Johns Hopkins: More gun control needed to prevent second civil war

Thats funny. The govt controls all the hospitals. You‘d lose your healthcare and insurance bubba if you were part of a revolt.
You're ridiculous. Countries that do this have buy backs and incentives then, they would just give out rewards for turning your ass in for a heavy fine. Next step, a lien on your property and attach your wages. No one is coming to your house to take your gun….they would fking take your car first while you’re working or sleeping….then fine your ass to get your gun…..
When they are through with you, you’d beg them to take your little pistol.

In your dreams…
Today the government (Joe Biden) wants an open Mexican border. Texas has closed its border despite what Joe Biden desires.

Many states are sanctuaries for drugs or illegal immigrants. Once again the feds are not all powerful.

I contend that a breakup of our nation is possible and we on the verge of one.

However, if you think I want to see that happen you would be wrong. If our nation breaks up the Chinese will rule the world In a short period of time. Plus who would pay my Social Security and Medicare.

Also I am Trump’s age (almost 78) and I am long past my fighting days. I have a bad hip and back and COPD. I find walking difficult so playing guerrilla warfare is not a game that I would be good at.

Today the government (Joe Biden) wants an open Mexican border. Texas has closed its border despite what Joe Biden desires.

Many states are sanctuaries for drugs or illegal immigrants. Once again the feds are not all powerful.

I contend that a breakup of our nation is possible and we on the verge of one.

However, if you think I want to see that happen you would be wrong. If our nation breaks up the Chinese will rule the world In a short period of time. Plus who would pay my Social Security and Medicare.

Also I am Trump’s age (almost 78) and I am long past my fighting days. I have a bad hip and back and COPD. I find walking difficult so playing guerrilla warfare is not a game that I would be good at.

…keep making up shit. Texas has no jurisdiction on the border crossing. They are breaking federal law.
Today the government (Joe Biden) wants an open Mexican border. Texas has closed its border despite what Joe Biden desires.

Many states are sanctuaries for drugs or illegal immigrants. Once again the feds are not all powerful.

I contend that a breakup of our nation is possible and we on the verge of one.

However, if you think I want to see that happen you would be wrong. If our nation breaks up the Chinese will rule the world In a short period of time. Plus who would pay my Social Security and Medicare.

Also I am Trump’s age (almost 78) and I am long past my fighting days. I have a bad hip and back and COPD. I find walking difficult so playing guerrilla warfare is not a game that I would be good at.

biden said he would shut down the border if congress gave him the authority, so your open border policy is only in your imagination.
biden said he would shut down the border if congress gave him the authority, so your open border policy is only in your imagination.
Trump had the border closed. Then Buiden opened it. Biden doesn’t need more money, he should just ask Trump how to close the border.

Joe Biden could also continue to build Trump’s fence.


What authority does Biden currently have?​

Mr. Biden has the legal authority to reinstate the border policies implemented by former President Donald Trump that he ended, since they were based on proclamations, regulations and international agreements.

Those now-defunct Trump policies include agreements that allowed the U.S. to reroute asylum-seekers to third countries and the "Remain in Mexico" program, which required migrants to await their asylum hearings outside of the U.S. Federal law allows officials to return asylum-seekers to Mexico, but it does not require it, as decreed by the Supreme Court in 2022.
…keep making up shit. Texas has no jurisdiction on the border crossing. They are breaking federal law.
Yes, Texas is breaking federal law because the feds are not enforcing the existing law.

I fully support the efforts Texas is taking.

It woulld not surprise me if the Biden Crime family was getting a kick back from the Mexican drug cartels to keep the border open for illegal immigrants.

Yes, Texas is breaking federal law because the feds are not enforcing the existing law.
Wrong, they are. Razor wire is not ethical or needed and creates a hazard for border control agents.
I fully support the efforts Texas is taking.

It woulld not surprise me if the Biden Crime family was getting a kick back from the Mexican drug cartels to keep the border open for illegal immigrants.
More made up shit. We do know that American made arms are directly traceable to the cartels. Has been for decades.
Wrong, they are. Razor wire is not ethical or needed and creates a hazard for border control agents.

More made up shit. We do know that American made arms are directly traceable to the cartels. Has been for decades.
You have our opinion and are entitled to it as I am entitled to mine.

I seriously believe that historians will agree that one of Joe Biden's biggest mistakes was his plan to open the Mexican border and welcome immigrants from all over the world to come the the United States.

However even CNN (hardly a conservative outlet) has problems with Biden’s border policy.

