Johnson: The Reason Hillary Lost. End Of Story.


Gold Member
Jul 15, 2013
I keep reading threads blaming this and that and the other thing for why Hillary lost. When why she lost is as plain as the nose on your face.

She got Ralph-Nadered. The oldest trick in the book. Also, enough middle dems were sick of trannies in bathrooms and gay marriage. They dragged a ton of votes to the right. But Johnson was the icing on that fudge-packed cake.

It's very simple. If you have a close race and you want the opposing party to lose, nudge someone of like mind to that party to run also, and then beat up that main candidate within her own ranks so that enough idiots dissent and vote the 3rd party candidate. Johnson, head of the stoner-brigade, was a no-brainer to rope in just enough Bernie kids to kill Hillary's shot at the Whitehouse.

And it worked. Google Johnson's votes state by state in the battleground areas. Add his votes to Hillary's and see who would've won that state. In each case it's chilling to see that the amount Johnson got was just enough to put Hillary over the top in each state. I read a chart and didn't find a single exception; but I didn't read all the states, just about ten of them...enough to make the difference.

She was definitely hornswaggled: but by her own people. So if you're tempted to blame the GOP, you should tell George Soros next time to buy off the 3rd party dem-substitute so his latest whore can get in the Oval Office. Obama was such a call-girl for that guy's agenda, it was pathetic. That old man is getting senile. "Soros Got Johnsoned" ( :lmao: )should be the name of this thread actually, if you want to hone in the accuracy..

For further reading: The Brutal Task Facing Dems & The Only Path To Non-Extinction
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Not all of Johnson's votes came from democrats. There were a lot of unhappy Republicans who voted for him too, so it's not really that simple.
Not all of Johnson's votes came from democrats. There were a lot of unhappy Republicans who voted for him too, so it's not really that simple.
Yes, I'm sure a lot of conservatives were lining up behind the druggie pothead Johnson.

Yep. Code: "Quick, smooth this over! We don't want the dems to really ponder the Ralph-Nader GOP trick that's been working so well for decades now!!"
I keep reading threads blaming this and that and the other thing for why Hillary lost. When why she lost is as plain as the nose on your face.

She got Ralph-Nadered. The oldest trick in the book. Also, enough middle dems were sick of trannies in bathrooms and gay marriage. They dragged a ton of votes to the right. But Johnson was the icing on that fudge-packed cake.

It's very simple. If you have a close race and you want the opposing party to lose, nudge someone of like mind to that party to run also, and then beat up that main candidate within her own ranks so that enough idiots dissent and vote the 3rd party candidate. Johnson, head of the stoner-brigade, was a no-brainer to rope in just enough Bernie kids to kill Hillary's shot at the Whitehouse.

And it worked. Google Johnson's votes state by state in the battleground areas. Add his votes to Hillary's and see who would've won that state. In each case it's chilling to see that the amount Johnson got was just enough to put Hillary over the top in each state. I read a chart and didn't find a single exception; but I didn't read all the states, just about ten of them...enough to make the difference.

She was definitely hornswaggled: but by her own people. So if you're tempted to blame the GOP, you should tell George Soros next time to buy off the 3rd party dem-substitute so his latest whore can get in the Oval Office. Obama was such a call-girl for that guy's agenda, it was pathetic. That old man is getting senile. "Soros Got Johnsoned" ( :lmao: )should be the name of this thread actually, if you want to hone in the accuracy..

For further reading: The Brutal Task Facing Dems & The Only Path To Non-Extinction

Keep believing that, Sam sedare didnt even buy that, I watched his election coverage to see him cry that night, it was delightful.
I keep reading threads blaming this and that and the other thing for why Hillary lost. When why she lost is as plain as the nose on your face.

She got Ralph-Nadered. The oldest trick in the book. Also, enough middle dems were sick of trannies in bathrooms and gay marriage. But Johnson was the icing on that fudge-packed cake.

It's very simple. If you have a close race and you want the opposing party to lose, nudge someone of like mind to that party to run also, and then beat up that candidate within her own ranks so that enough idiots dissent and vote the 3rd party candidate. Johnson, head of the stoner brigade was a no-brainer to rope in just enough Bernie kids to kill Hillary's shot at the Whitehouse.

And it worked. Google Johnson's votes state by state in the battleground areas. Add his votes to Hillary's and see who would've won that state. In each case it's chilling to see that the amount Johnson got was just enough to put Hillary over the top in each state. I read a chart and didn't find a single exception; but I didn't read all the states, just about ten of them...enough to make the difference.

She was definitely hornswaggled: but by her own people. So if you're tempted to blame the GOP, you should tell George Soros next time to buy off the 3rd party dem-substitute so his latest whore can get in the Oval Office. Obama was such a call-girl for that guy's agenda, it was pathetic. That old man is getting senile. "Soros Got Johnsoned" ( :lmao: )should be the name of this thread actually, if you want to hone in the accuracy..

...wait you're going to blame the LP and Gary Johnson for the Queen of Corruption losing? My issue list with Johnson representing the LP is long but being a democrat voter alternative to Hillary ain't one of 'em, unless of course you're assuming that there's a whole bunch of Democrat voters out there that favor 1-year balanced budget plans, ending the fed and a massive scale back of government power, which I've seen no indication of.

