Johnson risks same fate as McCarthy with spending deal


Platinum Member
Nov 18, 2021
Is House Speaker Johnson now also on his way out? What are your thoughts on this esteemed board?

Conservative outrage over the top-line spending deal negotiated by Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) is fueling speculation over whether he could meet the same fate as his predecessor and have his gavel yanked away.

Rep. Chip Roy (R-Texas) explicitly left open the possibility of forcing a vote on removing the Speaker, known as a “motion to vacate,” over the weekend spending deal.

“If they totally botch it, we get no policy reforms, and we spend $1.66 trillion, I don’t know why we would keep him as Speaker,” Roy told conservative podcast host Steve Deace on Tuesday.

“I’m leaving it on the table. I’m not going to say I’m going to file it tomorrow,” Roy continued. “I think the Speaker needs to know that we’re angry about it.”

The top-line spending deal is largely in line with the spending caps and side-spending agreement struck as part of the debt limit deal negotiated by ousted former Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) last year — which fueled a full-on rebellion by hard-line conservatives.

Rep. Tim Burchett (R-Tenn.), one of the eight Republicans who joined with Democrats to vote McCarthy out, said “a lot of people are talking about” a move to oust Johnson, but he is not on board — “yet.”

“I’d say just give him a little time, but we’re running out of time,” Burchett said.

With House Majority Leader Steve Scalise (R-La.) out until next month due to cancer treatment, it would take only three Republicans and all Democrats to force Johnson’s removal, assuming full attendance otherwise.
Is House Speaker Johnson now also on his way out? What are your thoughts on this esteemed board?

I think they will bitch and carp, but will not dump another Republican Speaker, during the election year. Johnson will be gone as Speaker after the election.
Is House Speaker Johnson now also on his way out? What are your thoughts on this esteemed board?

Asking a House Speaker to not spend money is like telling Joe to stop sniffing the hair of young prepubescent girls.

It just is pure fantasy.
I think they will bitch and carp, but will not dump another Republican Speaker, during the election year. Johnson will be gone as Speaker after the election.
I don't think Johnson is going anywhere.....I mean they just opened-up a new JDS wing At the TDS mental hospital. ;)

jds wing.jpg

Hey, maybe Chip Roy will be admitted. ;)
Is House Speaker Johnson now also on his way out? What are your thoughts on this esteemed board?

Have you been able to figure that guy out? I can't.
Is House Speaker Johnson now also on his way out? What are your thoughts on this esteemed board?

I am sure the message has already been relayed to every Republican (especially the Freedom Cucks) in the House and Senate.
Don't mess with anything approaching a government shutdown in an election year that could be blamed on us.
Johnson won't suffer any consequence for this in an election year.
Is House Speaker Johnson now also on his way out? What are your thoughts on this esteemed board?

I've never been keen on Johnson. He comes across as just one more RINO. I hope they boot him out.
Is House Speaker Johnson now also on his way out? What are your thoughts on this esteemed board?

They are seriously embarrassed by the last round speaker bouncing. They will seek Democratic help to keep him in.

We shouldn't help them.

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