John Kerry: We could have shot the jet down.

Should the Russian jet been shot down prior to reaching our ship?

  • Hell yeah!

  • No

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Well that makes even less sense then. If Putin's "grand scheme" is to go to war with us, we sure as hell better shoot down his jets when they aggressively engage our naval fleet. Or else we're simply sending the message that he's welcome to start the campaign for his grand scheme.

Incidentally - if Putin is afraid of Turkey (which he clearly was since there was no response on his part after Turkey shot down his jets), I can assure you that he'll want no part of the U.S. once we prove to him that we will not back down.

It's amazing, isn't it? They keep making runs at us and the lefties keep going, OMG, we can't respond, that would be WWIII!!!!! Yeah, Putin wants to die, he's just trying to force us into one slip so he can use that to destroy the world. Weakness begets ... what's happening ...

Whats happening? Very funny.

They are screwing around flying planes near ours. Oooh…we’re scared. Actually; just you are.

What is it with conservatives? You guys never seem really happy but when American soldiers, sailors, and airmen are not dying for any reason whatsoever, you guys seem down right depressed.

Seek help.
CC - have you ever stopped to ask yourself why they are flying their planes at high speeds dangerously close to our naval fleet? Don't you think you should before spouting off with nonsensical responses formed simply to defend your ideology at all costs.

Why is Russia trying to provoke us? Why are they engaging in something so dangerous?

In all seriousness - do you ever question your leaders and your ideology? Or are you completely committed to being an obedient soldier at all costs?

Answer, the Russians are flying their planes so close as to test their weapons that jam our best radar systems. Thus John Kerry is full of shit when he says that this jet could have been shot down, because the ship was helpless as it's computers were all scrambled and radar signals needed for targeting were non existent..............
And you know this because you occupy what high level government position that is privy to this information?

It's common knowledge smartass retard.................. russians jam radar - Google Search

Read Why the USS Donald Cook Crapped It's Pants and was 'gravely demoralized' in the Black Sea, page 1

Next moron
Whats happening? Very funny.

They are screwing around flying planes near ours. Oooh…we’re scared. Actually; just you are.

What is it with conservatives? You guys never seem really happy but when American soldiers, sailors, and airmen are not dying for any reason whatsoever, you guys seem down right depressed.

Seek help.
CC - have you ever stopped to ask yourself why they are flying their planes at high speeds dangerously close to our naval fleet? Don't you think you should before spouting off with nonsensical responses formed simply to defend your ideology at all costs.

Why is Russia trying to provoke us? Why are they engaging in something so dangerous?

In all seriousness - do you ever question your leaders and your ideology? Or are you completely committed to being an obedient soldier at all costs?

Answer, the Russians are flying their planes so close as to test their weapons that jam our best radar systems. Thus John Kerry is full of shit when he says that this jet could have been shot down, because the ship was helpless as it's computers were all scrambled and radar signals needed for targeting were non existent..............
So when we test nuclear weapons, do we launch them on Russia? If you're going to make up an answer, you have to do better than that junior. That is so weak, even a 9 year old would be better. Nobody (and I mean nobody) tests a weapon or technology by launching it against their enemy. It could kick off a world war and even maniacs like Saddam Hussein realized as much.

Congrats just made the DUMBEST post in USMB history. If you're going to lie and make shit up, you have to at least make it something that is possible.

Bassman has provided a link to this before. So he's not making it up. Not sure on the source though. However it just seems seriously unlikely to me that Russia passed us in technology
You know what seems even exponentially more unlikely? The fact that Russia would test weapons systems or technology in a live scenario against the world's greatest super power.

They have been doing this since the 50's, what planet are you from?
Whats happening? Very funny.

They are screwing around flying planes near ours. Oooh…we’re scared. Actually; just you are.

What is it with conservatives? You guys never seem really happy but when American soldiers, sailors, and airmen are not dying for any reason whatsoever, you guys seem down right depressed.

