Johns Hopkins: More gun control needed to prevent second civil war

Biden wants to lawfully limit the crossings, which can only be done by legislation that requires cooperation of sponsors in the business community to be more responsible with their migrant workers,

Its the typical republucan’ll have your tax cuts, more recessions and more drug trade for Republucan sponsored arms going to Mexico. It’s republicans who spinsir the drug influx
The laws are already on the books and have been for decades. That's how border crossers USED to get turned back when they were caught. Now the NGOs and cartels have taught them to demand asylum which allows them to disappear into American society pending their hearings which they won't show up for because few to none of them actually qualify for asylum UNDER CURRENT LAWS.
The laws are already on the books and have been for decades. That's how border crossers USED to get turned back when they were caught. Now the NGOs and cartels have taught them to demand asylum which allows them to disappear into American society pending their hearings which they won't show up for because few to none of them actually qualify for asylum UNDER CURRENT LAWS.
There are no laws on the books requiring to increase the budget to manage the influx of those who want asylum.
There are no laws on the books to increase the amount of border patrol agents….bubba. There are laws in the books holding businesses accountable for hiring illegals and sponsoring them. Do you need help ? Sounds like it.
Wasn't it a former Johns Hopkins professor who said that Joe Biden was O.K. but there was evidence that Trump was in a mental decline? Maybe Johns Hopkins is really a left wing democrat propaganda center pretending to be a hospital.
You’re right about on thing. All the legit research facilities are dominated by liberals for one obvious reason. Conservatives are populated by science illiterates and they couldn’t do research if they knew how…and they don’t.
Climate change AGW, covid vaccines, an insurrection and Trump lost the election. These are just a small general denials for the insane.
That IN NO WAY CHANGES THE FACT that Joe Biden lies and lies often about anything and everything and he even repeats his lIes.

Can you admit that? It would at least be a small start.

That IN NO WAY CHANGES THE FACT that Joe Biden lies and lies often about anything and everything and he even repeats his lIes.

Can you admit that? It would at least be a small start.

Seriously….you want to go down that rabbit hole ? Trump lies continuously. It’s his scam. You bozos believe anything
Trump is a convicted fraud, 3 times ….that’s lying about his charity, university and tax and loan statements….all about lying.
Trump is on trial for four felony inductments and 91 charges, all related to LYING. How many has Biden have. You already tried to impeach him in the lies of an informant who’s now been arrested…..for LYING about Biden .

Show us convictions and indictments for lying….
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What about the millions of guns and assault rifles already out there now.? This appears to be a flawed study.?!! We have a 2nd amendment constitutional right to keep and bear arms.!!
That shall not be infringed upon.!!
You’ve got it bad. You live in a dream world. After the republican controlled congress refused to fund the wall, democrats actually offered a compromise funding which Trump refused. He then stole money from the defense department, to make a political statement and put up fencing. Biden just rerouted funds back to the pentagon.
Biden did welcome illegals into our nation.

As far as your charge that Trump store money from the defense department to build his border wall …

Seriously….you want to go down that rabbit hole ? Trump lies continuously. It’s his scam. You bozos believe anything
Trump is a convicted fraud, 3 times ….that’s lying about his charity, university and tax and loan statements….all about lying.
Trump is on trial for four felony inductments and 91 charges, all related to LYING. How many has Biden have. You already tried to impeach him in the lies of an informant who’s now been arrested…..for LYING about Biden .

Show us convictions and indictments for lying….
I am not denying that Trump lies and stretches the truth often. He does and every time he does liberals rack up another lie even if it is just a repeat not something new.

I am asking you if you I will admit that Joe Biden lies. It now appears he has lied about knowing details of Hunter’s business deals.

White House Changes Its Story About Joe Biden’s Involvement in Hunter’s Business​

Story by David Rufful • 5mo
Wow, Biden didn’t own up to his grades in getting a degree IN LAW, while Trump had his grades sealed in getting a fking degree in business, one of the easiest to attain even a moron like he got it.

Trump lies every time he opens his mouth..Wow.
Trump has made lying normal in the gop.
Lies of substance are all that matters.
Where is great healthcare, lie
Where is your wall, lie
Trump won the election, lie
No insurrection. , lie
He was the greatest president, lie
He was dead last.

Obama wasn’t a citizen, lie
Covid is under control, lie
Trump didn’t pay Stormy, lie
He loves America, lie
He loves Putin and money.
Plus thousands more….
I am not denying that Trump lies. I am asking you if to admit that Joe Biden also.lies. If you can’t at least do that there is little reason to debate with you.