Don’t try to make sense of Biden’s border policy​

Plus it appears Joe Biden is considering changing his policy.

In Biden’s pledge to ‘shut down’ border, a stunning political shift​

It seems a fairly large number of terrorists have entered our nation from many different nations that dislike us. Imagine another 9/11 caused by these terrorists and how that would affect Joe Biden and the Democratic Party.

Plus of course there is a criminal element that has entered our nation side by side which those seeking a better life.

biden said he would shut down the border if congress gave him the authority, so your open border policy is only in your imagination.
Biden could shut down the border any time he wants. For one thing He could finish building Trump’s wall.

If Trump could do it so could Joe Biden.


Trump had the border closed. Then Buiden opened it. Biden doesn’t need more money, he should just ask Trump how to close the border.

Joe Biden could also continue to build Trump’s fence.


What authority does Biden currently have?

Mr. Biden has the legal authority to reinstate the border policies implemented by former President Donald Trump that he ended, since they were based on proclamations, regulations and international agreements.

Those now-defunct Trump policies include agreements that allowed the U.S. to reroute asylum-seekers to third countries and the "Remain in Mexico" program, which required migrants to await their asylum hearings outside of the U.S. Federal law allows officials to return asylum-seekers to Mexico, but it does not require it, as decreed by the Supreme Court in 2022.

It wasn't really biden.....barak and michelle obama, through their minions controlling bide, kept the border open.
You have our opinion and are entitled to it as I am entitled to mine.

I seriously believe that historians will agree that one of Joe Biden's biggest mistakes was his plan to open the Mexican border and welcome immigrants from all over the world to come the the United States.

However even CNN (hardly a conservative outlet) has problems with Biden’s border policy.

Don’t try to make sense of Biden’s border policy​

Plus it appears Joe Biden is considering changing his policy.

In Biden’s pledge to ‘shut down’ border, a stunning political shift​

It seems a fairly large number of terrorists have entered our nation from many different nations that dislike us. Imagine another 9/11 caused by these terrorists and how that would affect Joe Biden and the Democratic Party.

Plus of course there is a criminal element that has entered our nation side by side which those seeking a better life.

You’re entitled to…..
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Ha ha….
When did this happen ? He did no such thing.
Sounds like Israel building a wall and closing the border to Gaza. How did that work out. ?
I will admit the border was not totally closed but compared to what it is today under Biden it was effectively closed to almost all illegal immgrants.


Also under the Biden administration the flow of illegal drugs into our nation has skyrocketed.

After how Trump has been treated I almost favor the idea of charging Joe Biden if a Republican wins in 2024.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene claims Biden could face jail time under future president​

Story by Jake Beardslee • 2mo


Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) warned President Joe Biden, claiming that he could potentially face jail time if a Republican wins the 2024 presidential election. Greene agreed with comments made by Stephen Miller, a former speechwriter for President Donald Trump, on X regarding a recent court ruling on presidential immunity.


Weissmann shared a quote from Chutkan’s decision in his post, stating: “‘by definition, the president’s duty to ‘take care that the laws be faithfully executed’ does not grant special latitude to violate them.’” Miller argued in his response that under this precedent, “a future DOJ can throw Biden and his many conspirators (e.g. Mayorkas) in jail for violating every immigration law on the books and for a conspiracy to commit human trafficking, drug trafficking, and drug smuggling — to name just a few of the numerous felony charges.”

Greene appeared to agree with Miller’s comments, replying “Yep. They should be careful [of] the precedents they set.”

Greene has long denied the validity of Biden’s 2020 election victoryand claimed the DOJ is unfairly targeting Trump and his supporters.
Wrong, they are. Razor wire is not ethical or needed and creates a hazard for border control agents.

More made up shit. We do know that American made arms are directly traceable to the cartels. Has been for decades.
No argument about that. Remember Obama and “Fast and Furious?”


Fast and Furious was a Justice Department program that allowed assault weapons — including .50-caliber rifles powerful enough to take down a helicopter — to be sold to Mexican drug cartels allegedly as a way to track them. But internal documents later revealed the real goal was to gin up a crisis requiring a crackdown on guns in America. Fast and Furious was merely a pretext for imposing stricter gun laws.
…emphasis added

Only the scheme backfired when Justice agents lost track of the nearly 2,000 guns sold through the program and they started turning up at murder scenes on both sides of the border — including one that claimed the life of US Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry.

While then-Attorney General Eric Holder was focused on politics, people were dying. At least 20 other deaths or violent crimes have been linked to Fast and Furious-trafficked guns.


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