Seek help.
CC - have you ever stopped to ask yourself why they are flying their planes at high speeds dangerously close to our naval fleet? Don't you think you should before spouting off with nonsensical responses formed simply to defend your ideology at all costs.

Why is Russia trying to provoke us? Why are they engaging in something so dangerous?

In all seriousness - do you ever question your leaders and your ideology? Or are you completely committed to being an obedient soldier at all costs?

Answer, the Russians are flying their planes so close as to test their weapons that jam our best radar systems. Thus John Kerry is full of shit when he says that this jet could have been shot down, because the ship was helpless as it's computers were all scrambled and radar signals needed for targeting were non existent..............
So when we test nuclear weapons, do we launch them on Russia? If you're going to make up an answer, you have to do better than that junior. That is so weak, even a 9 year old would be better. Nobody (and I mean nobody) tests a weapon or technology by launching it against their enemy. It could kick off a world war and even maniacs like Saddam Hussein realized as much.

Congrats just made the DUMBEST post in USMB history. If you're going to lie and make shit up, you have to at least make it something that is possible.

Bassman has provided a link to this before. So he's not making it up. Not sure on the source though. However it just seems seriously unlikely to me that Russia passed us in technology
You know what seems even exponentially more unlikely? The fact that Russia would test weapons systems or technology in a live scenario against the world's greatest super power.

Exactly. If they did strike on an advancement like that. Why would they possibly tell us?
CC - have you ever stopped to ask yourself why they are flying their planes at high speeds dangerously close to our naval fleet? Don't you think you should before spouting off with nonsensical responses formed simply to defend your ideology at all costs.

Why is Russia trying to provoke us? Why are they engaging in something so dangerous?

In all seriousness - do you ever question your leaders and your ideology? Or are you completely committed to being an obedient soldier at all costs?

Answer, the Russians are flying their planes so close as to test their weapons that jam our best radar systems. Thus John Kerry is full of shit when he says that this jet could have been shot down, because the ship was helpless as it's computers were all scrambled and radar signals needed for targeting were non existent..............
So when we test nuclear weapons, do we launch them on Russia? If you're going to make up an answer, you have to do better than that junior. That is so weak, even a 9 year old would be better. Nobody (and I mean nobody) tests a weapon or technology by launching it against their enemy. It could kick off a world war and even maniacs like Saddam Hussein realized as much.

Congrats just made the DUMBEST post in USMB history. If you're going to lie and make shit up, you have to at least make it something that is possible.

Bassman has provided a link to this before. So he's not making it up. Not sure on the source though. However it just seems seriously unlikely to me that Russia passed us in technology
You know what seems even exponentially more unlikely? The fact that Russia would test weapons systems or technology in a live scenario against the world's greatest super power.

Exactly. If they did strike on an advancement like that. Why would they possibly tell us?

Doofus, we know when the ships entire radar system goes blank. Thus they do not have to tell us, as we have the useless ships.

Can you think?

Or are you just thinking with the mind of a five year old?
Answer, the Russians are flying their planes so close as to test their weapons that jam our best radar systems. Thus John Kerry is full of shit when he says that this jet could have been shot down, because the ship was helpless as it's computers were all scrambled and radar signals needed for targeting were non existent..............
So when we test nuclear weapons, do we launch them on Russia? If you're going to make up an answer, you have to do better than that junior. That is so weak, even a 9 year old would be better. Nobody (and I mean nobody) tests a weapon or technology by launching it against their enemy. It could kick off a world war and even maniacs like Saddam Hussein realized as much.

Congrats just made the DUMBEST post in USMB history. If you're going to lie and make shit up, you have to at least make it something that is possible.

Bassman has provided a link to this before. So he's not making it up. Not sure on the source though. However it just seems seriously unlikely to me that Russia passed us in technology
You know what seems even exponentially more unlikely? The fact that Russia would test weapons systems or technology in a live scenario against the world's greatest super power.

