John Kerry: Unfit for Service

Senator John Kerry is a great American patriot.

He may be patriotic, but it's not for America.

Depends which America you mean.

The America of the Military Industrial Complex (the one Ike warned us about) he was definitely not for.

The America of working class kids who got drafted into a war they never wanted to be in, who might still be there today if someone hadn't said anything... yeah, he was allfor them.
He may be patriotic, but it's not for America.

Shooting oneself intentionally, then putting oneself in for a Purple Heart is NOT patriotic...

You might be on to something here.

TPM Editors Blog

In a 1988 campaign-trail autobiography, here's how Dole described the incident that earned him his first Purple Heart: "As we approached the enemy, there was a brief exchange of gunfire. I took a grenade in hand, pulled the pin, and tossed it in the direction of the farmhouse. It wasn't a very good pitch (remember, I was used to catching passes, not throwing them). In the darkness, the grenade must have struck a tree and bounced off. It exploded nearby, sending a sliver of metal into my leg--the sort of injury the Army patched up with Mercurochrome and a Purple Heart."

What? How dare you question Bob Dole's patriotism?
What does Bob Dole have to do with John Kerry faking his injures and putting himself in for a Purple Heart? If you want to compare Kerry to an authentic fake vet, use yourself as an example, asswipe.
He may be patriotic, but it's not for America.

Shooting oneself intentionally, then putting oneself in for a Purple Heart is NOT patriotic...

You might be on to something here.

TPM Editors Blog

In a 1988 campaign-trail autobiography, here's how Dole described the incident that earned him his first Purple Heart: "As we approached the enemy, there was a brief exchange of gunfire. I took a grenade in hand, pulled the pin, and tossed it in the direction of the farmhouse. It wasn't a very good pitch (remember, I was used to catching passes, not throwing them). In the darkness, the grenade must have struck a tree and bounced off. It exploded nearby, sending a sliver of metal into my leg--the sort of injury the Army patched up with Mercurochrome and a Purple Heart."
What? How dare you question Bob Dole's patriotism?

"On the Internet, anyone can say that they were in Vietnam. Considering what you have to say about Vietnam goes against what anyone who was there has told me, you are suspect."

Suspect away. You've already made it clear you are able to believe only what you want to believe.
And what proof do we have that you've ever talked to a Vietnam vet,?

I cannot prove it, but I can certainly read history books.

Then why don't you bother doing so?
Look back on this thread and see what claims are supported by documented evedence and which aren't and note where that evidence comes from.
I was a medic with a mech. infantry Bn (2/47, 3 Bde, 9th ID).

The vast majority of our guys would never bother to seek help from a medic (documention required for PH) over something as minor as a paper cut or shaving nick. They simply had too much self respect and respect for the real WIA's to trivialize the award. We also considered it beneath us to actively seek out awards for valor. Of course we were Army. Maybe it's OK to be a sissy if you were in the Navy.

What does Bob Dole have to do with John Kerry faking his injures and putting himself in for a Purple Heart? If you want to compare Kerry to an authentic fake vet, use yourself as an example, asswipe.

No one ever said Kerry "faked" injuries. Not even Corsi and the other asshole who wrote that book.

The argumetn they made was his first purple heart MIGHT have been shrapnel from his own weapons.. which is plausible. Probably happens a lot.
Shooting oneself intentionally, then putting oneself in for a Purple Heart is NOT patriotic...

You might be on to something here.

TPM Editors Blog

In a 1988 campaign-trail autobiography, here's how Dole described the incident that earned him his first Purple Heart: "As we approached the enemy, there was a brief exchange of gunfire. I took a grenade in hand, pulled the pin, and tossed it in the direction of the farmhouse. It wasn't a very good pitch (remember, I was used to catching passes, not throwing them). In the darkness, the grenade must have struck a tree and bounced off. It exploded nearby, sending a sliver of metal into my leg--the sort of injury the Army patched up with Mercurochrome and a Purple Heart."
What? How dare you question Bob Dole's patriotism?


Honestly, I've seen more stupid accidents in training that I care to admit.

I suffered a slight hearing loss in my right ear that I have to this day because an idiot dropped a grenade simulator too close to me once.

And you know what, stuff happens. I don't begrudge Dole his first Purple Heart because honestly his second one was bad enough a hundred times over.
Are people saying that the navy's method of awarding medals is flawed?
Are people saying that the navy's method of awarding medals is flawed?
It certainly could have been back then.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, my opposition to Kerry's consideration for SecDef has nothing to do with his service in Vietnam and everything to do with his disgraceful conduct after he came home.

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