john kerry says Israel becoming "apartheid state"


So you're fanatic atheist?

I'm having trouble figuring you out. If you're so against religion, why you stick only to the Jewish one? why don't you condemn the Muslims terror attacks against Jewish civilians? It sounds to me like another Anti-Israel steam, not really anto-fanatism justified view.

You start out on a false premise. I am against all religions. Frankly, compared to the way I've ripped on Mormons and Catholics, I've really let the Zionists off easy.

No, I take God out of the equasion and I'm left with the strongest will, which is to hold onto your inheritence.

Americans, what do they know? when was the last time America faced annihilation? who're you to criticize anyone who faced it already and doesn't want to go through it again?

It seems silly to some, to others it's a daily struggle.

Do you know what it's like to live under constant battle-shock, or live with missiles as a routine? seriously.

No, because I wouldn't LIVE somewhere that was a daily thing. That's my whole point.

You see, America k ind of started off with a notion that religion was silly and we weren't going to play the stupidity the Europeans were playing of burning each other over whether Jesus was made of wafers or not. While America has contributed to some of the religous crazy in the world- Mormonism and Jehovah's Witnesses and Scientology - we've kept it under control, and everyone has to get along.

When all the neighbores hate Israel? so what? Does Israel exist solely for the purpose of being liked by others? Did the Jew-hatred stopped, ever, enough for that to happen?

Jews have been hated from time immemorial, what does it matter that its neighbors don't like it. Who are those neighbors again? Egypt, which can offhandedly excecute 600 men without giving a crap to anyone? Syria, which killed over 120,000 innocent people and the world fills its mouth water? Or Lebanon, which kills its own people in the war Between Hezollah and Al-Quaeda?

Those neighbors? do they fit to lecture or teach virtue to anyone?

You may move somewhere else, the Jews have nowhere else to move to.

My grandfather survived 2 world-wars. He survived the camps and years was on the flee. He immigrated to Israel for the sole aim that there he wouldn't have to run or hide. That's his place. My father was educated to never run from the Arabs, never run from, but to fight FOR.

You may think it's stupid, but it's not. And it something that many people who didn't faced such possible fate, would never get.

There are more Jewish people living in the US than Israel, and no one bothers them or cares or oppresses them or straps bombs onto themselves trying to kill them. Heck, we haven't even locked up J'Roids yet, and he's nutz.

Yes, the middle east is a crazy place, and i'm not sure why you'd want to live there. Because after centuries of being bullied, you found someone you can bully? Seriously?

Your point is empty.

Thousands of kids are born in Israel to live under rocket threat, not children of settlements or land theft, children like yours. Why should they run away? they were born in Israel and Israel is their home.

Basically you wish for others to act like cowards for the simple reason that you would have been one under similar situation.


"Found someone we can bully"?

That someone started the bullying, not in 1948, but long before that. Jews and Palestinians could live with the map of 1948, it could have been fair to both sides. But they started a war. They lost.

When was it in history that a winning nation that was under threat gave prizes to the nation which looked for its demise?

Don't you see how twisted your view really is?
Except that they voted for Hamas to speak for them.:doubt:

Seriously, this threat is full of people without the slightest idea about the Israeli Palestinian conflict.

Then there are those that try to defend Israel's bigotry. Here's a clue: when a race of people believe that they are God's "chosen people" and everybody else is beneath them, THAT'S RACISM! According to the Jews, God told them to go to that land and kill the owners and take the land. That's pretty fucked up.

I'm not bringing the bible in here.

Is relying on the bible your best argument.

Should I mention that Jesus was a Jew and that he believed in those "fucked up things" as well?

That is not the argument, though. The argument is based on History, and not religion (currently).

And in that department Israel wins 10 times.

This is the best you've got to defend bigotry? Pft!

I'll rather die without taking your money, than live with it in Europe.

You complain about Jews being obsessed with money, but honorable Jews will kick your cash and will stick to Israel.

While some of you worship money and oil but have no other values

Who wants another state. The Jews want Israel and Israel alone. Europe is filled with Muslims who want to Islamize it, and the Jews will have no part in it.

Europe is less than 5% islamic, most of them concentrated in the Balkans where the Ottomans left them behind.

It strikes me that if you went back to Europe, people wouldn't be shooting rockets at you every day.

Zionism reminds me of Santayana's definition of a fanatic. Someone who redoubles his effort while losing sight of his goal.
Your point is empty.

Thousands of kids are born in Israel to live under rocket threat, not children of settlements or land theft, children like yours. Why should they run away? they were born in Israel and Israel is their home.

Basically you wish for others to act like cowards for the simple reason that you would have been one under similar situation.


"Found someone we can bully"?

That someone started the bullying, not in 1948, but long before that. Jews and Palestinians could live with the map of 1948, it could have been fair to both sides. But they started a war. They lost.

When was it in history that a winning nation that was under threat gave prizes to the nation which looked for its demise?

Don't you see how twisted your view really is?

If my neighbors were constantly shooting rockets at my kids, I'd move. The next day. I wouldn't go around shooting rockets back at their kids, which is what the Zionists have been doing.

And, no, the map of 1948 wasn't a fair map. "I'm going to take half your stuff" is not a fair map.

The Lie of Zionism is "A land without a people for a people without a land."

That land had people on it. You stole their land. That's why they hate you.

Yes, it would be nice if you could get over it.

I don't get worked up that my Cherokee great grandmother barely survived genocide or that my German grandparents had to change their names to sound less "German". They stopped calling themselves "Ludwig" and "Magdelena" and started calling themselves "Louis" and "Helen", and they changed the way they pronounce the family name. And you know what, we still pronounce it that way and we don't get worked up that people weren't happy to see German immigrants between the World Wars.

