John "Tokyo Rose" McCain - sang like a canary while in captivity

Shame on you people posting crap like this. He's a war hero and deserves to be treated like one, not this bullshit. He put his life on the line to give you the freedoms you have now, so go fuck yourself for posting this crap.

Yo dingle berry

The mother fucker wants to bomb Iran , Russia and every fucking country on the face of mother earth,

He may be a hero to you but not to those who have a brain.

The motherfucker is always seeking to involve us in a fight but when he was caught acted like a little girl.

So much for supporting our military, eh?
Ahh, so you are both unpatriotic and anti-American. Thanks for the clarification.
Don't misconstrue your jingoism for patriotism. The war was illegal and immoral.
What's not clear is why you dodged the rest of my post:
I didn't, I told you I didn't give a fuck about your opinion.

Do you even understand that when someone signs up for the military, they do what they are told. If you want to be pissed about Viet Nam, be pissed at the Presidents of the U.S. that put them there, not the fucking soldiers that fought the war.
I didn't read this thread, but anyone slamming McCain for what he did as a POW is misguided to be polite.

Yes, Trump was wrong to bash McCain about his service. However, that doesn't mean I wanted Hillary to be POTUS.
Absolutely, the poster is a chicken-hawk
The guy was tortured. I dont begrudge anything he might say under those circumstances.
But I also believe that eliminates him from further political opinions that may influence policy.
Go off into the sunset with what little dignity you have left John......
Ahh, so you are both unpatriotic and anti-American. Thanks for the clarification.
Don't misconstrue your jingoism for patriotism. The war was illegal and immoral.
What's not clear is why you dodged the rest of my post:
I didn't, I told you I didn't give a fuck about your opinion.

Do you even understand that when someone signs up for the military, they do what they are told. If you want to be pissed about Viet Nam, be pissed at the Presidents of the U.S. that put them there, not the fucking soldiers that fought the war.
I understand that people join the military for differing reasons. I understand how the system works once you are in. I don't blame McCain for the war. I'm not going to celebrate his participation in an illegal (fact) and immoral war. What the US did was criminal and soldiers participated. No sense in downplaying it.
Ahh, so you are both unpatriotic and anti-American. Thanks for the clarification.
Don't misconstrue your jingoism for patriotism. The war was illegal and immoral.
What's not clear is why you dodged the rest of my post:
I didn't, I told you I didn't give a fuck about your opinion.

Do you even understand that when someone signs up for the military, they do what they are told. If you want to be pissed about Viet Nam, be pissed at the Presidents of the U.S. that put them there, not the fucking soldiers that fought the war.
I understand that people join the military for differing reasons. I understand how the system works once you are in. I don't blame McCain for the war. I'm not going to celebrate his participation in an illegal (fact) and immoral war. What the US did was criminal and soldiers participated. No sense in downplaying it.

You've said multiple times in this thread that he is a war criminal for fighting in Viet Nam... he was just doing his job and fulfilling his pledge he took to his country when he joined.
Ahh, so you are both unpatriotic and anti-American. Thanks for the clarification.
Don't misconstrue your jingoism for patriotism. The war was illegal and immoral.
What's not clear is why you dodged the rest of my post:
I didn't, I told you I didn't give a fuck about your opinion.

Do you even understand that when someone signs up for the military, they do what they are told. If you want to be pissed about Viet Nam, be pissed at the Presidents of the U.S. that put them there, not the fucking soldiers that fought the war.
I understand that people join the military for differing reasons. I understand how the system works once you are in. I don't blame McCain for the war. I'm not going to celebrate his participation in an illegal (fact) and immoral war. What the US did was criminal and soldiers participated. No sense in downplaying it.

You've said multiple times in this thread that he is a war criminal for fighting in Viet Nam... he was just doing his job and fulfilling his pledge he took to his country when he joined.
He participated in a criminal war. If it is an uncomfortable thought, good, it should be.
Ahh, so you are both unpatriotic and anti-American. Thanks for the clarification.
Don't misconstrue your jingoism for patriotism. The war was illegal and immoral.
What's not clear is why you dodged the rest of my post:
I didn't, I told you I didn't give a fuck about your opinion.

Do you even understand that when someone signs up for the military, they do what they are told. If you want to be pissed about Viet Nam, be pissed at the Presidents of the U.S. that put them there, not the fucking soldiers that fought the war.
I understand that people join the military for differing reasons. I understand how the system works once you are in. I don't blame McCain for the war. I'm not going to celebrate his participation in an illegal (fact) and immoral war. What the US did was criminal and soldiers participated. No sense in downplaying it.

