John "Tokyo Rose" McCain - sang like a canary while in captivity

Before you disrespect America, our military, and men who have done more than you and suffered more than you ever will to defend your freedoms, please...think before you post.

McCain killed over 130 American military defending his own ego. The douchebag was saved by North Vietnamese and was cared for partly because they knew his father was an Admiral.

My grandfather, a Dutch civilian and engineer living in Indonesia captured by the Japs in WWII spent 3 1/2 years in a Jap concentration camp. He never made a propaganda film. He did say the prison guards became very accommodating after Fat Man and Little Boy landed though.
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The guy was tortured. I dont begrudge anything he might say under those circumstances.
But I also believe that eliminates him from further political opinions that may influence policy.
Go off into the sunset with what little dignity you have left John......

You think you have dignity? Hell no!

You dont know me milk toast.
Before you disrespect America, our military, and men who have done more than you and suffered more than you ever will to defend your freedoms, please...think before you post.

McCain killed over 130 American military defending his own ego. The douchebag was saved by North Vietnamese and was cared for partly because they knew his father was an Admiral.

My grandfather, a Dutch civilian and engineer living in Indonesia captured by the Japs in WWII spent 3 1/2 years in a Jap concentration camp. He never made a propaganda film. He did say the prison guards became very accommodating after Fat Man and Little Boy landed though.

That's a bleeping untruth and you shouldn't spread lies that have been thoroughly debunked.
John McCain is a traitor to America, a complete sack of shit in every sense of the word. This worthless sack of shit killed 134 sailors on the Forrestal by doing a wet start to clown around. It caused a missile to ignite and killed 134 fellow sailors. He also caused power outsges in Spain when his hotdogging in aircraft cut power wires in the areas.

If John McCain didn't have a legendary father and grandfather who served the country with great honor, this fuckin asshole would've been court martialled and imprisoned.

McCain is a disgrace to his father, grandfather and America. Fuck John McCain.

View attachment 113405

Trump right about Hanoi John McCain

by Gordon Duff, VT Editor

Presidential pardon from Nixon saves John McCain from treason and collaboration charges according to Rolling Thunder Founder and 3 war veteran, John Holland….
Why nothing in the news…
Why no reports…..
Why was the truth kept from American during the election?


Some of us have seen the reports about John McCain. I know what Ted Guy had to say about McCain and I know how angry POW activists have been at his betrayal of their cause. What I didn’t know and that few of us knew, is that John Holland, Rolling Thunder Founder, had called for the Republican Party to remove McCain from the ticket.

I don't much like what McCain has become but he was viciously tortured in Vietnam. Any remarks he made any statements anything he signed was because of debilitating torture and was coerced out of him. His arms and shoulders were so badly damaged he can not raise them above his shoulders ever again. His war service is out of bounds. But feel free to point out what a crappy Senator he is on other things.
John McCain is a traitor to America, a complete sack of shit in every sense of the word. This worthless sack of shit killed 134 sailors on the Forrestal by doing a wet start to clown around. It caused a missile to ignite and killed 134 fellow sailors. He also caused power outsges in Spain when his hotdogging in aircraft cut power wires in the areas.

If John McCain didn't have a legendary father and grandfather who served the country with great honor, this fuckin asshole would've been court martialled and imprisoned.

McCain is a disgrace to his father, grandfather and America. Fuck John McCain.

View attachment 113405

Trump right about Hanoi John McCain

by Gordon Duff, VT Editor

Presidential pardon from Nixon saves John McCain from treason and collaboration charges according to Rolling Thunder Founder and 3 war veteran, John Holland….
Why nothing in the news…
Why no reports…..
Why was the truth kept from American during the election?

Some of us have seen the reports about John McCain. I know what Ted Guy had to say about McCain and I know how angry POW activists have been at his betrayal of their cause. What I didn’t know and that few of us knew, is that John Holland, Rolling Thunder Founder, had called for the Republican Party to remove McCain from the ticket.

That shit is delusional.
I don't much like what McCain has become but he was viciously tortured in Vietnam. Any remarks he made any statements anything he signed was because of debilitating torture and was coerced out of him. His arms and shoulders were so badly damaged he can not raise them above his shoulders ever again. His war service is out of bounds. But feel free to point out what a crappy Senator he is on other things.

