Jordan Slams January 6 Commission: If 'Everything's On The Table,' Why Can't We Question Pelosi

Well, according to Jordan there’s lots of investigate because they’ve been bitching about the subpoenas they’d want to send to Pelosi.

The FBI doesn’t investigate everything, nor is everything worth investigating illegal. Obviously this is the case or else there’d have been no need for 8 Benghazi investigations that Republicans had no problem wasting money for.

As for the makeup of the commission; it was going to have 5 Republican appointed members. Now, if the Republicans appoint Trump haters, that’s on them, but they wouldn’t get to complain about anyone else controlling who was on it.
And with all due respect...we needed all of those investigations because Hillary Clinton and the Obama White House were lying through their teeth about what DID happen in Benghazi and covering up evidence like I've never seen before to hide the evidence of what they did!

The ironic thing about Benghazi is that the lies by Hillary because she didn't want to appear incompetent ended up revealing that she was running the State Department through secret servers hidden at her home! If she'd simply admitted she screwed up security for Chris Stevens and took responsibility for her actions...she would have won that election. Isn't Karma a bitch! LOL
They're bitching because questions about why the Capital Police were so woefully unprepared for the protest and who gave the orders to not take National Guard assistance or to put Capital Police in riot gear aren't going to be "allowed" to be asked! So is this REALLY about getting to the truth about what happened that day...or is it a show trial designed to divert attention from how bad Biden has been since taking office?
Well! Since the bipartisan Jan 6 commission could have worked on that, yet another reason to show that Republican complaints are because of their own stupidity and obstruction.
And with all due respect...we needed all of those investigations because Hillary Clinton and the Obama White House were lying through their teeth about what DID happen in Benghazi and covering up evidence like I've never seen before to hide the evidence of what they did!

The ironic thing about Benghazi is that the lies by Hillary because she didn't want to appear incompetent ended up revealing that she was running the State Department through secret servers hidden at her home! If she'd simply admitted she screwed up security for Chris Stevens and took responsibility for her actions...she would have won that election. Isn't Karma a bitch! LOL
No investigation revealed anything about Benghazi that we didn’t know from the initial well respected accountability review board.
No investigation revealed anything about Benghazi that we didn’t know from the initial well respected accountability review board.
Really, Colfax? Did you miss the part where it revealed Hillary's emails? Everything that followed was because THAT was uncovered during one of the investigations into Clinton! The initial review board knew nothing about THAT...neither did the country! But boy would they! Talk about being hoisted on one's own petard!
Really, Colfax? Did you miss the part where it revealed Hillary's emails? Everything that followed was because THAT was uncovered during one of the investigations into Clinton! The initial review board knew nothing about THAT...neither did the country! But boy would they! Talk about being hoisted on one's own petard!
Tell me what about Clinton’s emails had any impact on what happened in Benghazi.

It was completely irrelevant to the actual attack.
Probably because the Republican Party refused to join the bilateral investigation. Oops.
Only a moron believes Pisslosi would have been put on the stand if those condition were met.
Tell me what about Clinton’s emails had any impact on what happened in Benghazi.

It was completely irrelevant to the actual attack.
Totally irrelevant to the actual attack! And if she'd simply admitted that she fucked up security they never would have come to light! Hillary Clinton's hidden servers and how she was using them to run the State Department to escape Congressional oversight was revealed because Hillary decided to try and lie her way out of a scandal. Not surprising...since that's the Clinton way. I suspect that not a day goes by without Hillary thinking back to that decision and beating her head against a wall in frustration! All those years of scheming and plotting. Having to suck it up and kiss Barry's ass. All of that work to put herself in the Oval Office and it all turned to shit because of those lies about Benghazi! Like I said...Karma's a bitch! :)
Totally irrelevant to the actual attack!
Great. So as we both agree, no investigation showed anything about the attack that we didn’t know from the ARB. The email server was not relevant to the attack.
Great. So as we both agree, no investigation showed anything about the attack that we didn’t know from the ARB. The email server was not relevant to the attack.
Well no...the investigations showed that Clinton and the Obama White House were lying to the American people when they blamed the attack on a "You Tube" video!
The email servers became "relevant" because after claiming she'd turned over everything related to Benghazi to Congressional investigators they discovered that she had thousand of emails related to that, that she hadn't turned over to them. They then discovered that she'd hired someone to professionally "bleach" those servers to hide evidence of what she'd been doing!
Like I've said repeatedly...Karma is a bitch!
Well no...the investigations showed that Clinton and the Obama White House were lying to the American people when they blamed the attack on a "You Tube" video!
The email servers became "relevant" because after claiming she'd turned over everything related to Benghazi to Congressional investigators they discovered that she had thousand of emails related to that, that she hadn't turned over to them. They then discovered that she'd hired someone to professionally "bleach" those servers to hide evidence of what she'd been doing!
Like I've said repeatedly...Karma is a bitch!
Nothing from any of those emails had any information that we didn’t already know.