Exactly. If they did strike on an advancement like that. Why would they possibly tell us?

Doofus, we know when the ships entire radar system goes blank. Thus they do not have to tell us, as we have the useless ships.

Can you think?

Or are you just thinking with the mind of a five year old?

Hey guy, I defended that you did have a link. Not sure I get the insults. I just said it makes no sense to me. If they can black out our ships, why would they let us know that? You didn't actually respond to the point you quoted
So when we test nuclear weapons, do we launch them on Russia? If you're going to make up an answer, you have to do better than that junior. That is so weak, even a 9 year old would be better. Nobody (and I mean nobody) tests a weapon or technology by launching it against their enemy. It could kick off a world war and even maniacs like Saddam Hussein realized as much.

Congrats just made the DUMBEST post in USMB history. If you're going to lie and make shit up, you have to at least make it something that is possible.

Bassman has provided a link to this before. So he's not making it up. Not sure on the source though. However it just seems seriously unlikely to me that Russia passed us in technology
You know what seems even exponentially more unlikely? The fact that Russia would test weapons systems or technology in a live scenario against the world's greatest super power.

Exactly. If they did strike on an advancement like that. Why would they possibly tell us?

Doofus, we know when the ships entire radar system goes blank. Thus they do not have to tell us, as we have the useless ships.

Can you think?

Or are you just thinking with the mind of a five year old?

Hey guy, I defended that you did have a link. Not sure I get the insults. I just said it makes no sense to me. If they can black out our ships, why would they let us know that? You didn't actually respond to the point you quoted
How would they know it would work without a real world test?
So when we test nuclear weapons, do we launch them on Russia? If you're going to make up an answer, you have to do better than that junior. That is so weak, even a 9 year old would be better. Nobody (and I mean nobody) tests a weapon or technology by launching it against their enemy. It could kick off a world war and even maniacs like Saddam Hussein realized as much.

Congrats just made the DUMBEST post in USMB history. If you're going to lie and make shit up, you have to at least make it something that is possible.

Bassman has provided a link to this before. So he's not making it up. Not sure on the source though. However it just seems seriously unlikely to me that Russia passed us in technology
You know what seems even exponentially more unlikely? The fact that Russia would test weapons systems or technology in a live scenario against the world's greatest super power.

Exactly. If they did strike on an advancement like that. Why would they possibly tell us?

Doofus, we know when the ships entire radar system goes blank. Thus they do not have to tell us, as we have the useless ships.

Can you think?

Or are you just thinking with the mind of a five year old?

Hey guy, I defended that you did have a link. Not sure I get the insults. I just said it makes no sense to me. If they can black out our ships, why would they let us know that? You didn't actually respond to the point you quoted

Again simpleton, the Russians can not know if the weapon is effective against our most advanced radar systems, UNTIL THEY TEST THEM AGAINST THOSE SYSTEMS. Thus there is a need for the simulated live conflicts that have been underway. Now do you understand?

perhaps when you are six years old you will be able to grasp the concept.
Again simpleton, the Russians can not know if the weapon is effective against our most advanced radar systems, UNTIL THEY TEST THEM AGAINST THOSE SYSTEMS. Thus there is a need for the simulated live conflicts that have been underway. Now do you understand?

perhaps when you are six years old you will be able to grasp the concept.

Says the ultimate simpleton who thinks nations test weapons systems or technology against their enemies who also happen to be super powers.

Tell me something genius - how would the Russians know that their technology worked and we didn't see them on radar? Did they call the Secretary of Defense afterwards and ask "hey - were you guys able to see us?" :lmao:

Tell me something else super simpleton - if the Russians felt the need to run a test against the world's ultimate super-power (risking major conflict and possibly world war and/or annihilation, and remembering that they have no way to verify if the test was even successful considering they don't know what the U.S. saw or didn't see that day), why not run the test at 8,000 feet above? Why do it were the planes could easily crash, where we are certain to see they are engaging in something (tests, acts of aggression, etc.), and where we could have shot them down?

