Johnson: The Reason Hillary Lost. End Of Story.

She lost because she is an unlikable, corrupt, criminal who used her office to enrich herself and the "Clinton Foundation".

The American people saw right through her. They rejected her and her pig husband.

Good riddance!
I keep reading threads blaming this and that and the other thing for why Hillary lost. When why she lost is as plain as the nose on your face.

She got Ralph-Nadered. The oldest trick in the book. Also, enough middle dems were sick of trannies in bathrooms and gay marriage. They dragged a ton of votes to the right. But Johnson was the icing on that fudge-packed cake.

It's very simple. If you have a close race and you want the opposing party to lose, nudge someone of like mind to that party to run also, and then beat up that main candidate within her own ranks so that enough idiots dissent and vote the 3rd party candidate. Johnson, head of the stoner-brigade, was a no-brainer to rope in just enough Bernie kids to kill Hillary's shot at the Whitehouse.

And it worked. Google Johnson's votes state by state in the battleground areas. Add his votes to Hillary's and see who would've won that state. In each case it's chilling to see that the amount Johnson got was just enough to put Hillary over the top in each state. I read a chart and didn't find a single exception; but I didn't read all the states, just about ten of them...enough to make the difference.

She was definitely hornswaggled: but by her own people. So if you're tempted to blame the GOP, you should tell George Soros next time to buy off the 3rd party dem-substitute so his latest whore can get in the Oval Office. Obama was such a call-girl for that guy's agenda, it was pathetic. That old man is getting senile. "Soros Got Johnsoned" ( :lmao: )should be the name of this thread actually, if you want to hone in the accuracy..

For further reading: The Brutal Task Facing Dems & The Only Path To Non-Extinction

Absolute Poppycock.

hiLIARy lost because she is Corrupt, ran a lousy campaign...and Gosh Darn It, people just don't like her.
Comey did her in. The suburban white wemmen stayed home. Not that she didn't deserve it.

And really, Trump may not be a disaster, and with Hillary we had 4 years of gridlock and hearings.


hilIARy did herself in via her illegal use of an unsecured private email server and her FRAUDULENT self-dealing of State Favors for the benefit of the Clinton Family Crime Syndicate Foundation.
Comey did her in. The suburban white wemmen stayed home. Not that she didn't deserve it.

And really, Trump may not be a disaster, and with Hillary we had 4 years of gridlock and hearings.


hilIARy did herself in via her illegal use of an unsecured private email server and her FRAUDULENT self-dealing of State Favors for the benefit of the Clinton Family Crime Syndicate Foundation.
I said Hillary deserved doing in Bodecca. Stop looking for a fight. You can have one if you want, though
Comey did her in. The suburban white wemmen stayed home. Not that she didn't deserve it.

And really, Trump may not be a disaster, and with Hillary we had 4 years of gridlock and hearings.


hilIARy did herself in via her illegal use of an unsecured private email server and her FRAUDULENT self-dealing of State Favors for the benefit of the Clinton Family Crime Syndicate Foundation.
I said Hillary deserved doing in Bodecca. Stop looking for a fight. You can have one if you want, though

I'm not looking for a fight. I am merely correcting the misinformation you are spreading.
That article is bullshit. A Libertarian is far more likely to draw votes from a Conservative than a Liberal.
Well 1. It isn't an article; it's my observations. and 2. Conservatives would never vote for a dude who owned a huge pot cooperative. He was selected to perfectly sop up the Bernie kids to result in Hillary's defeat.

Libertarians believe strongly in less government, personal responsibility, fiscal responsibility and low taxation. There are many more Conservatives that would embrace those ideas than there are socialist idiots that voted for Bernie Commie.

However, quit your bitching.We heard the same bullshit about Pat Buchanan in the 2000 election. Every election year we have a small number of people that vote for the fringe candidates and then 120 million or more that vote for either the Democrat or Republican.

Crooked Hillary didn't win because she didn't get enough votes in the key EC states.

If she hadn't been so corrupt, dishonest, incompetent and hadn't run on a bat shit crazy platform to raise taxes, bring in a million friggin Muslims, have open borders and attack the right to keep and bear arms then she might have won.

Instead of fantasizing about Johnson voters going for her then fantasize about how many more votes she would have got had the NRA endorsed her. That would be a more productive fantasy.
Comey did her in. The suburban white wemmen stayed home. Not that she didn't deserve it.

And really, Trump may not be a disaster, and with Hillary we had 4 years of gridlock and hearings.


hilIARy did herself in via her illegal use of an unsecured private email server and her FRAUDULENT self-dealing of State Favors for the benefit of the Clinton Family Crime Syndicate Foundation.
I said Hillary deserved doing in Bodecca. Stop looking for a fight. You can have one if you want, though

I'm not looking for a fight. I am merely correcting the misinformation you are spreading.
Bullshit. If comey stayed quiet she won. But she deserved what she got.
Comey did her in. The suburban white wemmen stayed home. Not that she didn't deserve it.

And really, Trump may not be a disaster, and with Hillary we had 4 years of gridlock and hearings.


hilIARy did herself in via her illegal use of an unsecured private email server and her FRAUDULENT self-dealing of State Favors for the benefit of the Clinton Family Crime Syndicate Foundation.
I said Hillary deserved doing in Bodecca. Stop looking for a fight. You can have one if you want, though

I'm not looking for a fight. I am merely correcting the misinformation you are spreading.
Bullshit. If comey stayed quiet she won. But she deserved what she got.

Just keep repeating that if it gives you comfort. It's not true, but whatever helps you get through the long dark night...
And despite these idiots voting for someone who had exactly 0% chance of becoming president, Hillary's popular vote lead continues to dwarf Trumps.

