Jordan Peterson admits most white people are Racist

How could they not be ashamed?
Please. I’m begging you. Stop with your racist shit. I’m not a black person. I’m not a liberal. Yet I find your racist posts offensive. Why on Earth would you want to sound like racist asshole such as Superbadbrutha or IM2 or the new troll ThomasSowellsFro?
"Their racist behavior in the name of being anti racist has actually turned me into what they claim to hate."

Cool story bro....

MLK talked about's the whole "white backlash" argument.....he knew that with each step America makes towards equal rights; there will be a backlash by some (like YOU)
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Good thing we had beautiful people in the world fighting the good fight, like this woman.....Who gave her life fighting the good fight when morons like you would have been saying "but but black people made me racist"
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Good thing we had tons and tons of good people willing to fight for and die for the rights of other people -- half way across the world - when being denied their own rights in their own country....
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Good thing they were not morally depraved morons like you who tries to justify their own racial hatred by saying "but but they made me racist" FOH
Truth is, he was already racist. Lol Some very tough and innovative policies will have to be enacted once whites become the minority. I can't fuckin' wait lmao.
Jordan Peterson can’t “admit” any such thing. He can at most make a claim. He is wrong. As are you, you trollish racist buttrash. Ok. Carry on, you asshole.
Seems Petersen is saying that there is some "ingroup" "outgroup" bias in EVERY HUMAN. The AMOUNT varies from inconsequential to seriously DemoKKKrat!!!

You are a perfectly capable person. Why are you not completely insulted by the claims that black people are not capable? I am insulted for you.
It's ok to create strawmen ......most conservative cucks do that when they are avoiding the true problem....

What I find funny the extent black folks can say the system has been rigged against them....they at least have 200 years of HISTORICAL EVIDENCE to back up this claim....

and with this, many still overcame many of those obstacles...but doing so doesn't erase the existence of those obstacles and the need for them to be obliterated...

But I find it funny that the people that this country was EXPLICITLY MADE FOR since its inception -- are the ones whining about shit being rigged against them..including voting for a privileged billionaire who told them the system is rigged against them -- but never told you how...

So you tell me.....what white male version of Jim Crow laws have been targeted against you for being white that now affects your children their children??

Then....I will ask...why are you complaining about it??

Why are you demanding government pass laws to benefit you or your children?? Why are you not capable??
All skin colors are inherently racist by nature.

Animals aren't racist but on the whole animals tend to stay with their own kind and avoid other animals or at the very least pay attention to other animals not like them. Some intermingle, but on the whole they do not.

Humans are the same way, were distrustful of those different than us by nature. That's why most areas are dominated by certain groups. White, black, rich, poor, christian, Jewish, etc. Those groups tend to live in areas where there is a lot of the same types of them.

Ive always been a little racist but in the last 2 years with this sudden rise in black superiority, black praise, giving blacks special treatment, blacks rioting and burning and comitting crimes and being praised for it, blacks being called heroes for getting shot while comitting a crime, blacks getting away with crimes, blacks being given special opportunities just for being black and so on by so called "anti racists" I actually have become racist to the point it's worse than it's ever been in me. Their racist behavior in the name of being anti racist has actually turned me into what they claim to hate
Hi Resnic; you're mixing up Blacks and DemopKKKrats!!! Skin colour is peripheral to the ideology as MOST DemoKKKrats are white trash "elite" wannabes.

It's ok to create strawmen ......most conservative cucks do that when they are avoiding the true problem....

What I find funny the extent black folks can say the system has been rigged against them....they at least have 200 years of HISTORICAL EVIDENCE to back up this claim....

and with this, many still overcame many of those obstacles...but doing so doesn't erase the existence of those obstacles and the need for them to be obliterated...

But I find it funny that the people that this country was EXPLICITLY MADE FOR since its inception -- are the ones whining about shit being rigged against them..including voting for a privileged billionaire who told them the system is rigged against them -- but never told you how...

So you tell me.....what white male version of Jim Crow laws have been targeted against you for being white that now affects your children their children??

Then....I will ask...why are you complaining about it??

Why are you demanding government pass laws to benefit you or your children?? Why are you not capable??
and you missed this one
Some very tough and innovative policies will have to be enacted once whites become the minority. I can't fuckin' wait lmao.
Peterson's problem is that his thinking and reasoning are too wholistic for many "minds".
Yup. It just creates more racists like Frank James.
Please. I’m begging you. Stop with your racist shit. I’m not a black person. I’m not a liberal. Yet I find your racist posts offensive. Why on Earth would you want to sound like racist asshole such as Superbadbrutha or IM2 or the new troll ThomasSowellsFro?

I dismiss you.
It's not even racism at that point, it's tribalism. Dr Seuss lays it out brilliantly in "The Sneetches", and once you take a step back you realize how ridiculous it is for us to keep throwing mud at each other.
But we are not supposed to read Dr. Seuss.

It seems that his books were "racist."
Nice, retard; now watch past the first 15 seconds.
Gotta love it when someone shows you just how blindly stupid they are.
A person who thinks other people are so stupid they can't figure something very obvious out... shows their own stupidity for thinking no one would see it.

Hilarious stuff.

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