You truly are a very special kind of stupid, aren't you?
Bassman has provided a link to this before. So he's not making it up. Not sure on the source though. However it just seems seriously unlikely to me that Russia passed us in technology
You know what seems even exponentially more unlikely? The fact that Russia would test weapons systems or technology in a live scenario against the world's greatest super power.

Exactly. If they did strike on an advancement like that. Why would they possibly tell us?

Doofus, we know when the ships entire radar system goes blank. Thus they do not have to tell us, as we have the useless ships.

Can you think?

Or are you just thinking with the mind of a five year old?

Hey guy, I defended that you did have a link. Not sure I get the insults. I just said it makes no sense to me. If they can black out our ships, why would they let us know that? You didn't actually respond to the point you quoted
How would they know it would work without a real world test?

You're Russia and somehow you come up with a weapon that can fry and blind US ships even though the United States is overall light years ahead of you in technology and has been for decades. Do you:

A) Test it as extensively as you can without telling them so you catch them off guard in case you actually need it?

B) Run a test which proves you right and at the same time tells your adversary who is light years ahead of you that you stumbled on a cool trick that you don't need right now so they know they better solve it

A is a no brainer
You know what seems even exponentially more unlikely? The fact that Russia would test weapons systems or technology in a live scenario against the world's greatest super power.

Exactly. If they did strike on an advancement like that. Why would they possibly tell us?

Doofus, we know when the ships entire radar system goes blank. Thus they do not have to tell us, as we have the useless ships.

Can you think?

Or are you just thinking with the mind of a five year old?

Hey guy, I defended that you did have a link. Not sure I get the insults. I just said it makes no sense to me. If they can black out our ships, why would they let us know that? You didn't actually respond to the point you quoted
How would they know it would work without a real world test?

You're Russia and somehow you come up with a weapon that can fry and blind US ships even though the United States is overall light years ahead of you in technology and has been for decades. Do you:

A) Test it as extensively as you can without telling them so you catch them off guard in case you actually need it?

B) Run a test which proves you right and at the same time tells your adversary who is light years ahead of you that you stumbled on a cool trick that you don't need right now so they know they better solve it

A is a no brainer
Excellent point as well. Why would you tip your hand and show your cards when it wasn't necessary? Plus, again, they simply have no way of knowing whether our systems identified them or not. They were no more testing their systems than I am sitting in the Oval Office right now.
  • Thanks
Reactions: kaz
Bassman has provided a link to this before. So he's not making it up. Not sure on the source though. However it just seems seriously unlikely to me that Russia passed us in technology
You know what seems even exponentially more unlikely? The fact that Russia would test weapons systems or technology in a live scenario against the world's greatest super power.

Exactly. If they did strike on an advancement like that. Why would they possibly tell us?

Doofus, we know when the ships entire radar system goes blank. Thus they do not have to tell us, as we have the useless ships.

Can you think?

Or are you just thinking with the mind of a five year old?

Hey guy, I defended that you did have a link. Not sure I get the insults. I just said it makes no sense to me. If they can black out our ships, why would they let us know that? You didn't actually respond to the point you quoted

Again simpleton, the Russians can not know if the weapon is effective against our most advanced radar systems, UNTIL THEY TEST THEM AGAINST THOSE SYSTEMS. Thus there is a need for the simulated live conflicts that have been underway. Now do you understand?

perhaps when you are six years old you will be able to grasp the concept.

You're an angry little guy. On the spectrum, I'm pretty pro you compared to everyone else, and yet you continue to insult me. LOL. Same question I just asked to another poster.

You're Russia and somehow you come up with a weapon that can fry and blind US ships even though the United States is overall light years ahead of you in technology and has been for decades. Do you:

A) Test it as extensively as you can without telling them so you catch them off guard in case you actually need it?

