john kerry says Israel becoming "apartheid state"

OK, your link....

Obama’s brother, Malik Obama, was running an African nonprofit closely linked to the Brotherhood as well as the genocidal terrorist of Sudan, Omar al-Bashir.

You indicated that Malik Obama was a member of the Muslim Brotherhood - that was a FLAT OUT LIE, debunked right out of the gate - BY YOUR OWN LINK.

So, he was linked? Linked as in how? Linked as in they also donated, or linked as they all ran the foundation together? You provided ZERO connection to the Muslim Brotherhood, except to indicate that they were "linked."

That being said, what the hell does Obama's brother have to do with US politics?
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John Kerry was being far too nice - I would have told Israel to have a nice tall glass of STFU and quit falling out of the chair a gave them.

Why is it the anti-Israel crowd is so often populated by semiliterate bald guys?

"Semiliterate" is not a word. Did you mean "semi-literate?

I'm bald, because i'm 51 and follicly challenged.

It has nothing to do with my political viewpoint. I'm mostly left leaning, but believe in not getting involved in other countries messes.

You know ... like the founding fathers invisioned.

I don't really care how you see yourself, Princess, and the word, for the semiliterate set, is "semiliterate." You do know how to use GOOGLE, right?
he was for the apartheid before he was against it

jon cary issues a retraction


Press Statement
John Kerry
Secretary of State
Washington, DC
April 28, 2014
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For more than thirty years in the United States Senate, I didn’t just speak words in support of Israel, I walked the walk when it came time to vote and when it came time to fight. As Secretary of State, I have spent countless hours working with Prime Minister Netanyahu and Justice Minister Livni because I believe in the kind of future that Israel not only wants, but Israel deserves. I want to see a two state solution that results in a secure Jewish state and a prosperous Palestinian state, and I’ve actually worked for it.

I will not allow my commitment to Israel to be questioned by anyone, particularly for partisan, political purposes, so I want to be crystal clear about what I believe and what I don’t believe.

First, Israel is a vibrant democracy and I do not believe, nor have I ever stated, publicly or privately, that Israel is an apartheid state or that it intends to become one. Anyone who knows anything about me knows that without a shred of doubt.

Second, I have been around long enough to also know the power of words to create a misimpression, even when unintentional, and if I could rewind the tape, I would have chosen a different word to describe my firm belief that the only way in the long term to have a Jewish state and two nations and two peoples living side by side in peace and security is through a two state solution. In the long term, a unitary, binational state cannot be the democratic Jewish state that Israel deserves or the prosperous state with full rights that the Palestinian people deserve. That’s what I said, and it’s also what Prime Minister Netanyahu has said. While Justice Minister Livni, former Prime Ministers Barak and Ohlmert have all invoked the specter of apartheid to underscore the dangers of a unitary state for the future, it is a word best left out of the debate here at home.

^^^^ That was a clarification - not a retraction.

and if I could rewind the tape

OK, your link....

Obama’s brother, Malik Obama, was running an African nonprofit closely linked to the Brotherhood as well as the genocidal terrorist of Sudan, Omar al-Bashir.
You indicated that Malik Obama was a member of the Muslim Brotherhood - that was a FLAT OUT LIE, debunked right out of the gate - BY YOUR OWN LINK.

So, he was linked? Linked as in how? Linked as in they also donated, or linked as they all ran the foundation together? You provided ZERO connection to the Muslim Brotherhood, except to indicate that they were "linked."

That being said, what the hell does Obama's brother have to do with US politics?

Egyptian Official ties Obama’s Brother to Brotherhood

By Shoebat Foundation on August 19, 2013 in General
Egyptian government and mainstream media has reported a major development regarding the role of Barack Obama’s brother (presumably, his half-brother Malik Obama) with the Muslim Brotherhood. As we have reported before, Malik is a member of the Islamic Da’wa Organization (IDO), an arm of the Sudanese government, which is led by President Omar al-Bashir, who is himself a member of the Muslim Brotherhood.
These facts would lend credibility to the following claims from Egypt. It is also important to note that August 25th is a very key date in Egypt; it is when imprisoned Muslim Brotherhood leaders go on trial there.
The former Chancellor of the Constitutional Court of Egypt and current adviser, Tahani Al-Jebali stated that the reason the United States cannot fight the international organization of the Muslim Brotherhood is because the brother of U.S. President Barack Obama is the architect of the investments for the international organization of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Egyptian Official ties Obama's Brother to Brotherhood | Walid ShoebatWalid Shoebat

