John Kerry: Unfit for Service

Perhaps we would have won the war, in your view, if you didn't dodge the draft and reported for duty as did 10's of thousands of brave Americans.

Considering I was 11 when the war ended, I could have hardly have dodged the draft.

I also enlisted of my own free will in 1981.

And, no, we couldn't have won that war, ever, under any circumstances.

There was never going to be a point where the Vietnamese were going to accept foreign domination after having fought against it for the last 100 years.

"Considering I was 11 when the war ended, I could have hardly have dodged the draft."

Considered along with your refusal to accept historical fact, that goes a long way in explaining your near total ignorance of the war and the times.

"There was never going to be a point where the Vietnamese were going to accept foreign domination after having fought against it for the last 100 years."

If you were paying attention you might notice that South Vietnam has been overrun and dominated by the hostile nation to her north.

Let me get this straight, you cannot know anything about a period of history unless you were alive and an adult during the period?
Let me get this straight, you cannot know anything about a period of history unless you were alive and an adult during the period?

Let me get this straight - a pole-smoking, never served their country, pussy like you can make an intelligent analysis of the Vietnam War?

Fuck - you don't even know what Saigon was?

Put a dick back in your mouth/ass and STFU
We lost the war in Viet Nam when Walter Cronkite lied about our victory in the Tet Offensive. That was the turning point for us to forego victory in favor of leaving.
The Hue Massacre

The world remembers My Lai, why not Hue?

Written by Jason Zasky Filed under History

Thousands of American and South Vietnamese soldiers, along with many more Viet Cong, were killed or wounded at the Battle of Hue during the Vietnam War. But the ultimate cost of the battle would not be known until months and years afterward, when mass graves containing thousands of noncombatants were discovered in the vicinity of Hue—the victims having been shot, bludgeoned to death, or buried alive by the Communists.

Yet the Hue Massacre was completely overshadowed by the media attention devoted to My Lai, and has largely been forgotten in the decades since. In “This Time We Win: Revisiting the Tet Offensive” (Encounter Books), author James S. Robbins highlights the Hue Massacre, which he is careful to distinguish from My Lai. He explained the moral distinction during a recent interview with Failure.

The My Lai massacre was a great tragedy in which American troops killed innocent South Vietnamese civilians. It became part of the moral indictment against the Vietnam War [along with the Eddie Adams photo Saigon Execution]. But the important distinction between My Lai and similar events is that the men who perpetrated My Lai were not acting under orders; they were acting against U.S. policy. And the U.S. government considered it a crime and punished it.

The Hue Massacre, which took place during the Tet Offensive, was perpetrated by the North Vietnamese and Viet Cong and was an act of policy. The Communists had lists of people when they went into the city. They knew who they were after, and the killing was relentless. Even when they were losing the battle and retreating from the city, they took people with them and killed them outside the city.

The anti-war crowd said that what happened at Hue was exaggerated—that the victims had been casualties of the fighting, or had been killed by U.S. bombs. But the fact is that they were ruthlessly and systematically slaughtered by the Communists. It was a conscious, deliberate, cold-blooded act of policy.

Read more: The Hue Massacre
The Hue Massacre
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We lost the war in Viet Nam when Walter Cronkite lied about our victory in the Tet Offensive. That was the turning point for us to forego victory in favor of leaving.

Agree. We didn't lose that war.
Only in the minds of Liberals and CBS was it lost.
God bless the brave men and women who fought that war, the majority of them - ENLISTED, and didn't get drafted, contrary to Liberal propaganda.
"Let me get this straight, you cannot know anything about a period of history unless you were alive and an adult during the period?"

I suspect your getting anything straight is a worthy but hopeless endevor but should really want to try the place to start would be actually reading and attempting to understand what was written:

Considered along with your refusal to accept historical fact, that goes a long way in explaining your near total ignorance of the war and the times.

Sorry for putting such a confuseing number of words in the same sentence.
Yes, please keep telling yourself we won in Vietnam, and this didn't happen.


at least we got out of the Iraq fiasco with a bit more dignity.
Where . . . . exactly where, was this photo taken?

Be careful . . . . for some, this is a trick question.

Doug Reese

If that was the American Embassy, would it technically be Ho Chi Minh City?
No, it would not. It was taken during the evacuation of Saigon in April, 1975.

But it was not at the embassy.

Doug Reese
Let me get this straight, you cannot know anything about a period of history unless you were alive and an adult during the period?

Let me get this straight - a pole-smoking, never served their country, pussy like you can make an intelligent analysis of the Vietnam War?

Fuck - you don't even know what Saigon was?

Put a dick back in your mouth/ass and STFU

There you go with your favourite subject, gay sex, but it is wasted on us straight guys. Even a moron like you should know that.
"Let me get this straight, you cannot know anything about a period of history unless you were alive and an adult during the period?"

I suspect your getting anything straight is a worthy but hopeless endevor but should really want to try the place to start would be actually reading and attempting to understand what was written:

Considered along with your refusal to accept historical fact, that goes a long way in explaining your near total ignorance of the war and the times.

