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John Kerry, Sec. Of State....and Vietnam War Veteran?

This "traitor" also told Congress in 1973...

ALL US TROOPS,every single one of the 400,000 in Vietnam did this...
-"use telephones to human genitals and turned up the power, cut off limbs, blown up bodies, randomly shot at civilians, razed villages in fashion reminiscent of Ghengis Khan," in TESTIFYING in front of Congress..
Think about your friends that were in the military or even yourselves... HOW MANY of the 2,594,000 that served in Vietnam did those things?
Did they happen ? YES! But to go in front of Congress and make it sound like it happened ALL the time... every soldier, everywhere did that!
HOW disgusting!!!
Then later in his disgusting career.. Kerry HELPED the enemy even further by calling our troops "terrorists"!!!
Senator Kerry (D) "American soldiers going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children."
Do you think these were encouraging words to OUR military or to the terrorists?

HOW f...king smart of a former soldier, former Senator and now SofState... to make these statements that are nothing but words of joy to the enemies of the American soldier, Americans and to our country.
For SHAME this type of person is in the administration... but what the hell... HERE is YOUR president who said our military methodically ,daily constantly were "air-raiding villages, killing civilians"! Obama and Kerry hate American military AND this dickheads are in charge!
Hold on.

January 20, 2017 is coming.
Hillary can't wait
Trouble is, you may be right.

Then again, ol' Billary thought she had a lock on things in 2008, and didn't, after all.

Who knows what the next couple of years have in store for us?

In any event, damned-near anyone would be better than America-hating Obumble and Wifey, including Billary, so, the January 20, 2017 remark stands.
Good to hear

I look forward to your enthusiastic support of Hillary in 17

It probably will not happen.

I am hoping for a Republican candidate who can (a) get the job done and (b) beat Hillary.

I just don't know whether that candidate is going to materialize or not.

After voting twice for Obumble - the lesser of two evils in both cases, I thought at the time - the Dems will have had their turn at bat.

Time for the other guys to take another crack at it.

Sometimes, it makes sense to have a Changing of the Guard, just to have a Changing of the Guard.

Given that neither party nor its candidates have a frigging clue about how to fix America, alternating the party of the Bumbling Fools du jour every so often seems to be about the best that we can practically aspire to at the moment, as sorry-assed and lame as that sounds.

I may, indeed, end-up being stuck voting for Billary as the lesser of two evils, but, I hope not.
Well thank you for your honesty!!!
The problem I always had with Obama was his ONLY asset was his race!
He had NOT one executive experience. Limited Senate experience.
I am a very practical person but I also know the role the media played in ANY democrat election and if a GOP elected the media makes more bad news for GOP president i.e. Bush for example.
NO other President ever had the unprecedented 4 events: -- recession-- dot.com bust -- 9/11 --- worst hurricanes in history as Bush did.
It is a fact look it up... and in spite of that loss of tax revenue, in spite of $8 trillion in assets, 5,000+ lives lost historians will show he was a Great president in spite of this gigantic events that NO president has ever faced.
As I said the media being so anti-Bush and pro-Obama (85% of the 1,160 of the Senior executives, on-air personalities, producers, reporters, editors, writers of ABC,CBS, NBC donated to Democrats) is the source of much of the uninformed voters opinions regarding Bush/Obama and in Romney's case for example:
A Media Research Center analysis of all 21 ABC, CBS and NBC evening news stories about Romney’s trip found that virtually all of them (18, or 86%) emphasized “diplomatic blunders,” “gaffes” or “missteps.” "47% of Americans " story..
Over three days, the broadcast network morning and evening shows churned out 42 stories on the tape, nearly 90 minutes of coverage. The tone was hyperbolic; ABC’s "Good Morning America" called it a “bombshell rocking the Mitt Romney campaign,” while ABC "World News" anchor Diane Sawyer declared it a “political earthquake.”
Five ways the mainstream media tipped the scales in favor of Obama Fox News

But did the media ever explain that $100 billion in tax revenue and 400,000 jobs lost because Obama preferred to destroy 1,300 companies?
Did the media ever tell you Obama said utilities would go bankrupt and utility rates would skyrocket or Obama preferred higher gas prices?
Of course not ... but what if Romney or Bush had said those things???

