john kerry says Israel becoming "apartheid state"

No, JRoids, a LUNATIC is someone who goes into a part of the world full of people DETERMINED TO KILL HIM and then insists they should own that land because, hey, a Magic Fairy in the Sky promised him that land.

That's a lunatic.

A sensible person asks, 'Why is this MY problem?"

SO I'm asking.

Why is this MY problem?

Let me know when can give me a rational answer, 'kay.

They left the genocide you idiot, and you wish for's not your problem, so get over it hater

Oh, I see. The "Hitler Card".

I'd have no problem if the Zionists saved themselves by going back to Europe where they came from.

I have a huge problem with AMERICA constantly getting dragged into wars in that region because they want to play, "The Magic Sky Fairy Promised Me!"

And, yeah, when you are picking my pocket to subsidize this religious stupidity, and make me an accomplice to your bad behavior, it IS my problem.

Not to worry, the whole world is getting wise to the Zionists and their bullshit. The whining about Hitler is getting a bit old.

1. Most of the Jews don't ry on religion nowdays, they rely on the fact that Israel is a recognize state and calling for it's destruction is against the laws most people like to rely on when CONDEMNING Israel in the first place.

Saying that that Jews rely on God is so last decade. You're old fashioned, DUDE:doubt:

2. The world slowly see that anything that connects to Islam is rotten from the core, including the newst fairy tale called "Palestine".

3. Israel will win.
They left the genocide you idiot, and you wish for's not your problem, so get over it hater

Oh, I see. The "Hitler Card".

I'd have no problem if the Zionists saved themselves by going back to Europe where they came from.

I have a huge problem with AMERICA constantly getting dragged into wars in that region because they want to play, "The Magic Sky Fairy Promised Me!"

And, yeah, when you are picking my pocket to subsidize this religious stupidity, and make me an accomplice to your bad behavior, it IS my problem.

Not to worry, the whole world is getting wise to the Zionists and their bullshit. The whining about Hitler is getting a bit old.

1. Most of the Jews don't ry on religion nowdays, they rely on the fact that Israel is a recognize state and calling for it's destruction is against the laws most people like to rely on when CONDEMNING Israel in the first place.

Saying that that Jews rely on God is so last decade. You're old fashioned, DUDE:doubt:

2. The world slowly see that anything that connects to Islam is rotten from the core, including the newst fairy tale called "Palestine".

3. Israel will win.

1. OH, I agree, the Zionists aren't really appealling to Jewish religion. Most decent American Jews are getting a bit embarrassed by Zionist behavior. Which is why after Sheldon Adelson and guys like J'Roids tried to scream in the last election about Obama, 71% of American Jews still voted for him.

So the Zionists are trying a new tact. We need Israel so Jay-a-zus can come back, so they can gt support from the inbred, Funditarded Christians inthis country.

2. The world sees Israel as the bad guy, not so much the Arabs. Sorry. Check out some international polling on this.

3. 6 million Zionists vs. 1 billion Muslims. Um... no, you won't.
Humm... You only come out again the Jews. all the money sent to the muslim nutjobs who would be happy to cut off your head, doesn't seem to bother you much. Come out against foreign aid generally, maybe you'll sound more like an actual rational person, but you are what you are, a miserable person with mental problem:cuckoo:

Guy, the only reason we are giving ANY money to the Muslim "Nutjobs" as you say, is to bribe their governments to play nice with the Zionist Entity. I've explained this to you about a dozen times, but it just doesn't seem to get through to you.

We give the Zionists 4 billion a year to pretend God Loves them.
We give the Arabs a few billion to promise not to attack Israel.
And then we spend hundreds of billions fighting wars and keeping a military presense in the area.

Incidenly, I have no problem with foreign aid when it does stuff like provide clean drinking water and food to poor people around the world.

Paying a bunch of rich assholes to play "God Loves Me!" isn't a good use.

Blame the Jews. You're nothing new boy. Same old, same old...Haters with psychological problems..Get some help boy :cuckoo:

if Israel didn't exist, we wouldn't have any problems in that region.

We didn't have any problems with that region before 1948. We had few problems with that region before 1973,really, when we stopped being nuetral in their conflicts.
Oh, I see. The "Hitler Card".

