John "Tokyo Rose" McCain - sang like a canary while in captivity

McCain is being a dick, just like he was when Bush beat him he holds a grudge and takes shots at the president this is nothing new for him.

All Americans have the right to speak against the president, even those who agree with him can knock him. Taking a decorated veteran and dropping him in the sewer because you're mad at him is wrong and not American.

Still not interested in your lib opinion, still not buying your McCain defender act either. Nothing funnier than a liberal trying to be clever. :laugh:

John McCain was tortured for defending his country and willfully extended his stay so that others could go early. He continued to be tortured and lived like hell for five years by prolonging his imprisonment. He could have been killed at any time and all you have to say about that is bunk. Go to hell you UN American piece of shit.
Notice the flood of ad hominem attacks on McCain? That's because the people who don't like what McCain has said of late simply can't refute what McCain has said of late.

Weren't you trashing old Open Borders back in 2008?

You know you were.

I'm a liberal. I don't support conservatives for positions of power.

I'm not surprised you're too retarded to understand that.
McCain is being a dick, just like he was when Bush beat him he holds a grudge and takes shots at the president this is nothing new for him.

All Americans have the right to speak against the president, even those who agree with him can knock him. Taking a decorated veteran and dropping him in the sewer because you're mad at him is wrong and not American.

Still not interested in your lib opinion, still not buying your McCain defender act either. Nothing funnier than a liberal trying to be clever. :laugh:

John McCain was tortured for defending his country and willfully extended his stay so that others could go early. He continued to be tortured and lived like hell for five years by prolonging his imprisonment. He could have been killed at any time all all you have to say about that is bunk. Go to hell you UN American piece of shit.

^^^ fake outrage, fake post, fake poster.
Notice the flood of ad hominem attacks on McCain? That's because the people who don't like what McCain has said of late simply can't refute what McCain has said of late.

Weren't you trashing old Open Borders back in 2008?

You know you were.

I'm a liberal. I don't support conservatives for positions of power.

I'm not surprised you're too retarded to understand that.

Are you an average liberal or one of those flaming militant liberals who hates America and burns our flag?
McCain is being a dick, just like he was when Bush beat him he holds a grudge and takes shots at the president this is nothing new for him.

All Americans have the right to speak against the president, even those who agree with him can knock him. Taking a decorated veteran and dropping him in the sewer because you're mad at him is wrong and not American.

Still not interested in your lib opinion, still not buying your McCain defender act either. Nothing funnier than a liberal trying to be clever. :laugh:

John McCain was tortured for defending his country and willfully extended his stay so that others could go early. He continued to be tortured and lived like hell for five years by prolonging his imprisonment. He could have been killed at any time all all you have to say about that is bunk. Go to hell you UN American piece of shit.

^^^ fake outrage, fake post, fake poster.

Fake duty, Fake honor, Fake sacrifice, Fake American,

Too many of the fucks here think real life is like the movies where Stallone or other actors can take being tortured and never say anything.

On September 9, 1965, Navy Cmdr. James Bond Stockdale was flying his A-4 Skyhawk on a mission over North Vietnam, just days after the Gulf of Tonkin incident, when his plane took fire and hurtled down. Forced to eject with seconds to spare, he landed with severe injuries: his left leg bent sideways by 60 degrees and his kneecap smashed; his left shoulder dislocated, rendering his arm useless; his back, he thought, likely was broken.

Stockdale was quickly discovered by villagers, who beat him and dragged him through the streets until he was delivered to his ultimate destination: the Hoa Lo prison, or, as it was derisively known among the American POWs held there, the Hanoi Hilton.

Twenty-five months later, Stockdale — who, as CAG (Commander of the Air Group) was the highest-ranking naval officer in captivity — would be moved, along with 10 other American POWs, to an even more remote prison site they called Alcatraz.

Together, these men were regarded by the Vietnamese as the most dangerous, subversive and indestructible Americans they had ever encountered. Their plan: By isolating them from the other POWs — and each other — they would finally maintain some control over these most insolent American soldiers.

Things did not go according to plan.}
John McCain's "Tokyo Rose" Propaganda Broadcast---Now Found and Released!



