Jonathan Turley: Statements By Capitol Police Officer Who Killed Ashli Babbitt ‘Demolish the Two Official Reviews That Cleared Him’

Man-o-man, there is a sentiment here that just won't let the corpse---or the family---of Ms. Babbitt rest.
Like puppies with a chew-toy.

Look, let's saddle up one more time: Ashli is dead because of Ashli. She made a whole series of bad choices -----chose to join a violent mob breaking into the Capitol; chose to join a violent subset of that mob; chose to participate with them in their violent breaching of a barricade specifically erected to bar them from killing or kidnapping U.S. legislators; and once the barrier was breached, and despite being firmly, assertively, ordered to quit, to back away, to leave, to stop........she chose not to.

Instead, she chose to leap towards the officers who were commanding her to retreat.

At no time dd Ashli, who had taken an oath to protect America, at no time did Ashli stop, or attempt to convince her cohorts to quit their violence against the barricade. Instead, she angrily hurled epithets at the police on the other side of the barricade. Ashli did not stop when ordered. Ashli did not retreat in the face of an aimed gun held by a police officer. Instead, she leaped forward at the assembled officers on the opposite side.

Ashli is dead because of Ashli.
Let the woman.....and her family at peace.

That is just so inaccurate as to be lies.
Ashli and Bryd both said nothing.
The cops blocking that barricade had moved aside.
There was no indication at all anyone cared is Ashli traversed the broken window.
She was NOT ordered to do anything, and could not possibly have seen the gun held by Bryd because it was out of her peripheral vision, to the left.
And there were no "assembled officers on the opposite side".
The other side of the barricade was the vacant hallway.
Bryd was reaching out from his own barricade, in a side meeting room.
He was not in the hallway.
If the officer was cleared it should have been by a jury rather than his pals on the force.
Michael Byrd was cleared in a closed door meeting of Biden DOJ officials. No one knows a thing about
what went on or what was said.
Not a single peep about the exoneration.

The process was about as transparent as the plywood boards nailed over Detroit polling center windows
keeping observers from watching the steal in real time, in a patently illegal move that no one
has ever prosecuted.
Like I've been saying, this was murder. There was no imminent threat, no deadly force, Ashli was pinned in a doorway window and there were other police present. For some reason known only to Officer Byrd, he inexplicably jumped forward gun drawn and shot her point blank in the face.
The only murder which occurred on January 6 in the Capitol was that of an insurrectionist trampled to death by her fellow insurrectionists.

And none of you ever shed a fucking crocodile tear for her. You don't even know her name.
A credulous idiot insurrectionist who drank Sore Loser Donald Trump's piss, attempted to breach the last barricade between the mad mob and the House. After ignoring several warnings by a policeman pointing his gun at her, she continued to climb her way over the barricade.

I hope she didn't die with a surprised look on her retarded face.
Exactly like he's been exonerated in a closed door whitewash session after murdering an unarmed Air Force veteran. Does he have something on Nancy Pelosi?
What would he have to do, theoretically, to face some sort of discipline for what he's done?
The Capital Police seem to have an extraordinarily closed disciplinary system. The results of their internal affairs investigations seem to never be released and their members never seem to be disciplined. For instance, leaving a firearm unsecured and forgotten in a public restroom would result in a long suspension at a minimum in a real police department, if not outright dismissal.
A credulous idiot insurrectionist who drank Sore Loser Donald Trump's piss, attempted to breach the last barricade between the mad mob and the House. After ignoring several warnings by a policeman pointing his gun at her, she continued to climb her way over the barricade.

I hope she didn't die with a surprised look on her retarded face.
Can you substantiate the part highlighted in bold print?

Of course you can't. You're just another low IQ clown trying to rationalize cold blooded murder.

Put down your Fool-Aid.
The only murder which occurred on January 6 in the Capitol was that of an insurrectionist trampled to death by her fellow insurrectionists.

And none of you ever shed a fucking crocodile tear for her. You don't even know her name.
Sounds like a tragic accident, I think you have a fundamental misunderstanding of what "murder" is and is not. Shooting a defenseless woman in the face who poses NO EMINENT THREAT to the shooter is murder. Do some studying and then get back to me.
A credulous idiot insurrectionist who drank Sore Loser Donald Trump's piss, attempted to breach the last barricade between the mad mob and the House. After ignoring several warnings by a policeman pointing his gun at her, she continued to climb her way over the barricade.