You've said multiple times in this thread that he is a war criminal for fighting in Viet Nam... he was just doing his job and fulfilling his pledge he took to his country when he joined.
He participated in a criminal war. If it is an uncomfortable thought, good, it should be.

It was a controversial war. Again, your assertion McCain is a war criminal is insane.
Ahh, so you are both unpatriotic and anti-American. Thanks for the clarification.
Don't misconstrue your jingoism for patriotism. The war was illegal and immoral.
What's not clear is why you dodged the rest of my post:
I didn't, I told you I didn't give a fuck about your opinion.

Do you even understand that when someone signs up for the military, they do what they are told. If you want to be pissed about Viet Nam, be pissed at the Presidents of the U.S. that put them there, not the fucking soldiers that fought the war.
I understand that people join the military for differing reasons. I understand how the system works once you are in. I don't blame McCain for the war. I'm not going to celebrate his participation in an illegal (fact) and immoral war. What the US did was criminal and soldiers participated. No sense in downplaying it.

You've said multiple times in this thread that he is a war criminal for fighting in Viet Nam... he was just doing his job and fulfilling his pledge he took to his country when he joined.
He participated in a criminal war. If it is an uncomfortable thought, good, it should be.

Have you served?
If you don't like war, then blame the effing politicians who sent our men and women to war, don't blame the soldiers.
John McCain's "Tokyo Rose" Propaganda Broadcast---Now Found and Released!



I'm not even going to watch this as it doesn't really matter what its contents are. it is clear you have never been in the military and have never received briefings on your Code of Conduct regarding capture.

In the military, you are told that you generally want to comply with what is asked of you from your captors. Now, this doesn't mean you pick up a gun and join their still want to resist, and look for obvious ways to escape. However, you are also not supposed to be blatantly disruptive and, if told to be recorded, largely go along with their script while trying to depress their overall message subversively (chances are they won't speak great English, so you can use nuances in our language to convey a slightly altered meaning). The reasoning for this is two-fold. First of all, we are supposed to act honorably, as an American...which doesn't entail acting like a little snot. Secondly, you should both trust them to uphold the Geneva conventions, which requires them to act in a certain manner regarding POWs, and value your own life. If you go too far out of your way to make life difficult for your are just going to get yourself killed...or tortured and then killed...which is a lose-lose scenario for both sides.

Before you disrespect America, our military, and men who have done more than you and suffered more than you ever will to defend your freedoms, please...think before you post.
Shame on you people posting crap like this. He's a war hero and deserves to be treated like one, not this bullshit. He put his life on the line to give you the freedoms you have now, so go fuck yourself for posting this crap.
He was a war criminal and admitted as much on that recording.

He was tortured for that response. I could torture you to capitulate to anything I wanted you to say in less than 30 minutes and that's being gentle.
He was there taking part in an illegal and immoral war of aggression.

Exactly, and he wants to continue taking part in illegal wars of aggression.

The Motherfucker wants to attack Iran even though that country has DONE NOTHING TO THE US.

Ahh when McCain was the Republican nominee for President he was a great man and a war hero, when he speaks the truth about Trump shit like this comes out and he's a horrible person. Funny to watch the Republican party cannibalize their own people.

McCain was a war hero who was tortured in ways people here will never understand and would not leave until his fellow POWs were released. Fuck you people who want to sit here and say bad shit about him, and fuck you twice to the people here who used to praise him before he started to tell the truth about Trump. It just shows you have zero loyalty for people, and the fact you would rather support a draft dodging piece of shit liar, over a man who put his life on the line for your freedoms and whom continued to suffer as a POW in support of his fellow soldiers... you are in the same category as a flag burner in my opinion.

he started to tell the truth about Trump


What "truth" about DJT?

Shame on you people posting crap like this. He's a war hero and deserves to be treated like one, not this bullshit. He put his life on the line to give you the freedoms you have now, so go fuck yourself for posting this crap.
He was a war criminal and admitted as much on that recording.

He was tortured for that response. I could torture you to capitulate to anything I wanted you to say in less than 30 minutes and that's being gentle.
He was there taking part in an illegal and immoral war of aggression.

Exactly, and he wants to continue taking part in illegal wars of aggression.

The Motherfucker wants to attack Iran even though that country has DONE NOTHING TO THE US.


Your fucking ignorance is like a supernova it's so noticeable. Who do you think was behind the Marine Barracks bombing in Lebanon that killed 241 Marines and 58 French special forces? Iran that's who, who do you think is behind Hezbollah? Iran you dummy, they are more responsible for state sponsored terror than any other nation. Fool

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