About the only appeal Johnson would have to Dems would be on civil liberties (sex and drugs) and open borders, which I'm sure brought in some would be Dems voters but I suspect it was less than the votes he got from would be GOP voters.
They hit Hillary with buckshot while her own party was shooting her from behind (LGBT nonsense). Johnson was the shot that hit her heart is all.
Not all of Johnson's votes came from democrats. There were a lot of unhappy Republicans who voted for him too, so it's not really that simple.
Yes, I'm sure a lot of conservatives were lining up behind the druggie pothead Johnson.

Yep. Code: "Quick, smooth this over! We don't want the dems to really ponder the Ralph-Nader GOP trick that's been working so well for decades now!!"
Translation: You have only opinion that all of Johnson's votes came from disaffected democrats. Johnson got 1.2 million votes 4 years ago, so again, you can't just assign all of his votes to Hillary.
Comey did her in. The suburban white wemmen stayed home. Not that she didn't deserve it.

And really, Trump may not be a disaster, and with Hillary we had 4 years of gridlock and hearings.
I keep reading threads blaming this and that and the other thing for why Hillary lost. When why she lost is as plain as the nose on your face.

She got Ralph-Nadered. The oldest trick in the book. Also, enough middle dems were sick of trannies in bathrooms and gay marriage. They dragged a ton of votes to the right. But Johnson was the icing on that fudge-packed cake.

It's very simple. If you have a close race and you want the opposing party to lose, nudge someone of like mind to that party to run also, and then beat up that main candidate within her own ranks so that enough idiots dissent and vote the 3rd party candidate. Johnson, head of the stoner-brigade, was a no-brainer to rope in just enough Bernie kids to kill Hillary's shot at the Whitehouse.

And it worked. Google Johnson's votes state by state in the battleground areas. Add his votes to Hillary's and see who would've won that state. In each case it's chilling to see that the amount Johnson got was just enough to put Hillary over the top in each state. I read a chart and didn't find a single exception; but I didn't read all the states, just about ten of them...enough to make the difference.

She was definitely hornswaggled: but by her own people. So if you're tempted to blame the GOP, you should tell George Soros next time to buy off the 3rd party dem-substitute so his latest whore can get in the Oval Office. Obama was such a call-girl for that guy's agenda, it was pathetic. That old man is getting senile. "Soros Got Johnsoned" ( :lmao: )should be the name of this thread actually, if you want to hone in the accuracy..

For further reading: The Brutal Task Facing Dems & The Only Path To Non-Extinction
Nonsense, the reason Clinton lost is that she gave voters no affirmative reasons to vote for her. Her entire campaign was about giving voters reasons not to vote for Trump, and this was based almost entirely on lies about racism ans sexism. Polls showed voters disliked Trump even more than they disliked Clinton, but when they compared their policies, many traditional Democratic voters found Trump's policies addressed their problems and concerns and could find no Clinton policies that did; that's why Trump won more of the so called Reagan Democrats than Reagan had won. Clinton campaigned for an anti Trump vote and not for a pro Clinton vote: in short, substance won over slander and Trump will be president.
We've been telling you for years that middle America had a belly full of the regressive agenda, you refused to listen and you fagged yourself right out of power. Please, keep turning a deaf ear to the people. Thanks, signed Joe six pack.
Sil is so desperate to believe that gay marriage was a major factor in Hillary's loss. It wasn't. She was an uncommonly poor candidate with more baggage than O'Hara Airport. Trump's message on jobs and the economy is what resonated with Rust Belt voters, not Sil's personal obsession with homos getting hitched.

If the whole trannies in bathrooms debate was so important this election, then why didn't the Governor of North Carolina crush his opponent in the election? It appears he may lose his job.
That article is bullshit. A Libertarian is far more likely to draw votes from a Conservative than a Liberal.
We've been telling you for years that middle America had a belly full of the regressive agenda, you refused to listen and you fagged yourself right out of power. Please, keep turning a deaf ear to the people. Thanks, signed Joe six pack.

:lmao: That's a very accurate and succinct way of putting it.
That article is bullshit. A Libertarian is far more likely to draw votes from a Conservative than a Liberal.
Well 1. It isn't an article; it's my observations. and 2. Conservatives would never vote for a dude who owned a huge pot cooperative. He was selected to perfectly sop up the Bernie kids to result in Hillary's defeat.
We've been telling you for years that middle America had a belly full of the regressive agenda, you refused to listen and you fagged yourself right out of power. Please, keep turning a deaf ear to the people. Thanks, signed Joe six pack.

:lmao: That's a very accurate and succinct way of putting it.

Just calls dems da ways Is sees'em.
And despite these idiots voting for someone who had exactly 0% chance of becoming president, Hillary's popular vote lead continues to dwarf Trumps.

Clinton: 64,228,364
Trump: 62,213,830

Hillary leads the pop vote by 2,014,534. So this narrative that "people didn't come out to vote for Hillary" is totally untrue.
Here's why Clinton lost: Trump wanted the job more than she did.

End of story.

Trump put in way more hours with the voters than Clinton did. Clinton visited donors, Trump pressed the flesh with the people. That made all the difference.

Clinton didn't even bother to give the people of Wisconsin the time of fucking day. She didn't visit that "blue wall" state even once!

People don't like being taken for granted, and so her voters stayed home.

Her loss had fuck-all to do with Johnson.
That article is bullshit. A Libertarian is far more likely to draw votes from a Conservative than a Liberal.
Well 1. It isn't an article; it's my observations. and 2. Conservatives would never vote for a dude who owned a huge pot cooperative. He was selected to perfectly sop up the Bernie kids to result in Hillary's defeat.

He was selected? Do you understand that he also ran for president for the Libertarian party in 2012?

It's usually hard to determine if you are making things up or just ignorant.

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