Johns Hopkins: More gun control needed to prevent second civil war

A recent report by the Center for Gun Violence Solutions, which is part of Johns Hopkins (Michael) Bloomberg School of Public Health, conflates private gun ownership with armed insurrection in order to advocate for expanded gun control.

The 32-page study, which is titled “Defending Democracy: Addressing the Danger of Armed Insurrection,” not only revisits and revises the Jan. 6th protest – even though no protesters were armed and the only casualty was 35-year-old Air Force veteran Ashli Babbitt, who was shot and killed by Capitol Police – it resurrects actual armed insurrections from American history, such as Shays’ Rebellion of 1786, the Whiskey Rebellion of 1791 and the American Civil War.

The three authors, who are all attorneys with a history of paid anti-gun activism, clumsily raise the insurrection boogeyman to push for additional regulations for carrying firearms, tactical training prohibitions, additional gun-free zones, expanded Red Flag laws and the repeal of state preemption statutes, which has long been a major goal of the gun ban industry. Preemption laws prevent local jurisdictions from enacting their own gun-control regulations, which would result in a patchwork of gun-free zones.

The medical community and everyone in it needs to shut the fuck up on guns, politics, and law.

Study your damn medical shit and be ready to serve people in health care only.

It’s only a “second civil war” if the government wins again. Otherwise it would be the second revolutionary war. ;)
What ignorance. First, Johns Hopkins does research in many areas. It’s not just a medical center. You can‘t even read your own reference. The reference is from the Bloomberg School of Public Health at Johns Hopkins. As if you know shit about research facilities.

Just pigeon holing them as a medical facility when they are multi discipline is really ignorant….but funny.
That the objective is to ban guns so the citizenry can more easily be controlled.

If we're armed, we can resist. If we're unarmed, we can't.
Wrong bubba. Guns are regulated. Are you a convicted felon ? Is that why you’re so worried ? Or, do you want to continue selling guns to people you don’t know ?
There are still a plethora of laws. You’re just BS ing because it’s illegal if it’s of certain types and you’re breaking the law if you’re a felon or your Nieghbor is knowing a felon. You are , under aged or know your neighbor is.,.why do you insist on lying. You have federal and local gun laws EVERYWHERE.

You cheered when Hunter Biden got away with breaking federal gun laws. You HATE gun control.
I’ll cheer more when convicted fraud and sex abuser Trump goes to jail. So, what has Hunter been convicted of ?

Nothing yet. Like I said, you cheered when he got away with breaking federal gun laws, because you HATE gun control.
Leftists are idiots. Just like the last civil war, there are plenty of countries who would supply the US with more guns than we needed.

Both sides, even.
400-600 Million Guns / Parts for Build Guns already exist in America and the Manufacturing capability / Warehoused spares and Partially Machined forgings to crank out another 2-5 Million a Month indefinitely ( so we won’t need Gun imports from China or Africa anytime soon ( Again)
True. We are a constitutional republic

A Republic Is a Foster Government

If you say so. But the word of even the most powerful Constitution-banger is not something we have to take as a self-evident truth. You have no right to imply that we have to be a republic and that it's what's best for us.

I've located the problem. The rulers are playing on the fact that they've made us childishly search for father-figures. They've also made our own fathers inadequate. Add to that the effect of the ruling class's Feminism, they've made us act like orphans.
And hitler disarmed the Jews in Germany to keep them from causing trouble too.......then he murdered 6 million of them....
Cowardice Is the Crime That Enables All Others

Then who disarmed the Jews near Gaza, which was the only reason there were so many casualties?

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