shoots thousands of rockets every year on innocent people, then goes crying for mommy UN to save their asses once Israel decides to take no more crap from them.
Israelis tell of Gaza war misdeeds

TEL AVIV | The Israeli army said Thursday its military prosecutor is launching a criminal investigation into the reported killing of Palestinian civilians in Gaza during a three-week war earlier this year against Hamas.
The inquiry was initiated after the publication of eyewitness accounts of misconduct by combat soldiers delivered at a postwar seminar at a military preparatory school one month ago.
It marks first acknowledgment by Israel of possible misdeeds in an offensive that left 1,300 Gazans dead and has stirred up allegations of war crimes.
Speaking at the convention of a school named for the late Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, soldiers described lax rules of engagement and the killing of women, children and the elderly even though they were not perceived as threats. The veterans added that IsraeliIsraelis tell of Gaza war misdeeds soldiers also vandalized Palestinian property.
In one instance contained in the testimony, soldiers said a women and two children were killed at a distance of 100 to 200 yards because they had misunderstood army instructions on how to leave the combat zone.
“We didnt think there was moral problem until these guys started getting it off of their chest,” Danny Zamir, head of the Yitzhak Rabin military preparatory school, told the Israeli news Web site Ynet.

Read more: Israelis tell of Gaza war misdeeds - Washington Times
Follow us: [MENTION=39892]Was[/MENTION]htimes on Twitter

Bad things happen, and bad things are done by soldiers.

Doesn't change the fact that Hamas shoots thousands of rockets every year on innocent people, then goes crying for mommy UN to save their asses once Israel decides to take no more crap from them.

Killing less than one person a year and yet you bring them up over and over and over and over and over again as though they excuse everything that Israel ever does. 1,300 people dead and you come out with some dismisal about soldiers do bad things.

I wonder how quickly Israel would be running to the Mommy UN if the US stopped paying for it's armed forces.
What a bunch of bullshit.

You American fellows are dying because you insist on repeating your useless actions while expecting different result.

Einstein said something about that...I believe he called that insanity.

Your fellow Americans got killed in Afghanistan and Iraq and Libya because America insists on trying to save Muslims from themselves.

How do they repay you when you try removing the dictators? do they thank you? NO. they kill your soldiers and ambassadors and your heroes.

That's a good argument for minding our own fucking business, isn't it?

Of course, we aren't removing dictators because we care about the people who live there. We remove dictators because the Zionists and Oil Companies who are pulling the strings want them gone.

I should also point out that Bin Laden and Saddam were both guys the CIA said we could work with until they turned on us.

And how typically Liberal of some of you to point at the Zionists! you don't fight for the Zionists, you fight for American democracy, so stupidly trying to save people who don't want to be saved! who feel inferior when you save them, because they see you as infidels and they don't appreciate being saved by enemies of Allah.

Zionists stoll the land? perhaps. But what about what happened BEFORE 1967? They people of Gaza and West Bank learned to hate Jews before the "occupation".

I think you miss the point. Zionists stole HALF the land in 1948. They stole the other half in 1947. The Palestinians want them gone, and the Arab world only hates us because we prop up the Zionists.

None of this has anything to do with "American Democracy". You guys fighting over whose Imaginary Sky Fairy has the biggest schlong is nothing to do with our "Democracy". Make the Zionists and OIl Companies fight their own damned wars, and I bet they won't be so keen on them.
What a bunch of bullshit.

You American fellows are dying because you insist on repeating your useless actions while expecting different result.

Einstein said something about that...I believe he called that insanity.

Your fellow Americans got killed in Afghanistan and Iraq and Libya because America insists on trying to save Muslims from themselves.

How do they repay you when you try removing the dictators? do they thank you? NO. they kill your soldiers and ambassadors and your heroes.

That's a good argument for minding our own fucking business, isn't it?

Of course, we aren't removing dictators because we care about the people who live there. We remove dictators because the Zionists and Oil Companies who are pulling the strings want them gone.

I should also point out that Bin Laden and Saddam were both guys the CIA said we could work with until they turned on us.