B) Run a test which proves you right and at the same time tells your adversary who is light years ahead of you that you stumbled on a cool trick that you don't need right now so they know they better solve it

A is a no brainer
You know what seems even exponentially more unlikely? The fact that Russia would test weapons systems or technology in a live scenario against the world's greatest super power.

Exactly. If they did strike on an advancement like that. Why would they possibly tell us?

Doofus, we know when the ships entire radar system goes blank. Thus they do not have to tell us, as we have the useless ships.

Can you think?

Or are you just thinking with the mind of a five year old?

Hey guy, I defended that you did have a link. Not sure I get the insults. I just said it makes no sense to me. If they can black out our ships, why would they let us know that? You didn't actually respond to the point you quoted

Again simpleton, the Russians can not know if the weapon is effective against our most advanced radar systems, UNTIL THEY TEST THEM AGAINST THOSE SYSTEMS. Thus there is a need for the simulated live conflicts that have been underway. Now do you understand?

perhaps when you are six years old you will be able to grasp the concept.

You're an angry little guy. On the spectrum, I'm pretty pro you compared to everyone else, and yet you continue to insult me. LOL. Same question I just asked to another poster.

You're Russia and somehow you come up with a weapon that can fry and blind US ships even though the United States is overall light years ahead of you in technology and has been for decades. Do you:

A) Test it as extensively as you can without telling them so you catch them off guard in case you actually need it?

B) Run a test which proves you right and at the same time tells your adversary who is light years ahead of you that you stumbled on a cool trick that you don't need right now so they know they better solve it

A is a no brainer

Google has 129,000 results for Khibini khibiny - Google Search AEGIS Fail in Black SEA, Ruskies Burn Down USS Donald “Duck” | Veterans Today

However in order to understand the 129,000 Google results you will need to be able to read with more than a six year olds mental capacity.

Reading is fundamental, try it.
Exactly. If they did strike on an advancement like that. Why would they possibly tell us?

Doofus, we know when the ships entire radar system goes blank. Thus they do not have to tell us, as we have the useless ships.

Can you think?

Or are you just thinking with the mind of a five year old?

Hey guy, I defended that you did have a link. Not sure I get the insults. I just said it makes no sense to me. If they can black out our ships, why would they let us know that? You didn't actually respond to the point you quoted

Again simpleton, the Russians can not know if the weapon is effective against our most advanced radar systems, UNTIL THEY TEST THEM AGAINST THOSE SYSTEMS. Thus there is a need for the simulated live conflicts that have been underway. Now do you understand?

perhaps when you are six years old you will be able to grasp the concept.

You're an angry little guy. On the spectrum, I'm pretty pro you compared to everyone else, and yet you continue to insult me. LOL. Same question I just asked to another poster.

You're Russia and somehow you come up with a weapon that can fry and blind US ships even though the United States is overall light years ahead of you in technology and has been for decades. Do you:

A) Test it as extensively as you can without telling them so you catch them off guard in case you actually need it?

B) Run a test which proves you right and at the same time tells your adversary who is light years ahead of you that you stumbled on a cool trick that you don't need right now so they know they better solve it

A is a no brainer

Google has 129,000 results for Khibini khibiny - Google Search AEGIS Fail in Black SEA, Ruskies Burn Down USS Donald “Duck” | Veterans Today

However in order to understand the 129,000 Google results you will need to be able to read with more than a six year olds mental capacity.

Reading is fundamental, try it.
Wow....a link to the "Journal for the Clandestine Community". Do you know what is even more "fundamental" than reading junior? Common sense.

The internet is filled with nonsense. Can you provide a link to a reputable news outlet (hell, at this point I'll even accept MSNBC which is the least reputable news outlet in America)?

I asked you two simple questions and I noticed you were incapable of answering either of them. How would the Russians know that their "test" worked since they can't verify it and why wouldn't they run the "test" at 8,000 feet rather than 30 feet?
Exactly. If they did strike on an advancement like that. Why would they possibly tell us?