The douchebag McCain was hurt because he was shot down and did not know when to eject in a timely manner. You leftist neocons homers actually think the North Vietnamese did Brazilian Jiu Jitsu on him? :p
The douchebag McCain was hurt because he was shot down and did not know when to eject in a timely manner. You leftist neocons homers actually think the North Vietnamese did Brazilian Jiu Jitsu on him? :p

There's a word that has been coined to describe you and others here and I think it is most appropriate. "Hatriot"
OP author gets the scumbag of the year award

And you get the "DIckhead of the Year Award"
Shame on you people posting crap like this. He's a war hero and deserves to be treated like one, not this bullshit. He put his life on the line to give you the freedoms you have now, so go fuck yourself for posting this crap.

Yo dingle berry

The mother fucker wants to bomb Iran , Russia and every fucking country on the face of mother earth,

He may be a hero to you but not to those who have a brain.

The motherfucker always seeking to involve us in a fight but when caught acted like a little girl.


He was tortured you idiot. Why don't you Google some real torture pics to get an idea of what he went through before you comment further. That man endured 5 years of his life in pain and he still can't raise his arms above his head. You should be ashamed.

Oye Juan

No sea pendejo, si al no le gusta la tortura entonces que deje de buscar lios.

Quiere invadir a Iran y a Rusia.


Sorry, you don't get to try and change the subject here. You disparaged a good man and a genuine American hero, you should be ashamed for your part in this.


Juan are you aware that McCain is a Republican?

Why are you defending him?

John McCain's "Tokyo Rose" Propaganda Broadcast---Now Found and Released!



I'll bet you would lick Trump's ass if he asked you too. Here you are trying to defend your own ignorance by making Trump the poster boy of the Republican party, by attacking a REAL hero of this country, compared to Trump who stated in his book: "That his personal Viet Nam was sleeping around with married women while avoiding STD's. Of course one of his supporters did finally give him a purple heart for that.
Draft-Dodger Trump Said Sleeping Around Was My ‘Personal Vietnam’

You're going to be required to defend your ignorance for quite some time. Right now, we know that Trump campaign aids were in contact with high level Russian officials at the same time they were hacking into DNC databases. Collusion with a Foreign Adversary to interfere into an American National election is TREASON. Here is Shep Smith of FOX NEWS describing that for you.


As far as I am concerned you're defending a Traitor of this country, while trashing a true Patriot, John McCain.


You people deserve every fucking thing coming your way. I am going to enjoy every single second of it.
Trump-Russia 'exhaustive' investigation needed following Flynn resignation, says GOP Senate Intel Member -
Senate Committee May Use Subpoenas in Russian Hacking Investigation

There's a time when you put COUNTRY FIRST, over Partisan politics, and now is that time.
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OP author gets the scumbag of the year award

And you get the "DIckhead of the Year Award"
Shame on you people posting crap like this. He's a war hero and deserves to be treated like one, not this bullshit. He put his life on the line to give you the freedoms you have now, so go fuck yourself for posting this crap.

Yo dingle berry

The mother fucker wants to bomb Iran , Russia and every fucking country on the face of mother earth,

He may be a hero to you but not to those who have a brain.

The motherfucker always seeking to involve us in a fight but when caught acted like a little girl.


He was tortured you idiot. Why don't you Google some real torture pics to get an idea of what he went through before you comment further. That man endured 5 years of his life in pain and he still can't raise his arms above his head. You should be ashamed.

Oye Juan

No sea pendejo, si al no le gusta la tortura entonces que deje de buscar lios.

Quiere invadir a Iran y a Rusia.


Sorry, you don't get to try and change the subject here. You disparaged a good man and a genuine American hero, you should be ashamed for your part in this.


Juan are you aware that McCain is a Republican?

Why are you defending him?


I am defending his service from hatriots calling him a traitor.
One is not a hero for being shot down and tortured, unless of course we have a new meaning for the word.
The word "hero" is open for interpretation. It is a subjective opinion. If for decades POW's have been called heroes, the idea that a former POW is not a hero could be considered the "new" interpretation of the word hero. When Trump implied his interpretation of a hero was the guys who did not get captured he was promoting a "new" interpretation of the word hero. Since many people considered all the men and women who put on a uniform and placed themselves in harm's way to be heroes, he was insulting or belittling all veterans, but especially those that subjected themselves to combat.

What Trump missed, and the reason he sounded so disgusting, is that a pilot that puts himself in a cockpit and willingly flies into a combat zone where pilots are routinely shot down, killed or captured, is no less a hero than a charge up the hill, walk the firing line, Marine or soldier that subjects himself to death or injury.
Not a fan of McCain's politics, but I prefer truth.