I personally wanted to see DeSantis as the Republican candidate. Trump is your typical obnoxious New Yorker. He is extremely polarizing. Of course I will vote for Trump if he is the candidate. I like his policies even if I am not all that fond of his personality. Things were much better when he was President until the pandemic hit. Trump did not unleash the pandemic. China is the most likely suspect.
There are no laws on the books requiring to increase the budget to manage the influx of those who want asylum.
There are no laws on the books to increase the amount of border patrol agents….bubba. There are laws in the books holding businesses accountable for hiring illegals and sponsoring them. Do you need help ? Sounds like it.
We don't need more BP agents; we just need to get them back on the job of patrolling the border instead of "processing" bogus asylum seekers and illegal aliens. Stay in Mexico and having Mexico control; ITS southern border were working quite well.
We don't need more BP agents; we just need to get them back on the job of patrolling the border instead of "processing" bogus asylum seekers and illegal aliens. Stay in Mexico and having Mexico control; ITS southern border were working quite well.
They didn’t come from Mexico.
You have formal police training ?
Seems like you don’t. You’d know exactly what I was talking about if you did.

Originally, I simply asked you:

"Have you ever been threatened by violent criminals whose intent was certainly not to make you any healthier, happier or wealthier?"

Why do you continue to evade the question, I can only assume that you have no experience with violent criminals and have never been required to deal with predatory thugs.

As far as my experience and training goes, I started teaching others how to shoot safely 60 years ago.

In the US Military, was trained on and had extensive experience with a wide variety of American and foreign small arms including the M-2 .50 cal. BMG before I went to serve in Northern Laos during the Vietnam War.

There, I repeatedly saw what modern munitions do to human tissue and am occasionally ridiculed for being overly careful about firearms handling but I don't care.

I think that you expressed concern about hot-headed, trigger-happy and careless individuals with firearms. I have the same concerns and have disarmed individual at shooting ranges who were behaving recklessly.

I've had a CCW for decades but now that I no longer live and work in a high crime area , I still carry a 1911 .45 acp similar to the one I was issued in the military. The primary reason I now carry a pistol is to be able to euthanize animals I may hit on our country roads.

Last October, I hit a large, male deer that ran in front of me and did not have my pistol to end the poor animal's suffering. Fortunately, a fellow 2A supporter did stop to euthanize the deer while I stopped traffic.

Since I have attempted to stop the bleeding from bullet wounds etc more than a few times, I am extremely reluctant to inflict them to the point that I've allowed people to run me off the road, spit at me, kick my car, slap me and curse me while I was armed.

I would only have fired if my assailant had pulled a gun or knife because spit washes off, cars can be repainted and the sting of a slap soon disappears but once you've taken a life, it can never be restored.

Originally, I simply asked you:

"Have you ever been threatened by violent criminals whose intent was certainly not to make you any healthier, happier or wealthier?"

Why do you continue to evade the question, I can only assume that you have no experience with violent criminals and have never been required to deal with predatory thugs.

As far as my experience and training goes, I started teaching others how to shoot safely 60 years ago.

In the US Military, was trained on and had extensive experience with a wide variety of American and foreign small arms including the M-2 .50 cal. BMG before I went to serve in Northern Laos during the Vietnam War.

There, I repeatedly saw what modern munitions do to human tissue and am occasionally ridiculed for being overly careful about firearms handling but I don't care.

I think that you expressed concern about hot-headed, trigger-happy and careless individuals with firearms. I have the same concerns and have disarmed individual at shooting ranges who were behaving recklessly.

I've had a CCW for decades but now that I no longer live and work in a high crime area , I still carry a 1911 .45 acp similar to the one I was issued in the military. The primary reason I now carry a pistol is to be able to euthanize animals I may hit on our country roads.

Last October, I hit a large, male deer that ran in front of me and did not have my pistol to end the poor animal's suffering. Fortunately, a fellow 2A supporter did stop to euthanize the deer while I stopped traffic.

Since I have attempted to stop the bleeding from bullet wounds etc more than a few times, I am extremely reluctant to inflict them to the point that I've allowed people to run me off the road, spit at me, kick my car, slap me and curse me while I was armed.

I would only have fired if my assailant had pulled a gun or knife because spit washes off, cars can be repainted and the sting of a slap soon disappears but once you've taken a life, it can never be restored.

Anyone who has experience with law enforcement and the military knows that threats from violent criminals are seldom realized. Most often, firearm deaths come from completely unaware situations. Violent criminals don’t threaten, they act first. This is why violent crime is seldom met by an active move by a citizen. If you’re worried about being confronted by active criminals, move.

Police put themselves in harms way on purpose to protect citizens. That’s why they meet them more often. They seek out and confront criminal behavior. You neither should not nor are you ever advised to. Even with training, cops are killed often by being unaware. It’s the same as a soldier. they are often confronted not by an armed enemy, but by traps, artillery, ambush and accidental fire, all of which requires more training than shooting a visible armed enemy.