Muslim Brotherhood Influence Reaches White House

The Muslim Brotherhood appears on the ropes in Egypt following a military crackdown on the radical movement. Here in the United States, however, one American-Islamic group linked to the Brotherhood continues to thrive.
The Islamic Society of North America, or ISNA, will hold its 50th annual convention over Labor Day weekend this year.
And ISNA even has the ear of the White House.
A Grand Jihad
Before President Barack Obama departed for Israel earlier this year, he took time to consult with Mohamed Magid.
Magid has reportedly become a trusted administration advisor on issues ranging from immigration to counterterrorism policy.
White House officials have praised Magid's organization, ISNA, as a pillar of the American-Muslim community.
But according to analyst Ryan Mauro of the Clarion Project, an organization dedicated to exposing radical Islam, ISNA's agenda is anything but mainstream.
"We know from the Muslim Brotherhood's own documents that [ISNA] is a Muslim Brotherhood front -- they say that explicitly in one of their 1991 secret memos," Mauro told CBN News.
Mauro said that internal Muslim Brotherhood documents, captured by the FBI, name ISNA as one of 29 American-Muslim organizations with ties to the Muslim Brotherhood.
The Brotherhood gave birth to both al Qaeda and Hamas.
"It's also easy to know what the Brotherhood's agenda is because they told us in their own documents," Mauro said. "They said their work in America is 'a kind of grand jihad, in eliminating and destroying Western civilization from within.'"
"And most importantly, they say they want to do it at the hands not just of the believers- - the Muslim Brotherhood supporters -- but at the hands of the unbelievers -- us," he said.
Reaching the White House
ISNA began in 1982 in Plainfield, Ind. A founding member, Sami al Arian, was convicted in a U.S. federal court of conspiring to support the terror group, Palestinian Islamic Jihad.
Adurahman Alamoudi also worked closely with ISNA for years. He's currently serving a federal prison sentence for funding al Qaeda.
Despite its radical roots, ISNA has expanded from its heartland base to the power corridors of Washington, D.C.
"The remarkable thing is, many of these founders, who've been implicated in terrorism cases, named as unindicted co-conspirators in terrorism cases, are now consulting with the Obama administration," investigative journalist Patrick Poole explained.
Poole, who writes for, says ISNA's founders were even given a tour of the White House in March 2013.

"When [the White House] was closed off to the American public, they were meeting with senior White House officials," Poole said, "including the head of the Office of Public Engagement, who said ISNA was the primary Islamic group that the White House does their Muslim outreach through."
Fox Guarding the Henhouse
It wasn't long ago that the U.S. government had a far less positive view of ISNA. In 2007, federal prosecutors named the group as an unindicted co-conspirator in the largest terrorism financing trial in American history.
The focus of that trial was an organization called the Holy Land Foundation. Its leaders were convicted of funding the terror group Hamas.
"The Holy Land Foundation was spun off of ISNA," Poole told CBN News. "And here we have the United States government going into federal court saying, 'These are bad guys, they're supporting terrorism, they're a front for the Muslim Brotherhood.'"
"And then as soon as they leave federal court, 'These are our outreach partners, these are the moderates, these are the people that we need to be dealing with,'" he said.
That outreach includes a role for ISNA in shaping America's counter-terrorism policies.
Magid, who is the president of ISNA, is a member of a Homeland Security working group on "violent extremism."
ISNA also participated in a 2012 review of FBI counter-terrorism training documents. The bureau agreed to purge documents that ISNA and other Muslim groups found offensive or "islamophobic."
Poole says the fox is guarding the henhouse.
"We see a repeated pattern from FBI reports, from Department of Justice evidence in these terrorism trials, that groups like ISNA and other Muslim Brotherhood fronts, like CAIR and the Muslim Public Affairs Council, that they're here to Islamicize America," he said...... MORE...