Just a brief reminder:

Prisoner of war
McCain's capture and subsequent imprisonment began on October 26, 1967. He was flying his 23rd bombing mission over North Vietnam when his A-4E Skyhawk was shot down by a missile over Hanoi.[34][35] McCain fractured both arms and a leg ejecting from the aircraft,[36] and nearly drowned when he parachuted into Trúc Bạch Lake.[34] Some North Vietnamese pulled him ashore, then others crushed his shoulder with a rifle butt and bayoneted him.[34]McCain was then transported to Hanoi's main Hỏa Lò Prison, nicknamed the "Hanoi Hilton".[35]

Although McCain was badly wounded, his captors refused to treat his injuries, beating and interrogating him to get information; he was given medical care only when the North Vietnamese discovered that his father was a high-ranking admiral.[37] His status as a prisoner of war (POW) made the front pages of major newspapers.[38][39]

McCain spent six weeks in the hospital while receiving marginal care.[34] By then having lost 50 pounds (23 kg), in a chest cast, and with his gray hair turned white as snow,[34] McCain was sent to a different camp on the outskirts of Hanoi[40] in December 1967, into a cell with two other Americans who did not expect him to live a week.[41] In March 1968, McCain was put into solitary confinement, where he would remain for two years.[42]

Too many of the fucks here think real life is like the movies where Stallone or other actors can take being tortured and never say anything.

On September 9, 1965, Navy Cmdr. James Bond Stockdale was flying his A-4 Skyhawk on a mission over North Vietnam, just days after the Gulf of Tonkin incident, when his plane took fire and hurtled down. Forced to eject with seconds to spare, he landed with severe injuries: his left leg bent sideways by 60 degrees and his kneecap smashed; his left shoulder dislocated, rendering his arm useless; his back, he thought, likely was broken.

Stockdale was quickly discovered by villagers, who beat him and dragged him through the streets until he was delivered to his ultimate destination: the Hoa Lo prison, or, as it was derisively known among the American POWs held there, the Hanoi Hilton.

Twenty-five months later, Stockdale — who, as CAG (Commander of the Air Group) was the highest-ranking naval officer in captivity — would be moved, along with 10 other American POWs, to an even more remote prison site they called Alcatraz.

Together, these men were regarded by the Vietnamese as the most dangerous, subversive and indestructible Americans they had ever encountered. Their plan: By isolating them from the other POWs — and each other — they would finally maintain some control over these most insolent American soldiers.

Things did not go according to plan.}

John McCain still has scars from his 5 year captivity and his arms were bound so tightly and for so long he cannot raise his arms above his head, you have no idea of the horror those men shared. The experience those men went through was different for every single one so when you talk authoritatively and try to interject a point that you read you have no idea of the pain, sacrifice, and complete misery those men went through. So for you to try and paint McCain anything less than heroic is pitiful because you can simply not know the depth of their sacrifice. You should be ashamed.

Written on a wall at Hanoi Hilton: “Freedom has a taste to it to those who fight and almost die that the protected will never know.”
Shame on you people posting crap like this. He's a war hero and deserves to be treated like one, not this bullshit. He put his life on the line to give you the freedoms you have now, so go fuck yourself for posting this crap.
War hero's don't get shot down and captured.


During basic training at Fort Dix NJ (1968) we were told to disclose our name , rank and serial number.

In that audio tape Pussy John sounded like he would have given Hồ Chí Minh a blow job.




You would too under torture. let me slip some bamboo under your fingernails before I pull them out, you'd suck Obama's dick by the time I was done with you.

Yo Juan

You keep missing the point

I am anti-war

I support my president's decision to befriend Putin. I do no want Iran threatened.

You, on the other hand , are a neocrazy. You want to place our GI's in a position where they could be killed or tortured.

But now that you admit that if captured you will suck dick , then it explains that you love war because you are a latent homo.



Just a brief reminder:

Prisoner of war
McCain's capture and subsequent imprisonment began on October 26, 1967. He was flying his 23rd bombing mission over North Vietnam when his A-4E Skyhawk was shot down by a missile over Hanoi.[34][35] McCain fractured both arms and a leg ejecting from the aircraft,[36] and nearly drowned when he parachuted into Trúc Bạch Lake.[34] Some North Vietnamese pulled him ashore, then others crushed his shoulder with a rifle butt and bayoneted him.[34]McCain was then transported to Hanoi's main Hỏa Lò Prison, nicknamed the "Hanoi Hilton".[35]

Although McCain was badly wounded, his captors refused to treat his injuries, beating and interrogating him to get information; he was given medical care only when the North Vietnamese discovered that his father was a high-ranking admiral.[37] His status as a prisoner of war (POW) made the front pages of major newspapers.[38][39]

McCain spent six weeks in the hospital while receiving marginal care.[34] By then having lost 50 pounds (23 kg), in a chest cast, and with his gray hair turned white as snow,[34] McCain was sent to a different camp on the outskirts of Hanoi[40] in December 1967, into a cell with two other Americans who did not expect him to live a week.[41] In March 1968, McCain was put into solitary confinement, where he would remain for two years.[42]

McCain in 1976, 3 years after release

While Donald Trump was counting his blessings and going to Studio 54 later that night.
Notice the flood of ad hominem attacks on McCain? That's because the people who don't like what McCain has said of late simply can't refute what McCain has said of late.

