Jolly old England is not so jolly now.

Even Southgate knows that England has the best attacking players and more of them than even 66.
Yet in the final, he played a bunch of defenders and defensive midfielders 8 in all with only three attackers. Had he played an attacking team they would not have needed penalties.
Yes. I only have one criticism of Southgate, and that is he needs to loosen the shackles a little. I would have loved to have seen Foden and Sacho in there. I thought Sterling was pretty average. Whatever the case, to get a really top class manager at international level is pretty hard. All the really great managers are at the top leagues in European countries. Mancini had nothing better to do and no other options. That is the only reason he was with Italy. Arguable Martinez at Belgium is another top draw manager, but outside of that?

However Southgate made a rip roaring arse of it.

Football players miss penalties, high pressure ones, in shoot outs. Nothing to do with the colour of their skin. Southgate showed why he's probably the worst English manager I've seen in my years watching the game by having 3 players (2 of whom hadn't even kicked the ball in the game) hitting 3 pivotal penalties including, as you say, a 19 year old kid who is inexperienced having all that pressure on him to kick last or lose the European final.

Southgate is a mug. England never had a better chance to do it - all the home games, with fans, and the run of teams they had to beat to get to the final- the only decent team was Germany who themselves have fallen off dramatically stand-wise.
You need to watch the game more closely. I would love to see which English managers you have watched over the past years. Southgate is no mug, but he did stuff up. Getting England to a WC semi final and Euro Final is no mean feat. He is by far their most successful manager in terms of tournaments since Alf Ramsay. And don't give me that crap about the draw. Smaller teams have beaten bigger teams consistently in such tournaments. Belgium were crap, France self imploded and Spain couldn't get out of first gear. Rashford regularly takes penalties for Man U and scores them. Southgate's only mistake was choosing Saka, but he based it on how they performed in training. Henderson and Walker are terrible pen takers, and Sterling - from memory - as scored one out of his last four. Hardly inspiring.
Even Southgate knows that England has the best attacking players and more of them than even 66.
Yet in the final, he played a bunch of defenders and defensive midfielders 8 in all with only three attackers. Had he played an attacking team they would not have needed penalties.
I agree. He shit the bed.

Most of the first half Italy were on the ropes - then his management "skills" kicked in.

Terrifying that someone can be arrested for a "racist" tweet. My guess is that generally this is weaponized 1 way.

Anything that causes divisive hatred in a community must be stamped out.
The idiot's tweet was a lie, those players missed penalties for a number of reasons none of which was because of their skin colour.

Arresting someone for this insane. I have trolled some police twitter accounts in the UK from the USA. What are they going to do arrest me? LOL. These politicians and police organizations provided cover for paki rape gangs, real crimes. Some guy in Scotland got arrested for doing a clownish video where he made his dog look like Hitler and uploaded to youtube. The bottom line is that it is fine to target and attack whites, Christians.
One thing nobody has picked up on is the number of penalties saved through the tournament.
Early in the competition, I thought the goalies were moving off their line before the ball was kicked.
Sako's penalty seemed to be in the right place with enough power but if you watch the replay the Italian
goalie was already moving forward off his line to narrow the angle before moving to his left.
If all the rules are followed it is virtually impossible for a goalie to save it if it is in the right place with the right degree of power. In that competition, the odds seemed down to 50/50.
In the recent Europa League Final all twenty players scored before a weak effort from the Man Utd goalie was saved.
I remember a women's World Cup game where the Scottish goalie saved a pen but was adjudged by VAR to have moved off her line. The penalty was taken again and scored. It would be interesting to see all those England v Italy again with VAR.

The Italian who grabbed Sako by the collar when he was clean through should have been sent off.
I am sure he was the last man but even if he wasn't trying to throttle someone must be considered dangerous.

Just some points but at the end of the day England because of Southgates defensive nature didn't deserve to win.

Terrifying that someone can be arrested for a "racist" tweet. My guess is that generally this is weaponized 1 way.

Anything that causes divisive hatred in a community must be stamped out.
The idiot's tweet was a lie, those players missed penalties for a number of reasons none of which was because of their skin colour.

Arresting someone for this insane. I have trolled some police twitter accounts in the UK from the USA. What are they going to do arrest me? LOL. These politicians and police organizations provided cover for paki rape gangs, real crimes. Some guy in Scotland got arrested for doing a clownish video where he made his dog look like Hitler and uploaded to youtube. The bottom line is that it is fine to target and attack whites, Christians.

You trolled police Twitter accounts? And what exactly did you say in them?
Anything inspiring, enlightening, hardly as you've used the word 'trolled'.

Terrifying that someone can be arrested for a "racist" tweet. My guess is that generally this is weaponized 1 way.

Anything that causes divisive hatred in a community must be stamped out.
The idiot's tweet was a lie, those players missed penalties for a number of reasons none of which was because of their skin colour.

Arresting someone for this insane. I have trolled some police twitter accounts in the UK from the USA. What are they going to do arrest me? LOL. These politicians and police organizations provided cover for paki rape gangs, real crimes. Some guy in Scotland got arrested for doing a clownish video where he made his dog look like Hitler and uploaded to youtube. The bottom line is that it is fine to target and attack whites, Christians.

You trolled police Twitter accounts? And what exactly did you say in them?
Anything inspiring, enlightening, hardly as you've used the word 'trolled'.

Why do you want to arrest people for mean tweets?

Terrifying that someone can be arrested for a "racist" tweet. My guess is that generally this is weaponized 1 way.

Anything that causes divisive hatred in a community must be stamped out.
The idiot's tweet was a lie, those players missed penalties for a number of reasons none of which was because of their skin colour.