Muslim Brotherhood Influence Reaches White House - US - CBN News - Christian News 24-7 -
Why is it the anti-Israel crowd is so often populated by semiliterate bald guys?

"Semiliterate" is not a word. Did you mean "semi-literate?

I'm bald, because i'm 51 and follicly challenged.

It has nothing to do with my political viewpoint. I'm mostly left leaning, but believe in not getting involved in other countries messes.

You know ... like the founding fathers invisioned.

I don't really care how you see yourself, Princess, and the word, for the semiliterate set, is "semiliterate." You do know how to use GOOGLE, right?

Correct - how stoopid of me. :cuckoo:

Do you have something to add with regards to this thread?
OK, your link....

Obama’s brother, Malik Obama, was running an African nonprofit closely linked to the Brotherhood as well as the genocidal terrorist of Sudan, Omar al-Bashir.
You indicated that Malik Obama was a member of the Muslim Brotherhood - that was a FLAT OUT LIE, debunked right out of the gate - BY YOUR OWN LINK.

So, he was linked? Linked as in how? Linked as in they also donated, or linked as they all ran the foundation together? You provided ZERO connection to the Muslim Brotherhood, except to indicate that they were "linked."

That being said, what the hell does Obama's brother have to do with US politics?

Muslim Brotherhood Influence Reaches White House

The Muslim Brotherhood appears on the ropes in Egypt following a military crackdown on the radical movement. Here in the United States, however, one American-Islamic group linked to the Brotherhood continues to thrive.
The Islamic Society of North America, or ISNA, will hold its 50th annual convention over Labor Day weekend this year.
And ISNA even has the ear of the White House.
A Grand Jihad
Before President Barack Obama departed for Israel earlier this year, he took time to consult with Mohamed Magid.
Magid has reportedly become a trusted administration advisor on issues ranging from immigration to counterterrorism policy.
White House officials have praised Magid's organization, ISNA, as a pillar of the American-Muslim community.
But according to analyst Ryan Mauro of the Clarion Project, an organization dedicated to exposing radical Islam, ISNA's agenda is anything but mainstream.
"We know from the Muslim Brotherhood's own documents that [ISNA] is a Muslim Brotherhood front....

^^^ Flat out lie number two....

The Huffington Post has posted an article which cited DHS advisor Mohamed Elibiary as claiming that his name "has been dragged through the mud" by U.S. Congressional representatives who haves identified him as a potential example of Muslim Brotherhood influence inside the U.S. government.

The article begins:
Posted: 07/25/2012 4:46 pm Updated: 07/25/2012 9:41 pm WASHINGTON - Huma Abedin is, in some ways, lucky. Although a group of five conservative lawmakers have alleged that she may have connections to the Muslim Brotherhood, public officials on both sides of the aisle have since rushed to defend the character and good name of the high-ranking State Department official. But the other Muslim American individuals targeted by these lawmakers, who aren't quite as famous as Abedin, haven't been so lucky. Mohamed Elibiary, a national security expert who serves as an advisor for the Department of Homeland Security, was accused last October of leaking secret documents in an effort to smear then-presidential candidate and Texas Gov. Rick Perry (R) as Islamophobic.

The charges led to death threats, and the FBI had to visit Elibiary's home to investigate a suspicious package. DHS found the charges baseless, but nine months later, Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas), one of Ebiliary's chief accusers, hasn't let it go. He's now taken his issue with Elibiary - a Republican whom he described last week as ‘a very nice gentleman' - even further, accusing him in a June 13 letter to DHS of having ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. Elibiary, along with Mohamed Magid and Dalia Mogahed, are mentioned in one of the letters sent to various government agencies earlier this month by Reps. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.), Trent Franks (R-Ariz.), Thomas Rooney (R-Fla.), Lynn Westmoreland (R-Ga.) and Gohmert. The representatives are all calling for investigations into whether the Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated the U.S. government.

This man is not a member of the Muslim Brotherhood ... LIES!!!!
"Semiliterate" is not a word. Did you mean "semi-literate?

I'm bald, because i'm 51 and follicly challenged.

It has nothing to do with my political viewpoint. I'm mostly left leaning, but believe in not getting involved in other countries messes.

You know ... like the founding fathers invisioned.

