Joni Mitchel, Neil Young and Spotify

The first is a lyric from BYT, but the woman is a giant, and arguably the greatest singer/songwriter of her generation NOT named Stevie Wonder.

And she's taken a HUGE dump on her own legacy.

Actually I have been hashing over whether or not to
buy a Joni LP.She has a wonderful voice and interesting
lyrics.But I bought a Joan Baez LP and it wasn't all that.
I also have a couple Peter,Paul & Mary.
Even a Maryanne Faithfull.ALL Bob Dylan has to offer.
Even his Albert hall and bootleg LP's and CD's
I got to see Stevie Nicks back in the 80's with
Fleetwood Mac.She had a double LP out recently
and it's Great.
Your argument is all based on what you think. Oh the irony.

Go burn some books.
The science says...

You probably shouldn't vote. :)

But you clearly don't understand the issues, and are just here to troll, so carry on.
He's not a customer, he's a (formerly) respected creative.

That ANY creative person, especially a giant, and the son of a journalist, would call for the silencing of others is repugnant and tragic.
You don’t have to be a customer to boycott somethin.

For some reason, the entire point of this is being overlooked.

No one cares if Young leaves Spotify.

That he tried to bully another into silence?

THAT matters, and is disgusting.
That's the important thing.Or is it.It may have something to do with his ability to usurp his authority.Now that he's found that
buyer for his vast Music offerings.That needs to be disclosed.
What Oligarch or Company he sold to and how much did he
Actually I have been hashing over whether or not to
buy a Joni LP.She has a wonderful voice and interesting
lyrics.But I bought a Joan Baez LP and it wasn't all that.
I also have a couple Peter,Paul & Mary.
Even a Maryanne Faithfull.ALL Bob Dylan has to offer.
Even his Albert hall and bootleg LP's and CD's
I got to see Stevie Nicks back in the 80's with
Fleetwood Mac.She had a double LP out recently
and it's Great.
She's light years beyond everyone you mentioned (including Dylan), though Faithfull comes close at times.

She's a titan; a Mozart.

So sad. :(
Actually I have been hashing over whether or not to
buy a Joni LP.She has a wonderful voice and interesting
lyrics.But I bought a Joan Baez LP and it wasn't all that.
I also have a couple Peter,Paul & Mary.
Even a Maryanne Faithfull.ALL Bob Dylan has to offer.
Even his Albert hall and bootleg LP's and CD's
I got to see Stevie Nicks back in the 80's with
Fleetwood Mac.She had a double LP out recently
and it's Great.
I love all of those…
You don’t have to be a customer to boycott somethin.
I think of you as a reasonable liberal, and your argument is not a bad one, but Young is an infantile bully who behaved disgracefully, and happily, lost his bid to have another voice silenced.

So I guess we can agree to disagree on this. :)
I'm not holding my breath until Neil and Joni (and others?) explain exactly what was said on the Rogan podcast that was anti-scientific or factually false. In fact, I would be astounded if they could even attempt such a thing.

Although I like their music - created eons ago - they appear to be self-absorbed assholes trying to make themselves relevant again.
Never heard that….can’t find it either, do you have a link?
It was buried, but should have been a big deal.

It's in the Demme doc where he returns to Ontario and drives around his hometown.

I'd provide more details, but it's simply too repulsive to recount here.
I'm not holding my breath until Neil and Joni (and others?) explain exactly what was said on the Rogan podcast that was anti-scientific or factually false. In fact, I would be astounded if they could even attempt such a thing.

Although I like their music - created eons ago - they appear to be self-absorbed assholes trying to make themselves relevant again.
Pretty much.
I think of you as a reasonable liberal, and your argument is not a bad one, but Young is an infantile bully who behaved disgracefully, and happily, lost his bid to have another voice silenced.

So I guess we can agree to disagree on this. :)
pfft…he took a stand and walked. Like a hundred other people. But yes we can agree to disagree (still like his music though…After the Gold Rush) :)
It was buried, but should have been a big deal.

It's in the Demme doc where he returns to Ontario and drives around his hometown.

I'd provide more details, but it's simply too repulsive to recount here.
I never heard of it, which is why I am curious.
You don’t have to be a customer to boycott somethin.
Is that some Al Sharpton or Jessie Jackson theorem.
How did that work out for Don Imus.Over use of a word.
Imus personally apologized for using,Even apologized
personally on the Al Sharpton show.When he was small potaotes on some AM radio format.
In fact,Imus apologizing to Al Sharpton,gave that
thug,exploited room to Demand Imus get taken off
the radio.The same Fat Slob Sharpton who had his
contingent of mouthy supporters show up outside
the Courthouse of the Central Park Five case.
Yelling out with his bullhorn calling the Victim a
" Whore " and her Husband/Boyfriend did it. ".
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I never heard of it, which is why I am curious.
I was shocked by it, and his laughing about it. :(

I just did an internet search so I could PM you a link in case someone had called him out over it, but it flew under the radar.

The film is "Neil Young Journeys" and it's fascinating; he makes the revelation in the first half hour IIRC.

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