Johns Hopkins: More gun control needed to prevent second civil war

Your fears are totally misplaced. If Trump were elected along with control of both houses, the first legislation that would pass are the same they use to fuck their supporters every time….tax cuts for the rich, and increased healthcare cost for everyone. While you worry about gun regulations, the left has made us the strongest economy in the world and made drug pricing negotiable. But no, you want to go to war with liberals over imaginary gun control measures while the right sticks it up your asses with another recession.
Meh......Trump passed tax reduction for ALL citizens........................Trump went after drug do remember fast tracking meds for the terminally?
One gun owner yes, a hundred thousand or a million, no.
Just to let you know how easy it is to control you gun a holics. One incidence where one cop who was confronted by two dozen bozos who refused to disband, leave an area…..
The cop simply in formed them they were now tress
assing and disturbing the peace, took down plate numbers and started the process of having all their cars towed and confiscated to the municipal garage as they were now charged with trespassing. It’s easy Peasy
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Just to let you know how easy it is to control you gun a holics. One incidence where one cop who was confronted by two dozen bozos who refused to disband, leave an area…..
The cop simply in formed them they were now tress
assing and disturbing the peace, took down plate numbers and stated the process of having all thier cars towed and confiscated to the municipal garage as they were now charged with trespassing. It’s easy Peasy

Until they decide to bust a cap on yo' ass.
Good you noted Biden's racist tendencies........truly sad to exploit a particular race for votes.

Yeegad...............student loans will be next, in violation of a SCOTUS ruling.
Nope…he’s done nothing like yours to enact voter suppression.
, he’s place minorities in positions of authority and signed legislation that helps the poor and minorities…that’s all that matters, while your babble is just babble.
That’s a joke. It doesn’t matter how many gun owners you have, you have fewer than 30% who are ignorant enough to try to over throw a democracy. You are totally disorganized comparably poorly equipped you can easily be managed by the potential lost of govt services, which you will be threatened with if you don’t comply.

This isn’t the 1700s. You ignorantly think all gun owners will somehow ban together and fight a govt that enforces tighter gun laws. That’s a joke.

Over time, the attempted insurrection has resulted in hundreds of convictions….that’s just a fact.

your cell phone service can be immediately shut off, your drivers license revoked , your health care benefits shut off, a lien placed on your property and fines attached to your wages if you try this shit…..and no one in govt has to physically confront you.
When the government starts suppressing the civil rights of its citizens, it’s no longer a democracy. By the way, only about thirty percent of the colonists supported Independence during the revolution, thirty percent supported the Crown and forty percent just wanted both sides to go pound sand.
Until they decide to bust a cap on yo' ass.
Try it Bubba. One cop down means the nearby state police swat team will be on your ass. You have no answers that can’t be easily overcome. They have real responses…you have babble. The more you escalate the more time you’ll spend in jail….don’t expect other gun owners to back you. Their jail time will be reduced by turning you in. You shoot a cop, your life will be hell and you’ll lose everything.
Nope…he’s done nothing like yours to enact voter suppression.
, he’s place minorities in positions of authority and signed legislation that helps the poor and minorities…that’s all that matters, while your babble is just babble.
Voter suppression, ala gerrymandering goes with control by one party or another. Why was it the left was all in for voter ID recently? Now it's booga booga.
When the government starts suppressing the civil rights of its citizens, it’s no longer a democracy. By the way, only about thirty percent of the colonists supported Independence during the revolution, thirty percent supported the Crown and forty percent just wanted both sides to go pound sand.
Sure, tell everyone to pound sand with no internet service car or a lien placed on your house when you refuse to oay fines. Foolish, you can’t afford the legal fees…it’s already been done and is going on to the insurrectionists .
When the government starts suppressing the civil rights of its citizens, it’s no longer a democracy. By the way, only about thirty percent of the colonists supported Independence during the revolution, thirty percent supported the Crown and forty percent just wanted both sides to go pound sand.
You are suppressing democracy by your threats of violence vs obeying the laws.
When the government starts suppressing the civil rights of its citizens, it’s no longer a democracy. By the way, only about thirty percent of the colonists supported Independence during the revolution, thirty percent supported the Crown and forty percent just wanted both sides to go pound sand.
You’ll need a lawyer…that will make you poorer quickly. Meantime, life will get real hard for you bubbas.
You just posted bulkshit lies. They speak for themselves.
Take that as an admission you are full of shit or you would have taken the opportunity to prove me wrong..............:auiqs.jpg:
Sure, tell everyone to pound sand with no internet service car or a lien placed on your house when you refuse to oay fines. Foolish, you can’t afford the legal fees…it’s already been done and is going on to the insurrectionists .
It would be nice if you could read plain English.
Thats rediculous…would you rather have your firearm regulated or lose your healthcare. Not even close. How about being totally restricted to access to the internet. This is the shit that truly fascist countries practice, the one you prefer…..gun regulations are just a fear gun a holics have but the one the right preys on .