I don't really care how you see yourself, Princess, and the word, for the semiliterate set, is "semiliterate." You do know how to use GOOGLE, right?

Correct - how stoopid of me. :cuckoo:

Do you have something to add with regards to this thread?

Well, you could answer the question I posed that caused you to respond:
"Why is it the anti-Israel crowd is so often populated by semiliterate bald guys?"
and if I could rewind the tape


... I would have chosen a different word to describe my firm belief that the only way in the long term to have a Jewish state and two nations and two peoples living side by side in peace and security is through a two state solution.

Again, he clarified what he said - he did not retract anything.
Egyptian Official ties Obama’s Brother to Brotherhood

By Shoebat Foundation on August 19, 2013 in General
Egyptian government and mainstream media has reported a major development regarding the role of Barack Obama’s brother (presumably, his half-brother Malik Obama) with the Muslim Brotherhood. As we have reported before, Malik is a member of the Islamic Da’wa Organization (IDO), an arm of the Sudanese government, which is led by President Omar al-Bashir, who is himself a member of the Muslim Brotherhood.
These facts would lend credibility to the following claims from Egypt. It is also important to note that August 25th is a very key date in Egypt; it is when imprisoned Muslim Brotherhood leaders go on trial there.
The former Chancellor of the Constitutional Court of Egypt and current adviser, Tahani Al-Jebali stated that the reason the United States cannot fight the international organization of the Muslim Brotherhood is because the brother of U.S. President Barack Obama is the architect of the investments for the international organization of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Egyptian Official ties Obama's Brother to Brotherhood | Walid ShoebatWalid Shoebat

So, Obama's brother lives in a country that is lead by a member of the Brotherhood? That's the connection????

You said that he was a member, but the link said that there were ties. What ties? Sounds like a typical FOX smear job.
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he did not retract anything

he certainly did

Second, I have been around long enough to also know the power of words to create a misimpression...

I would have chosen a different word to describe my firm belief

OK, your link....

You indicated that Malik Obama was a member of the Muslim Brotherhood - that was a FLAT OUT LIE, debunked right out of the gate - BY YOUR OWN LINK.

So, he was linked? Linked as in how? Linked as in they also donated, or linked as they all ran the foundation together? You provided ZERO connection to the Muslim Brotherhood, except to indicate that they were "linked."

That being said, what the hell does Obama's brother have to do with US politics?

Muslim Brotherhood Influence Reaches White House

The Muslim Brotherhood appears on the ropes in Egypt following a military crackdown on the radical movement. Here in the United States, however, one American-Islamic group linked to the Brotherhood continues to thrive.
The Islamic Society of North America, or ISNA, will hold its 50th annual convention over Labor Day weekend this year.
And ISNA even has the ear of the White House.
A Grand Jihad
Before President Barack Obama departed for Israel earlier this year, he took time to consult with Mohamed Magid.
Magid has reportedly become a trusted administration advisor on issues ranging from immigration to counterterrorism policy.
White House officials have praised Magid's organization, ISNA, as a pillar of the American-Muslim community.
But according to analyst Ryan Mauro of the Clarion Project, an organization dedicated to exposing radical Islam, ISNA's agenda is anything but mainstream.
"We know from the Muslim Brotherhood's own documents that [ISNA] is a Muslim Brotherhood front....

^^^ Flat out lie number two....

The Huffington Post has posted an article which cited DHS advisor Mohamed Elibiary as claiming that his name "has been dragged through the mud" by U.S. Congressional representatives who haves identified him as a potential example of Muslim Brotherhood influence inside the U.S. government.

The article begins:
Posted: 07/25/2012 4:46 pm Updated: 07/25/2012 9:41 pm WASHINGTON - Huma Abedin is, in some ways, lucky. Although a group of five conservative lawmakers have alleged that she may have connections to the Muslim Brotherhood, public officials on both sides of the aisle have since rushed to defend the character and good name of the high-ranking State Department official. But the other Muslim American individuals targeted by these lawmakers, who aren't quite as famous as Abedin, haven't been so lucky. Mohamed Elibiary, a national security expert who serves as an advisor for the Department of Homeland Security, was accused last October of leaking secret documents in an effort to smear then-presidential candidate and Texas Gov. Rick Perry (R) as Islamophobic.

