John Kerry thinks there are too many black people in the world

marvin martian

Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2020
Remember, the party of the KKK...

“I’ve been to a number of African countries where they’re very proud of their increased birth rate but the fact is, it’s unsustainable for life today, let alone when you add the future numbers,” Kerry said.


File/John Kerry plays cards on board his family’s private jet enroute to Albuquerque, New Mexico from Minneapolis on May 4, 2004. (Paula Bronstein/Getty Images)

Its interesting how libs like Kerry always want to get rid of black people and other minorities, yet never target pretentious fake Irishmen like themselves for extermination.
Its interesting how libs like Kerry always want to get rid of black people and other minorities, yet never target pretentious fake Irishmen like themselves for extermination.

Like most wealthy white leftists, Kerry is a big supporter of black genocide, whether it's in the form of targeted abortions of black babies, the daily slaughter of black lives in the blue shithole cities, or "depopulation" schemes to rid the world of Africans, as he's advocating here.
There are too many blacks in America I can tell you that much.

Its interesting how libs like Kerry always want to get rid of black people and other minorities, yet never target pretentious fake Irishmen like themselves for extermination.

Well, if you look at blacks stats throughout the world across mankind's history you'll see blacks have never really served any purpose. The world was mostly shaped by non blacks in every country since man came to be.

They have no first world countries, almost all first world countries have been white and Asian. They barely have ever had any second world countries.

All of man's advances and achievements were due to blacks by very very little. Architecture, aerospace, psychology, electrical, communication, biology, medicine, education and so on has pretty been all non blacks. And the few that did contribute came from a white based nation.

In America they lack personal ambition because all they want to do is blame whitey for something done waaayyyyy before they were even born. They want affirmative action which basically says they can't do what non blacks can do so we have to force schools to admit them or companies forced to hire them. If they were as smart and capable as non blacks they could just get by on their own merits.

It's not racist, it's an observable truth.

I don't want them wiped out, I just think they drag America down and should go back to Africa.
Remember, the party of the KKK...

“I’ve been to a number of African countries where they’re very proud of their increased birth rate but the fact is, it’s unsustainable for life today, let alone when you add the future numbers,” Kerry said.


File/John Kerry plays cards on board his family’s private jet enroute to Albuquerque, New Mexico from Minneapolis on May 4, 2004. (Paula Bronstein/Getty Images)

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Kerry didn't say that.
The Climate Cult has always targeted the poorest people among us in order to push their religion on the world, while ironically being on the same side of the political aisle that claims to care about those people.

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