Clinton: 64,228,364
Trump: 62,213,830

Hillary leads the pop vote by 2,014,534. So this narrative that "people didn't come out to vote for Hillary" is totally untrue.

The right people didn't, how's that.
You tards all said during the election that a vote for Johnson was a vote for Hillary. Make up your minds.
hilIARy did herself in via her illegal use of an unsecured private email server and her FRAUDULENT self-dealing of State Favors for the benefit of the Clinton Family Crime Syndicate Foundation.
:lmao: Yep, keep chanting that and I'm sure the DNC won't sit down and do the math on gay marriage and Johnson... You're a hoot!
hilIARy did herself in via her illegal use of an unsecured private email server and her FRAUDULENT self-dealing of State Favors for the benefit of the Clinton Family Crime Syndicate Foundation.
:lmao: Yep, keep chanting that and I'm sure the DNC won't sit down and do the math on gay marriage and Johnson... You're a hoot!

Nobody cares what lies you tell yourself, Sil. You can pretend gay marriage was a major issue this election but, jobs, the economy, and, national security are what people really cared about.
Hey mdk, the phenomenon of identity politics BS is so well known that SNL wrote a bit for Colin Jost on it. I'm sure you've seen it by now it and weep. It's common knowledge that the freak parade got the middle finger this year all the way from Hillary down to Congressional dems.

It's a meme now. You're too late with your spin:


Colin Jost faces backlash after transgender joke on ‘Saturday Night Live’
Last edited:
Hey mdk, the phenomenon of identity politics BS is so well known that SNL wrote a bit for Colin Jost on it. I'm sure you've seen it by now it and weep. It's common knowledge that the freak parade got the middle finger this year all the way from Hillary down to Congressional dems.

It's a meme now. You're too late with your spin:


Colin Jost faces backlash after transgender joke on ‘Saturday Night Live’

You're right. Rust Belt voters care more about gays getting married then providing for their families with decent paying jobs. lol.

Most people have moved on to far more pressing matters. I know that burns your ass and all, but tough shit. Maybe you'll get lucky and another mass shooting will occur that you can blame on queers.
Comey did her in. The suburban white wemmen stayed home. Not that she didn't deserve it.

And really, Trump may not be a disaster, and with Hillary we had 4 years of gridlock and hearings.


hilIARy did herself in via her illegal use of an unsecured private email server and her FRAUDULENT self-dealing of State Favors for the benefit of the Clinton Family Crime Syndicate Foundation.

It wasn't "illegal" for her to use a private server, and she didn't do anything "fraudulent." Try again, Bo. Harder. But this time without debunked right wing talking points or referring to the right's failed witch hunts.
Comey did her in. The suburban white wemmen stayed home. Not that she didn't deserve it.

And really, Trump may not be a disaster, and with Hillary we had 4 years of gridlock and hearings.


hilIARy did herself in via her illegal use of an unsecured private email server and her FRAUDULENT self-dealing of State Favors for the benefit of the Clinton Family Crime Syndicate Foundation.

It wasn't "illegal" for her to use a private server, and she didn't do anything "fraudulent." Try again, Bo. Harder. But this time without debunked right wing talking points or referring to the right's failed witch hunts.

Comey did her in. The suburban white wemmen stayed home. Not that she didn't deserve it.

And really, Trump may not be a disaster, and with Hillary we had 4 years of gridlock and hearings.


hilIARy did herself in via her illegal use of an unsecured private email server and her FRAUDULENT self-dealing of State Favors for the benefit of the Clinton Family Crime Syndicate Foundation.

It wasn't "illegal" for her to use a private server, and she didn't do anything "fraudulent." Try again, Bo. Harder. But this time without debunked right wing talking points or referring to the right's failed witch hunts.


Channeling Trump now, are you?
You're right. Rust Belt voters care more about gays getting married then providing for their families with decent paying jobs. lol.

Most people have moved on to far more pressing matters. I know that burns your ass and all, but tough shit. Maybe you'll get lucky and another mass shooting will occur that you can blame on queers.

Rust Belt voters have Rust Belt values. People vote their values more than economics because they all know politicians lie and sell them short on both sides of the aisle. The tipping point was those people's values. And hence the reason Saturday Night Live nailed it in Colin Jost's bit. It was funny too. A side-splitter. The audience laughed hard. :clap2: It's now a meme and everyone knows it.
Comey did her in. The suburban white wemmen stayed home. Not that she didn't deserve it.

And really, Trump may not be a disaster, and with Hillary we had 4 years of gridlock and hearings.


hilIARy did herself in via her illegal use of an unsecured private email server and her FRAUDULENT self-dealing of State Favors for the benefit of the Clinton Family Crime Syndicate Foundation.

It wasn't "illegal" for her to use a private server, and she didn't do anything "fraudulent." Try again, Bo. Harder. But this time without debunked right wing talking points or referring to the right's failed witch hunts.


Channeling Trump now, are you?

Speaking to you in short words you might understand.
You're right. Rust Belt voters care more about gays getting married then providing for their families with decent paying jobs. lol.

Most people have moved on to far more pressing matters. I know that burns your ass and all, but tough shit. Maybe you'll get lucky and another mass shooting will occur that you can blame on queers.

Rust Belt voters have Rust Belt values. People vote their values more than economics because they all know politicians lie and sell them short on both sides of the aisle. The tipping point was those people's values. And hence the reason Saturday Night Live nailed it in Colin Jost's bit. It was funny too. A side-splitter. The audience laughed hard. :clap2: It's now a meme and everyone knows it.

You spent months and months complaining that gay marriage was going to harm Trump. Guess what? It didn't. He is the most gay friendly GOP candidate in history and yet he won the Rust Belt. Stop projecting your obsession on the rest of the electorate.


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