And how typically Liberal of some of you to point at the Zionists! you don't fight for the Zionists, you fight for American democracy, so stupidly trying to save people who don't want to be saved! who feel inferior when you save them, because they see you as infidels and they don't appreciate being saved by enemies of Allah.

Zionists stoll the land? perhaps. But what about what happened BEFORE 1967? They people of Gaza and West Bank learned to hate Jews before the "occupation".

I think you miss the point. Zionists stole HALF the land in 1948. They stole the other half in 1947. The Palestinians want them gone, and the Arab world only hates us because we prop up the Zionists.

None of this has anything to do with "American Democracy". You guys fighting over whose Imaginary Sky Fairy has the biggest schlong is nothing to do with our "Democracy". Make the Zionists and OIl Companies fight their own damned wars, and I bet they won't be so keen on them.

My family lived in Israel since 1883. Then some Arab fuckers came in the Arab uprisings of the 30's and burned their fields to the ground.

Talk about theft, violence, etc...
What a bunch of bullshit.

You American fellows are dying because you insist on repeating your useless actions while expecting different result.

Einstein said something about that...I believe he called that insanity.

Your fellow Americans got killed in Afghanistan and Iraq and Libya because America insists on trying to save Muslims from themselves.

How do they repay you when you try removing the dictators? do they thank you? NO. they kill your soldiers and ambassadors and your heroes.

That's a good argument for minding our own fucking business, isn't it?

Of course, we aren't removing dictators because we care about the people who live there. We remove dictators because the Zionists and Oil Companies who are pulling the strings want them gone.

I should also point out that Bin Laden and Saddam were both guys the CIA said we could work with until they turned on us.

And how typically Liberal of some of you to point at the Zionists! you don't fight for the Zionists, you fight for American democracy, so stupidly trying to save people who don't want to be saved! who feel inferior when you save them, because they see you as infidels and they don't appreciate being saved by enemies of Allah.

Zionists stoll the land? perhaps. But what about what happened BEFORE 1967? They people of Gaza and West Bank learned to hate Jews before the "occupation".

I think you miss the point. Zionists stole HALF the land in 1948. They stole the other half in 1947. The Palestinians want them gone, and the Arab world only hates us because we prop up the Zionists.

None of this has anything to do with "American Democracy". You guys fighting over whose Imaginary Sky Fairy has the biggest schlong is nothing to do with our "Democracy". Make the Zionists and OIl Companies fight their own damned wars, and I bet they won't be so keen on them.

What is it to the Zionist of the events in Libya or Ukraine?

Are you that desparate to blaim it all on the Jews? You're not making any sence.

If you don't want your kids dying, tell your stupid government to mind its own businnes for once.

The American govenment believes it can force the MidEast to become western and democratic, but it's far from the case.

Are Americans dying in Israel, or in Muslim countries?

Stop putting your stupidity on the Jews. If the Jews and Zionist didn't exist, you'd have to invent them to find someone else to blame for your stupid Liberalism.
Israelis tell of Gaza war misdeeds

TEL AVIV | The Israeli army said Thursday its military prosecutor is launching a criminal investigation into the reported killing of Palestinian civilians in Gaza during a three-week war earlier this year against Hamas.
The inquiry was initiated after the publication of eyewitness accounts of misconduct by combat soldiers delivered at a postwar seminar at a military preparatory school one month ago.
It marks first acknowledgment by Israel of possible misdeeds in an offensive that left 1,300 Gazans dead and has stirred up allegations of war crimes.
Speaking at the convention of a school named for the late Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, soldiers described lax rules of engagement and the killing of women, children and the elderly even though they were not perceived as threats. The veterans added that IsraeliIsraelis tell of Gaza war misdeeds soldiers also vandalized Palestinian property.
In one instance contained in the testimony, soldiers said a women and two children were killed at a distance of 100 to 200 yards because they had misunderstood army instructions on how to leave the combat zone.
“We didnt think there was moral problem until these guys started getting it off of their chest,” Danny Zamir, head of the Yitzhak Rabin military preparatory school, told the Israeli news Web site Ynet.

Read more: Israelis tell of Gaza war misdeeds - Washington Times
Follow us: [MENTION=39892]Was[/MENTION]htimes on Twitter

Bad things happen, and bad things are done by soldiers.