Weren't you trashing old Open Borders back in 2008?

You know you were.

I'm a liberal. I don't support conservatives for positions of power.

I'm not surprised you're too retarded to understand that.

You're no liberal, you're a Stalinist.

But you do admit that you were trashing McCain in 2008 and ONLY spew this shit now because of blind partisan hatred of Trump.

Too many of the fucks here think real life is like the movies where Stallone or other actors can take being tortured and never say anything.

On September 9, 1965, Navy Cmdr. James Bond Stockdale was flying his A-4 Skyhawk on a mission over North Vietnam, just days after the Gulf of Tonkin incident, when his plane took fire and hurtled down. Forced to eject with seconds to spare, he landed with severe injuries: his left leg bent sideways by 60 degrees and his kneecap smashed; his left shoulder dislocated, rendering his arm useless; his back, he thought, likely was broken.

Stockdale was quickly discovered by villagers, who beat him and dragged him through the streets until he was delivered to his ultimate destination: the Hoa Lo prison, or, as it was derisively known among the American POWs held there, the Hanoi Hilton.

Twenty-five months later, Stockdale — who, as CAG (Commander of the Air Group) was the highest-ranking naval officer in captivity — would be moved, along with 10 other American POWs, to an even more remote prison site they called Alcatraz.

Together, these men were regarded by the Vietnamese as the most dangerous, subversive and indestructible Americans they had ever encountered. Their plan: By isolating them from the other POWs — and each other — they would finally maintain some control over these most insolent American soldiers.

Things did not go according to plan.}

John McCain still has scars from his 5 year captivity and his arms were bound so tightly and for so long he cannot raise his arms above his head, you have no idea of the horror those men shared. The experience those men went through was different for every single one so when you talk authoritatively and try to interject a point that you read you have no idea of the pain, sacrifice, and complete misery those men went through. So for you to try and paint McCain anything less than heroic is pitiful because you can simply not know the depth of their sacrifice. You should be ashamed.

Written on a wall at Hanoi Hilton: “Freedom has a taste to it to those who fight and almost die that the protected will never know.”

The morale of the story is AVOID WAR

But the motherfucker is the worst warmonger.

Notice the flood of ad hominem attacks on McCain? That's because the people who don't like what McCain has said of late simply can't refute what McCain has said of late.

Weren't you trashing old Open Borders back in 2008?

You know you were.

I'm a liberal. I don't support conservatives for positions of power.

I'm not surprised you're too retarded to understand that.

You're no liberal, you're a Stalinist.

But you do admit that you were trashing McCain in 2008 and ONLY spew this shit now because of blind partisan hatred of Trump.


They are hoping that McCain will help bring OUR PRESIDENT down.

Shame on you people posting crap like this. He's a war hero and deserves to be treated like one, not this bullshit. He put his life on the line to give you the freedoms you have now, so go fuck yourself for posting this crap.
War hero's don't get shot down and captured.


During basic training at Fort Dix NJ (1968) we were told to disclose our name , rank and serial number.

In that audio tape Pussy John sounded like he would have given Hồ Chí Minh a blow job.




You would too under torture. let me slip some bamboo under your fingernails before I pull them out, you'd suck Obama's dick by the time I was done with you.

Yo Juan

You keep missing the point

I am anti-war

I support my president's decision to befriend Putin. I do no want Iran threatened.

You, on the other hand , are a neocrazy. You want to place our GI's in a position where they could be killed or tortured.

But now that you admit that if captured you will suck dick , then it explains that you love war because you are a latent homo.



You're a treasonous bastard Contumacious. You are not anti-war you're a blood sucking rightie where war is good and life is cheap. One thing you can be sure is that even torture will not make me like you.
Shame on you people posting crap like this. He's a war hero and deserves to be treated like one, not this bullshit. He put his life on the line to give you the freedoms you have now, so go fuck yourself for posting this crap.
War hero's don't get shot down and captured.


During basic training at Fort Dix NJ (1968) we were told to disclose our name , rank and serial number.

In that audio tape Pussy John sounded like he would have given Hồ Chí Minh a blow job.




You would too under torture. let me slip some bamboo under your fingernails before I pull them out, you'd suck Obama's dick by the time I was done with you.

Yo Juan

You keep missing the point

I am anti-war

I support my president's decision to befriend Putin. I do no want Iran threatened.

You, on the other hand , are a neocrazy. You want to place our GI's in a position where they could be killed or tortured.

But now that you admit that if captured you will suck dick , then it explains that you love war because you are a latent homo.



You're a treasonous bastard Contumacious. You are not anti-war you're a blood sucking rightie where war is good and life is cheap. One thing you can be sure is that even torture will not make me like you.

Oye mamabicho

identify the post wherein I supported any war.


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