John McCain needs to STFU

Undermining the president by calling Australia to apologize. The man has over stayed his welcome in my government.

Arizona Sen. John McCain calls Australian ambassador after Trump call
Question is, does Trump have a phyucking clue to what he is doing?

Question is, what the fuck is up with you libs and your phonetic spelling? Do you people love looking like illiterate retards???
You seem to have missed the question. Does Trump have a clue to what he is doing?

Of course he does lol. After 8 long years, we finally have a president with a coherent foreign and domestic policy.
Whats his foreign policy other than to piss off Mexico, Australia and Iran

God forbid we pissed off Iran, the worlds' foremost sponsor of terrorism. Trump is putting America first, and liberals hate it. I haven't agreed with everything he's done, but he's done a much better job than I expected thus far.
Question is, does Trump have a phyucking clue to what he is doing?

Question is, what the fuck is up with you libs and your phonetic spelling? Do you people love looking like illiterate retards???
You seem to have missed the question. Does Trump have a clue to what he is doing?

Of course he does lol. After 8 long years, we finally have a president with a coherent foreign and domestic policy.
Whats his foreign policy other than to piss off Mexico, Australia and Iran

God forbid we pissed off Iran, the worlds' foremost sponsor of terrorism. Trump is putting America first, and liberals hate it. I haven't agreed with everything he's done, but he's done a much better job than I expected thus far.
Iran is cooperating fully with our nuclear agreement. Do you want to see that agreement destroyed
Undermining the president by calling Australia to apologize. The man has over stayed his welcome in my government.

Arizona Sen. John McCain calls Australian ambassador after Trump call
Question is, does Trump have a phyucking clue to what he is doing?

Question is, what the fuck is up with you libs and your phonetic spelling? Do you people love looking like illiterate retards???
You seem to have missed the question. Does Trump have a clue to what he is doing?

Of course he does lol. After 8 long years, we finally have a president with a coherent foreign and domestic policy.
Whats his foreign policy other than to piss off Mexico, Australia and Iran
Question is, what the fuck is up with you libs and your phonetic spelling? Do you people love looking like illiterate retards???
You seem to have missed the question. Does Trump have a clue to what he is doing?

Of course he does lol. After 8 long years, we finally have a president with a coherent foreign and domestic policy.
Whats his foreign policy other than to piss off Mexico, Australia and Iran

God forbid we pissed off Iran, the worlds' foremost sponsor of terrorism. Trump is putting America first, and liberals hate it. I haven't agreed with everything he's done, but he's done a much better job than I expected thus far.
Iran is cooperating fully with our nuclear agreement. Do you want to see that agreement destroyed

Lol what? They violated the agreement numerous times already. Are you serious?
You seem to have missed the question. Does Trump have a clue to what he is doing?

Of course he does lol. After 8 long years, we finally have a president with a coherent foreign and domestic policy.
Whats his foreign policy other than to piss off Mexico, Australia and Iran

God forbid we pissed off Iran, the worlds' foremost sponsor of terrorism. Trump is putting America first, and liberals hate it. I haven't agreed with everything he's done, but he's done a much better job than I expected thus far.
Iran is cooperating fully with our nuclear agreement. Do you want to see that agreement destroyed

Lol what? They violated the agreement numerous times already. Are you serious?
When have they violated the agreement? Be specific
Of course he does lol. After 8 long years, we finally have a president with a coherent foreign and domestic policy.
Whats his foreign policy other than to piss off Mexico, Australia and Iran

God forbid we pissed off Iran, the worlds' foremost sponsor of terrorism. Trump is putting America first, and liberals hate it. I haven't agreed with everything he's done, but he's done a much better job than I expected thus far.
Iran is cooperating fully with our nuclear agreement. Do you want to see that agreement destroyed

Lol what? They violated the agreement numerous times already. Are you serious?
When have they violated the agreement? Be specific

The latest case in when they tested intercontinental ballistic missiles last week. But they've broke it numerous times. All you have to do is a quick Google search.
Undermining the president by calling Australia to apologize. The man has over stayed his welcome in my government.

Arizona Sen. John McCain calls Australian ambassador after Trump call

Agreed, he had his shot and didn't have the balls to do what was necessary to win.
Yet you supported him

Yeah, you want to know what I told my wife at the voting location. I told her I was going to hold my nose and vote for commie lite instead of a full blown commie. It got some chuckles form the people around us.
Your kind don't even know what a commie is, but you cover it up with a big mouth

LMAO, you use your labels, I'll use mine. But if you think your dear leader isn't a commie then you don't know who raised and mentored him.
Whats his foreign policy other than to piss off Mexico, Australia and Iran

God forbid we pissed off Iran, the worlds' foremost sponsor of terrorism. Trump is putting America first, and liberals hate it. I haven't agreed with everything he's done, but he's done a much better job than I expected thus far.
Iran is cooperating fully with our nuclear agreement. Do you want to see that agreement destroyed

Lol what? They violated the agreement numerous times already. Are you serious?
When have they violated the agreement? Be specific

The latest case in when they tested intercontinental ballistic missiles last week. But they've broke it numerous times. All you have to do is a quick Google search.
Does that mean to you that we cancel the nuclear agreement, and let them continue their development of atomic weapons
Undermining the president by calling Australia to apologize. The man has over stayed his welcome in my government.

