Johnsons dithering killed around 20000 Brits

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

The number of coronavirus deaths in the UK would have been halved if lockdown had been introduced a week earlier, a former government adviser has said.

Prof Neil Ferguson, whose advice was crucial to the decision to go into lockdown, said the outbreak had been doubling in size every three or four days before measures had been taken.

Conservatism in action. How many Americans has Trump killed ? Shit leaders = shit outcomes

The number of coronavirus deaths in the UK would have been halved if lockdown had been introduced a week earlier, a former government adviser has said.

Prof Neil Ferguson, whose advice was crucial to the decision to go into lockdown, said the outbreak had been doubling in size every three or four days before measures had been taken.

Conservatism in action. How many Americans has Trump killed ? Shit leaders = shit outcomes

According to the same epidemiologist that broke lockdown to spend time with his side salad.

Neil Ferguson: UK coronavirus adviser resigns after breaking lockdown rules

The number of coronavirus deaths in the UK would have been halved if lockdown had been introduced a week earlier, a former government adviser has said.

Prof Neil Ferguson, whose advice was crucial to the decision to go into lockdown, said the outbreak had been doubling in size every three or four days before measures had been taken.

Conservatism in action. How many Americans has Trump killed ? Shit leaders = shit outcomes
And you believe that simply because some random dude named Neil Ferguson said so...

You're a very easily brainwashed fucking idiot.

If Neil Ferguson told you to suck your own dick, would you do it?
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The number of coronavirus deaths in the UK would have been halved if lockdown had been introduced a week earlier, a former government adviser has said.

Prof Neil Ferguson, whose advice was crucial to the decision to go into lockdown, said the outbreak had been doubling in size every three or four days before measures had been taken.

Conservatism in action. How many Americans has Trump killed ? Shit leaders = shit outcomes
And you believe that simply because some random dude named Neil Ferguson said so...

You're a fucking idiot.

Actually, Ferguson was the epidemiologist who made doomsday prediction that half a million people would die in the UK if strict lockdowns were implemented.

The had to resign when he violated his own draconian lockdowns to spend some time with his married slam piece.

The number of coronavirus deaths in the UK would have been halved if lockdown had been introduced a week earlier, a former government adviser has said.

Prof Neil Ferguson, whose advice was crucial to the decision to go into lockdown, said the outbreak had been doubling in size every three or four days before measures had been taken.

Conservatism in action. How many Americans has Trump killed ? Shit leaders = shit outcomes
so the virus is conservative???!!!! hahahahhahahahahah
How can anyone put this guy to be credible? This guy is a dick. I'm pretty sure there really aren't ANY authorities on COVID 19. Unfortunately, it has become a totally political subject. The science around this subject is no longer above outright lying.

The number of coronavirus deaths in the UK would have been halved if lockdown had been introduced a week earlier, a former government adviser has said.

Prof Neil Ferguson, whose advice was crucial to the decision to go into lockdown, said the outbreak had been doubling in size every three or four days before measures had been taken.

Conservatism in action. How many Americans has Trump killed ? Shit leaders = shit outcomes
And you believe that simply because some random dude named Neil Ferguson said so...

You're a fucking idiot.

Actually, Ferguson was the epidemiologist who made doomsday prediction that half a million people would die in the UK if strict lockdowns were implemented.

The had to resign when he violated his own draconian lockdowns to spend some time with his married slam piece.
So he's not just some random dude, he's a known individual scumbag anti-science activist.

The number of coronavirus deaths in the UK would have been halved if lockdown had been introduced a week earlier, a former government adviser has said.

Prof Neil Ferguson, whose advice was crucial to the decision to go into lockdown, said the outbreak had been doubling in size every three or four days before measures had been taken.

Conservatism in action. How many Americans has Trump killed ? Shit leaders = shit outcomes


They reckon that due to cancelling cancer screening because of the lockdown, some 13,000 will die from preventable cancer, then, you have long-term future deaths due to the effects of poverty. Most deaths were from poorer areas.

And as for Trump where the Left claims he's not their president and you don't listen to him due to constant lying, you're up in arms you didn't get told off him to lead your lives sooner during the pandemic.

The Left need to get their story straight and quit the one dimensional thinking.
Once again, a vivid reminder of why we Americans kicked the degenerate British filth out of our country almost a century and a half ago.