The charges led to death threats, and the FBI had to visit Elibiary's home to investigate a suspicious package. DHS found the charges baseless, but nine months later, Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas), one of Ebiliary's chief accusers, hasn't let it go. He's now taken his issue with Elibiary - a Republican whom he described last week as ‘a very nice gentleman' - even further, accusing him in a June 13 letter to DHS of having ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. Elibiary, along with Mohamed Magid and Dalia Mogahed, are mentioned in one of the letters sent to various government agencies earlier this month by Reps. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.), Trent Franks (R-Ariz.), Thomas Rooney (R-Fla.), Lynn Westmoreland (R-Ga.) and Gohmert. The representatives are all calling for investigations into whether the Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated the U.S. government.
This man is not a member of the Muslim Brotherhood ... LIES!!!!

Yes, subversive logic...Just YELL LIES!!! :badgrin::badgrin::eusa_boohoo::eusa_clap:
he did not retract anything

he certainly did

Second, I have been around long enough to also know the power of words to create a misimpression...

I would have chosen a different word to describe my firm belief


You say he did, I say he did not. Is there something else you need to add or do we have to keep this up to infinity and beyond?
Muslim Brotherhood Influence Reaches White House

The Muslim Brotherhood appears on the ropes in Egypt following a military crackdown on the radical movement. Here in the United States, however, one American-Islamic group linked to the Brotherhood continues to thrive.
The Islamic Society of North America, or ISNA, will hold its 50th annual convention over Labor Day weekend this year.
And ISNA even has the ear of the White House.
A Grand Jihad
Before President Barack Obama departed for Israel earlier this year, he took time to consult with Mohamed Magid.
Magid has reportedly become a trusted administration advisor on issues ranging from immigration to counterterrorism policy.
White House officials have praised Magid's organization, ISNA, as a pillar of the American-Muslim community.
But according to analyst Ryan Mauro of the Clarion Project, an organization dedicated to exposing radical Islam, ISNA's agenda is anything but mainstream.
"We know from the Muslim Brotherhood's own documents that [ISNA] is a Muslim Brotherhood front....

^^^ Flat out lie number two....

The Huffington Post has posted an article which cited DHS advisor Mohamed Elibiary as claiming that his name "has been dragged through the mud" by U.S. Congressional representatives who haves identified him as a potential example of Muslim Brotherhood influence inside the U.S. government.

The article begins:
Posted: 07/25/2012 4:46 pm Updated: 07/25/2012 9:41 pm WASHINGTON - Huma Abedin is, in some ways, lucky. Although a group of five conservative lawmakers have alleged that she may have connections to the Muslim Brotherhood, public officials on both sides of the aisle have since rushed to defend the character and good name of the high-ranking State Department official. But the other Muslim American individuals targeted by these lawmakers, who aren't quite as famous as Abedin, haven't been so lucky. Mohamed Elibiary, a national security expert who serves as an advisor for the Department of Homeland Security, was accused last October of leaking secret documents in an effort to smear then-presidential candidate and Texas Gov. Rick Perry (R) as Islamophobic.

The charges led to death threats, and the FBI had to visit Elibiary's home to investigate a suspicious package. DHS found the charges baseless, but nine months later, Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas), one of Ebiliary's chief accusers, hasn't let it go. He's now taken his issue with Elibiary - a Republican whom he described last week as ‘a very nice gentleman' - even further, accusing him in a June 13 letter to DHS of having ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. Elibiary, along with Mohamed Magid and Dalia Mogahed, are mentioned in one of the letters sent to various government agencies earlier this month by Reps. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.), Trent Franks (R-Ariz.), Thomas Rooney (R-Fla.), Lynn Westmoreland (R-Ga.) and Gohmert. The representatives are all calling for investigations into whether the Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated the U.S. government.
This man is not a member of the Muslim Brotherhood ... LIES!!!!

Yes, subversive logic...Just YELL LIES!!! :badgrin::badgrin::eusa_boohoo::eusa_clap:

YOU SAID, very specifically, that the Muslim Brother hood had infiltrated the WH. I proved that you are smoking crack and you still will not admit to your lie.

