John "Tokyo Rose" McCain - sang like a canary while in captivity

McCain was a lousy student, a lousy pilot and a lousy politician.
  • virtually last in his class at Annapolis
  • crashed two planes because of poor flying skills, and is said to have been involved in a total of 5 major accidents
  • Was a good friend to Charles Keating, aiding him in one of the biggest banking scandals in recent memory
Fact Checker - McCain fudges his Navy record

John McCain: Make-Believe Maverick - Rolling Stone



He lied about his Native American ancestry.
One of only two sane republicans in Congress. No wonder the Deplorables have their knives out for him.
No sanity permitted in this administration.
Why wouldn't you spew whatever they wanted as a POW? Everyone knows you are doing it under duress.
The neocon canary gets pwnd by another patriotic, American citizen! Then challenges the patriotic, American citizen to run against while he knows the system is rigged and the patriotic, American citizen would have no chance!

Have you served?

Have you? Anybody who'd use the pic of a dead SEAL as cover for the leftist garbage you post has no say here or anywhere.

Yes I served and I bled for this country and I use the avatar of a dead Navy SEAL out of respect for the fact that he died at the hands of a blundering draft dodger who doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground and no one cares enough to ask about an investigation into his death because they are afraid they might be found wrong. I don't care what you think Tom Horn, you are completely meaningless.
Have you served?

Have you? Anybody who'd use the pic of a dead SEAL as cover for the leftist garbage you post has no say here or anywhere.

Yes I served and I bled for this country and I use the avatar of a dead Navy SEAL out of respect for the fact that he died at the hands of a blundering draft dodger who doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground and no one cares enough to ask about an investigation into his death because they are afraid they might be found wrong. I don't care what you think Tom Horn, you are completely meaningless.

Bullshit. You never even thought about enlisting and as to the rest of your panic attack, I am the only one that means anything to you as you read this, you pussy fucking fake.
Have you served?

Have you? Anybody who'd use the pic of a dead SEAL as cover for the leftist garbage you post has no say here or anywhere.

Yes I served and I bled for this country and I use the avatar of a dead Navy SEAL out of respect for the fact that he died at the hands of a blundering draft dodger who doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground and no one cares enough to ask about an investigation into his death because they are afraid they might be found wrong. I don't care what you think Tom Horn, you are completely meaningless.

Bullshit. You never even thought about enlisting and as to the rest of your panic attack, I am the only one that means anything to you as you read this, you pussy fucking fake.

LOL, armchair warrior, no one gives a shit what you think.
Is this real? :p

Homosexual Senator Lindsey, as retard Maxine Waters calls him...

If this is real, these neocon, warmonger, unAmerican Senators need to be arrested for treason immediately.

John McCain said he couldn't respond to the charge of treason and with good reason. He's guilty and he knows it. He has been on the wrong side of every issue for some time now and is a traitor to America and the American people. He should be put on trial for what he has done. John McCain is not only a traitor. He is a liar and I'm glad to see that one man in the audience (in one of your videos) stood up and confronted him about it. As for Lindsey Graham, the Republican party knew he was a homosexual before they endorsed him. The Republican Party is full of quislings. Let us hope that President Trump drains the swamp and soon!
Is this real? :p

Homosexual Senator Lindsey, as retard Maxine Waters calls him...

If this is real, these neocon, warmonger, unAmerican Senators need to be arrested for treason immediately.

John McCain said he couldn't respond to the charge of treason and with good reason. He's guilty and he knows it. He has been on the wrong side of every issue for some time now and is a traitor to America and the American people. He should be put on trial for what he has done. John McCain is not only a traitor. He is a liar and I'm glad to see that one man in the audience (in one of your videos) stood up and confronted him about it. As for Lindsey Graham, the Republican party knew he was a homosexual before they endorsed him. The Republican Party is full of quislings. Let us hope that President Trump drains the swamp and soon!

John McCain is a dinosaur he will be gone soon enough without help from anyone.
Wait a sec, McCain asked Russia to help him when he was running for office in 2008? Can this be real? :p

Russian mission On Fundraising Letter from John McCain Election Campaign, 20 Oct 2008 - WikiLeaks

Russian Mission On Fundraising Letter from John McCain Election Campaign, 20 Oct 2008
Release date
October 20, 2008

20 Oct 2008 statement from the Russian Federation to the United states in relation to an alleged letter from the McCain campaign requesting a financial contribution from Russia:

"We have received a letter from Senator John McCain requesting financial contribution to his Presidential campaign.
In this connection we would like to reiterate that Russian officials, the Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the United Nations or the Russian Government do not finance political activity in foreign countries."
The neocon canary gets pwnd by another patriotic, American citizen! Then challenges the patriotic, American citizen to run against while he knows the system is rigged and the patriotic, American citizen would have no chance!

On the right is a bonified war hero. On the left is a Putin's Puppet's puppet who believes everything a pathological liar tells him.
Only in Deplorable Land!
McCain directly killed more US soldiers than any other soldier! McCain needs to be brought to justice.
McCain directly killed more US soldiers than any other soldier! McCain needs to be brought to justice.
First.... you're full of shit.
2nd... we all know why you say such stupid things. You need to carry Trump's water for saying something even worse.
" I don't like my heroes' captured."
You scumbags are the biggest traitors this country has ever seen.
Even tops Nixon and the burglars.
Wait a sec, McCain asked Russia to help him when he was running for office in 2008? Can this be real? :p

Russian mission On Fundraising Letter from John McCain Election Campaign, 20 Oct 2008 - WikiLeaks

Russian Mission On Fundraising Letter from John McCain Election Campaign, 20 Oct 2008
Release date
October 20, 2008

20 Oct 2008 statement from the Russian Federation to the United states in relation to an alleged letter from the McCain campaign requesting a financial contribution from Russia:

"We have received a letter from Senator John McCain requesting financial contribution to his Presidential campaign.
In this connection we would like to reiterate that Russian officials, the Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the United Nations or the Russian Government do not finance political activity in foreign countries."
Hannity was just busted for lying about this story.. Just like you.

Sean Hannity Flips Out After Getting Busted Sharing Fake News | The Huffington Post

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