john kerry says Israel becoming "apartheid state"

American's are all about separation of church and state.

But apparently synagogue and state is A-OK when it comes to Israel.

Israel was founded based on the Jewish religion; and hypocritically the U.S totally supports it to the max.

Yet, we would never, ever, support a newly founded state based on Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, or any other religion. .. :cool:
Israel isn't the US, we support it due to the nutbags surrounding it and I'm not worried about Jews taking down my plane.

Holocaust deniers are not to be taken seriously.

Everytime I argue with this man, I need to remind myself that this is the one who blames Israel for every wrong in the world, while denying the Holocaust and using racist terms adressing Jews.

So why bother.
Good! I love it when you start attacking me instead of defending your indefensible bull-crap.

That wraps things up.

Don't worry - just keep telling yourself that you won. It will help further when the cavalry shows up to defend your honor!


Quote: Originally Posted by Mad_Cabbie

^^^ Flat out lie number two....

This man is not a member of the Muslim Brotherhood ... LIES!!!!

OK when you call me a liar, but when I pushes you back........goodnight......:badgrin::badgrin::eusa_boohoo:

There's nothing more for me to add - you lied and got caught in a lie.

It doesn't matter to me that you can't admit it. I need to do it again?


Yes, you do need to do it again, because you lied! :badgrin:
American's are all about separation of church and state.

But apparently synagogue and state is A-OK when it comes to Israel.

Israel was founded based on the Jewish religion; and hypocritically the U.S totally supports it to the max.

Yet, we would never, ever, support a newly founded state based on Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, or any other religion. .. :cool:

We support Saudi Arabia.

We helped foment the "Arab Spring" across the Middle East — which I've little doubt that few would argue today has been nothing short of sheer disastrous.

But of course, you knew these things already, yes?

Why is it that Islamic states we help support turn out to be disastrous experiments in democracy, and yet for 60+ years, Israel has not been?
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Why is it that Islamic states we help support turn out to be disastrous experiments in democracy,
Simple.....they don't want the foreign ideology called democracy forced on them.

They already have their own culture and political traditions.

And really wish the western nations would leave them alone and get out of their country. .. :cool:
Damn this bunch never ceases to do one dumber than before and show their true colors.
I guess Obama-Kerry is a doctrine that articulates their foreign affairs policy.

1.Open mouth
2.Insert foot
4.Repeat when necessary
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Quote: Originally Posted by Mad_Cabbie

^^^ Flat out lie number two....

This man is not a member of the Muslim Brotherhood ... LIES!!!!

OK when you call me a liar, but when I pushes you back........goodnight......:badgrin::badgrin::eusa_boohoo:

There's nothing more for me to add - you lied and got caught in a lie.

It doesn't matter to me that you can't admit it. I need to do it again?


Yes, you do need to do it again, because you lied! :badgrin:

I showed where you lied, are you saying that you did not lie? Never mind ... you are a joke around here. Post whatever horseshit you want - no one cares, because YOU are worthless.
There's nothing more for me to add - you lied and got caught in a lie.

It doesn't matter to me that you can't admit it. I need to do it again?


Yes, you do need to do it again, because you lied! :badgrin:

I showed where you lied, are you saying that you did not lie? Never mind ... you are a joke around here. Post whatever horseshit you want - no one cares, because YOU are worthless.

Let's see moron, you have no idea what LINKED means when they say Barry's brother Malik is LINKED to the muslim brotherhood..... you are dumber than HillBillyJilly!

Then you put out some link to that leftist rag, The Atlantic, and expect us to fall all over ourselves with what they say?... We were born in the dark, but it wasn't last night... You are OWNED, again! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:
Obama and Kerry follow the Soviet model

The 'Apartheid' Israel Charge Began with the Soviet Union


The history of the false analogy between "apartheid" and Israel is a rather dismal one. It was promoted by the Soviet Union in the 1970s as a way to isolate Israel and cultivate communist allies in the Arab world. This was the era of the infamous "Zionism is racism" UN resolution--rescinded in 1991--and the effort to associate Israel with apartheid and colonialism was a systematic one, aimed at harming not only Israel but also the U.S.