I'd have no problem if the Zionists saved themselves by going back to Europe where they came from.

I have a huge problem with AMERICA constantly getting dragged into wars in that region because they want to play, "The Magic Sky Fairy Promised Me!"

And, yeah, when you are picking my pocket to subsidize this religious stupidity, and make me an accomplice to your bad behavior, it IS my problem.

Not to worry, the whole world is getting wise to the Zionists and their bullshit. The whining about Hitler is getting a bit old.

1. Most of the Jews don't ry on religion nowdays, they rely on the fact that Israel is a recognize state and calling for it's destruction is against the laws most people like to rely on when CONDEMNING Israel in the first place.

Saying that that Jews rely on God is so last decade. You're old fashioned, DUDE:doubt:

2. The world slowly see that anything that connects to Islam is rotten from the core, including the newst fairy tale called "Palestine".

3. Israel will win.

1. OH, I agree, the Zionists aren't really appealling to Jewish religion. Most decent American Jews are getting a bit embarrassed by Zionist behavior. Which is why after Sheldon Adelson and guys like J'Roids tried to scream in the last election about Obama, 71% of American Jews still voted for him.

So the Zionists are trying a new tact. We need Israel so Jay-a-zus can come back, so they can gt support from the inbred, Funditarded Christians inthis country.

2. The world sees Israel as the bad guy, not so much the Arabs. Sorry. Check out some international polling on this.

3. 6 million Zionists vs. 1 billion Muslims. Um... no, you won't.

1. The world sees oil. The world tends to forget Arab terror attack, and sadly even if a second 9/11 occures, the world is too dumb and Jew-hating to learn anything useful.

2. Actually, it's over 7 million Jews now. And the IDF is the strongest army in the MidEast. 1 million Muslims? how many of them are poor, analphabet and ignorant?
Guy, the only reason we are giving ANY money to the Muslim "Nutjobs" as you say, is to bribe their governments to play nice with the Zionist Entity. I've explained this to you about a dozen times, but it just doesn't seem to get through to you.

We give the Zionists 4 billion a year to pretend God Loves them.
We give the Arabs a few billion to promise not to attack Israel.
And then we spend hundreds of billions fighting wars and keeping a military presense in the area.

Incidenly, I have no problem with foreign aid when it does stuff like provide clean drinking water and food to poor people around the world.

Paying a bunch of rich assholes to play "God Loves Me!" isn't a good use.

Blame the Jews. You're nothing new boy. Same old, same old...Haters with psychological problems..Get some help boy :cuckoo:

if Israel didn't exist, we wouldn't have any problems in that region.

We didn't have any problems with that region before 1948. We had few problems with that region before 1973,really, when we stopped being nuetral in their conflicts.

1. If Israel didn't exist, the Muslim Calipath would have tried to take over Europe directly.

2. If Israel didn't exist, you'd have to invent it so you'll have something else to blame the Jews for.

3. Israel is the image of Justice. The wicked ones slaughtered the Jews for centuries, the least they could do is let them have a country of their own so they won't be haunted anymore.

But when haters do hate, then..

1. The world sees oil. The world tends to forget Arab terror attack, and sadly even if a second 9/11 occures, the world is too dumb and Jew-hating to learn anything useful.

2. Actually, it's over 7 million Jews now. And the IDF is the strongest army in the MidEast. 1 million Muslims? how many of them are poor, analphabet and ignorant?

1. Guy, when you steal other peoples land and insist the whole world should get dragged into wars because your Magic Sky Man promised you that land, yes, the whole world is going to hate you at a certain point.

""All the current troubles in the world are because of that shitty little country Israel. Why should the world be in danger of World War III because of those people?"- Daniel Bernard, French Ambassador to the United Kingdom.

Good Question. Haven't heard a good answer yet.

What we should have learned from 9/11 is that if you keep sticking your hand into a hornet's nest, you are going to get stung.

2. Really doesn't matter if you have the strongest military or not. Your population growth has flattened off, theirs is increasing.