Finally where was the media when the meglomaniac Obama believing the words of NewsWeek editor who called Obama "sort of God"
To all you vets, I read about Richard Ramirez and how he was influenced by his Green Beret cousin.It would appear the raping and beheading Vietnamese women and children was a green beret trade mark.
I suppose Kerry who also mentioned this in 1971 has upset a large number of rapists and murderers hence the vitriol.
Once idiots like Kerry and others take the exception and make it the rule!
NO ONE disputes these things happen. Happened in ALL WARS!
But when idiots like Kerry and Obama make it sound like it happens all the time! All green Berets are rapists! All military go about rampantly killing little kids... it is these idiots that make those exaggerated, totally rare events and even more so idiots that repeat them ... they are the
true rapists of the truth! 99% of all our military throughout history have acted honorably giving their lives and for idiots like Kerry/Obama to apply the disgust brush of rapists against ALL of them for political gain even worse!
It was Ramirez cousin a Green Beret who showed the "night stalker" a large quantity(according to the police) of photographs of Green Berets raping and beheading women and children. His defense claimed that these violently pornographic "trophy pictures" had a massive influence on Remirez.
For every soldier that rapes there must be hundreds of comrades who did nothing and so IMO are as guilty as the rapist.
Pious punk!
A) HOW MANY GREEN BERETS? Get me facts ok because this stupidity of painting EVERYONE as idiots like you do has got to stop!
B) Prove your statement about the Green Beret Ramirez pictures! I think you are a liar. Because these pictures most likely were phonies just like you!
Prove it OK? Give me the links to the proof!
Kerry saw combat during the war
Bush spent the war at his local tavern

Do you ever have anything smart to say?

I bet you know not a wit of either of your statements...
You mean that Kerry was a war hero and Bush was an alcoholic?

Hero? Peers of Kerry say differently. Are you aware?

Bush served as a reservist. He didn't have to, being an entitled son.

Say something smart.
Your Swiftboating lies were debunked years ago

Nobody doubts that Bush was a drunk
John Kerry wins a Silver Star

Bush is a falling down drunk
Hero John Kerry came home and fought against an unjust war

Millionaire playboy Bush got drunk
John Kerry wins a Silver Star

Bush is a falling down drunk
And yet, the American public voted-in Dubya for a second time in 2004, rather than trust a waffler like Kerry.

Including a great many people who subsequently voted for Obama once or twice.

Apparently, the fruit salad one has accumulated for one's chest is not always a reliable barometer of leadership or ability to inspire confidence.

A little trip down memory lane, as a useful memory-refresher, and as comic-relief...

Kerry? "wins"?

Ah today's liberal indoctrination fails to address recent history.


Yup, still serving as president in those history books. Common WHAT???

I've come to the conclusion that "rightwinger" is a shallow, emotional hater. In sum, a lib. Lite on facts, high on.....well, emotion.

I do like his avatar, however.
Kerry saw combat during the war
Bush spent the war at his local tavern

Do you ever have anything smart to say?

I bet you know not a wit of either of your statements...
You mean that Kerry was a war hero and Bush was an alcoholic?

Hero? Peers of Kerry say differently. Are you aware?

Bush served as a reservist. He didn't have to, being an entitled son.

Say something smart.
I concur pooch, everyone knows Dubya flew valiant sorties in the sky's of Texas looking for the deadly North Vietnamese secret weapon. The long range rickshaw dive bomber.
Kerry saw combat during the war
Bush spent the war at his local tavern

Do you ever have anything smart to say?

I bet you know not a wit of either of your statements...
You mean that Kerry was a war hero and Bush was an alcoholic?

Hero? Peers of Kerry say differently. Are you aware?

Bush served as a reservist. He didn't have to, being an entitled son.

Say something smart.
I concur pooch, everyone knows Dubya flew valiant sorties in the sky's of Texas looking for the deadly North Vietnamese secret weapon. The long range rickshaw dive bomber.
I'd much rather have that then an actual idiot who tells the enemy as Kerry/Obama have repeatedly said:
Senator Kerry (D) "American soldiers going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children."
Do you think these were encouraging words to OUR military or to the terrorists?
Senator Obama said "troops are air-raiding villages and killing civilians,"

You tell me. When idiots like the above CHEER the bad guys by calling our guys "terrorists", "civilian killers"... give me Bush any day as he totally appreciated and respected the military.

Before I could respond, the old veteran answered his own question. He said, “I would not serve in the military today—not with Barack Obama as Commander in Chief. Obama’s treatment of the military and veterans is a disgrace.” I agree with him. I am proud of my service in the United States Marine Corps and would not trade that service for anything. In fact, I am doubly proud of my service in the Corps because I joined at a time when my peers were burning their draft cards and slipping away to Canada to avoid military service. But I would not want to serve under the circumstances that now exist in the military. Those who wear the uniform have to know that their commander in chief has their back, will do nothing to undermine their effectiveness in combat, and will ensure that they are properly taken care of, even after leaving the military.