Doofus, we know when the ships entire radar system goes blank. Thus they do not have to tell us, as we have the useless ships.

Can you think?

Or are you just thinking with the mind of a five year old?

Hey guy, I defended that you did have a link. Not sure I get the insults. I just said it makes no sense to me. If they can black out our ships, why would they let us know that? You didn't actually respond to the point you quoted

Again simpleton, the Russians can not know if the weapon is effective against our most advanced radar systems, UNTIL THEY TEST THEM AGAINST THOSE SYSTEMS. Thus there is a need for the simulated live conflicts that have been underway. Now do you understand?

perhaps when you are six years old you will be able to grasp the concept.

You're an angry little guy. On the spectrum, I'm pretty pro you compared to everyone else, and yet you continue to insult me. LOL. Same question I just asked to another poster.

You're Russia and somehow you come up with a weapon that can fry and blind US ships even though the United States is overall light years ahead of you in technology and has been for decades. Do you:

A) Test it as extensively as you can without telling them so you catch them off guard in case you actually need it?

B) Run a test which proves you right and at the same time tells your adversary who is light years ahead of you that you stumbled on a cool trick that you don't need right now so they know they better solve it

A is a no brainer

Google has 129,000 results for Khibini khibiny - Google Search AEGIS Fail in Black SEA, Ruskies Burn Down USS Donald “Duck” | Veterans Today

However in order to understand the 129,000 Google results you will need to be able to read with more than a six year olds mental capacity.

Reading is fundamental, try it.

LOL, again, you didn't address anything I said ...
Doofus, we know when the ships entire radar system goes blank. Thus they do not have to tell us, as we have the useless ships.

Can you think?

Or are you just thinking with the mind of a five year old?

Hey guy, I defended that you did have a link. Not sure I get the insults. I just said it makes no sense to me. If they can black out our ships, why would they let us know that? You didn't actually respond to the point you quoted

Again simpleton, the Russians can not know if the weapon is effective against our most advanced radar systems, UNTIL THEY TEST THEM AGAINST THOSE SYSTEMS. Thus there is a need for the simulated live conflicts that have been underway. Now do you understand?

perhaps when you are six years old you will be able to grasp the concept.

You're an angry little guy. On the spectrum, I'm pretty pro you compared to everyone else, and yet you continue to insult me. LOL. Same question I just asked to another poster.

You're Russia and somehow you come up with a weapon that can fry and blind US ships even though the United States is overall light years ahead of you in technology and has been for decades. Do you:

A) Test it as extensively as you can without telling them so you catch them off guard in case you actually need it?

B) Run a test which proves you right and at the same time tells your adversary who is light years ahead of you that you stumbled on a cool trick that you don't need right now so they know they better solve it

A is a no brainer

Google has 129,000 results for Khibini khibiny - Google Search AEGIS Fail in Black SEA, Ruskies Burn Down USS Donald “Duck” | Veterans Today

However in order to understand the 129,000 Google results you will need to be able to read with more than a six year olds mental capacity.

Reading is fundamental, try it.

LOL, again, you didn't address anything I said ...

Yes I did, and I have American veterans to back me up. AEGIS Fail in Black SEA, Ruskies Burn Down USS Donald “Duck” | Veterans Today

You are pretending that Russian Jets are not flying over and disabling the best American radar systems. It's rather ignorant as there are hundreds of thousands of references to this. Controlling the airwaves: Russia's electronic warfare systems

What exactly makes your input more important than the Pentagon who acknowledges the existence of this weapon?

Next moronic response.
Doofus, we know when the ships entire radar system goes blank. Thus they do not have to tell us, as we have the useless ships.

Can you think?

Or are you just thinking with the mind of a five year old?