1. If Israel didn't exist, the Muslim Calipath would have tried to take over Europe directly.

2. If Israel didn't exist, you'd have to invent it so you'll have something else to blame the Jews for.

3. Israel is the image of Justice. The wicked ones slaughtered the Jews for centuries, the least they could do is let them have a country of their own so they won't be haunted anymore.

But when haters do hate, then..

1. If Israel didn't exist, the Islamic world would be what it was in 1912, a bunch of arguing tribes squabbling over watering holes and how many Imams can dance on the head of a pin.

2. I blame the ZIONISTS for what they have done. Taken someone else's land, manipulating our politics and dragging us into your wars. Sorry, those are real concrete things.

3. Um, no. Israel is like an abused child who has gotten big enough to beat up on someone else who is smaller and weaker.

The Palestinians were not the ones who slaughtered Jews for centuries. That would be the europeans, specifically the Germans. But no one suggested that we should let the Jews have a slice of East Prussia for their homeland, because, shit, the Germans might not take well to that.

So let's give them this chunk of Arab land, because, hey, the Arabs can't fight back and some magic sky pixie said this was our land.

Oh, wait. their magic sky pixie says it's theirs! And maybe now they can fight back. Ooops.
1. If Israel didn't exist, the Muslim Calipath would have tried to take over Europe directly.

2. If Israel didn't exist, you'd have to invent it so you'll have something else to blame the Jews for.

3. Israel is the image of Justice. The wicked ones slaughtered the Jews for centuries, the least they could do is let them have a country of their own so they won't be haunted anymore.

But when haters do hate, then..

1. If Israel didn't exist, the Islamic world would be what it was in 1912, a bunch of arguing tribes squabbling over watering holes and how many Imams can dance on the head of a pin.

2. I blame the ZIONISTS for what they have done. Taken someone else's land, manipulating our politics and dragging us into your wars. Sorry, those are real concrete things.

3. Um, no. Israel is like an abused child who has gotten big enough to beat up on someone else who is smaller and weaker.

The Palestinians were not the ones who slaughtered Jews for centuries. That would be the europeans, specifically the Germans. But no one suggested that we should let the Jews have a slice of East Prussia for their homeland, because, shit, the Germans might not take well to that.

So let's give them this chunk of Arab land, because, hey, the Arabs can't fight back and some magic sky pixie said this was our land.

Oh, wait. their magic sky pixie says it's theirs! And maybe now they can fight back. Ooops.

Thanks Joe, there seems to be an enormous amount of sucking up to Israel and it isn't helping anyone. Israel needs to start doing its own negotiating with its neighbors - it isn't our job and we are suffering because of it.

Time for Israel to take a moral inventory on how it deals with its fellow Canaanites.

We need to take a powder and allow them the high complement of putting on their big girl panties and dealing with it, themselves.
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1. If Israel didn't exist, the Muslim Calipath would have tried to take over Europe directly.

2. If Israel didn't exist, you'd have to invent it so you'll have something else to blame the Jews for.

3. Israel is the image of Justice. The wicked ones slaughtered the Jews for centuries, the least they could do is let them have a country of their own so they won't be haunted anymore.

But when haters do hate, then..

1. If Israel didn't exist, the Islamic world would be what it was in 1912, a bunch of arguing tribes squabbling over watering holes and how many Imams can dance on the head of a pin.

2. I blame the ZIONISTS for what they have done. Taken someone else's land, manipulating our politics and dragging us into your wars. Sorry, those are real concrete things.

3. Um, no. Israel is like an abused child who has gotten big enough to beat up on someone else who is smaller and weaker.

The Palestinians were not the ones who slaughtered Jews for centuries. That would be the europeans, specifically the Germans. But no one suggested that we should let the Jews have a slice of East Prussia for their homeland, because, shit, the Germans might not take well to that.

So let's give them this chunk of Arab land, because, hey, the Arabs can't fight back and some magic sky pixie said this was our land.

Oh, wait. their magic sky pixie says it's theirs! And maybe now they can fight back. Ooops.

Israel is the older sibling who's got tired of the little brother constantly bothering him, gives him a reality slap and than the little bastard goes crying to mommy that the big bad Jew just won't let himself be killed.... How AWFUL.