As for the “video” explanation, the investigation demonstrated that the intelligence at the time initially suspected this was the cause, and they refused their findings as they got new information.

But that still had nothing to do with the attack.

As for karma being a bitch, that’s exactly what you guys are dealing with on the Jan 6th committee and why your whining is irrelevant.

Y’all had a good offer and passed it up. Now you can deal with the results.
Nothing from any of those emails had any information that we didn’t already know.

As for the “video” explanation, the investigation demonstrated that the intelligence at the time initially suspected this was the cause, and they refused their findings as they got new information.

But that still had nothing to do with the attack.

As for karma being a bitch, that’s exactly what you guys are dealing with on the Jan 6th committee and why your whining is irrelevant.

Y’all had a good offer and passed it up. Now you can deal with the results.
How could we have known about what was in the emails when Hillary was lying about them and destroying thousands of them?

As for the "You Tube" video narrative? The investigations showed that the Obama Administration knew early on there was no "protest" that turned violent that day in Benghazi. They trotted out Susan Rice to all of those Sunday morning talk shows to lie to us and did so knowingly!
Nothing from any of those emails had any information that we didn’t already know.

As for the “video” explanation, the investigation demonstrated that the intelligence at the time initially suspected this was the cause, and they refused their findings as they got new information.

But that still had nothing to do with the attack.

As for karma being a bitch, that’s exactly what you guys are dealing with on the Jan 6th committee and why your whining is irrelevant.

Y’all had a good offer and passed it up. Now you can deal with the results.
With all due respect, Colfax...what "results" do you think I'm going to have to deal with? The committee will draw this thing out for as long as they can...doing their very best to divert attention from how badly things are going for the Biden Administration...and I honestly think the American people at some point are just going to shake their heads and start asking why they're wasting all of this effort and money without any tangible results when so much is going wrong in the country! It's my prediction that this "committee" backfires on Pelosi and the left! Then we'll see who's dealing with the results!
How could we have known about what was in the emails when Hillary was lying about them and destroying thousands of them?

As for the "You Tube" video narrative? The investigations showed that the Obama Administration knew early on there was no "protest" that turned violent that day in Benghazi. They trotted out Susan Rice to all of those Sunday morning talk shows to lie to us and did so knowingly!
Susan Rice followed the intelligence assessment that was given to her as developed by professionals and prefaced her statement by indicating they were preliminary findings and still learning more.

That’s not lying, that’s literally the best anyone could do at the time.
With all due respect, Colfax...what "results" do you think I'm going to have to deal with? The committee will draw this thing out for as long as they can...doing their very best to divert attention from how badly things are going for the Biden Administration...and I honestly think the American people at some point are just going to shake their heads and start asking why they're wasting all of this effort and money without any tangible results when so much is going wrong in the country! It's my prediction that this "committee" backfires on Pelosi and the left! Then we'll see who's dealing with the results!
Funny how that was exactly the purpose of the Benghazi committee. Draw things out as long as possible so that it would be politically damaging for Clinton.

The results are all the things that Jordan and Gaetz are whining about. All of their complaints would have been addressed by a bipartisan commission.
question ray epps.

How could we have known about what was in the emails when Hillary was lying about them and destroying thousands of them?

As for the "You Tube" video narrative? The investigations showed that the Obama Administration knew early on there was no "protest" that turned violent that day in Benghazi. They trotted out Susan Rice to all of those Sunday morning talk shows to lie to us and did so knowingly!
Not true. The investigations revealed the CIA determined the video was the cause of the attack. About 2 weeks later, after reviewing CCTV, they reassessed their findings which ruled out the video.
When it comes to the Jan. 6 insurrection orchestrated by Donald Trump, Republicans either lie or say nothing. Due to their embarrassment, a large majority of Republicans are in the latter group, remaining silent about their party's leader. As Republican Representative Liz Cheney points out, Representative Jim Banks is the exception.

CNN reports, "GOP Rep. Jim Banks lamented on the House floor that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi prevented him from serving on the House committee investigating the January 6 attack on the US Capitol on Thursday.

"And yet, Banks sent a letter to at least one government agency falsely claiming that he is ranking member of the committee.

"According to a letter provided to CNN, Banks wrote to the Department of the Interior on September 16 asking to be provided with any information the department turns over to the House committee."

"I ask that you provide me any information that is submitted to the Select Committee. Additionally, please include me on any update or briefing that you provide," Banks wrote.