This is why I seldom bother to try and debunk your garbage - It's an exercise in futility.

No, yelling "lies" was not all I brought to this fight - I brought the truth - that you posted garbage and you will just not admit it.
Last edited:
^^^ Flat out lie number two....

This man is not a member of the Muslim Brotherhood ... LIES!!!!

Yes, subversive logic...Just YELL LIES!!! :badgrin::badgrin::eusa_boohoo::eusa_clap:

YOU SAID, very specifically, that the Muslim Brother hood had infiltrated the WH. I proved that you are smoking crack and you still will not admit to your lie.

This is why I seldom bother to try and debunk your garbage - It's an exercise in futility.

Your full of shit...simple answer! :badgrin:
Yes, subversive logic...Just YELL LIES!!! :badgrin::badgrin::eusa_boohoo::eusa_clap:

YOU SAID, very specifically, that the Muslim Brother hood had infiltrated the WH. I proved that you are smoking crack and you still will not admit to your lie.

This is why I seldom bother to try and debunk your garbage - It's an exercise in futility.

Your full of shit...simple answer! :badgrin:

Good! I love it when you start attacking me instead of defending your indefensible bull-crap.

That wraps things up.

Don't worry - just keep telling yourself that you won. It will help further when the cavalry shows up to defend your honor!

YOU SAID, very specifically, that the Muslim Brother hood had infiltrated the WH. I proved that you are smoking crack and you still will not admit to your lie.

This is why I seldom bother to try and debunk your garbage - It's an exercise in futility.

Your full of shit...simple answer! :badgrin:

Good! I love it when you start attacking me instead of defending your indefensible bull-crap.

That wraps things up.

Don't worry - just keep telling yourself that you won. It will help further when the cavalry shows up to defend your honor!


Quote: Originally Posted by Mad_Cabbie

^^^ Flat out lie number two....

This man is not a member of the Muslim Brotherhood ... LIES!!!!

OK when you call me a liar, but when I pushes you back........goodnight......:badgrin::badgrin::eusa_boohoo:
Your full of shit...simple answer! :badgrin:

Good! I love it when you start attacking me instead of defending your indefensible bull-crap.

That wraps things up.

Don't worry - just keep telling yourself that you won. It will help further when the cavalry shows up to defend your honor!


Quote: Originally Posted by Mad_Cabbie

^^^ Flat out lie number two....

This man is not a member of the Muslim Brotherhood ... LIES!!!!

OK when you call me a liar, but when I pushes you back........goodnight......:badgrin::badgrin::eusa_boohoo:

There's nothing more for me to add - you lied and got caught in a lie.

It doesn't matter to me that you can't admit it. I need to do it again?

Israel would not make it without US support.

You believe otherwise? Fine, but you're kidding yourself.

Sorry, but that ain't what my—and more importantly, Israel's—God says.

Ezekiel 38 and 39 is about that very thing:

God will eventually show that it is He—not the USA—who protects Israel.

I just pray that it's not too late for America to know that.

Sure and the bug helicopters and the great gnashing of teeth and all that cool stuff.

Save the Sunday school propaganda for your Christian brethren ... I'm not Christian.

I'm not trying to proselytize (go look it up), bud.

I'm just saying that you don't know what you're talking about.

Go figure.

Lotsa folks who hate Jews and who have never read the Bible—or much of anything else in general, for that matter—are like that.
Sorry, but that ain't what my—and more importantly, Israel's—God says.

Ezekiel 38 and 39 is about that very thing:

God will eventually show that it is He—not the USA—who protects Israel.

I just pray that it's not too late for America to know that.

Sure and the bug helicopters and the great gnashing of teeth and all that cool stuff.

Save the Sunday school propaganda for your Christian brethren ... I'm not Christian.

I'm not trying to proselytize (go look it up), bud.

I'm just saying that you don't know what you're talking about.

Go figure.

Lotsa folks who hate Jews and who have never read the Bible—or much of anything else in general, for that matter—are like that.

I do NOT hate Jews - how did you discern that from what I wrote? Moreover I studied the bible at a Christian school - yes, quite indubitably, I have read the good book.

I don't have to look up the word and yes, when you spout scripture at me in a non-religious thread, I naturally deduce that as your intention.

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