Again with the maxig pixie. You know, as someone who doesn't believe in God, you truly are obseesed with him, honestly.

You keep repeating yourself over and over, are you incapable of managing this discussion without complainging about Jews owning God?

That's boring, in fact.

Arab land? Israel is not an Arab land. Arabia is Arab land. Israel is one state that belongs to the Jews, and the Jews will fight for it because that's all the Jews have. And you don't need "God" to want to fight for it.
1. If Israel didn't exist, the Muslim Calipath would have tried to take over Europe directly.

2. If Israel didn't exist, you'd have to invent it so you'll have something else to blame the Jews for.

3. Israel is the image of Justice. The wicked ones slaughtered the Jews for centuries, the least they could do is let them have a country of their own so they won't be haunted anymore.

But when haters do hate, then..

1. If Israel didn't exist, the Islamic world would be what it was in 1912, a bunch of arguing tribes squabbling over watering holes and how many Imams can dance on the head of a pin.

2. I blame the ZIONISTS for what they have done. Taken someone else's land, manipulating our politics and dragging us into your wars. Sorry, those are real concrete things.

3. Um, no. Israel is like an abused child who has gotten big enough to beat up on someone else who is smaller and weaker.

The Palestinians were not the ones who slaughtered Jews for centuries. That would be the europeans, specifically the Germans. But no one suggested that we should let the Jews have a slice of East Prussia for their homeland, because, shit, the Germans might not take well to that.

So let's give them this chunk of Arab land, because, hey, the Arabs can't fight back and some magic sky pixie said this was our land.

Oh, wait. their magic sky pixie says it's theirs! And maybe now they can fight back. Ooops.

Thanks Joe, there seems to be an enormous amount of sucking up to Israel and it isn't helping anyone. Israel needs to start doing its own negotiating with its neighbors - it isn't our job and we are suffering because of it.

Time for Israel to take a moral inventory on how it deals with its fellow Canaanites.

We need to take a powder and allow them the high complement of putting on their big girl panties and dealing with it, themselves.

I am curious, though. Many of you are so against Israel, but we've yet to see a creative idea regarding a useful solution (one which doesn't include the Jews being destroyed, that is).

You criticize, but what's your big idea, if you don't mind me asking?
Israel is the older sibling who's got tired of the little brother constantly bothering him, gives him a reality slap and than the little bastard goes crying to mommy that the big bad Jew just won't let himself be killed.... How AWFUL.

Again with the maxig pixie. You know, as someone who doesn't believe in God, you truly are obseesed with him, honestly.

You keep repeating yourself over and over, are you incapable of managing this discussion without complainging about Jews owning God?

That's boring, in fact.

Arab land? Israel is not an Arab land. Arabia is Arab land. Israel is one state that belongs to the Jews, and the Jews will fight for it because that's all the Jews have. And you don't need "God" to want to fight for it.

Yes, I am very "obsessed" that how much damage to humanity religion causes and how many people are willing to murder and slaughter in the name of their invisible sky pixie.

Such foolishness cannot be afforded in a time period when we have weapons capable of destroying the planet.

You take "God" out of the equation,a nd what you have is a bunch of people living on a land where hteir neighbors hate them so much they are willing to strap bombs onto themselves to get rid of you.

Now, frankly, if i walk out of hte house today and one of my neighbors runs up to me with a bomb strapped to himself trying to kill me and he blows himself up, and the rest of my neighbors cheer him, I'm frankly calling the realtor about moving somewhere else.

But that's a sensible atheist perspective.

I am curious, though. Many of you are so against Israel, but we've yet to see a creative idea regarding a useful solution (one which doesn't include the Jews being destroyed, that is).

You criticize, but what's your big idea, if you don't mind me asking?

1) Go back to Europe where you came from.

2) Resettle in the United States. Would be cheaper than the 900 billion we spend every year fighting wars over there.

3) Actually learn to live in peace with your Arab neighbors and stop practicing apartheid.

Three might be tough, though. You've antagonized the Arabs quite a lot.
Israel is the older sibling who's got tired of the little brother constantly bothering him, gives him a reality slap and than the little bastard goes crying to mommy that the big bad Jew just won't let himself be killed.... How AWFUL.