Thats rediculous…would you rather have your firearm regulated or lose your healthcare. Not even close. How about being totally restricted to access to the internet. This is the shit that truly fascist countries practice, the one you prefer…..gun regulations are just a fear gun a holics have but the one the right preys on .
I personally do not want to see our nation break apart as we wold lose our strength and eventually the Chinese will take over the world. Plus it would (as you suggest) cause problems with my healthcare and Social Security.

However we are getting close to a break up. The upcoming election in November may be critically important. Eight years of Joe Biden might just spell the end of this nation.

Fortunately the Dems are on the verge of losing their base. The black vote is leaving the Democratic Plantation as backs are finally realizing Democrats always promise roses and diamonds but deliver dandelions and zirconium. Of course the Dens woukl likely promise the blacks millions of dollars for each black whose ancestor was a slave. Another promise they will never keep.

Joe’s horde of undocumented illegal immigrants contains a good number of members of criminal gangs. They will enjoy practicing their chosen profession in our nation and the Democrats will regret Joe Biden opening the Mexican border wide open to these bad actors. Plus terrorists are crossing our Mexican border and we may see another 9/11 terrorist attack.
Hey, you never had an absolute right to posses a firearm. Never. You never had an absolute right to any of your rights in the bill of rights. Geesus, you never get that correct do you.
I may not have possessed an ABSOLUTE right to own a firearm but I do posses the right to own one (with some limits).
There is no claim. Trump announced it on day one bozo. You have a warped idea as to what constitutes criminal behavior and what making up shit is. Your fear of minorities out numbering you at the ballot box controls all your dumb ideas…
Trump said he would be a dictator for just one day.

The Dems realize they are losing the black vote so they hope to import millions of illegals aliens they will eventually make citizens. They hope these people will vote for Democrats. That may or may not happen. Many of these immigrants come from Venezuela and have had a negative experience with a Marist socialist government. Many are Catholic and don’t believe in abortion. Those from Venezuela also are not fond of draconian gun control.

Trump said he would be a dictator for just one day.
You’re hilarious..naive. One day ? The biggest liar, and you’re counting on him to tell you the truth. His actions are, to disband nato and encourage a Russian takeover. A takeover by a dictator.
Trump wants to disband nato as you minions want…and leave nato nations to themselves. All this, so you can play with your little toy guns. All this cause you’re afraid of a minority takeover over here home…

The only thing keeping Russia at bay, is a conventionally armed and powerful nato. The weaker they are at conventional armament, the more likely each is likely to use their nukes…
I personally do not want to see our nation break apart as we wold lose our strength and eventually the Chinese will take over the world. Plus it would (as you suggest) cause problems with my healthcare and Social Security.

However we are getting close to a break up. The upcoming election in November may be critically important. Eight years of Joe Biden might just spell the end of this nation.

Fortunately the Dems are on the verge of losing their base. The black vote is leaving the Democratic Plantation as backs are finally realizing Democrats always promise roses and diamonds but deliver dandelions and zirconium. Of course the Dens woukl likely promise the blacks millions of dollars for each black whose ancestor was a slave. Another promise they will never keep.

Joe’s horde of undocumented illegal immigrants contains a good number of members of criminal gangs. They will enjoy practicing their chosen profession in our nation and the Democrats will regret Joe Biden opening the Mexican border wide open to these bad actors. Plus terrorists are crossing our Mexican border and we may see another 9/11 terrorist attack.
Biden wants to lawfully limit the crossings, which can only be done by legislation that requires cooperation of sponsors in the business community to be more responsible with their migrant workers,

Its the typical republucan’ll have your tax cuts, more recessions and more drug trade for Republucan sponsored arms going to Mexico. It’s republicans who spinsir the drug influx

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