Jon Gruden Fired As Raiders Head Coach.

f that is what you need to pretend because I recognize the amoral, apolitical nature of corporate decisions, that must be what you need to believe, I guess.
Liberalism has an extraordinary ability to incite and inflame its adherents and inspire social movements. Your arguments are proof of that.
Gruden and many others have been fired/canceled for their "racist, etc. comments.

And then we have people like Lebron James and Joy Reid, among many others on the left, who's racist, etc. comments are glossed over.
What are Lebron's racist comments?
That it doesn't matter how many crimes Hunter Biden commits, his crimes will be ignored completely...but lord have mercy if you say someone has fat lips...
Turtleshit why hasn't Hunter gone to jail? Why didn't fat ass Barr have him prosecuted? Are you wanting to use racial slurs like you used to.
Liberalism has an extraordinary ability to incite and inflame its adherents and inspire social movements. Your arguments are proof of that.
If you need to imply that Mark Davis is a closet flaming leftist, that is your whimsy. I don't see how your obsession with politics is applicable to his decision.

Why would Davis use Gruden's ugly effusions in some sort of vendetta?

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Gruden's resignation without a whimper may be taken as an admission that he did spew racist, misogynistic, and homophobic remarks, bot that he is the only degenerate uncovered in the NFL's investigation - 650,000 emails - is highly dubious.

Why was he the only individual publicly exposed?

Past NFL smears were clearly calculated and targeted:

... Consider 2015’s Deflategate, where the NFL was accused of not just leaking stories that cast New England quarterback Tom Brady in a negative light, but of leaking stories that turned out to be demonstrably false and then, even when called on it by an outraged Patriots franchise, refusing to correct the made-up narrative.
The NFL wanted the Pats back then – likely because it jumped to a conclusion of cheating before understanding the science of Ideal Gas Law. The league was stung at the idea New England was supposedly bending the rules so soon after the so-called “SpyGate” scandal.
It started the day after the 2015 AFC championship game when Indianapolis contested the Patriots' footballs. ESPN, citing a “league source,” reported that 11 of the 12 footballs were two pounds or more under the 12.5 PSI minimum.
In fact, none of them were. Not a single one. The NFL knew it. The league had the measurements from the referees. Yet the NFL didn’t correct the report even as it defined Brady as a cheater. It’s a reputation that persists to this day.
The Patriots demanded the league correct the inaccurate story and investigate who leaked it. Goodell’s office simply stated they didn’t believe they were the source of the leak, but even so, it just let the falsehood sit out there.
So the NFL either purposefully created a fake story that was prejudicial to Brady, or purposefully let a fake story that was prejudicial to Brady linger.
It’s not clear which would be worse. Most likely, it did both.
Is Gruden really the only NFL employee issuing such foul utterances as uncovered by this investigation?
If you need to imply that Mark Davis is a closet flaming leftist, that is your whimsy. I don't see how your obsession with politics is applicable to his decision.

Why would Davis use Gruden's ugly effusions in some sort of vendetta?

Gruden's resignation without a whimper may be taken as an admission that he did spew racist, misogynistic, and homophobic remarks, bot that he is the only degenerate uncovered in the NFL's investigation - 650,000 emails - is highly dubious.

Why was he the only individual publicly exposed?

Past NFL smears were clearly calculated and targeted:

... Consider 2015’s Deflategate, where the NFL was accused of not just leaking stories that cast New England quarterback Tom Brady in a negative light, but of leaking stories that turned out to be demonstrably false and then, even when called on it by an outraged Patriots franchise, refusing to correct the made-up narrative.
The NFL wanted the Pats back then – likely because it jumped to a conclusion of cheating before understanding the science of Ideal Gas Law. The league was stung at the idea New England was supposedly bending the rules so soon after the so-called “SpyGate” scandal.
It started the day after the 2015 AFC championship game when Indianapolis contested the Patriots' footballs. ESPN, citing a “league source,” reported that 11 of the 12 footballs were two pounds or more under the 12.5 PSI minimum.
In fact, none of them were. Not a single one. The NFL knew it. The league had the measurements from the referees. Yet the NFL didn’t correct the report even as it defined Brady as a cheater. It’s a reputation that persists to this day.
The Patriots demanded the league correct the inaccurate story and investigate who leaked it. Goodell’s office simply stated they didn’t believe they were the source of the leak, but even so, it just let the falsehood sit out there.
So the NFL either purposefully created a fake story that was prejudicial to Brady, or purposefully let a fake story that was prejudicial to Brady linger.
It’s not clear which would be worse. Most likely, it did both.
Is Gruden really the only NFL employee issuing such foul utterances as uncovered by this investigation?
No. I'm saying that you are the new moral majority. Wasn't that obvious to you in my first post?
No. I'm saying that you are the new moral majority. Wasn't that obvious to you in my first post?
You are not being coherent.

I explained to you that the Raiders' management decision to dump Gruden is entirely amoral, a business decision predicated upon their regarding him as a corporate liability after the ugly racist, misogynistic, and homophobic attitude he expressed was made public.

Why do you need to pretend the Raiders' decision was moral and/or political?
You are not being coherent.

I explained to you that the Raiders' management decision to dump Gruden is entirely amoral, a business decision predicated upon their regarding him as a corporate liability after the ugly racist, misogynistic, and homophobic attitude he expressed was made public.

Why do you need to pretend the Raiders' decision was moral and/or political?
I have been very clear and concise. My one and only point is that you are the new moral majority. Apparently that reality offends you. You should own it with pride.
I have been very clear and concise. My one and only point is that you are the new moral majority. Apparently that reality offends you. You should own it with pride.
You seem determined to be impervious to reason.

My morality is totally unrelated to the Raiders' corporate decision that Gruden had become a liability.

If you refuse to grasp that reality, I can't help you.
Your need to attempt your contrived diversions has already been well established.

Gruden's accepting his dismissal without whining about it appears to be an admission that he has, in fact, expressed racist, misogynistic, and homophobic sentiments, does it not?
he got paid 7 million has more to do with it than anything, that was just contract, he might have gotten more to go quietly
I understand, I felt the same way about Gruden's comments.

Were Gruden's statements racist in your opinion? Just curious.
Yea some of them had a racist tone to them, the point is you can't have a man in charge of folks lives if he feels like that about them. I know there are more of them in the league and once they have been outed they have to go.
You seem determined to be impervious to reason.

My morality is totally unrelated to the Raiders' corporate decision that Gruden had become a liability.

If you refuse to grasp that reality, I can't help you.
You are inflamed and incited by everything you deem immoral. You are the new moral majority.

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