Johns Hopkins: More gun control needed to prevent second civil war

If so, why are they so concerned about private gun ownership?
You’re the ones who bring it up all the time. I have never had a problem with properly arming law abiding citizens of age. This thread is an example of scared gunaholics run amuck
Liberals claim Trump wants to be a dictator but Biden has proven to be more of a dictator than Trump ever was during his first term.

WSJ columnist argues 'tyrant' accusations fit Biden more than Trump​

Story by Matthew Chapman • 2mo
Link… MSN

Then you say Fox News is the source of made of shit but ignore the liberal media that said Putin and Trump worked together to defeat Hillary. Foxnews told me right from the start that the Trump/Putin collusion story was bullshit. The date on the following link from Fox News is May 24, 2017 5:00am EDT

Liberals are such good sheeple.

View attachment 907617
There is no claim. Trump announced it on day one bozo. You have a warped idea as to what constitutes criminal behavior and what making up shit is. Your fear of minorities out numbering you at the ballot box controls all your dumb ideas…
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Depends on the reason for the overthrow.

Let's say a president sends death squads throughout the country to kill anyone he deemed a threat to his party's power.

Would that justify a civil war against the government?
Overthrow the Constitution

The Liberals have done something as bad as that. The way they coddle criminals and invaders is state-sponsored terrorism. In no way has the Constitution protected us from that. Likewise, you can't use the Constitution to overthrow the government even in your hypothetical situation or its equivalent reality out there today.

No one in the shallow media will point this out, but Gorbachev tried to use Communist doctrine to reform the Soviet Union and it didn't work.
So we lose our right to own firearms and the government no longer fears the people but the people will sure as hell fear the government for good reason.
Hey, you never had an absolute right to posses a firearm. Never. You never had an absolute right to any of your rights in the bill of rights. Geesus, you never get that correct do you.
You’re the ones who bring it up all the time. I have never had a problem with properly arming law abiding citizens of age. This thread is an example of scared gunaholics run amuck
I'd say it's the other side that runs amuck......second best subject after the mere mention of the dreaded 'T' word.

There is no claim. Trump announced it on day one bozo.

I should have known better, your political persuasion has the sense of humor of a pit viper.

His latest on eliminating the Dept of Education?

Said He'll leave one desk and one guy to make sure they speak English.
Overthrow the Constitution

The Liberals have done something as bad as that. The way they coddle criminals and invaders is state-sponsored terrorism. In no way has the Constitution protected us from that. Likewise, you can't use the Constitution to overthrow the government even in your hypothetical situation or its equivalent reality out there today.

No one in the shallow media will point this out, but Gorbachev tried to use Communist doctrine to reform the Soviet Union and it didn't work.
Keep babbling while you insist women aren’t allowed their civil rights. You’ll lose another election.
we lose our right to own firearms and the government no longer fears the people but the people will sure as hell fear the government for good reason.
Thats rediculous…would you rather have your firearm regulated or lose your healthcare. Not even close. How about being totally restricted to access to the internet. This is the shit that truly fascist countries practice, the one you prefer…..gun regulations are just a fear gun a holics have but the one the right preys on .
Biden photo ops with chicken and watermelon aren't helping either.
Your fears are totally misplaced. If Trump were elected along with control of both houses, the first legislation that would pass are the same they use to fuck their supporters every time….tax cuts for the rich, and increased healthcare cost for everyone. While you worry about gun regulations, the left has made us the strongest economy in the world and made drug pricing negotiable. But no, you want to go to war with liberals over imaginary gun control measures while the right sticks it up your asses with another recession.
They are much more restricted in industrialized nations than in the united states. Of the industrialized nations , we have th wealkest gun laws and the highest gu violence rates. Same as out states with a few Exceptions like less populated states like Maine.

The biggest joke is that some how you owning a firearm will somehow keep the Govt from what ? Taking your guns and freedom. That hilarious too. That was in the 1700s. Everything is changed. Even a local Govt can bring a gun owner to his knees.
One gun owner yes, a hundred thousand or a million, no.
Hey, you never had an absolute right to posses a firearm. Never. You never had an absolute right to any of your rights in the bill of rights. Geesus, you never get that correct do you.

As a law abidimg
citizen you have an absRight ro own and carry a gun
That’s a picture of your fascist gov in action. Everyone from Hitler to Putin, is represented on Trump’s night stand. Hilarious how you use gun control to support your stance on preferring fascism….

Bullshit....the democrats are the ones using racism, using legal warfare, taking people off of ballots, siding with both putin and xi and turning on putin only to get Trump......

The democrat party is the party of fascism and they are no longer trying to hide it.
One gun owner yes, a hundred thousand or a million, no.
That’s a joke. It doesn’t matter how many gun owners you have, you have fewer than 30% who are ignorant enough to try to over throw a democracy. You are totally disorganized comparably poorly equipped you can easily be managed by the potential lost of govt services, which you will be threatened with if you don’t comply.

This isn’t the 1700s. You ignorantly think all gun owners will somehow ban together and fight a govt that enforces tighter gun laws. That’s a joke.

Over time, the attempted insurrection has resulted in hundreds of convictions….that’s just a fact.

your cell phone service can be immediately shut off, your drivers license revoked , your health care benefits shut off, a lien placed on your property and fines attached to your wages if you try this shit…..and no one in govt has to physically confront you.
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Still the racist remarks, one of the bonds that ties conservatives together.
Good you noted Biden's racist tendencies........truly sad to exploit a particular race for votes.

Yeegad...............student loans will be next, in violation of a SCOTUS ruling.

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