John "Tokyo Rose" McCain - sang like a canary while in captivity

Shame on you people posting crap like this. He's a war hero and deserves to be treated like one, not this bullshit. He put his life on the line to give you the freedoms you have now, so go fuck yourself for posting this crap.

This guy fought a presidential campaign against Democrats...

Obama showed him respect:
Obama Defends McCain's Military Service

And I must McCain showed the same back:
McCain: Obama not an Arab, crowd boos

But he questions the Trump and they pull this crap out... This is not a GOP thing this is an asshole thing... Mc Cain is showing he has too much class for that party...
John McCain's "Tokyo Rose" Propaganda Broadcast---Now Found and Released!



John McCain almost certainly endured more pain, more privation, more continuous feelings of hopelessness, more minute-to-minute hardship in any given week spanning a period of five full years than you've ever experienced in your entire life all added up together. Many, if not most, men would be broken by such experiences, and it would be understandable if they could never consistently truly function in society after that. But McCain rose like a victorious Phoenix from those ashes. I bet you couldn't even take one single waterboarding before crying like a baby. You're not even fit to clean the oil spill off McCain's driveway.
Shame on you people posting crap like this. He's a war hero and deserves to be treated like one, not this bullshit. He put his life on the line to give you the freedoms you have now, so go fuck yourself for posting this crap.
He is a war hero only because his father got the Naval Academy to not toss him to the curb. McCain graduated last in his class because he is stupid, he flew a perfectly good jet into a missile because he was and is stupid. How many pilots took off that day and did not fly into a missile, thus we do not know their names because they were reasonably smart.
His service in Vietnam does nothing to impress me, he went to war and he paid the cost. Many, many more paid the ultimate cost.

I didn't broach the subject but I was interested to hear the recording.
Did your service record include two broken arms, a broke leg, being captured, bayoneted and tortured for five years? Yes, many Americans did pay the ultimate price but to claim the hundreds of POWs who honorably endured such tortures at NVA POW camps isn't impressive to you is not only sad, but unpatriotic and unAmerican, IMHO.

What John McCain Went Through as a POW

EDIT: IIRC you aren't an American, so your anti-American feelings stand out more clearly.
He is a war hero only because his father got the Naval Academy to not toss him to the curb. McCain graduated last in his class because he is stupid, he flew a perfectly good jet into a missile because he was and is stupid. How many pilots took off that day and did not fly into a missile, thus we do not know their names because they were reasonably smart.
And a drunk.
His service in Vietnam does nothing to impress me, he went to war and he paid the cost. Many, many more paid the ultimate cost.

I didn't broach the subject but I was interested to hear the recording.
Did your service record include two broken arms, a broke leg, being captured, bayoneted and tortured for five years? Yes, many Americans did pay the ultimate price but to claim state the hundreds of POWs who honorably endured such tortures at NVA POW camps isn't impressive to you is not only sad, but unpatriotic and unAmerican, IMHO.

What John McCain Went Through as a POW
I couldn't give a fuck what you think. The war was illegal and immoral. I'm not gonna celebrate McCain for his participation.
I didn't read this thread, but anyone slamming McCain for what he did as a POW is misguided to be polite.

Yes, Trump was wrong to bash McCain about his service. However, that doesn't mean I wanted Hillary to be POTUS.
EDIT: IIRC you aren't an American, so your anti-American feelings stand out more clearly.
You don't recall correctly, I am American.
Ahh, so you are both unpatriotic and anti-American. Thanks for the clarification.

What's not clear is why you dodged the rest of my post:

Did your service record include two broken arms, a broke leg, being captured, bayoneted and tortured for five years? Yes, many Americans did pay the ultimate price but to claim the hundreds of POWs who honorably endured such tortures at NVA POW camps isn't impressive to you is not only sad, but unpatriotic and unAmerican, IMHO.

What John McCain Went Through as a POW

EDIT: IIRC you aren't an American, so your anti-American feelings stand out more clearly.
I didn't read this thread, but anyone slamming McCain for what he did as a POW is misguided to be polite.

Yes, Trump was wrong to bash McCain about his service. However, that doesn't mean I wanted Hillary to be POTUS.
Agreed on all counts. No matter how fucked up Trump may be, he's still better than Hillary.

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