Doesn't change the fact that Hamas shoots thousands of rockets every year on innocent people, then goes crying for mommy UN to save their asses once Israel decides to take no more crap from them.

Killing less than one person a year and yet you bring them up over and over and over and over and over again as though they excuse everything that Israel ever does. 1,300 people dead and you come out with some dismisal about soldiers do bad things.

I wonder how quickly Israel would be running to the Mommy UN if the US stopped paying for it's armed forces.

I cannot wait for that to happen.

Then they'll stop trying to force Israel and "Palestine" to get along.

We wish the same.
Israelis tell of Gaza war misdeeds

TEL AVIV | The Israeli army said Thursday its military prosecutor is launching a criminal investigation into the reported killing of Palestinian civilians in Gaza during a three-week war earlier this year against Hamas.
The inquiry was initiated after the publication of eyewitness accounts of misconduct by combat soldiers delivered at a postwar seminar at a military preparatory school one month ago.
It marks first acknowledgment by Israel of possible misdeeds in an offensive that left 1,300 Gazans dead and has stirred up allegations of war crimes.
Speaking at the convention of a school named for the late Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, soldiers described lax rules of engagement and the killing of women, children and the elderly even though they were not perceived as threats. The veterans added that IsraeliIsraelis tell of Gaza war misdeeds soldiers also vandalized Palestinian property.
In one instance contained in the testimony, soldiers said a women and two children were killed at a distance of 100 to 200 yards because they had misunderstood army instructions on how to leave the combat zone.
“We didnt think there was moral problem until these guys started getting it off of their chest,” Danny Zamir, head of the Yitzhak Rabin military preparatory school, told the Israeli news Web site Ynet.

Read more: Israelis tell of Gaza war misdeeds - Washington Times
Follow us: [MENTION=39892]Was[/MENTION]htimes on Twitter

Bad things happen, and bad things are done by soldiers.

Doesn't change the fact that Hamas shoots thousands of rockets every year on innocent people, then goes crying for mommy UN to save their asses once Israel decides to take no more crap from them.

Killing less than one person a year and yet you bring them up over and over and over and over and over again ....

What you just said is really insensitive.

But never mind

My family lived in Israel since 1883. Then some Arab fuckers came in the Arab uprisings of the 30's and burned their fields to the ground.

Talk about theft, violence, etc...

Hmmmm, wait. Let me check a map.


Nope, no place called "Israel" in 1883.

so essentially, what you are saying is that Jews were perfectly welcome in the Holy land under the Ottomans, and then when they threw in with British Imperialists, the Arabs who lived there had an "uprising" for some reason.

OH, maybe it was because the British promised them independence from the Turks, and then tried to pull some 'backsies'.

Again, got to ask, as an American. Why should I give a flip. Why should i send my blood and treasure over there because you and the Arabs are having a fight over who a Sky Pixie loves best?

When you can get back to me with a coherent answer, let me know.
Bad things happen, and bad things are done by soldiers.

Doesn't change the fact that Hamas shoots thousands of rockets every year on innocent people, then goes crying for mommy UN to save their asses once Israel decides to take no more crap from them.

Killing less than one person a year and yet you bring them up over and over and over and over and over again ....

What you just said is really insensitive.

But never mind

You write off 1,300 deaths with a shrug and yet my comparison of the 13 rocket deaths this millennium is insensitive? Care to elucidate?

My family lived in Israel since 1883. Then some Arab fuckers came in the Arab uprisings of the 30's and burned their fields to the ground.

Talk about theft, violence, etc...

Hmmmm, wait. Let me check a map.



so essentially, what you are saying is that Jews were perfectly welcome in the Holy land under the Ottomans, and then when they threw in with British Imperialists, the Arabs who lived there had an "uprising" for some reason.

OH, maybe it was because the British promised them independence from the Turks, and then tried to pull some 'backsies'.

Again, got to ask, as an American. Why should I give a flip. Why should i send my blood and treasure over there because you and the Arabs are having a fight over who a Sky Pixie loves best?

When you can get back to me with a coherent answer, let me know.

could you point out the country of Palestine on that map?.... Oh, shit, there wasn't one then either!