The "wet-start" accusation is bullshit; unless you want to believe that the Navy trashed another carrier deck (or Hollywood'ed one up) just to save his ass, in which case you're free to believe whaatevver you want... See video footage from the deck at 3:20ish I see no "wet-start" setting that rocket off.

His service in Vietnam does nothing to impress me, he went to war and he paid the cost. Many, many more paid the ultimate cost.

I didn't broach the subject but I was interested to hear the recording.
Did your service record include two broken arms, a broke leg, being captured, bayoneted and tortured for five years? Yes, many Americans did pay the ultimate price but to claim the hundreds of POWs who honorably endured such tortures at NVA POW camps isn't impressive to you is not only sad, but unpatriotic and unAmerican, IMHO.

What John McCain Went Through as a POW

EDIT: IIRC you aren't an American, so your anti-American feelings stand out more clearly.
Should every person who graduated last in their class, and made dumb decisions that ended up in broken arms become a Senator?

Grow up kid
His service in Vietnam does nothing to impress me, he went to war and he paid the cost. Many, many more paid the ultimate cost.

I didn't broach the subject but I was interested to hear the recording.
Did your service record include two broken arms, a broke leg, being captured, bayoneted and tortured for five years? Yes, many Americans did pay the ultimate price but to claim the hundreds of POWs who honorably endured such tortures at NVA POW camps isn't impressive to you is not only sad, but unpatriotic and unAmerican, IMHO.

What John McCain Went Through as a POW

EDIT: IIRC you aren't an American, so your anti-American feelings stand out more clearly.
Should every person who graduated last in their class, and made dumb decisions that ended up in broken arms become a Senator?

Grow up kid
Senators become Senators because the majority of the people who live in a state vote for them. It is the state's voting population that decides who becomes their Senator. A person living outside the state and not a voter in that state have nothing to do with it and even their opinion mean's nothing.
His service in Vietnam does nothing to impress me, he went to war and he paid the cost. Many, many more paid the ultimate cost.

I didn't broach the subject but I was interested to hear the recording.
Did your service record include two broken arms, a broke leg, being captured, bayoneted and tortured for five years? Yes, many Americans did pay the ultimate price but to claim the hundreds of POWs who honorably endured such tortures at NVA POW camps isn't impressive to you is not only sad, but unpatriotic and unAmerican, IMHO.

What John McCain Went Through as a POW

EDIT: IIRC you aren't an American, so your anti-American feelings stand out more clearly.
Should every person who graduated last in their class, and made dumb decisions that ended up in broken arms become a Senator?

Grow up kid
Senators become Senators because the majority of the people who live in a state vote for them. It is the state's voting population that decides who becomes their Senator. A person living outside the state and not a voter in that state have nothing to do with it and even their opinion mean's nothing.

The fact is that no one in Arizona or in any other state would have heard of McCain if he did not crash a perfectly good jet. So his claim to fame is stupidity, which should not be rewarded.

The moron is too dumb to send an email, he said so and people laughed all the way to the polls
His service in Vietnam does nothing to impress me, he went to war and he paid the cost. Many, many more paid the ultimate cost.

I didn't broach the subject but I was interested to hear the recording.
Did your service record include two broken arms, a broke leg, being captured, bayoneted and tortured for five years? Yes, many Americans did pay the ultimate price but to claim the hundreds of POWs who honorably endured such tortures at NVA POW camps isn't impressive to you is not only sad, but unpatriotic and unAmerican, IMHO.

What John McCain Went Through as a POW

EDIT: IIRC you aren't an American, so your anti-American feelings stand out more clearly.
Should every person who graduated last in their class, and made dumb decisions that ended up in broken arms become a Senator?

Grow up kid
Senators become Senators because the majority of the people who live in a state vote for them. It is the state's voting population that decides who becomes their Senator. A person living outside the state and not a voter in that state have nothing to do with it and even their opinion mean's nothing.

The fact is that no one in Arizona or in any other state would have heard of McCain if he did not crash a perfectly good jet. So his claim to fame is stupidity, which should not be rewarded.

The moron is too dumb to send an email, he said so and people laughed all the way to the polls
Ya, they were probably laughing when they reelected him for six more years as their Senator a few months ago.

By the way, he did not crash his plane, it was shot down over North Vietnam. The communist North Vietnamese crashed it. The people of Arizona know the difference even if a dope like you doesn't.

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