I hope she didn't die with a surprised look on her retarded face.
It's rather telling, G5000 that you have to lie about what actually took place that day! Why is that?
I speak the truth. I do not parrot the delusions you tards are being fed by your propagandists.

How long before you all decide Ashli Babbitt was a member of Antifa or an FBI agent, I wonder.
There are so many things in your statements that are flat out lies, G5000! All you have to do is watch the videos of what happened that day and it's OBVIOUS that you're full of shit!

Ashli Babbitt was an unarmed protester that was shot at point blank range by a Police officer that admitted he couldn't tell if anyone on the other side of that door was armed or not. We don't shoot unarmed protesters in this country. It doesn't matter what side of the political spectrum they fall on.
This is such well-plowed ground.
We all can hope that Ms. Babbitt's family finds peace.....and do not expose themselves--purposesly or inadvertently--- to the distasteful waving of her bloody shirt for political purposes that we see in uber-partisan social-media postings.

Let's take a look at what the Poynter Institute's fact-check organization 'Politifacts" has reported in July of 2021:

"Fact-checking Donald Trump on there being 'no reason' for shooting Ashli Babbitt"​

The unqualified coward had to shoot an unarmed woman laying on the floor to find his safe space
Sounds like a tragic accident, I think you have a fundamental misunderstanding of what "murder" is and is not. Shooting a defenseless woman in the face who poses NO EMINENT THREAT to the shooter is murder. Do some studying and then get back to me.
She wasn’t shot in the face. Do you guys ever stop changing the story?
The unqualified coward had to shoot an unarmed woman laying on the floor to find his safe space

I really hesitate to participate anymore in this distasteful exhumation of Ashli Babbitt's corpse for partisan political debate points. It is disrespectful.

Still, I could not let pass the above assertion by the good poster 'WEATHER53".

That poster asserted...despite many airings of videos of the shooting from different cameras that Babbitt was clearly NOT lying on the floor when shot. It is shameful to assert such for mere political advantage.

When she was shot Babbitt was charging towards the officers who had commanded her to stop, to retreat, to leave. She refused. She continued forward. Towards a police officer aiming a gun at her.

Ashli Babbitt made a series of bad choices.
And, as in much of life, there can be an accounting for one's actions.

May the woman's family find peace.
I really hesitate to participate anymore in this distasteful exhumation of Ashli Babbitt's corpse for partisan political debate points. It is disrespectful.

Still, I could not let pass the above assertion by the good poster 'WEATHER53".

That poster asserted...despite many airings of videos of the shooting from different cameras that Babbitt was clearly NOT lying on the floor when shot. It is shameful to assert such for mere political advantage.

When she was shot Babbitt was charging towards the officers who had commanded her to stop, to retreat, to leave. She refused. She continued forward. Towards a police officer aiming a gun at her.

Ashli Babbitt made a series of bad choices.
And, as in much of life, there can be an accounting for one's actions.

May the woman's family find peace.
Your long winded narrative of what my eyes should be seeing does not alter what I saw. Most of your comment is, as always, grossly exaggerated as in the “charging toward officers” When In Fact 3/4 armed security were closer to her and did Zero other than the coward who snuck up and fired with no warning from him.
"Your long winded narrative of what my eyes should be seeing does not alter what I saw."

So, good poster WEATHER53, are you repeating and re-affirming that your eyes saw Officer Byrd shoot his pistol into Ashli Babbitt's body while she lay prone on the floor of the Capitol building?

Is that what you are asserting?
As you did up in post #193?

If in fact, that is exactly what you are asserting, well then, show us the video that leads you to your conclusion. Prove to the members of this venue that you have visual proof of your own assertion.

Saddle up, Slim.
It is showtime!
And she sure as hell was pointing no weapon at him.
No, she was the front man of a violent mob who had just bashed in part of a door and was climbing in where people hid who had not yet been able to flee to safety. She had a back pack which could have held a bomb and was likely going to open the door and let tbe mob in. She sure as hell wasn’t lying on the floor.

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