Most Americans cannot even grasp the idea of a nation peopled almost entirely with such pathetic. worthless losers, they they actually beg their government to oppress them, and strip them of what remaining freedoms they have, over an overhyped flu bug. It's depressing enough that there are enough such worthless losers among our own population, but most Americans, I think, clearly recognize such losers for what they are.

The number of coronavirus deaths in the UK would have been halved if lockdown had been introduced a week earlier, a former government adviser has said.

Prof Neil Ferguson, whose advice was crucial to the decision to go into lockdown, said the outbreak had been doubling in size every three or four days before measures had been taken.

Conservatism in action. How many Americans has Trump killed ? Shit leaders = shit outcomes

Thank you for your one dimensional thinking.

Did you know, the lockdown means some 13,000 people will die from cancer because screening was stopped to free up the NHS. Did you know from history that deaths outweighed the recession etc.. when GDP reduced by 4% due to the effect on health from poverty. The reduction in GDP from the lockdown is nearly triple that.

So in the UK we have stupid bakes claiming Boris killed thousands whilst long-term, double or triple that are going to die.

The number of coronavirus deaths in the UK would have been halved if lockdown had been introduced a week earlier, a former government adviser has said.

Prof Neil Ferguson, whose advice was crucial to the decision to go into lockdown, said the outbreak had been doubling in size every three or four days before measures had been taken.

Conservatism in action. How many Americans has Trump killed ? Shit leaders = shit outcomes

Thank you for your one dimensional thinking.

Did you know, the lockdown means some 13,000 people will die from cancer because screening was stopped to free up the NHS. Did you know from history that deaths outweighed the recession etc.. when GDP reduced by 4% due to the effect on health from poverty. The reduction in GDP from the lockdown is nearly triple that.

So in the UK we have stupid bakes claiming Boris killed thousands whilst long-term, double or triple that are going to die.

So Boris is "innocent" of helping to defund the NHS, police and other services in the name of ideological "austerity" over the last decade? He's "innocent" of scrapping the UK's pandemic response team 6 months before the pandemic hit? So Boris fought against "austerity" programs that created the poverty that contributed to these excess deaths?

Did Boris kill thousands? Probably not, but successive Conservative governments bear a heavy responsibility for the situation we find ourselves in today, ultimately the buck has to stop somewhere.

The number of coronavirus deaths in the UK would have been halved if lockdown had been introduced a week earlier, a former government adviser has said.

Prof Neil Ferguson, whose advice was crucial to the decision to go into lockdown, said the outbreak had been doubling in size every three or four days before measures had been taken.

Conservatism in action. How many Americans has Trump killed ? Shit leaders = shit outcomes

Thank you for your one dimensional thinking.

Did you know, the lockdown means some 13,000 people will die from cancer because screening was stopped to free up the NHS. Did you know from history that deaths outweighed the recession etc.. when GDP reduced by 4% due to the effect on health from poverty. The reduction in GDP from the lockdown is nearly triple that.

So in the UK we have stupid bakes claiming Boris killed thousands whilst long-term, double or triple that are going to die.

So Boris is "innocent" of helping to defund the NHS, police and other services in the name of ideological "austerity" over the last decade? He's "innocent" of scrapping the UK's pandemic response team 6 months before the pandemic hit? So Boris fought against "austerity" programs that created the poverty that contributed to these excess deaths?

Did Boris kill thousands? Probably not, but successive Conservative governments bear a heavy responsibility for the situation we find ourselves in today, ultimately the buck has to stop somewhere.
We were ill prepared for this and the subsequent mis management of the crisis has made it worse. This weeks disaster has seen us dump the £100m track and trace app after a fortnight.
On pretty much every area we have failed as a nation and people are dead.
The only countries who have fared worse are Brazil and the US. What is the link ? All 3 nations are run by crazy right wing fucks who do not give a shit about the people they are supposed to be looking after.
“Britain is in the middle of a coronavirus disaster. It has one of the highest fatality rates in the world, with at least 52,000 Britons dead from the disease. The UK government's usual cheerleaders in the right-wing media are eviscerating it on a near-daily basis.

But critics say that instead of tackling the crisis head-on -- perhaps with a reshuffle of his ministerial team; a shakeup of government policy; or the announcement of an inquiry -- Prime Minister Boris Johnson has engaged in a tactic of an altogether more Trumpian style. He has launched a culture war.”

