Joni Mitchel, Neil Young and Spotify

She never was much to look at and now that she's old, she should wear a mask for public health reasons.
I see where my Barnes & Noble still has her latest
large LP { 3 or 4 LP's } on discount.It's not moving.
Probably because 1 in 50 Mommies even knows
who in hell is Joni Mitchell.
However that dint stop Music Direct { great place
for ordering LP's and any of their Stereo gear }
from putting her mug on the yearly cover of their
2020 Catalog.
A Very nice photo " by world-renowned rock n' roll
photographer Henry Diltz and shot at the windowsill
of ... ' Our House '
I like some of her work and won't doubt her impact
as a Folk guitar legend.She earned it.I mean,she
*did woodstock.

Maybe that's why she felt she owed it to Neil Young.
To use Rogans banning as an example.Be a good leftie and
pile on.I have many Neil Young LP's.Probably because he
gets marketed.Meaning he's spoiled.Most his Music is

pretty similar.Same guitar licks and screeching about
some injustice.I think he just cursed hisself.he definately
did no service to his huge record sales.

* No ... she Passed.
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Does it matter? It is their freedom of choice as to where they want their music. It is no different than people leaving FB because they feel it goes against their principle.
It matters when they want to ban those they oppose for political reasons, not facts.
Because two of the three are dickheads? Guess which two.

I mean other than "River" and "Big Yellow Taxi", who the hell is she?
A musical genius.

And a fascist.

Kind of a Leni Riefenstahl thing going on with her.

Ms. Mitchell and Mr. Young demand ideological purity from any platform that carries them.

Its just a different world than the one I grew up in.
You know what they say:

"Scratch a liberal, reveal a fascist."
Do you think you might post a link to a time when Young has shown some integrity? I'd like to see that. You give these folk more credit than they deserve. They're nothing but little mini tyrants and this threat of his bit him in his butt. Spotify will do well for their decision. You're in the minority and America is so done with leftist liars.
Liberal not leftist, but good points otherwise.

I was pretty disappointed in Young when he admitted to torturing animals as a teenager, but this does it for me.

R.I.P. any remaining respect I had for him.
Does it matter? It is their freedom of choice as to where they want their music. It is no different than people leaving FB because they feel it goes against their principle.
It's infantile bullying by creatives who hate free speech which doesn't agree with their narrow world view.

It's a disgrace and tragedy that they've chosen to destroy their legacy and credibility in this way.

They paved Paradise and put up a Parking Lot, Court and Spark, Raised on Robbery.
The first is a lyric from BYT, but the woman is a giant, and arguably the greatest singer/songwriter of her generation NOT named Stevie Wonder.

And she's taken a HUGE dump on her own legacy.

It matters when they want to ban those they oppose for political reasons, not facts.
PLus Rogan was spot-on.He had the guts to put on
for a full hour a Doctor who knew MRNA technology and
also explained the very sensitive { The MSM won't touch
with a 10 foot poll tax } Mind Control techniques behind
the pushing Covid hysteria or Mass Psychosis.
Used to Control populations.Just short of Stockholm
Syndrome and Gaslighting.
How is that any different than any number of boycotts people engage in?
He's not a customer, he's a (formerly) respected creative.

That ANY creative person, especially a giant, and the son of a journalist, would call for the silencing of others is repugnant and tragic.
It matters when they want to ban those they oppose for political reasons, not facts.

For some reason, the entire point of this is being overlooked.

No one cares if Young leaves Spotify.

That he tried to bully another into silence?

THAT matters, and is disgusting.

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