Zone1 Jon Stewart questions the transgender protections in Arkansas

Common sense and observation?

A man can't become a woman, period. All they can do is pretend. Same goes for the opposite attempted switch.
But your prejydice would deny the right of families to take these actions because..........prejudice.
Genuine science is absolutely clear about the differences between male and female.

Your denial of hard biological facts regarding these distinctions is a repudiation of science.
"genuine science" ?
All the scientists agree with me. None of them agree with you.
Kids glom onto the latest fad. It’s what kids do.

There’s a lot of kids who jump on the trans bandwagon simply because it’s fun to pick a new name and get new clothes.

Fun to be dramatic and have an excuse to have a meltdown when someone accidentally “misgenders” you. Fun to be the center of attention and be misunderstood and write bad poetry about it.

Exposing kids to “gender-affirming” medical care will enable kids to make decisions they’ll regret in leisure.

Anyone who’s worked in mental health know this is true.
Is it my prejudice stopping them from getting one of their 12 year old's hands surgically removed because said 12 year old wants to be a pirate?
Straw man alert. Joking aside you are using this tactic because you have run out of arguments.
Straw man alert. Joking aside you are using this tactic because you have run out of arguments.

Actually this tactic shows the idiocy of any surgical intervention being considered different just because it involves sexuality.

Just like the kid at 25 might want the use of both of his hands, the "trans at the time" person may want the functional use of their breasts, or functioning dick/balls or uterus.
And parents rights in this.
Parents rights is that no major decisions on their lives be made by their children without their consent first at least until they are 18 years old or deemed an adult fully responsible for their own lives.

Science is on their side.
The science is that gender is determined at conception according to the chromosomal pairing of their genes.
Kids glom onto the latest fad. It’s what kids do.

There’s a lot of kids who jump on the trans bandwagon simply because it’s fun to pick a new name and get new clothes.

Fun to be dramatic and have an excuse to have a meltdown when someone accidentally “misgenders” you. Fun to be the center of attention and be misunderstood and write bad poetry about it.

Exposing kids to “gender-affirming” medical care will enable kids to make decisions they’ll regret in leisure.

Anyone who’s worked in mental health know this is true.
Do you have kids? I don't think I have ever known a kid like this. Kids want first of all to belong. The last thing they want is to be the odd one out..
Do you have kids? I don't think I have ever known a kid like this. Kids want first of all to belong. The last thing they want is to be the odd one out..
There are a *lot* of preteen kids who would love the drama and attention that declaring themselves trans would bring. Especially if the media keeps glamorizing it.

Letting them make these kinds of medical decisions is irresponsible parenting.
Oh yes .. let the children mutilate their genitals and private parts and never have them back .. ever .. brilliant idea!
There are a *lot* of preteen kids who would love the drama and attention that declaring themselves trans would bring. Especially if the media keeps glamorizing it.

Letting them make these kinds of medical decisions is irresponsible parenting.
Well I am British. I don't think anyone glamorises it. Not here anyway. I absolutely no way believe that preteen kids would do this unless they thought it might be them. Of course a couple of friends might but it would only last a day or so. I do have concerns about kids maybe getting involved in this when it is not the right thing for them but I don't think they have scouts at the schools to get recruits after they have learned about it.
And parents rights in this. Science is on their side.

I never met my father-in-law. From what I know of him, the best thing that he ever did in his life was to put a gun to his head and pull the trigger.

That happened right after it came out that he had been sexually abusing his then ten-year-old daughter for the previous few years.

I didn't meet her until she was in her mid twenties. She's in her fifties, now. She's a wonderful woman, but to anyone who knows her very well, the psychological damage that her father did to her is still apparent.

So was my father-in-law just exercising legitimate parental rights, in deciding that his eight-year-old daughter should have the sexual experiences that she did?

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