Johnson’s as much a racist and bigot as Trump.
“Britain is in the middle of a coronavirus disaster. It has one of the highest fatality rates in the world, with at least 52,000 Britons dead from the disease. The UK government's usual cheerleaders in the right-wing media are eviscerating it on a near-daily basis.

But critics say that instead of tackling the crisis head-on -- perhaps with a reshuffle of his ministerial team; a shakeup of government policy; or the announcement of an inquiry -- Prime Minister Boris Johnson has engaged in a tactic of an altogether more Trumpian style. He has launched a culture war.”

Johnson’s as much a racist and bigot as Trump.
Its arguable that he is worse than trump.

The number of coronavirus deaths in the UK would have been halved if lockdown had been introduced a week earlier, a former government adviser has said.

Prof Neil Ferguson, whose advice was crucial to the decision to go into lockdown, said the outbreak had been doubling in size every three or four days before measures had been taken.

Conservatism in action. How many Americans has Trump killed ? Shit leaders = shit outcomes
Thanks, Obama!

The number of coronavirus deaths in the UK would have been halved if lockdown had been introduced a week earlier, a former government adviser has said.

Prof Neil Ferguson, whose advice was crucial to the decision to go into lockdown, said the outbreak had been doubling in size every three or four days before measures had been taken.

Conservatism in action. How many Americans has Trump killed ? Shit leaders = shit outcomes

Thank you for your one dimensional thinking.

Did you know, the lockdown means some 13,000 people will die from cancer because screening was stopped to free up the NHS. Did you know from history that deaths outweighed the recession etc.. when GDP reduced by 4% due to the effect on health from poverty. The reduction in GDP from the lockdown is nearly triple that.

So in the UK we have stupid bakes claiming Boris killed thousands whilst long-term, double or triple that are going to die.

So Boris is "innocent" of helping to defund the NHS, police and other services in the name of ideological "austerity" over the last decade? He's "innocent" of scrapping the UK's pandemic response team 6 months before the pandemic hit? So Boris fought against "austerity" programs that created the poverty that contributed to these excess deaths?

Did Boris kill thousands? Probably not, but successive Conservative governments bear a heavy responsibility for the situation we find ourselves in today, ultimately the buck has to stop somewhere.

The NHS, railway, police etc.. are not under funded. I only know because I know people who work in those places. Billions are wasted.

Here's one. On a Sunday, each division on the rail has a machine that lifts the track to the correct place and rejiggles the ballast. Because of the unions, the workers on that machine earn more per hour. It only works a Sunday. So the guys book themselves down to that machine on the other six days, the wage fraud on the rail is rife. Tools go missing, electricians book materials on the rails account but collect it from the suppliers to do cash jobs. There's more.

The NHS, medical equipment is stolen by staff and sold which means operations get cancelled. I've forgot the statistic where NHS staff have bed sheets at home with NHS stamped on them. Staff can't change a light bulb, a firm comes out and charges £250 a time. They can't move furniture or computers, dedicated people are brought in. Theres a load of other stuff where money is defrauded out. They even made 3 staff redundant at my local hospital and employed someone on more money combined to log the stats!!!

The police, some 80% to 90% is spent on wages and pensions. Cops are retired off on nice fat pensions at 55. Any yearly increase disappears to pay pensions.

The number of coronavirus deaths in the UK would have been halved if lockdown had been introduced a week earlier, a former government adviser has said.

Prof Neil Ferguson, whose advice was crucial to the decision to go into lockdown, said the outbreak had been doubling in size every three or four days before measures had been taken.

Conservatism in action. How many Americans has Trump killed ? Shit leaders = shit outcomes

Thank you for your one dimensional thinking.

Did you know, the lockdown means some 13,000 people will die from cancer because screening was stopped to free up the NHS. Did you know from history that deaths outweighed the recession etc.. when GDP reduced by 4% due to the effect on health from poverty. The reduction in GDP from the lockdown is nearly triple that.

So in the UK we have stupid bakes claiming Boris killed thousands whilst long-term, double or triple that are going to die.

So Boris is "innocent" of helping to defund the NHS, police and other services in the name of ideological "austerity" over the last decade? He's "innocent" of scrapping the UK's pandemic response team 6 months before the pandemic hit? So Boris fought against "austerity" programs that created the poverty that contributed to these excess deaths?