Israel, for decades has been America's EARS in the middle East, besides being the only countries that shares what were once our same traditional values of decency, and democracy!
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could you point out the country of Palestine on that map?.... Oh, shit, there wasn't one then either!

Israel, for decades has been America's EARS in the middle East, besides being the only countries that shares what were once our same traditional values of decency, and democracy!

Sorry, guy, stealing someone else's land isn't decent, and regulating the Palestinians to second class citizenship in their own country isn't "democracy'.

And we don't need eyes and ears in the middle east with their own agenda that involves getting us to fight their wars.
could you point out the country of Palestine on that map?.... Oh, shit, there wasn't one then either!

Israel, for decades has been America's EARS in the middle East, besides being the only countries that shares what were once our same traditional values of decency, and democracy!

Sorry, guy, stealing someone else's land isn't decent, and regulating the Palestinians to second class citizenship in their own country isn't "democracy'.

And we don't need eyes and ears in the middle east with their own agenda that involves getting us to fight their wars.

Why don't the supposed Palestinians go back to Jordan, or Egypt? The answer is that the people of Jordan and Egypt consider the Palestinians dogs! In 1970 the PLO tried to kill the King of Jordan. And then the Palestinians were expelled. That was called Black September 1970. Even their own hate the mother fuckers, BUT use them as PAWNS in the ME war against Israel!

Well, for Israel losing one battle means losing everything including their country. You have to remember that Israel is not the aggressor here, the Arab fractions that proclaim the destruction of the state of Israel are the aggressors. Until these fractions come to terms with the fact that Israel is a sovereign nation and has the right to exist then there will probably not be any peace in that part of the world. If someone keeps beating you up and taking your lunch money every day, do you lay down and say OK I'm here for my daily beating and by the way, you can also take everything I own, or do you strive for self respect, stand up to your aggressors and make it a point that anyone else who tries to do the same thing will pay a price

The United States has to support Israel on principle as a sovereign nation that has the right to exist. Much as it supported Kuwait when Iraq decided to invade it.

My family lived in Israel since 1883. Then some Arab fuckers came in the Arab uprisings of the 30's and burned their fields to the ground.

Talk about theft, violence, etc...

Hmmmm, wait. Let me check a map.


Nope, no place called "Israel" in 1883.

so essentially, what you are saying is that Jews were perfectly welcome in the Holy land under the Ottomans, and then when they threw in with British Imperialists, the Arabs who lived there had an "uprising" for some reason.

OH, maybe it was because the British promised them independence from the Turks, and then tried to pull some 'backsies'.

Again, got to ask, as an American. Why should I give a flip. Why should i send my blood and treasure over there because you and the Arabs are having a fight over who a Sky Pixie loves best?

When you can get back to me with a coherent answer, let me know.

Why are you asking me shitti questions?

If you don't like the alliance, go and protest. Don't sit in your couch getting fat from burgers embittered. Do something about that.
could you point out the country of Palestine on that map?.... Oh, shit, there wasn't one then either!

Israel, for decades has been America's EARS in the middle East, besides being the only countries that shares what were once our same traditional values of decency, and democracy!

Sorry, guy, stealing someone else's land isn't decent, and regulating the Palestinians to second class citizenship in their own country isn't "democracy'.

And we don't need eyes and ears in the middle east with their own agenda that involves getting us to fight their wars.

How I love it when they say Zionist stole the land.

Apart from it being propagandonic and twisted.

The UN came with the solution to part the land to 2. One for the Arabs, one for the Jews.

The Jews agreed, since it means they'll have a state and the Arabs will have a state and that will end the bloodshed.

The Arabs said "no way" and took an oath to destroy the Jews and the not yet even established Jewish state.

So they rose to kill the "Palestinian" Jews, and the Jews, 90% of them Holocaust survivors fighting for the so little they had, and in obvious minority, not only survived and kept their land, but succeded and complitely restrain any Arab force.

In other words, this "land theft" you talk about is Israel winning a war.

So the Arabs tried to kill the Jews, lost, and this is what you call now "land theft".

What Americans did to the natives? THAT is land theft.

What Jews did in Israel? that's redemption itself.

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