Among the first to use the analogy at the United Nations was Idi Amin, the bloody dictator of Uganda, who compared Israel to apartheid South Africa in a speech to the UN General Assembly. Daniel Patrick Moynihan, the American ambassador to the UN at the time, recognized that the Soviet-backed effort was a direct threat to American strategic interests and marshaled the support of the Ford administration- to come to Israel's defense.

The "apartheid" analogy was revived in 2001, in the run-up to the UN World Conference Against racism in the South African city of Durban. That conference collapsed into an orgiastic festival of antisemitic hatred, with activists disseminating cartoons featuring crude Jewish stereotypes and breaking up meetings held by Jewish organizations
Why is it that Islamic states we help support turn out to be disastrous experiments in democracy,
Simple.....they don't want the foreign ideology called democracy forced on them.

They already have their own culture and political traditions.

And really wish the western nations would leave them alone and get out of their country. ..

That's a perfect response to JoeB's silliness about replacing Israel with "a country called Palestine where Jews and Arabs have equal amounts of power" ... where "that's kind of the standard in the rest of the world- one man, one vote." As if that is the Arab/Muslim World's standard.
Arabs, as Sunni Boy admits, have no interest in democracy because it's just not part of "their own culture and political traditions." Given the opportunity JoeB demands, "Palestine's" Arabs would quickly enslave the Jews there because that is part of "their [the Arab's] own culture and political traditions."
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Israel would not make it without US support.

You believe otherwise? Fine, but you're kidding yourself.

You're right, because they are surrounded by Muslim states bent on their destruction.
It's too bad when it comes to Israel that "progressives" suspend their support of the minority.

I'm not a progressive, I'm a libertarian who thinks that we should not be enabling countries like Israel to stick out their tongues at the other kiddies while they smugly threaten that their big brother will kick their asses.

American Liberalism= Those who lick Jihadist asses in hopes they won't be killed?

Obama and Kerry follow the Soviet model

The 'Apartheid' Israel Charge Began with the Soviet Union

The history of the false analogy between "apartheid" and Israel is a rather dismal one. It was promoted by the Soviet Union in the 1970s as a way to isolate Israel and cultivate communist allies in the Arab world. This was the era of the infamous "Zionism is racism" UN resolution--rescinded in 1991--and the effort to associate Israel with apartheid and colonialism was a systematic one, aimed at harming not only Israel but also the U.S.

Among the first to use the analogy at the United Nations was Idi Amin, the bloody dictator of Uganda, who compared Israel to apartheid South Africa in a speech to the UN General Assembly. Daniel Patrick Moynihan, the American ambassador to the UN at the time, recognized that the Soviet-backed effort was a direct threat to American strategic interests and marshaled the support of the Ford administration- to come to Israel's defense.

The "apartheid" analogy was revived in 2001, in the run-up to the UN World Conference Against racism in the South African city of Durban. That conference collapsed into an orgiastic festival of antisemitic hatred, with activists disseminating cartoons featuring crude Jewish stereotypes and breaking up meetings held by Jewish organizations

Oooooh, Communists! Do they even still make those?

Of course the Zionist Entity is an Apartheid state. The thing was, this was obvious even back in the 1980's.

Arabs in Israel have less rights than Jews do. this is no better than Blacks having less rights than whites in South Africa or in the Jim Crow south, and everyone knows it.
You're right, because they are surrounded by Muslim states bent on their destruction.
It's too bad when it comes to Israel that "progressives" suspend their support of the minority.

I'm not a progressive, I'm a libertarian who thinks that we should not be enabling countries like Israel to stick out their tongues at the other kiddies while they smugly threaten that their big brother will kick their asses.

American Liberalism= Those who lick Jihadist asses in hopes they won't be killed?


Hmmmm.... We didn't have a problem with Jihadists until AFTER the Zionists stole their land.

I get a little tired of watching young Americans come home in body bags because the Zionists and Jihadists are fighting over who an Imaginary Sky Pixie loves the best.
Israel has been an apartheid state since the day it was founded in 1948.

Advertized as a safe haven for european juden.

Israel began immediately ethnic cleansing against the lands former occupants.