Did Boris kill thousands? Probably not, but successive Conservative governments bear a heavy responsibility for the situation we find ourselves in today, ultimately the buck has to stop somewhere.

The NHS, railway, police etc.. are not under funded. I only know because I know people who work in those places. Billions are wasted.

Here's one. On a Sunday, each division on the rail has a machine that lifts the track to the correct place and rejiggles the ballast. Because of the unions, the workers on that machine earn more per hour. It only works a Sunday. So the guys book themselves down to that machine on the other six days, the wage fraud on the rail is rife. Tools go missing, electricians book materials on the rails account but collect it from the suppliers to do cash jobs. There's more.

The NHS, medical equipment is stolen by staff and sold which means operations get cancelled. I've forgot the statistic where NHS staff have bed sheets at home with NHS stamped on them. Staff can't change a light bulb, a firm comes out and charges £250 a time. They can't move furniture or computers, dedicated people are brought in. Theres a load of other stuff where money is defrauded out. They even made 3 staff redundant at my local hospital and employed someone on more money combined to log the stats!!!

The police, some 80% to 90% is spent on wages and pensions. Cops are retired off on nice fat pensions at 55. Any yearly increase disappears to pay pensions.
Knobhead alert. lets have the links for that anecdotal tory shite. Meanwhile here is some recommended reading.

The number of coronavirus deaths in the UK would have been halved if lockdown had been introduced a week earlier, a former government adviser has said.

Prof Neil Ferguson, whose advice was crucial to the decision to go into lockdown, said the outbreak had been doubling in size every three or four days before measures had been taken.

Conservatism in action. How many Americans has Trump killed ? Shit leaders = shit outcomes

Thank you for your one dimensional thinking.

Did you know, the lockdown means some 13,000 people will die from cancer because screening was stopped to free up the NHS. Did you know from history that deaths outweighed the recession etc.. when GDP reduced by 4% due to the effect on health from poverty. The reduction in GDP from the lockdown is nearly triple that.

So in the UK we have stupid bakes claiming Boris killed thousands whilst long-term, double or triple that are going to die.

So Boris is "innocent" of helping to defund the NHS, police and other services in the name of ideological "austerity" over the last decade? He's "innocent" of scrapping the UK's pandemic response team 6 months before the pandemic hit? So Boris fought against "austerity" programs that created the poverty that contributed to these excess deaths?

Did Boris kill thousands? Probably not, but successive Conservative governments bear a heavy responsibility for the situation we find ourselves in today, ultimately the buck has to stop somewhere.

The NHS, railway, police etc.. are not under funded. I only know because I know people who work in those places. Billions are wasted.

Here's one. On a Sunday, each division on the rail has a machine that lifts the track to the correct place and rejiggles the ballast. Because of the unions, the workers on that machine earn more per hour. It only works a Sunday. So the guys book themselves down to that machine on the other six days, the wage fraud on the rail is rife. Tools go missing, electricians book materials on the rails account but collect it from the suppliers to do cash jobs. There's more.

The NHS, medical equipment is stolen by staff and sold which means operations get cancelled. I've forgot the statistic where NHS staff have bed sheets at home with NHS stamped on them. Staff can't change a light bulb, a firm comes out and charges £250 a time. They can't move furniture or computers, dedicated people are brought in. Theres a load of other stuff where money is defrauded out. They even made 3 staff redundant at my local hospital and employed someone on more money combined to log the stats!!!

The police, some 80% to 90% is spent on wages and pensions. Cops are retired off on nice fat pensions at 55. Any yearly increase disappears to pay pensions.
Knobhead alert. lets have the links for that anecdotal tory shite. Meanwhile here is some recommended reading.
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How do I post a link to relatives that work there?

I think I've met the forum fuckwit.

Are you one of those Corbyn commies, lol. Got your arses well and truly whipped. Labourites are the lowest in UK politics.

And who put PFI into hospitals dumbass!! Mortgaged our kids future, dumbass.
Prof Neil Ferguson, whose advice was crucial to the decision to go into lockdown, said the outbreak had been doubling in size every three or four days before measures had been taken.

The widely discredited Ferguson who had to step down and resigned from his position because he broke his own lock down rules? The discredited Ferguson whose models were off by millions?


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