The zionists get in the Arabs face about shit and wonder why the Arabs get all crazy.

1. If Israel didn't exist, the Muslim Calipath would have tried to take over Europe directly.

2. If Israel didn't exist, you'd have to invent it so you'll have something else to blame the Jews for.

3. Israel is the image of Justice. The wicked ones slaughtered the Jews for centuries, the least they could do is let them have a country of their own so they won't be haunted anymore.

But when haters do hate, then..

1. If Israel didn't exist, the Islamic world would be what it was in 1912, a bunch of arguing tribes squabbling over watering holes and how many Imams can dance on the head of a pin.

2. I blame the ZIONISTS for what they have done. Taken someone else's land, manipulating our politics and dragging us into your wars. Sorry, those are real concrete things.

3. Um, no. Israel is like an abused child who has gotten big enough to beat up on someone else who is smaller and weaker.

The Palestinians were not the ones who slaughtered Jews for centuries. That would be the europeans, specifically the Germans. But no one suggested that we should let the Jews have a slice of East Prussia for their homeland, because, shit, the Germans might not take well to that.

So let's give them this chunk of Arab land, because, hey, the Arabs can't fight back and some magic sky pixie said this was our land.

Oh, wait. their magic sky pixie says it's theirs! And maybe now they can fight back. Ooops.

Learn a little history nutjob. islam is an expansionist religion. Israel is a side issue in the big scheme of things, but you're too consumed with Jew hate to realize it :cuckoo:



I'll rather die without taking your money, than live with it in Europe.

You complain about Jews being obsessed with money, but honorable Jews will kick your cash and will stick to Israel.

While some of you worship money and oil but have no other values

Who wants another state. The Jews want Israel and Israel alone. Europe is filled with Muslims who want to Islamize it, and the Jews will have no part in it.

Europe is less than 5% islamic, most of them concentrated in the Balkans where the Ottomans left them behind.

It strikes me that if you went back to Europe, people wouldn't be shooting rockets at you every day.

Zionism reminds me of Santayana's definition of a fanatic. Someone who redoubles his effort while losing sight of his goal.

No, they'd simply attack me on the street just because they don't like my Shavis, they'd stone my synagogues and spray swastikas on my property, and call to enlist me as a threat.

Nazism in Europe is on the dangerous rise, thanks to our cousins.

Yeah, that's so much better.

Zionism is a movement meant to redeem the Jews from haters such as yourself.
Your point is empty.

Thousands of kids are born in Israel to live under rocket threat, not children of settlements or land theft, children like yours. Why should they run away? they were born in Israel and Israel is their home.

Basically you wish for others to act like cowards for the simple reason that you would have been one under similar situation.


"Found someone we can bully"?

That someone started the bullying, not in 1948, but long before that. Jews and Palestinians could live with the map of 1948, it could have been fair to both sides. But they started a war. They lost.

When was it in history that a winning nation that was under threat gave prizes to the nation which looked for its demise?

Don't you see how twisted your view really is?

If my neighbors were constantly shooting rockets at my kids, I'd move. The next day. I wouldn't go around shooting rockets back at their kids, which is what the Zionists have been doing.

And, no, the map of 1948 wasn't a fair map. "I'm going to take half your stuff" is not a fair map.

The Lie of Zionism is "A land without a people for a people without a land."

That land had people on it. You stole their land. That's why they hate you.

Yes, it would be nice if you could get over it.

I don't get worked up that my Cherokee great grandmother barely survived genocide or that my German grandparents had to change their names to sound less "German". They stopped calling themselves "Ludwig" and "Magdelena" and started calling themselves "Louis" and "Helen", and they changed the way they pronounce the family name. And you know what, we still pronounce it that way and we don't get worked up that people weren't happy to see German immigrants between the World Wars.

The zionists get in the Arabs face about shit and wonder why the Arabs get all crazy.

If my neighbors were constantly shooting rockets at my kids, I'd move.

Then you're a coward. I don't like cowards nor am I interest to become one.

I wouldn't go around shooting rockets back at their kids, which is what the Zionists have been doing.

I don't know who's been feeding your this rediculous information, but this statement you just put into writing is laughable.

Israel is launching rockets on the Palestinians?

(Jake, you hear that?:lol::lol:)

And, no, the map of 1948 wasn't a fair map. "I'm going to take half your stuff" is not a fair map.

It was a 50/50 map (unless you're considering hystorical Israel, then it would be 20% of what the Jewish should have had, so yeah maybe it isn't fair).

If they'd accepted it it would have been much better, not so much death to either nation.

But they went greedy. Did I mention already that they lost?:eusa_whistle:

The Arabs are angry because every time they face a Jew they face the fact that the first Jewish Holocaust was made by them.

They face the fact that the first real genocide was of the Jews of Banu Quraize and Haibar.

I'm just sayin'

No, they'd simply attack me on the street just because they don't like my Shavis, they'd stone my synagogues and spray swastikas on my property, and call to enlist me as a threat.

Nazism in Europe is on the dangerous rise, thanks to our cousins.

Yeah, that's so much better.

Zionism is a movement meant to redeem the Jews from haters such as yourself.

Again, the Europeans don't hate you because of your "cousins".

They hate you because you are dragging the whole world down into conflicts with your religious stupidity.

If my neighbors were constantly shooting rockets at my kids, I'd move.

Then you're a coward. I don't like cowards nor am I interest to become one.

no, you see, I'm not a crazy person.

first, I would ask WHY my neighbors are shooting rockets at me. And if I found out it was something like 'I stole their land", I'd probably try to fix that.

If I couldn't fix it, I'd get the hell out of there.

But when you are a religious nut who thinks God is on your side, and you are his very special little baby, logic doesn't come into play, obviously.

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