John Wayne obscure interview quote: I don't feel guilty that 10 generations ago people were slaves

John Wayne = just another white bigot that believes skin color makes you great again.

Too bad he was a raging drunk with three wives & seven kids.

Prolly not much of a husband, nor a father but prolly a great drunk.
How this came about: Some SJW found his dad's porn stash and was going to fap but got triggered and alerted the media instead.
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A Playboy interview with John Wayne, one of Hollywood's staunchest conservatives, has recently resurfaced on Twitter. "I don't feel guilty about the fact that five or 10 generations ago these people were slaves," he said about African Americans

‘I believe in white supremacy’: John Wayne’s notorious 1971 Playboy interview goes viral on Twitter

OP link is behind a paywall. :poop:

"I believe in white supremacy": racist John Wayne interview from 1971 resurfaces online
John Wayne came from a different era. Born in 1907, he had views that were not untypical for his time. Doesn't make them right of course, but I see no reason to make a big deal of it now since the interview has been in the public domain for nearly 40 years.

The only thing I did not know until I read the article is that John Wayne had multiple deferments to avoid service in WWII. Personally, the deferments were more of a shock to me than Wayne's Playboy interview comments. I mean nearly everyone was into service of country back then. My dad enlisted at 14 to fight in the war for heavens's hear my grandmother tell the story was a trip....but I digress.
A Playboy interview with John Wayne, one of Hollywood's staunchest conservatives, has recently resurfaced on Twitter. "I don't feel guilty about the fact that five or 10 generations ago these people were slaves," he said about African Americans

‘I believe in white supremacy’: John Wayne’s notorious 1971 Playboy interview goes viral on Twitter

OP link is behind a paywall. :poop:

"I believe in white supremacy": racist John Wayne interview from 1971 resurfaces online

John Wayne came from a different era. Born in 1907, he had views that were not untypical for his time. Doesn't make them right of course, but I see no reason to make a big deal of it now since the interview has been in the public domain for nearly 40 years.

The only thing I did not know until I read the article is that John Wayne had multiple deferments to avoid service in WWII. Personally, the deferments were more of a shock to me than Wayne's Playboy interview comments. I mean nearly everyone was into service of country back then. My dad enlisted at 14 to fight in the war for heavens's hear my grandmother tell the story was a trip....but I digress.

John Wayne was not the person he portrayed in the movies. Some people can't understand that.

John Wayne triggers leftists to the max in 2019. :aargh:


I love it! :dance:

In other news, somehow the 2nd link led to a film from 1929 Cuba. Cuba was a nice place before Batista and Castro.

It's the black guy talking shit about Elvis. To him I would say:

You know what? Elvis knew more negro spirituals than your dad, if you even know your dad.

After every concert, Elvis would go to an old church in the area and play for free, and he studied negro spirituals.
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John Wayne triggers leftists to the max in 2019. :aargh:


I love it! :dance:

In other news, somehow the 2nd link led to a film from 1929 Cuba. Cuba was a nice place before Batista and Castro.

It's the black guy talking shit about Elvis. To him I would say:

You know what? Elvis knew more negro spirituals than your dad, if you even know your dad.

After every concert, Elvis would go to an old church in the area and play for free, and he studied negro spirituals.
i'm not triggered. i actually agree with some of what he said. just reporting the juicy details!
. . . but back then, the left and right were civil to each other, though they disagreed.

John Wayne = just another white bigot that believes skin color makes you great again.

Too bad he was a raging drunk with three wives & seven kids.

Prolly not much of a husband, nor a father but prolly a great drunk.

Guess by leaving out the facts that each of his three wives were Latina attempts to make your statement legitimate.
A Playboy interview with John Wayne, one of Hollywood's staunchest conservatives, has recently resurfaced on Twitter. "I don't feel guilty about the fact that five or 10 generations ago these people were slaves," he said about African Americans

‘I believe in white supremacy’: John Wayne’s notorious 1971 Playboy interview goes viral on Twitter

OP link is behind a paywall. :poop:


Try this thread....:
John Wayne: Public Enemy
John Wayne came from a different era. Born in 1907, he had views that were not untypical for his time. Doesn't make them right of course, but I see no reason to make a big deal of it now since the interview has been in the public domain for nearly 40 years.

The only thing I did not know until I read the article is that John Wayne had multiple deferments to avoid service in WWII. Personally, the deferments were more of a shock to me than Wayne's Playboy interview comments. I mean nearly everyone was into service of country back then. My dad enlisted at 14 to fight in the war for heavens's hear my grandmother tell the story was a trip....but I digress.

John Wayne: Public Enemy
"We used to think the sins of the past should be buried with the dead. But now, in the age of "reparations," no man, no period of history, and no aspect of Western culture is safe from the vengeful SJWs. After Oliver Cromwell's death in 1658, he was buried with honors in Westminster Abbey. Three years later, as the national mood turned against him, he was exhumed and subjected to a posthumous execution: he was hanged, decapitated, his head put on a pike, and his body thrown into a pit.
We don't conduct posthumous executions yet, except of reputations. So we pull down the statues of great men, strike their names off public buildings, cover up their images and likenesses in educational institutions".
This is no different than asking 21 Century Millennials to pay reparations to people that were never slaves. Additionally ripping down statues have no value in seeking SWJ.
John Wayne = just another white bigot that believes skin color makes you great again.

Too bad he was a raging drunk with three wives & seven kids.

Prolly not much of a husband, nor a father but prolly a great drunk.

Only uneducated and incredibly lazy morons use the non-word "prolly"!
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John Wayne came from a different era. Born in 1907, he had views that were not untypical for his time. Doesn't make them right of course, but I see no reason to make a big deal of it now since the interview has been in the public domain for nearly 40 years.

The only thing I did not know until I read the article is that John Wayne had multiple deferments to avoid service in WWII. Personally, the deferments were more of a shock to me than Wayne's Playboy interview comments. I mean nearly everyone was into service of country back then. My dad enlisted at 14 to fight in the war for heavens's hear my grandmother tell the story was a trip....but I digress.

I agree with your statement 100%!

In December 1941, John Wayne was 34 years old and had several children. He was also under contract to a major movie studio, so joining the military would have resulted him being sued for breach of contract. He has always said that his greatest regret in life was that he never served.
John Wayne = just another white bigot that believes skin color makes you great again.

Too bad he was a raging drunk with three wives & seven kids.

Prolly not much of a husband, nor a father but prolly a great drunk.

Guess by leaving out the facts that each of his three wives were Latina attempts to make your statement legitimate.

So, you hate Mexicans & you suck on the teet of whites; congrats ........

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