Jordan Slams January 6 Commission: If 'Everything's On The Table,' Why Can't We Question Pelosi

If someone left the Capital building vulnerable to attack...not accepting National Guard troops...not having Capital Police in riot gear or carrying mace or Tasers...then why are they also not culpable for a protest that turned into a riot? They were warned beforehand that this was going to be a large protest with the potential for violence and their response to that intel was to ignore it. I'd like to know where that decision came from.
Nobody expected an attack. You maga people refuse to admit that there was an attack and that it was just a peaceful protest, do why the outrage?
We’ll see what they find. Maybe something, maybe nothing.

But if they find something, tough shit.
Nobody expected an attack. You maga people refuse to admit that there was an attack and that it was just a peaceful protest, do why the outrage?
The Capital Police were warned days in advance of the protest that there was a good chance it might turn violent! So why weren't the Capital Police in riot gear? Why did the offer of National Guard troops get turned down and by whom?
The Capital Police were warned days in advance of the protest that there was a good chance it might turn violent! So why weren't the Capital Police in riot gear? Why did the offer of National Guard troops get turned down and by whom?
Good question, and it has to do with federal regulations.
You can always count on Jordan to find Democrat hypocrisy but that's actually not that hard most of the time.
You can always count on Jordan to find Democrat hypocrisy but that's actually not that hard most of the time.
Jock Strap Jimmy The Wrestling Retard thinks he can hide behind Nancy Pelosi's skirt & blame her.

The wrestling retard should show his cell phone records & we'll clear this whole thing up.
You can always count on Jordan to find Democrat hypocrisy but that's actually not that hard most of the time.
Jordan had an opportunity to support a bipartisan equal commission. He voted no.

He doesn’t get to complain.
Jordan had an opportunity to support a bipartisan equal commission. He voted no.

He doesn’t get to complain.
Nancy Pelosi had the opportunity to create a non partisan commission but she refused to seat the GOP members that the minority leader named instead naming two GOP members that both loath Trump! At that moment this commission ceased to be about the truth and became a sham!
Nancy Pelosi had the opportunity to create a non partisan commission but she refused to seat the GOP members that the minority leader named instead naming two GOP members that both loath Trump! At that moment this commission ceased to be about the truth and became a sham!
All the more reason Republicans should have supported the commission.

You guys really screwed this up. You don't get to complain when you get a raw deal after refusing a good deal.
All the more reason Republicans should have supported the commission.

You guys really screwed this up. You don't get to complain when you get a raw deal after refusing a good deal.
The GOP should have supported this commission after Pelosi refused to seat the Republicans that the Minority Leader named? Why? Show me where a Speaker has EVER done something like Pelosi did?
The GOP should have supported this commission after Pelosi refused to seat the Republicans that the Minority Leader named? Why? Show me where a Speaker has EVER done something like Pelosi did?
There was a bipartisan commission bill.

It would have equal representation with equal subpoena power.

It was blocked by Republicans.

There was a bipartisan commission bill.

It would have equal representation with equal subpoena power.

It was blocked by Republicans.

Did you want to discuss what Nancy Pelosi did in setting up THIS commission or did you want to keep going back to the fact that the GOP had no interest in what they perceived would be a witch hunt and voted down a previous commission?

Show me where a Speaker has EVER done what Pelosi did and then explain why what she did was in any way "non partisan"!
Did you want to discuss what Nancy Pelosi did in setting up THIS commission or did you want to keep going back to the fact that the GOP had no interest in what they perceived would be a witch hunt and voted down a previous commission?

Show me where a Speaker has EVER done what Pelosi did and then explain why what she did was in any way "non partisan"!
Republicans were offered a great deal. They rejected it.

They don't get to complain about what happens after that.
What is a true Republican ?? A lying ass kissing POS like Jordan or so many of the other repub scum in congress? You're not happy with screwing up democracy, you want more?
give it a rest, francis. the world doesn't march to ONLY the beat of your overly emotional emotions. people that simply disagree with you are not scum and the only people destroying democracy are the ones refusing to let others speak their mind.

which side is that again?

there can't be an insurgency is no one has been charged with that crime. this is just you and the left using max emo verbiage to try and sway opinions cause your facts in fact, suck.

if you really want to know what happened on an honest level that day, you'd want to hear from ALL SIDES. since you don't, don't really care what you have to say cause it will all be "we good, you evil" shit.
You can always count on Jordan to find Democrat hypocrisy but that's actually not that hard most of the time.

Vague answer, Bobob, and what Federal regulations would prohibit the Capital Police from being in riot gear?
I am no expert, and neither are you. I do not know about which regulations, but I read that federal regulations prohibited that from happening. Actually, in your view, there was no reason to bring in law enforcement since it was a peaceful demonstration. So what is the problem? All of a sudden you have concerns?
I am no expert, and neither are you. I do not know about which regulations, but I read that federal regulations prohibited that from happening. Actually, in your view, there was no reason to bring in law enforcement since it was a peaceful demonstration. So what is the problem? All of a sudden you have concerns?
Wait a claim that Federal regulations preclude this...but then when you're challenged as to what regulations would do so you say you don't know which regulations? Seriously, Bobob?
Republicans were offered a great deal. They rejected it.

They don't get to complain about what happens after that.
A "great deal" to allow the Democrats to create a show trial over something that the FBI has already investigated and found no proof of a plan by the White House to have protesters storm the Capital? Why would THAT be a great deal? Because it's better than the one we have now? A "commission" that has nothing on it but Trump haters?
This commission is going to be a massive waste of taxpayer dollars in an attempt to divert attention from the dumpster fire that IS the Biden Administration, Colfax! You know it and so do I!
A "great deal" to allow the Democrats to create a show trial over something that the FBI has already investigated and found no proof of a plan by the White House to have protesters storm the Capital? Why would THAT be a great deal? Because it's better than the one we have now? A "commission" that has nothing on it but Trump haters?
This commission is going to be a massive waste of taxpayer dollars in an attempt to divert attention from the dumpster fire that IS the Biden Administration, Colfax! You know it and so do I!
Well, according to Jordan there’s lots of investigate because they’ve been bitching about the subpoenas they’d want to send to Pelosi.

The FBI doesn’t investigate everything, nor is everything worth investigating illegal. Obviously this is the case or else there’d have been no need for 8 Benghazi investigations that Republicans had no problem wasting money for.

As for the makeup of the commission; it was going to have 5 Republican appointed members. Now, if the Republicans appoint Trump haters, that’s on them, but they wouldn’t get to complain about anyone else controlling who was on it.
Well, according to Jordan there’s lots of investigate because they’ve been bitching about the subpoenas they’d want to send to Pelosi.

The FBI doesn’t investigate everything, nor is everything worth investigating illegal. Obviously this is the case or else there’d have been no need for 8 Benghazi investigations that Republicans had no problem wasting money for.

As for the makeup of the commission; it was going to have 5 Republican appointed members. Now, if the Republicans appoint Trump haters, that’s on them, but they wouldn’t get to complain about anyone else controlling who was on it.
They're bitching because questions about why the Capital Police were so woefully unprepared for the protest and who gave the orders to not take National Guard assistance or to put Capital Police in riot gear aren't going to be "allowed" to be asked! So is this REALLY about getting to the truth about what happened that day...or is it a show trial designed to divert attention from how bad Biden has been since taking office?

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