Arizona Sen. John McCain calls Australian ambassador after Trump call

Agreed, he had his shot and didn't have the balls to do what was necessary to win.
Yet you supported him

Yeah, you want to know what I told my wife at the voting location. I told her I was going to hold my nose and vote for commie lite instead of a full blown commie. It got some chuckles form the people around us.
Your kind don't even know what a commie is, but you cover it up with a big mouth

LMAO, you use your labels, I'll use mine. But if you think your dear leader isn't a commie then you don't know who raised and mentored him.
Last I looked he was raised by his mother
God forbid we pissed off Iran, the worlds' foremost sponsor of terrorism. Trump is putting America first, and liberals hate it. I haven't agreed with everything he's done, but he's done a much better job than I expected thus far.
Iran is cooperating fully with our nuclear agreement. Do you want to see that agreement destroyed

Lol what? They violated the agreement numerous times already. Are you serious?
When have they violated the agreement? Be specific

The latest case in when they tested intercontinental ballistic missiles last week. But they've broke it numerous times. All you have to do is a quick Google search.
Does that mean to you that we cancel the nuclear agreement, and let them continue their development of atomic weapons

Listen, the only thing that will stop them from getting nukes is war. The Obama deal doesn't stop them from getting nukes and floods them with cash. If we're not going to go to war with them, at least bring back tough sanctions so they won't be able to fund as much terrorism.
Undermining the president by calling Australia to apologize. The man has over stayed his welcome in my government.

Arizona Sen. John McCain calls Australian ambassador after Trump call
Question is, does Trump have a phyucking clue to what he is doing?

Question is, what the fuck is up with you libs and your phonetic spelling? Do you people love looking like illiterate retards???
You seem to have missed the question. Does Trump have a clue to what he is doing?
If Trump could get rid of this annoying zionist furuncle, that would be great. Hard times making America great again with that furuncle day and night. McCain is nothing compared to that!
Agreed, he had his shot and didn't have the balls to do what was necessary to win.
Yet you supported him

Yeah, you want to know what I told my wife at the voting location. I told her I was going to hold my nose and vote for commie lite instead of a full blown commie. It got some chuckles form the people around us.
Your kind don't even know what a commie is, but you cover it up with a big mouth

LMAO, you use your labels, I'll use mine. But if you think your dear leader isn't a commie then you don't know who raised and mentored him.
Last I looked he was raised by his mother

Wrong, he was mostly raised by his mothers parents, who took him the the red church, and it wasn't named for the color it was painted. His grandparents and parents were commies and his grandfather chose Frank Marshall Davis, a card carrying commie, as his black mentor when they moved to Hawaii. His mother sent him back to his grandparents from Indonesia when she was married to Sotoro because he wasn't radical enough for her taste and didn't want him it influence her son. Maobama himself said he sought out the most radical students and professors in college to associate with. You don't know the man until you know who raised him.
Undermining the president by calling Australia to apologize. The man has over stayed his welcome in my government.

Arizona Sen. John McCain calls Australian ambassador after Trump call
Question is, does Trump have a phyucking clue to what he is doing?
No that's not the question. There is no question. We have one voice abroad and that voice is disseminated from the white house not Arizona

Really? I guess you forgot about this, or just want to pretend it didn't happen.

Letter From Senate Republicans to the Leaders of Iran

A rare direct congressional intervention into diplomatic negotiations, Republicans stated that the leaders of Iran “may not fully understand our constitutional system.” The letter was signed by every Senate Republican except Lamar Alexander and Bob Corker of Tennessee, Dan Coats of Indiana, Thad Cochran of Mississippi, Susan Collins of Maine, Jeff Flake of Arizona and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska. MARCH 9, 2015
Bragging about how big he won.....the election is over. Reminds me of a middle school kid.
McCain is a backstabber, I have lost count of the number of people he's stabbed in the back. A petty small time politician who's butthurt voters rejected him twice for POTUS.
If McCain spoke for the American people, he would have been president. We didn't like you or Hillary, John.
McCain is on the payroll of the Global Elite who would make a lot of money on the war with Russia. McCain is pushing for it to please his masters.

McCain's masters are the voters of Arizona, and he is doing exactly what we want him to do.
Arizona wants a WWIII? How about the rest of the states in the union, do they matter?


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