John Kerry: We could have shot the jet down.

Should the Russian jet been shot down prior to reaching our ship?

  • Hell yeah!

  • No

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It's amazing, isn't it? They keep making runs at us and the lefties keep going, OMG, we can't respond, that would be WWIII!!!!! Yeah, Putin wants to die, he's just trying to force us into one slip so he can use that to destroy the world. Weakness begets ... what's happening ...

Whats happening? Very funny.

They are screwing around flying planes near ours. Oooh…we’re scared. Actually; just you are.

What is it with conservatives? You guys never seem really happy but when American soldiers, sailors, and airmen are not dying for any reason whatsoever, you guys seem down right depressed.

Seek help.

Well, unlike you Republicans we aren't consumed with fear that OMG, Putin is stepping on our toes, we better not respond or he'll get mad. You right wingers are just a bunch of nutters

I’m a republican? Really, seek help at once.

I'm a republican? Really, seek help at once. You really didn't get that, did you, dim wit?

I must admit I didn't but then again I deal in truth and logic

Really? OK, so what policy do I have that is Republican and not libertarian, Spock?

And now you link to "Russia Beyond the Headlines" :lmao:

So to summarize - you can't provide a single, reputable source (just amateur sites created by 29 year old tin foil hat people who live in their parents basement) and you can't answer a couple of basic questions. Got it. Case closed.
I suppose these Russian missiles are not real in your aluminum foil hat world either...

Russia's SS-27 Makes Bush's Missile Defense A Fantasy Go back to your cave and pretend that you are king again...........and take your pills
Again simpleton, the Russians can not know if the weapon is effective against our most advanced radar systems, UNTIL THEY TEST THEM AGAINST THOSE SYSTEMS. Thus there is a need for the simulated live conflicts that have been underway. Now do you understand?

perhaps when you are six years old you will be able to grasp the concept.

You're an angry little guy. On the spectrum, I'm pretty pro you compared to everyone else, and yet you continue to insult me. LOL. Same question I just asked to another poster.

You're Russia and somehow you come up with a weapon that can fry and blind US ships even though the United States is overall light years ahead of you in technology and has been for decades. Do you:

A) Test it as extensively as you can without telling them so you catch them off guard in case you actually need it?

B) Run a test which proves you right and at the same time tells your adversary who is light years ahead of you that you stumbled on a cool trick that you don't need right now so they know they better solve it

A is a no brainer

Google has 129,000 results for Khibini khibiny - Google Search AEGIS Fail in Black SEA, Ruskies Burn Down USS Donald “Duck” | Veterans Today

However in order to understand the 129,000 Google results you will need to be able to read with more than a six year olds mental capacity.

Reading is fundamental, try it.
Wow....a link to the "Journal for the Clandestine Community". Do you know what is even more "fundamental" than reading junior? Common sense.

The internet is filled with nonsense. Can you provide a link to a reputable news outlet (hell, at this point I'll even accept MSNBC which is the least reputable news outlet in America)?

I asked you two simple questions and I noticed you were incapable of answering either of them. How would the Russians know that their "test" worked since they can't verify it and why wouldn't they run the "test" at 8,000 feet rather than 30 feet?
Controlling the airwaves: Russia's electronic warfare systems

AEGIS Fail in Black SEA, Ruskies Burn Down USS Donald “Duck” | Veterans Today

You are living in a shell, or are a communist traitor...................

No one had heard of those sources. You could find similar links that Hillary is an alien

The FACT is that Russian jets are flying loops around Air force jets and Navy ships as well, and that there is currently nothing that can stop or target them in the U.S. inventory of weapons, short of an airburst nuke perhaps. donald cook flyby - Google Search I suppose the Navy pictures were taken by aliens too.

Though the Navy could remount some manually operated WW11 era anti aircraft guns and dig up Papi Boyington to fly some Corsairs again.....

Grow up..........
In a true form of protest, one could throw his own medals over they White House fence instead of someone else. "I could have thrown someone else's medals......but I didn[t"
You're an angry little guy. On the spectrum, I'm pretty pro you compared to everyone else, and yet you continue to insult me. LOL. Same question I just asked to another poster.

You're Russia and somehow you come up with a weapon that can fry and blind US ships even though the United States is overall light years ahead of you in technology and has been for decades. Do you:

A) Test it as extensively as you can without telling them so you catch them off guard in case you actually need it?

B) Run a test which proves you right and at the same time tells your adversary who is light years ahead of you that you stumbled on a cool trick that you don't need right now so they know they better solve it

A is a no brainer

Google has 129,000 results for Khibini khibiny - Google Search AEGIS Fail in Black SEA, Ruskies Burn Down USS Donald “Duck” | Veterans Today

However in order to understand the 129,000 Google results you will need to be able to read with more than a six year olds mental capacity.