Again with the maxig pixie. You know, as someone who doesn't believe in God, you truly are obseesed with him, honestly.

You keep repeating yourself over and over, are you incapable of managing this discussion without complainging about Jews owning God?

That's boring, in fact.

Arab land? Israel is not an Arab land. Arabia is Arab land. Israel is one state that belongs to the Jews, and the Jews will fight for it because that's all the Jews have. And you don't need "God" to want to fight for it.

Yes, I am very "obsessed" that how much damage to humanity religion causes and how many people are willing to murder and slaughter in the name of their invisible sky pixie.

Such foolishness cannot be afforded in a time period when we have weapons capable of destroying the planet.

You take "God" out of the equation,a nd what you have is a bunch of people living on a land where hteir neighbors hate them so much they are willing to strap bombs onto themselves to get rid of you.

Now, frankly, if i walk out of hte house today and one of my neighbors runs up to me with a bomb strapped to himself trying to kill me and he blows himself up, and the rest of my neighbors cheer him, I'm frankly calling the realtor about moving somewhere else.

But that's a sensible atheist perspective.

So you're fanatic atheist?

I'm having trouble figuring you out. If you're so against religion, why you stick only to the Jewish one? why don't you condemn the Muslims terror attacks against Jewish civilians? It sounds to me like another Anti-Israel steam, not really anto-fanatism justified view.

No, I take God out of the equasion and I'm left with the strongest will, which is to hold onto your inheritence.

Americans, what do they know? when was the last time America faced annihilation? who're you to criticize anyone who faced it already and doesn't want to go through it again?

It seems silly to some, to others it's a daily struggle.

Do you know what it's like to live under constant battle-shock, or live with missiles as a routine? seriously.

When all the neighbores hate Israel? so what? Does Israel exist solely for the purpose of being liked by others? Did the Jew-hatred stopped, ever, enough for that to happen?

Jews have been hated from time immemorial, what does it matter that its neighbors don't like it. Who are those neighbors again? Egypt, which can offhandedly excecute 600 men without giving a crap to anyone? Syria, which killed over 120,000 innocent people and the world fills its mouth water? Or Lebanon, which kills its own people in the war Between Hezollah and Al-Quaeda?

Those neighbors? do they fit to lecture or teach virtue to anyone?

You may move somewhere else, the Jews have nowhere else to move to.

My grandfather survived 2 world-wars. He survived the camps and years was on the flee. He immigrated to Israel for the sole aim that there he wouldn't have to run or hide. That's his place. My father was educated to never run from the Arabs, never run from, but to fight FOR.

You may think it's stupid, but it's not. And it something that many people who didn't faced such possible fate, would never get.

I am curious, though. Many of you are so against Israel, but we've yet to see a creative idea regarding a useful solution (one which doesn't include the Jews being destroyed, that is).

You criticize, but what's your big idea, if you don't mind me asking?

1) Go back to Europe where you came from.

2) Resettle in the United States. Would be cheaper than the 900 billion we spend every year fighting wars over there.

3) Actually learn to live in peace with your Arab neighbors and stop practicing apartheid.

Three might be tough, though. You've antagonized the Arabs quite a lot.

1. Go back to Europe where you came from. Isn't it where Americans came from? they settled after killing the original natives, didn't they?

Once you give your house back, I will give mine. How's that for you.

2. I have nothing to look for in the united state. It's a shitty place to live in, I reached that conclusion after facing the crap it's in.

3. The Arabs want to destroy Israel. There is no peace with ones calling for your destruction

1. Go back to Europe where you came from. Isn't it where Americans came from? they settled after killing the original natives, didn't they?

Once you give your house back, I will give mine. How's that for you.

2. I have nothing to look for in the united state. It's a shitty place to live in, I reached that conclusion after facing the crap it's in.

3. The Arabs want to destroy Israel. There is no peace with ones calling for your destruction

Um, my house was purchased from someone who was happy to sell it to me. I'd frankly love to give it back to him and let him deal with the underwater mortgage.

Incidently, i'm 1/8th Cherokee, so i have a beter claim that most.