For the first time in my lifetime we have a president who not only fails to take care of our troops and veterans, but seems to disdain them. No president in my lifetime has shown less respect for active-duty personnel and veterans or done so much to undermine the effectiveness and morale of the military as Barack Obama. According to former Secretary of Defense Bob Gates, President Obama is distinctly uncomfortable when he is around military leaders, as well he should be. Anyone who has done as much damage to the military and the morale of our troops as Barack Obama should certainly be uncomfortable with high ranking officers who have dedicated their lives to building and trying to maintain the best military in the world.

Read the rest of this Patriot Update article here: Obama s Treatment of the Military and Veterans is a Disgrace PatriotUpdate.com patriotupdate patriotupdate
Make that Vietnam war HERO
This "traitor" also told Congress in 1973...

ALL US TROOPS,every single one of the 400,000 in Vietnam did this...
-"use telephones to human genitals and turned up the power, cut off limbs, blown up bodies, randomly shot at civilians, razed villages in fashion reminiscent of Ghengis Khan," in TESTIFYING in front of Congress..
Think about your friends that were in the military or even yourselves... HOW MANY of the 2,594,000 that served in Vietnam did those things?
Did they happen ? YES! But to go in front of Congress and make it sound like it happened ALL the time... every soldier, everywhere did that!
HOW disgusting!!!
Then later in his disgusting career.. Kerry HELPED the enemy even further by calling our troops "terrorists"!!!
Senator Kerry (D) "American soldiers going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children."
Do you think these were encouraging words to OUR military or to the terrorists?

HOW f...king smart of a former soldier, former Senator and now SofState... to make these statements that are nothing but words of joy to the enemies of the American soldier, Americans and to our country.
For SHAME this type of person is in the administration... but what the hell... HERE is YOUR president who said our military methodically ,daily constantly were "air-raiding villages, killing civilians"! Obama and Kerry hate American military AND this dickheads are in charge!

You forgot to show where Kerry said all
You also confuse the terms terrorize and terrorist

Is this another post where conservatives demonstrate their inability to read?
HEY you idiot!!!
Do you think the enemy distinguished whether it was just one incident or "all the time"??? They don't care because WORDS matter and when
Kerry testified in 1973 and again made this statement about ALL our troops :
"American soldiers going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children."

Also when someone terrorizes people that person is a "TERRORIST"! definition: a person who uses terrorism in the pursuit of political aims.
So why would Kerry use the word "terrorizing" then?? He meant to say our troops are terrorists!
Kerry saw combat during the war
Bush spent the war at his local tavern

Do you ever have anything smart to say?

I bet you know not a wit of either of your statements...
You mean that Kerry was a war hero and Bush was an alcoholic?

Hero? Peers of Kerry say differently. Are you aware?

Bush served as a reservist. He didn't have to, being an entitled son.

Say something smart.
I concur pooch, everyone knows Dubya flew valiant sorties in the sky's of Texas looking for the deadly North Vietnamese secret weapon. The long range rickshaw dive bomber.
I'd much rather have that then an actual idiot who tells the enemy as Kerry/Obama have repeatedly said:
Senator Kerry (D) "American soldiers going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children."
Do you think these were encouraging words to OUR military or to the terrorists?
Senator Obama said "troops are air-raiding villages and killing civilians,"

I think it is encouraging words to families who had American soldiers breaking into their homes in the middle of the night waving guns and screaming at you in a language you don't understand

Does that make our soldiers terrorists? Of course not
Does it terrorize a civilian family? Of course it does

That is why Kerry favored local soldiers, who speak the language to do that mission
Hero John Kerry came home and fought against an unjust war

Millionaire playboy Bush got drunk
rea the following account of your hero,

snopes.com John Kerry s Service Record

then there is this:


i know this will NOT change your mind (?) and you will NOT read the truth about this fucking traitor and best friend of J. Fonda, the anti-aircraft gun sitting c u n t, only a fucking rabid liberfool would call those two :asshole:S heros. :up:
Do you ever have anything smart to say?

I bet you know not a wit of either of your statements...
You mean that Kerry was a war hero and Bush was an alcoholic?

Hero? Peers of Kerry say differently. Are you aware?

Bush served as a reservist. He didn't have to, being an entitled son.