Reading is fundamental, try it.
Wow....a link to the "Journal for the Clandestine Community". Do you know what is even more "fundamental" than reading junior? Common sense.

The internet is filled with nonsense. Can you provide a link to a reputable news outlet (hell, at this point I'll even accept MSNBC which is the least reputable news outlet in America)?

I asked you two simple questions and I noticed you were incapable of answering either of them. How would the Russians know that their "test" worked since they can't verify it and why wouldn't they run the "test" at 8,000 feet rather than 30 feet?
Controlling the airwaves: Russia's electronic warfare systems

AEGIS Fail in Black SEA, Ruskies Burn Down USS Donald “Duck” | Veterans Today

You are living in a shell, or are a communist traitor...................

No one had heard of those sources. You could find similar links that Hillary is an alien

The FACT is that Russian jets are flying loops around Air force jets and Navy ships as well, and that there is currently nothing that can stop or target them in the U.S. inventory of weapons, short of an airburst nuke perhaps. donald cook flyby - Google Search I suppose the Navy pictures were taken by aliens too.

Though the Navy could remount some manually operated WW11 era anti aircraft guns and dig up Papi Boyington to fly some Corsairs again.....

Grow up..........

That doesn't prove they fried our circuits
Google has 129,000 results for Khibini khibiny - Google Search AEGIS Fail in Black SEA, Ruskies Burn Down USS Donald “Duck” | Veterans Today

However in order to understand the 129,000 Google results you will need to be able to read with more than a six year olds mental capacity.

Reading is fundamental, try it.
Wow....a link to the "Journal for the Clandestine Community". Do you know what is even more "fundamental" than reading junior? Common sense.

The internet is filled with nonsense. Can you provide a link to a reputable news outlet (hell, at this point I'll even accept MSNBC which is the least reputable news outlet in America)?

I asked you two simple questions and I noticed you were incapable of answering either of them. How would the Russians know that their "test" worked since they can't verify it and why wouldn't they run the "test" at 8,000 feet rather than 30 feet?
Controlling the airwaves: Russia's electronic warfare systems

AEGIS Fail in Black SEA, Ruskies Burn Down USS Donald “Duck” | Veterans Today

You are living in a shell, or are a communist traitor...................

No one had heard of those sources. You could find similar links that Hillary is an alien

The FACT is that Russian jets are flying loops around Air force jets and Navy ships as well, and that there is currently nothing that can stop or target them in the U.S. inventory of weapons, short of an airburst nuke perhaps. donald cook flyby - Google Search I suppose the Navy pictures were taken by aliens too.

Though the Navy could remount some manually operated WW11 era anti aircraft guns and dig up Papi Boyington to fly some Corsairs again.....

Grow up..........

That doesn't prove they fried our circuits

I have not heard that circuits were damaged, but radar scrambling has been around for a very long time, and is not new. However having our best systems scrambled and rendered temporarily useless, is concerning.
Wow....a link to the "Journal for the Clandestine Community". Do you know what is even more "fundamental" than reading junior? Common sense.

The internet is filled with nonsense. Can you provide a link to a reputable news outlet (hell, at this point I'll even accept MSNBC which is the least reputable news outlet in America)?

I asked you two simple questions and I noticed you were incapable of answering either of them. How would the Russians know that their "test" worked since they can't verify it and why wouldn't they run the "test" at 8,000 feet rather than 30 feet?
Controlling the airwaves: Russia's electronic warfare systems

AEGIS Fail in Black SEA, Ruskies Burn Down USS Donald “Duck” | Veterans Today

You are living in a shell, or are a communist traitor...................

No one had heard of those sources. You could find similar links that Hillary is an alien

The FACT is that Russian jets are flying loops around Air force jets and Navy ships as well, and that there is currently nothing that can stop or target them in the U.S. inventory of weapons, short of an airburst nuke perhaps. donald cook flyby - Google Search I suppose the Navy pictures were taken by aliens too.

Though the Navy could remount some manually operated WW11 era anti aircraft guns and dig up Papi Boyington to fly some Corsairs again.....

Grow up..........

That doesn't prove they fried our circuits

I have not heard that circuits were damaged, but radar scrambling has been around for a very long time, and is not new. However having our best systems scrambled and rendered temporarily useless, is concerning.

Sure. And if they could do that, why tell us?
Watch out kiddies....there's a much greater chance George Soros will anoint Kerry as The Democrat Party nominee than any fluke might seen Nutty Old Uncle Bernie or Mrs. Rodham-Clinton/Lewinsky in that role.

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