And set in place several laws specifically tailored to keep non jews out of the country. .. :doubt:
Obama and Kerry follow the Soviet model

The 'Apartheid' Israel Charge Began with the Soviet Union

The history of the false analogy between "apartheid" and Israel is a rather dismal one. It was promoted by the Soviet Union in the 1970s as a way to isolate Israel and cultivate communist allies in the Arab world. This was the era of the infamous "Zionism is racism" UN resolution--rescinded in 1991--and the effort to associate Israel with apartheid and colonialism was a systematic one, aimed at harming not only Israel but also the U.S.

Among the first to use the analogy at the United Nations was Idi Amin, the bloody dictator of Uganda, who compared Israel to apartheid South Africa in a speech to the UN General Assembly. Daniel Patrick Moynihan, the American ambassador to the UN at the time, recognized that the Soviet-backed effort was a direct threat to American strategic interests and marshaled the support of the Ford administration- to come to Israel's defense.

The "apartheid" analogy was revived in 2001, in the run-up to the UN World Conference Against racism in the South African city of Durban. That conference collapsed into an orgiastic festival of antisemitic hatred, with activists disseminating cartoons featuring crude Jewish stereotypes and breaking up meetings held by Jewish organizations

Oooooh, Communists! Do they even still make those?

Of course the Zionist Entity is an Apartheid state. The thing was, this was obvious even back in the 1980's.

Arabs in Israel have less rights than Jews do. this is no better than Blacks having less rights than whites in South Africa or in the Jim Crow south, and everyone knows it.
I'm sure John Kerry cant wait for the support of nutjobs like yourself:cuckoo:
Obama and Kerry follow the Soviet model

Oooooh, Communists! Do they even still make those?

Of course the Zionist Entity is an Apartheid state. The thing was, this was obvious even back in the 1980's.

Arabs in Israel have less rights than Jews do. this is no better than Blacks having less rights than whites in South Africa or in the Jim Crow south, and everyone knows it.
I'm sure John Kerry cant wait for the support of nutjobs like yourself:cuckoo:

You're the one shitting your pants over a word, dude.
You can't be a bigot if you're an NBA owner, but it's okay for Israel to be racist against the Palestinians. Declaring the Palestinians terrorists because of Hamas, is like declaring all blacks terrorists because of the BLACK PANTHERS.
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Kerry said ISRAEL COULD become an apartheid state if the Palestinians do not get their own...that's the logical outcome of creating separate and restrictive norms for a particular group within a defined society...
He didn't say Israel IS becoming an Apartheid state...
And Cons like Cruz are screaming for his resignation because Kerry made this observation? Talk about a fascistic partisan mentality..

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You can't be a bigot if you're an NBA owner, but it's okay for Israel to be racist against the Palestinians. Declaring the Palestinians terrorists because of Hamas, is like declaring all blacks terrorists because of the BLACK PANTHERS.

Asshole it's the other way around, you see Israel launch 7000 rockets into Palestine every year? Fucking junkie, hippie, retard!
Israelis tell of Gaza war misdeeds

TEL AVIV | The Israeli army said Thursday its military prosecutor is launching a criminal investigation into the reported killing of Palestinian civilians in Gaza during a three-week war earlier this year against Hamas.
The inquiry was initiated after the publication of eyewitness accounts of misconduct by combat soldiers delivered at a postwar seminar at a military preparatory school one month ago.
It marks first acknowledgment by Israel of possible misdeeds in an offensive that left 1,300 Gazans dead and has stirred up allegations of war crimes.
Speaking at the convention of a school named for the late Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, soldiers described lax rules of engagement and the killing of women, children and the elderly even though they were not perceived as threats. The veterans added that IsraeliIsraelis tell of Gaza war misdeeds soldiers also vandalized Palestinian property.
In one instance contained in the testimony, soldiers said a women and two children were killed at a distance of 100 to 200 yards because they had misunderstood army instructions on how to leave the combat zone.
“We didnt think there was moral problem until these guys started getting it off of their chest,” Danny Zamir, head of the Yitzhak Rabin military preparatory school, told the Israeli news Web site Ynet.

Read more: Israelis tell of Gaza war misdeeds - Washington Times
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