Hey guy, I defended that you did have a link. Not sure I get the insults. I just said it makes no sense to me. If they can black out our ships, why would they let us know that? You didn't actually respond to the point you quoted

Again simpleton, the Russians can not know if the weapon is effective against our most advanced radar systems, UNTIL THEY TEST THEM AGAINST THOSE SYSTEMS. Thus there is a need for the simulated live conflicts that have been underway. Now do you understand?

perhaps when you are six years old you will be able to grasp the concept.

You're an angry little guy. On the spectrum, I'm pretty pro you compared to everyone else, and yet you continue to insult me. LOL. Same question I just asked to another poster.

You're Russia and somehow you come up with a weapon that can fry and blind US ships even though the United States is overall light years ahead of you in technology and has been for decades. Do you:

A) Test it as extensively as you can without telling them so you catch them off guard in case you actually need it?

B) Run a test which proves you right and at the same time tells your adversary who is light years ahead of you that you stumbled on a cool trick that you don't need right now so they know they better solve it

A is a no brainer

Google has 129,000 results for Khibini khibiny - Google Search AEGIS Fail in Black SEA, Ruskies Burn Down USS Donald “Duck” | Veterans Today

However in order to understand the 129,000 Google results you will need to be able to read with more than a six year olds mental capacity.

Reading is fundamental, try it.
Wow....a link to the "Journal for the Clandestine Community". Do you know what is even more "fundamental" than reading junior? Common sense.

The internet is filled with nonsense. Can you provide a link to a reputable news outlet (hell, at this point I'll even accept MSNBC which is the least reputable news outlet in America)?

I asked you two simple questions and I noticed you were incapable of answering either of them. How would the Russians know that their "test" worked since they can't verify it and why wouldn't they run the "test" at 8,000 feet rather than 30 feet?
Controlling the airwaves: Russia's electronic warfare systems

AEGIS Fail in Black SEA, Ruskies Burn Down USS Donald “Duck” | Veterans Today

You are living in a shell, or are a communist traitor...................
Last edited:
Hey guy, I defended that you did have a link. Not sure I get the insults. I just said it makes no sense to me. If they can black out our ships, why would they let us know that? You didn't actually respond to the point you quoted

Again simpleton, the Russians can not know if the weapon is effective against our most advanced radar systems, UNTIL THEY TEST THEM AGAINST THOSE SYSTEMS. Thus there is a need for the simulated live conflicts that have been underway. Now do you understand?

perhaps when you are six years old you will be able to grasp the concept.

You're an angry little guy. On the spectrum, I'm pretty pro you compared to everyone else, and yet you continue to insult me. LOL. Same question I just asked to another poster.

You're Russia and somehow you come up with a weapon that can fry and blind US ships even though the United States is overall light years ahead of you in technology and has been for decades. Do you:

A) Test it as extensively as you can without telling them so you catch them off guard in case you actually need it?

B) Run a test which proves you right and at the same time tells your adversary who is light years ahead of you that you stumbled on a cool trick that you don't need right now so they know they better solve it

A is a no brainer

Google has 129,000 results for Khibini khibiny - Google Search AEGIS Fail in Black SEA, Ruskies Burn Down USS Donald “Duck” | Veterans Today

However in order to understand the 129,000 Google results you will need to be able to read with more than a six year olds mental capacity.

Reading is fundamental, try it.

LOL, again, you didn't address anything I said ...

Yes I did, and I have American veterans to back me up. AEGIS Fail in Black SEA, Ruskies Burn Down USS Donald “Duck” | Veterans Today

You are pretending that Russian Jets are not flying over and disabling the best American radar systems. It's rather ignorant as there are hundreds of thousands of references to this. Controlling the airwaves: Russia's electronic warfare systems

What exactly makes your input more important than the Pentagon who acknowledges the existence of this weapon?

Next moronic response.

I said you provided posts. I said that when others accused you of making it up. You don't seem to be able to follow a discussion.