You asked for a solution that was better than living in a perpetual state of warfare. I gave you one. Go back to Europe.

2. No, you just want to take our money, you don't want to live here. Got it.

You asked for a solution that was better than living in a state of perpetual warfare. I gave you one.

3. The Arabs want to destroy Israel because you stole their land. Now, I kind of doubt peace is possible. I just ask why we need to keep getting dragged into it.

So you're fanatic atheist?

I'm having trouble figuring you out. If you're so against religion, why you stick only to the Jewish one? why don't you condemn the Muslims terror attacks against Jewish civilians? It sounds to me like another Anti-Israel steam, not really anto-fanatism justified view.

You start out on a false premise. I am against all religions. Frankly, compared to the way I've ripped on Mormons and Catholics, I've really let the Zionists off easy.

No, I take God out of the equasion and I'm left with the strongest will, which is to hold onto your inheritence.

Americans, what do they know? when was the last time America faced annihilation? who're you to criticize anyone who faced it already and doesn't want to go through it again?

It seems silly to some, to others it's a daily struggle.

Do you know what it's like to live under constant battle-shock, or live with missiles as a routine? seriously.

No, because I wouldn't LIVE somewhere that was a daily thing. That's my whole point.

You see, America k ind of started off with a notion that religion was silly and we weren't going to play the stupidity the Europeans were playing of burning each other over whether Jesus was made of wafers or not. While America has contributed to some of the religous crazy in the world- Mormonism and Jehovah's Witnesses and Scientology - we've kept it under control, and everyone has to get along.

When all the neighbores hate Israel? so what? Does Israel exist solely for the purpose of being liked by others? Did the Jew-hatred stopped, ever, enough for that to happen?

Jews have been hated from time immemorial, what does it matter that its neighbors don't like it. Who are those neighbors again? Egypt, which can offhandedly excecute 600 men without giving a crap to anyone? Syria, which killed over 120,000 innocent people and the world fills its mouth water? Or Lebanon, which kills its own people in the war Between Hezollah and Al-Quaeda?

Those neighbors? do they fit to lecture or teach virtue to anyone?

You may move somewhere else, the Jews have nowhere else to move to.

My grandfather survived 2 world-wars. He survived the camps and years was on the flee. He immigrated to Israel for the sole aim that there he wouldn't have to run or hide. That's his place. My father was educated to never run from the Arabs, never run from, but to fight FOR.

You may think it's stupid, but it's not. And it something that many people who didn't faced such possible fate, would never get.

There are more Jewish people living in the US than Israel, and no one bothers them or cares or oppresses them or straps bombs onto themselves trying to kill them. Heck, we haven't even locked up J'Roids yet, and he's nutz.

Yes, the middle east is a crazy place, and i'm not sure why you'd want to live there. Because after centuries of being bullied, you found someone you can bully? Seriously?

1. Go back to Europe where you came from. Isn't it where Americans came from? they settled after killing the original natives, didn't they?

Once you give your house back, I will give mine. How's that for you.

2. I have nothing to look for in the united state. It's a shitty place to live in, I reached that conclusion after facing the crap it's in.

3. The Arabs want to destroy Israel. There is no peace with ones calling for your destruction

Um, my house was purchased from someone who was happy to sell it to me. I'd frankly love to give it back to him and let him deal with the underwater mortgage.

Incidently, i'm 1/8th Cherokee, so i have a beter claim that most.

You asked for a solution that was better than living in a perpetual state of warfare. I gave you one. Go back to Europe.

2. No, you just want to take our money, you don't want to live here. Got it.

You asked for a solution that was better than living in a state of perpetual warfare. I gave you one.

3. The Arabs want to destroy Israel because you stole their land. Now, I kind of doubt peace is possible. I just ask why we need to keep getting dragged into it.

I'll rather die without taking your money, than live with it in Europe.

You complain about Jews being obsessed with money, but honorable Jews will kick your cash and will stick to Israel.

While some of you worship money and oil but have no other values

Who wants another state. The Jews want Israel and Israel alone. Europe is filled with Muslims who want to Islamize it, and the Jews will have no part in it.

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