Sorry for putting such a confuseing number of words in the same sentence.

You are really an idiot. You, Daveman and Warrior Mary are three of the stupidest people that I have encountered in quite some time. Is this what the armed forces are made of? My brother hated the service because of the stupid people that he had to deal with, now it all makes sense.
Where . . . . exactly where, was this photo taken?

Be careful . . . . for some, this is a trick question.

Doug Reese

If that was the American Embassy, would it technically be Ho Chi Minh City?
No, it would not. It was taken during the evacuation of Saigon in April, 1975.

But it was not at the embassy.

Doug Reese

Since it was a trick question, I thought that it may have been the embassy.
We lost the war in Viet Nam when Walter Cronkite lied about our victory in the Tet Offensive. That was the turning point for us to forego victory in favor of leaving.

Agree. We didn't lose that war.
Only in the minds of Liberals and CBS was it lost.
God bless the brave men and women who fought that war, the majority of them - ENLISTED, and didn't get drafted, contrary to Liberal propaganda.

You just get stupider and stupider.
If that was the American Embassy, would it technically be Ho Chi Minh City?
No, it would not. It was taken during the evacuation of Saigon in April, 1975.

But it was not at the embassy.

Doug Reese

Since it was a trick question, I thought that it may have been the embassy.
That's what most people think . . . that it was the embassy . . . . but it wasn't.

Come on, guys, where was it?

Doug Reese
sweet, the swiftboat liars are still out there. :thup:
No, Jillian, you don't get to come in here and claim these are all lies.

Prove it.

She doesn't get to??? Sure she does. Your constant attempts to destroy anyone that's liberal is really getting pathetic. This election pushed you over the edge, Dave. Get help, you lunatic!!!
sweet, the swiftboat liars are still out there. :thup:
No, Jillian, you don't get to come in here and claim these are all lies.

Prove it.

She doesn't get to??? Sure she does. Your constant attempts to destroy anyone that's liberal is really getting pathetic. This election pushed you over the edge, Dave. Get help, you lunatic!!!

He is not a lunatic, he is simply stupid. Along with his other two buddies in this page. I had stopped even recignizing their existence on the boards because attempting a discussion with them is just so futile. Have to return to plan A.
"Considering I was 11 when the war ended, I could have hardly have dodged the draft."

Considered along with your refusal to accept historical fact, that goes a long way in explaining your near total ignorance of the war and the times.

"There was never going to be a point where the Vietnamese were going to accept foreign domination after having fought against it for the last 100 years."

If you were paying attention you might notice that South Vietnam has been overrun and dominated by the hostile nation to her north.

We were the HS bully picking on teh Chess Club Nerd, and we got cock-punched. Learn to deal.

When the North invaded, the folks in the South welcomed them. Which is why it took all of 55 days to route the ARVNs when the Americans left.
The Hue Massacre

The world remembers My Lai, why not Hue?

Written by Jason Zasky Filed under History


Yawn. "The Commies were worse" argument doesn't fly with me.

Did they do bad stuff? Yup?

Would that stuff have happened if we hadn't stuck our noses in the middle of their civil war?

Maybe, maybe not.

Did that make sticking our noses into a civil war and picking the wrong side a good idea?

Nope. Not for a minute.
The Hue Massacre

The world remembers My Lai, why not Hue?

Written by Jason Zasky Filed under History

Thousands of American and South Vietnamese soldiers, along with many more Viet Cong, were killed or wounded at the Battle of Hue during the Vietnam War. But the ultimate cost of the battle would not be known until months and years afterward, when mass graves containing thousands of noncombatants were discovered in the vicinity of Hue—the victims having been shot, bludgeoned to death, or buried alive by the Communists.

Yet the Hue Massacre was completely overshadowed by the media attention devoted to My Lai, and has largely been forgotten in the decades since. In “This Time We Win: Revisiting the Tet Offensive” (Encounter Books), author James S. Robbins highlights the Hue Massacre, which he is careful to distinguish from My Lai. He explained the moral distinction during a recent interview with Failure.

The My Lai massacre was a great tragedy in which American troops killed innocent South Vietnamese civilians. It became part of the moral indictment against the Vietnam War [along with the Eddie Adams photo Saigon Execution]. But the important distinction between My Lai and similar events is that the men who perpetrated My Lai were not acting under orders; they were acting against U.S. policy. And the U.S. government considered it a crime and punished it.

The Hue Massacre, which took place during the Tet Offensive, was perpetrated by the North Vietnamese and Viet Cong and was an act of policy. The Communists had lists of people when they went into the city. They knew who they were after, and the killing was relentless. Even when they were losing the battle and retreating from the city, they took people with them and killed them outside the city.

The anti-war crowd said that what happened at Hue was exaggerated—that the victims had been casualties of the fighting, or had been killed by U.S. bombs. But the fact is that they were ruthlessly and systematically slaughtered by the Communists. It was a conscious, deliberate, cold-blooded act of policy.

Read more: The Hue Massacre
The Hue Massacre
Our leftists here support the Communists. They're giggling with glee reading your post.

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