Arresting someone for this insane. I have trolled some police twitter accounts in the UK from the USA. What are they going to do arrest me? LOL. These politicians and police organizations provided cover for paki rape gangs, real crimes. Some guy in Scotland got arrested for doing a clownish video where he made his dog look like Hitler and uploaded to youtube. The bottom line is that it is fine to target and attack whites, Christians.

You trolled police Twitter accounts? And what exactly did you say in them?
Anything inspiring, enlightening, hardly as you've used the word 'trolled'.

Why do you want to arrest people for mean tweets?

How do you think the Holocaust started?
Hitler and his Brownshirts making disparaging remarks and speeches about Jews. Nobody took too much notice until the Wall Street Crash and Great Depression when jobs were hard to come by.
Then the criticism started to spread "Jews out". It all became more violent, burning Jewish property and eventually arresting and incarcerating them. It was all based on lies.

Anybody subjected to racist tweets has done nothing to deserve them. How would you feel receiving such hate-filled rhetoric from a perfect stranger who you don't know and can't defend yourself against?
Imagine receiving hundreds of them and what could they do to your mental health?
Italy defeats England to win the in the Euro 2020 championship.

I don't follow the game much, but caught the last 10 min.
First chance for England to win this in a long time....and it's all gone.

Sorry about that.

Duh the last time I checked it was 2021

The 2020 Finals are a year late because of Covid.

Nope the 2020 finals were cancelled and this is 2021. Not that the idiots moving the ball with their heads can know

They weren't cancelled just postponed and the 2020 Finals were played in 2021.

They can do what they like!

Yea and they can continue murdering princesses too so that her kid moves to the USA


Enough of the conspiracy theories Trump's gone and ain't coming back!

Err maybe not!! The Dems haven't stopped him running in 2024.. he could still win a second term. Perhaps this time if he doesn't tell the public to inject themselves with disinfectant to stop corona! :cool:
Bring him back! I liked the "Fake News" thing.. the media ppl hated him for saying it, pissed them off from here to the Andromeda galaxy, and beyond.. the media ppl are scared that with their constant brainwashing attempts, they're stuck at the back of the queue with Obama, rather than at the front.
Italy defeats England to win the in the Euro 2020 championship.

I don't follow the game much, but caught the last 10 min.
First chance for England to win this in a long time....and it's all gone.

Sorry about that.

Duh the last time I checked it was 2021

The 2020 Finals are a year late because of Covid.

Nope the 2020 finals were cancelled and this is 2021. Not that the idiots moving the ball with their heads can know

They weren't cancelled just postponed and the 2020 Finals were played in 2021.

They can do what they like!

Yea and they can continue murdering princesses too so that her kid moves to the USA


Enough of the conspiracy theories Trump's gone and ain't coming back!

Err maybe not!! The Dems haven't stopped him running in 2024.. he could still win a second term. Perhaps this time if he doesn't tell the public to inject themselves with disinfectant to stop corona! :cool:
Bring him back! I liked the "Fake News" thing.. the media ppl hated him for saying it, pissed them off from here to the Andromeda galaxy, and beyond.. the media ppl are scared that with their constant brainwashing attempts, they're stuck at the back of the queue with Obama, rather than at the front.

Hello - Sorry to break into your political discussion, but this is supposed to be about England vs Italy soccer...
Italy defeats England to win the in the Euro 2020 championship.

I don't follow the game much, but caught the last 10 min.
First chance for England to win this in a long time....and it's all gone.

Sorry about that.

Duh the last time I checked it was 2021

The 2020 Finals are a year late because of Covid.

Nope the 2020 finals were cancelled and this is 2021. Not that the idiots moving the ball with their heads can know

They weren't cancelled just postponed and the 2020 Finals were played in 2021.

They can do what they like!

Yea and they can continue murdering princesses too so that her kid moves to the USA


Enough of the conspiracy theories Trump's gone and ain't coming back!

Err maybe not!! The Dems haven't stopped him running in 2024.. he could still win a second term. Perhaps this time if he doesn't tell the public to inject themselves with disinfectant to stop corona! :cool:
Bring him back! I liked the "Fake News" thing.. the media ppl hated him for saying it, pissed them off from here to the Andromeda galaxy, and beyond.. the media ppl are scared that with their constant brainwashing attempts, they're stuck at the back of the queue with Obama, rather than at the front.

Hello - Sorry to break into your political discussion, but this is supposed to be about England vs Italy soccer...

What football? :confused-84:
Italy defeats England to win the in the Euro 2020 championship.

I don't follow the game much, but caught the last 10 min.
First chance for England to win this in a long time....and it's all gone.

Sorry about that.

Duh the last time I checked it was 2021

The 2020 Finals are a year late because of Covid.

Nope the 2020 finals were cancelled and this is 2021. Not that the idiots moving the ball with their heads can know

They weren't cancelled just postponed and the 2020 Finals were played in 2021.

They can do what they like!

Yea and they can continue murdering princesses too so that her kid moves to the USA


Enough of the conspiracy theories Trump's gone and ain't coming back!

Err maybe not!! The Dems haven't stopped him running in 2024.. he could still win a second term. Perhaps this time if he doesn't tell the public to inject themselves with disinfectant to stop corona! :cool:
Bring him back! I liked the "Fake News" thing.. the media ppl hated him for saying it, pissed them off from here to the Andromeda galaxy, and beyond.. the media ppl are scared that with their constant brainwashing attempts, they're stuck at the back of the queue with Obama, rather than at the front.

Not sure what thread your referring to, but trust me Trump will never be President again.

Not much more to be said about England v Italy.

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