Say something smart.
I concur pooch, everyone knows Dubya flew valiant sorties in the sky's of Texas looking for the deadly North Vietnamese secret weapon. The long range rickshaw dive bomber.
I'd much rather have that then an actual idiot who tells the enemy as Kerry/Obama have repeatedly said:
Senator Kerry (D) "American soldiers going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children."
Do you think these were encouraging words to OUR military or to the terrorists?
Senator Obama said "troops are air-raiding villages and killing civilians,"

I think it is encouraging words to families who had American soldiers breaking into their homes in the middle of the night waving guns and screaming at you in a language you don't understand

Does that make our soldiers terrorists? Of course not
Does it terrorize a civilian family? Of course it does

That is why Kerry favored local soldiers, who speak the language to do that mission
Then Kerry was as STUPID as YOU and Obama are!
DO YOU really think the terrorists CARED for the context of Obama/Kerry's debasing our troops? HELL NO!
Terrorists loved to use these words in "CONTEXT" of Americans who are "killing civilians" .."terrorizing children"... DO YOU comprehend that?
Kerry/Obama/YOU are so naive then to think using these inflammatory words "HELP" ?
THE FACTS are when words used by idiots like the above are broadcasted by the media there is NOT one single good thing that happens.
And if you can't see this ... geez you are stupid!
You mean that Kerry was a war hero and Bush was an alcoholic?

Hero? Peers of Kerry say differently. Are you aware?

Bush served as a reservist. He didn't have to, being an entitled son.

Say something smart.
I concur pooch, everyone knows Dubya flew valiant sorties in the sky's of Texas looking for the deadly North Vietnamese secret weapon. The long range rickshaw dive bomber.
I'd much rather have that then an actual idiot who tells the enemy as Kerry/Obama have repeatedly said:
Senator Kerry (D) "American soldiers going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children."
Do you think these were encouraging words to OUR military or to the terrorists?
Senator Obama said "troops are air-raiding villages and killing civilians,"

I think it is encouraging words to families who had American soldiers breaking into their homes in the middle of the night waving guns and screaming at you in a language you don't understand

Does that make our soldiers terrorists? Of course not
Does it terrorize a civilian family? Of course it does

That is why Kerry favored local soldiers, who speak the language to do that mission
Then Kerry was as STUPID as YOU and Obama are!
DO YOU really think the terrorists CARED for the context of Obama/Kerry's debasing our troops? HELL NO!
Terrorists loved to use these words in "CONTEXT" of Americans who are "killing civilians" .."terrorizing children"... DO YOU comprehend that?
Kerry/Obama/YOU are so naive then to think using these inflammatory words "HELP" ?
THE FACTS are when words used by idiots like the above are broadcasted by the media there is NOT one single good thing that happens.
And if you can't see this ... geez you are stupid!

Of course they don't care about the extent....they hate us regardless

Do you think terrorists care that you are unable to tell the difference between the word "terrorize" and "terrorist"?

Of course not...they hate you either way
Hero? Peers of Kerry say differently. Are you aware?

Bush served as a reservist. He didn't have to, being an entitled son.

Say something smart.
I concur pooch, everyone knows Dubya flew valiant sorties in the sky's of Texas looking for the deadly North Vietnamese secret weapon. The long range rickshaw dive bomber.
I'd much rather have that then an actual idiot who tells the enemy as Kerry/Obama have repeatedly said:
Senator Kerry (D) "American soldiers going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children."
Do you think these were encouraging words to OUR military or to the terrorists?
Senator Obama said "troops are air-raiding villages and killing civilians,"

I think it is encouraging words to families who had American soldiers breaking into their homes in the middle of the night waving guns and screaming at you in a language you don't understand

Does that make our soldiers terrorists? Of course not
Does it terrorize a civilian family? Of course it does

That is why Kerry favored local soldiers, who speak the language to do that mission
Then Kerry was as STUPID as YOU and Obama are!
DO YOU really think the terrorists CARED for the context of Obama/Kerry's debasing our troops? HELL NO!
Terrorists loved to use these words in "CONTEXT" of Americans who are "killing civilians" .."terrorizing children"... DO YOU comprehend that?
Kerry/Obama/YOU are so naive then to think using these inflammatory words "HELP" ?
THE FACTS are when words used by idiots like the above are broadcasted by the media there is NOT one single good thing that happens.
And if you can't see this ... geez you are stupid!

Of course they don't care about the extent....they hate us regardless

Do you think terrorists care that you are unable to tell the difference between the word "terrorize" and "terrorist"?

Of course not...they hate you either way

So why are idiots like you promoting their hatred even further? YOU obviously are so naive as to how propaganda works and the idiots Obama/Kerry/you/et.al. that are more interested in a political point winning position then the lives of our troops that are killed as a Harvard study showed when idiots like the above did their political posturing!

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