John "Tokyo Rose" McCain - sang like a canary while in captivity

He participated in a criminal war. If it is an uncomfortable thought, good, it should be.
It was a controversial war. Again, your assertion McCain is a war criminal is insane.
Insane? Maybe. Definitely anti-American, but that comes from someone who is not only a Marxist and with a long history of racist hatred for the United States, but who supports groups advocating violence against the US.

Black Panther Party

The Black Panther Party for Self-Defense
The fact is that no one in Arizona or in any other state would have heard of McCain if he did not crash a perfectly good jet. So his claim to fame is stupidity, which should not be rewarded.

The moron is too dumb to send an email, he said so and people laughed all the way to the polls
So, according to you, McCain intentionally crashed in North Vietnam. Fascinating! Any links?
Should every person who graduated last in their class, and made dumb decisions that ended up in broken arms become a Senator?

Grow up kid
No, but your straw man argument indicates either a lack of intelligence, education and/or a strong political bias. Which is it?

Feel free to quote me where I said McCains war record makes him correct today or deserves to be Senator. Just one quote is fine.

FWIW, I think he should have retired in 2000 after his failed Presidential bid. His actions afterwards indicated he was increasingly desperate to remain in office. Not good for a Senator. He would be better as an elder Statesman.
[QUOTE="Coyote, post: 16627673, member: 1]If you don't like war, then blame the effing politicians who sent our men and women to war, don't blame the soldiers.[/QUOTE]

We are all complicit in some way in the actions of our government. Lots of blame to go around.
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Being a "maverick", a showboater, John McCain wet started his jet, causing a missile to launch on the Forrestal, killing 134 American sailors.

John McCain's legendary father made sure he got many undeserved breaks in life

McCain's father got him into the Naval Academy.

John McCain finished 894th out of 899 at the Naval Academy.

The real history of John McCain has been greatly revised by globalists due to his being one of their top puppets.

Read more about THE REAL John McCain:

Ben Garrison Cartoon Blog
Surely YOU aren't interested in revisioning McCain...nope NOT YOU, you just want fair and balanced story on McCain. :rolleyes:

Not a fan of McCain's politics, but I prefer truth.

The "wet-start" accusation is bullshit; unless you want to believe that the Navy trashed another carrier deck (or Hollywood'ed one up) just to save his ass, in which case you're free to believe whaatevver you want... See video footage from the deck at 3:20ish I see no "wet-start" setting that rocket off.

That's correct:

No 'Wet Start'

A special note is in order here. We have seen some baseless claims that McCain was somehow responsible for the Forrestal disaster. One incorrect but widely quoted theory has him triggering the Zuni missile with the exhaust of his own plane by "wet-starting" – deliberately dumping fuel into the afterburner before starting in order to shoot a large flame from the tail of the aircraft. This is a preposterous notion. For one thing, A-4 jets flew at subsonic speeds and were not equipped with afterburners. According to the Military Analysis Network site maintained by the Federation of American Scientists, the A-4 was powered by a "Single, Pratt & Whitney, J-52-P-408A non-afterburning, turbojet engine." The manufacturer's description of the aircraft also describes the powerplant as "One 11,187-pound-thrust P&W J52-P408 engine," with no mention of an afterburner.

And while pilots tell us that a “wet start” is possible even without an afterburner, the theory fails for another reason. The tail of McCain's plane was pointed over the side of the carrier and away from other planes at the time, and the F4 Phantom fighter that fired the missile was facing McCain's plane from the opposite side of the deck, as shown in Caiella’s diagram, in other diagrams, and in Navy film of the fire.

McCain’s Plane Crashes
Does anyone know of any POW held by N. Vietnam that did not succumb to torture? What is his name?

I'll bet you would lick Trump's ass if he asked you too. Here you are trying to defend your own ignorance by making Trump the poster boy of the Republican party, by attacking a REAL hero of this country, compared to Trump who stated in his book: "That his personal Viet Nam was sleeping around with married women while avoiding STD's. Of course one of his supporters did finally give him a purple heart for that.
Draft-Dodger Trump Said Sleeping Around Was My ‘Personal Vietnam’

You're going to be required to defend your ignorance for quite some time. Right now, we know that Trump campaign aids were in contact with high level Russian officials at the same time they were hacking into DNC databases. Collusion with a Foreign Adversary to interfere into an American National election is TREASON. Here is Shep Smith of FOX NEWS describing that for you.


As far as I am concerned you're defending a Traitor of this country, while trashing a true Patriot, John McCain.


You people deserve every fucking thing coming your way. I am going to enjoy every single second of it.
Trump-Russia 'exhaustive' investigation needed following Flynn resignation, says GOP Senate Intel Member -
Senate Committee May Use Subpoenas in Russian Hacking Investigation

There's a time when you put COUNTRY FIRST, over Partisan politics, and now is that time.

Wow, someone is cranky.

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