"Banks signed the letter as ranking member of the committee, while admitting that Pelosi blocked his appointment."

The letter reads: "The House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy appointed me to serve as the Ranking Member of the Select Committee. Yet, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi refused to allow me to fulfill my duties as Ranking Member."

So, in addition to being an inept liar, Banks obviously is not very bright.

Other than being totally embarrassed by what Trump did, why do Republicans lie so much about the Jan. 6 insurrection? It's simple. Trump's followers, who they depend upon in the primaries, will believe them despite a mountain of evidence to the contrary.

The Republican Party gets its support from the rural counties of America. For the most part they are farmers, ranchers and rural shopkeepers with limited education. Their awareness of political matters is highly limited. All they know is, Trump is their savior without ever knowing why. Listening to responsible news sources is not their thing. They prefer the fantasies of Fox News and far right sources who are more interested in propaganda for the intelligence challenged in lieu of authentic news.

Trump lost all 60 court cases in which he claimed election fraud. His own A.G., Bill Barr, stated there was no election fraud. The Supreme Court deemed the claim of election fraud as fraudulent. All fifty states certified the election results after multiple audits. Despite all this:

A majority of Republicans still believe the 2020 election was stolen from former President Donald Trump, according to a Yahoo News/YouGov poll. The latest findings show how persistent this false narrative continues to be, despite the preponderance of evidence against it.

I rest my case.
Susan Rice followed the intelligence assessment that was given to her as developed by professionals and prefaced her statement by indicating they were preliminary findings and still learning more.

That’s not lying, that’s literally the best anyone could do at the time.
Susan Rice was the stooge that Barry and Hillary sent out to lie for them. By the time she was hitting the Sunday morning talk shows the Obama White House knew there was never a "protest" that turned violent! This was a planned attack on the anniversary of 9/ attack that Hillary Clinton left her people woefully unprotected from because she was worried about "optics"!
When it comes to the Jan. 6 insurrection orchestrated by Donald Trump, Republicans either lie or say nothing. Due to their embarrassment, a large majority of Republicans are in the latter group, remaining silent about their party's leader. As Republican Representative Liz Cheney points out, Representative Jim Banks is the exception.

CNN reports, "GOP Rep. Jim Banks lamented on the House floor that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi prevented him from serving on the House committee investigating the January 6 attack on the US Capitol on Thursday.

"And yet, Banks sent a letter to at least one government agency falsely claiming that he is ranking member of the committee.

"According to a letter provided to CNN, Banks wrote to the Department of the Interior on September 16 asking to be provided with any information the department turns over to the House committee."

"I ask that you provide me any information that is submitted to the Select Committee. Additionally, please include me on any update or briefing that you provide," Banks wrote.

"Banks signed the letter as ranking member of the committee, while admitting that Pelosi blocked his appointment."

The letter reads: "The House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy appointed me to serve as the Ranking Member of the Select Committee. Yet, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi refused to allow me to fulfill my duties as Ranking Member."

So, in addition to being an inept liar, Banks obviously is not very bright.

Other than being totally embarrassed by what Trump did, why do Republicans lie so much about the Jan. 6 insurrection? It's simple. Trump's followers, who they depend upon in the primaries, will believe them despite a mountain of evidence to the contrary.

The Republican Party gets its support from the rural counties of America. For the most part they are farmers, ranchers and rural shopkeepers with limited education. Their awareness of political matters is highly limited. All they know is, Trump is their savior without ever knowing why. Listening to responsible news sources is not their thing. They prefer the fantasies of Fox News and far right sources who are more interested in propaganda for the intelligence challenged in lieu of authentic news.

Trump lost all 60 court cases in which he claimed election fraud. His own A.G., Bill Barr, stated there was no election fraud. The Supreme Court deemed the claim of election fraud as fraudulent. All fifty states certified the election results after multiple audits. Despite all this:

A majority of Republicans still believe the 2020 election was stolen from former President Donald Trump, according to a Yahoo News/YouGov poll. The latest findings show how persistent this false narrative continues to be, despite the preponderance of evidence against it.

I rest my case.
Some "case"! There was no insurrection. There was a protest that for a short amount of time was allowed to get violent because the Capital Police were so ill prepared for said protest despite several warnings from US intelligence agencies that there was the potential for violence!
Care to explain why it is that Nancy Pelosi should be the one to name GOP members of a committee and show where any other Speaker of the House has done something like that?
Not true. The investigations revealed the CIA determined the video was the cause of the attack. About 2 weeks later, after reviewing CCTV, they reassessed their findings which ruled out the video.
ROFL! Only a profound sucker would believe that story.

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