And again I did not reject your links. I just said they are not conclusive. It's possible, but you don't have proof. I did say though I have a hard time seeing Russia leap frog us in technology and if they did I don't get why they would tell us so we know what we need to do. It was a question, it was not a statement you were wrong.

Seriously, your inability to discern different people in the discussion and our points rather than lumping us all together is getting tired
Hey guy, I defended that you did have a link. Not sure I get the insults. I just said it makes no sense to me. If they can black out our ships, why would they let us know that? You didn't actually respond to the point you quoted

Again simpleton, the Russians can not know if the weapon is effective against our most advanced radar systems, UNTIL THEY TEST THEM AGAINST THOSE SYSTEMS. Thus there is a need for the simulated live conflicts that have been underway. Now do you understand?

perhaps when you are six years old you will be able to grasp the concept.

You're an angry little guy. On the spectrum, I'm pretty pro you compared to everyone else, and yet you continue to insult me. LOL. Same question I just asked to another poster.

You're Russia and somehow you come up with a weapon that can fry and blind US ships even though the United States is overall light years ahead of you in technology and has been for decades. Do you:

A) Test it as extensively as you can without telling them so you catch them off guard in case you actually need it?

B) Run a test which proves you right and at the same time tells your adversary who is light years ahead of you that you stumbled on a cool trick that you don't need right now so they know they better solve it

A is a no brainer

Google has 129,000 results for Khibini khibiny - Google Search AEGIS Fail in Black SEA, Ruskies Burn Down USS Donald “Duck” | Veterans Today

However in order to understand the 129,000 Google results you will need to be able to read with more than a six year olds mental capacity.

Reading is fundamental, try it.
Wow....a link to the "Journal for the Clandestine Community". Do you know what is even more "fundamental" than reading junior? Common sense.

The internet is filled with nonsense. Can you provide a link to a reputable news outlet (hell, at this point I'll even accept MSNBC which is the least reputable news outlet in America)?

I asked you two simple questions and I noticed you were incapable of answering either of them. How would the Russians know that their "test" worked since they can't verify it and why wouldn't they run the "test" at 8,000 feet rather than 30 feet?
Controlling the airwaves: Russia's electronic warfare systems

AEGIS Fail in Black SEA, Ruskies Burn Down USS Donald “Duck” | Veterans Today

You are living in a shell, or are a communist traitor...................

No one had heard of those sources. You could find similar links that Hillary is an alien

And now you link to "Russia Beyond the Headlines" :lmao:

So to summarize - you can't provide a single, reputable source (just amateur sites created by 29 year old tin foil hat people who live in their parents basement) and you can't answer a couple of basic questions. Got it. Case closed.
Well that makes even less sense then. If Putin's "grand scheme" is to go to war with us, we sure as hell better shoot down his jets when they aggressively engage our naval fleet. Or else we're simply sending the message that he's welcome to start the campaign for his grand scheme.

Incidentally - if Putin is afraid of Turkey (which he clearly was since there was no response on his part after Turkey shot down his jets), I can assure you that he'll want no part of the U.S. once we prove to him that we will not back down.

It's amazing, isn't it? They keep making runs at us and the lefties keep going, OMG, we can't respond, that would be WWIII!!!!! Yeah, Putin wants to die, he's just trying to force us into one slip so he can use that to destroy the world. Weakness begets ... what's happening ...

Whats happening? Very funny.

They are screwing around flying planes near ours. Oooh…we’re scared. Actually; just you are.

What is it with conservatives? You guys never seem really happy but when American soldiers, sailors, and airmen are not dying for any reason whatsoever, you guys seem down right depressed.

Seek help.

Well, unlike you Republicans we aren't consumed with fear that OMG, Putin is stepping on our toes, we better not respond or he'll get mad. You right wingers are just a bunch of nutters

I’m a republican? Really, seek help at once.

I'm a republican? Really, seek help at once. You really didn't get that, did you, dim wit?

I must admit I didn't but then again I deal in truth and logic

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