And still, there is much more likely hood you’ll be shot carrying a weapon than not….

Let’s just say that many left the police force, not because the work was unrewarding, but because they are expected to carry firearms 24/7 and participate in law enforcement requirements even when in the company of their family….

They are much too aware that carrying firearms when not prepared, even if trained, is much more dangerous than not.

The military knows this. They have stricter firearms control than any civilian who never served can imagine.

So I don’t answer mostly imaginary gocha questions. Anyone who served during war time or was a police officer, knows that what I said is true. I carry because I live in the deep woods, miles from overt criminality but not rabid animals, coyotes and the like. The closer we get to crowded areas with more people the less likely you’ll need or even want the responsibility of a firearm…
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Originally, I simply asked you:

"Have you ever been threatened by violent criminals whose intent was certainly not to make you any healthier, happier or wealthier?"

Why do you continue to evade the question, I can only assume that you have no experience with violent criminals and have never been required to deal with predatory thugs.

As far as my experience and training goes, I started teaching others how to shoot safely 60 years ago.

In the US Military, was trained on and had extensive experience with a wide variety of American and foreign small arms including the M-2 .50 cal. BMG before I went to serve in Northern Laos during the Vietnam War.

There, I repeatedly saw what modern munitions do to human tissue and am occasionally ridiculed for being overly careful about firearms handling but I don't care.

I think that you expressed concern about hot-headed, trigger-happy and careless individuals with firearms. I have the same concerns and have disarmed individual at shooting ranges who were behaving recklessly.

I've had a CCW for decades but now that I no longer live and work in a high crime area , I still carry a 1911 .45 acp similar to the one I was issued in the military. The primary reason I now carry a pistol is to be able to euthanize animals I may hit on our country roads.

Last October, I hit a large, male deer that ran in front of me and did not have my pistol to end the poor animal's suffering. Fortunately, a fellow 2A supporter did stop to euthanize the deer while I stopped traffic.

Since I have attempted to stop the bleeding from bullet wounds etc more than a few times, I am extremely reluctant to inflict them to the point that I've allowed people to run me off the road, spit at me, kick my car, slap me and curse me while I was armed.

I would only have fired if my assailant had pulled a gun or knife because spit washes off, cars can be repainted and the sting of a slap soon disappears but once you've taken a life, it can never be restored.

Btw, a single action 1911 .45 is my last choice for self defense. It’s a military weapon, fraught with a history of accidents. There is no compromised way to carry it for me for self defense. Imo, nothing can be brought into action quicker with more carrying safety and then when confronted by an imaginary criminal than a double action revolver, preferably a snub nose….or a DAO semi auto.
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Seriously….you want to go down that rabbit hole ? Trump lies continuously. It’s his scam. You bozos believe anything
Trump is a convicted fraud, 3 times ….that’s lying about his charity, university and tax and loan statements….all about lying.
Trump is on trial for four felony inductments and 91 charges, all related to LYING. How many has Biden have. You already tried to impeach him in the lies of an informant who’s now been arrested…..for LYING about Biden .

Show us convictions and indictments for lying….
You are mentally sick with the TDS mental illness. Nothing you said is correct and this Potatohead piece of shit that you love so much has been a disaster for this country.
The military knows this. They have stricter firearms control than any civilian who never served can imagine.
You are confused Moon Bat

The fucking military is the fucking government and the fucking government will be oppressive any time they can get away with it.

They restrict firearms on bases because, being the fucking government, they can get away with it because of the UCMJ. However, it is just as much a violation of the Constitution as doing it to civilians.

Just imagine George Washington telling his troops at Valley Forge that he didn't trust them to keep privately own weapons.

You are an idiot and you always post idiotic things. Typical uneducated Moon Bat.
You are confused Moon Bat

The fucking military is the fucking government and the fucking government will be oppressive any time they can get away with it.

They restrict firearms on bases because, being the fucking government, they can get away with it because of the UCMJ. However, it is just as much a violation of the Constitution as doing it to civilians.

Just imagine George Washington telling his troops at Valley Forge that he didn't trust them to keep privately own weapons.

You are an idiot and you always post idiotic things. Typical uneducated Moon Bat.
Hey bubba. The fking military is keeping the shipping lanes free and taking fire so you can have your Chinese TV.
You really don’t know shit do you civilian dependent. I suppose you and Trump could swap war stories about grabbing each other.
You are mentally sick with the TDS mental illness. Nothing you said is correct and this Potatohead piece of shit that you love so much has been a disaster for this country.
So you have HDS retarded syndrome..How long did we have listen to you whine about Hillary and now Hunter. At least we have Trump up on charges and convicted if others….Hillary and Hunter ? What incompetent buffoons you are. Now you have BDS…everything wrong is Joe’s fault right bubba ?

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