Journalist Beheaded By ISIS Terrorists

George, what is your opinion on the U.S attacking ISIS and helping the Kurds?
I think it will blow-back, eventually, Toastman.
More and more I'm coming to believe we opened Pandora's Box in 2003, and we haven't even begun to experience the payback. What about you?

are you all ATREMBLE Georgie? are you afraid of
I have rocks AND bottle rockets stockpiled in one corner, and my special IDF-issue Koran close by.

What could go wrong?
George, what is your opinion on the U.S attacking ISIS and helping the Kurds?
I think it will blow-back, eventually, Toastman.
More and more I'm coming to believe we opened Pandora's Box in 2003, and we haven't even begun to experience the payback. What about you?

are you all ATREMBLE Georgie? are you afraid of
I have rocks AND bottle rockets stockpiled in one corner, and my special IDF-issue Koran close by.

What could go wrong?

that's what I asked? why are you bothered by
the caliphate? what do you intend to do with nail bombs and rocks and a Koran?
George, what is your opinion on the U.S attacking ISIS and helping the Kurds?
I think it will blow-back, eventually, Toastman.
More and more I'm coming to believe we opened Pandora's Box in 2003, and we haven't even begun to experience the payback. What about you?

are you all ATREMBLE Georgie? are you afraid of
I have rocks AND bottle rockets stockpiled in one corner, and my special IDF-issue Koran close by.

What could go wrong?

that's what I asked? why are you bothered by
the caliphate? what do you intend to do with nail bombs and rocks and a Koran?
Fling them all in your direction.
George, what is your opinion on the U.S attacking ISIS and helping the Kurds?
I think it will blow-back, eventually, Toastman.
More and more I'm coming to believe we opened Pandora's Box in 2003, and we haven't even begun to experience the payback. What about you?

In this specific case, I actually am for attacking ISIS, given the cruelty of their members. They are bulling everyone in their path and I do believe the Kurds are at risk of getting wipes out in Northern Iraq (Kurdistan). But then again, the. U.S is kind of indirecly responsible for ISIS coming in to power.
I would be interested in a poll being done in Iraq asking them if they woukd rather have ISIS or Saddam in power...
George, what is your opinion on the U.S attacking ISIS and helping the Kurds?
I think it will blow-back, eventually, Toastman.
More and more I'm coming to believe we opened Pandora's Box in 2003, and we haven't even begun to experience the payback. What about you?

In this specific case, I actually am for attacking ISIS, given the cruelty of their members. They are bulling everyone in their path and I do believe the Kurds are at risk of getting wipes out in Northern Iraq (Kurdistan). But then again, the. U.S is kind of indirecly responsible for ISIS coming in to power.
I would be interested in a poll being done in Iraq asking them if they woukd rather have ISIS or Saddam in power...
That question you're posing deserves an answer along with a similar query to all US military personnel who fought in Iraq about whether they would do it again, after how this has turned out so far.
George, what is your opinion on the U.S attacking ISIS and helping the Kurds?
I think it will blow-back, eventually, Toastman.
More and more I'm coming to believe we opened Pandora's Box in 2003, and we haven't even begun to experience the payback. What about you?

In this specific case, I actually am for attacking ISIS, given the cruelty of their members. They are bulling everyone in their path and I do believe the Kurds are at risk of getting wipes out in Northern Iraq (Kurdistan). But then again, the. U.S is kind of indirecly responsible for ISIS coming in to power.
I would be interested in a poll being done in Iraq asking them if they woukd rather have ISIS or Saddam in power...
That question you're posing deserves an answer along with a similar query to all US military personnel who fought in Iraq about whether they would do it again, after how this has turned out so far.

For those who forgot------and for Georgie-----Georgie----your hero
Saddam murdered kurds by the hundreds of thousands----he used chemical warfare to murder them. He also murdered Shiites-----he was less of a threat to Christians than is ISIS and
that is about the only difference between sadaam and isis at the point that his neck broke..
Yazidis would have eventually been a target too-------and Sadaam was no less a CALIPH---than is Baghdadi the clown. Now try to focus on reality -----still-----going to Iraq was a kind of waste

bombing Iraq is not much of an idea right now-----IMHO----
I support an airlift by to be enacted by all civilized nations to
get the Christians and Yazidi out of that shariah cesspit-----
and leave it to fester itself to death.
George, what is your opinion on the U.S attacking ISIS and helping the Kurds?
I think it will blow-back, eventually, Toastman.
More and more I'm coming to believe we opened Pandora's Box in 2003, and we haven't even begun to experience the payback. What about you?

In this specific case, I actually am for attacking ISIS, given the cruelty of their members. They are bulling everyone in their path and I do believe the Kurds are at risk of getting wipes out in Northern Iraq (Kurdistan). But then again, the. U.S is kind of indirecly responsible for ISIS coming in to power.
I would be interested in a poll being done in Iraq asking them if they woukd rather have ISIS or Saddam in power...
That question you're posing deserves an answer along with a similar query to all US military personnel who fought in Iraq about whether they would do it again, after how this has turned out so far.
I imagine most would say no.
In this specific case, I actually am for attacking ISIS, given the cruelty of their members. They are bulling everyone in their path and I do believe the Kurds are at risk of getting wipes out in Northern Iraq (Kurdistan). But then again, the. U.S is kind of indirecly responsible for ISIS coming in to power.
I would be interested in a poll being done in Iraq asking them if they woukd rather have ISIS or Saddam in power...
When the US kicked out Saddam, there was place to set up a democracy. That the Iraqi people failed to set up a democratic state is not the fault of the US.
Stop meddling and bombing & killing all over the world. This man lost his life due to America and Great Britain's constant meddling and killing. ISIS grew out of those nations' support of very questionable rebel groups in Syria. And they're still funding & arming groups there.

He was kidnapped and murdered by animals the U.S. and Great Britain likely armed and trained. Just like our Ambassador in Libya. Blow Back people. It's all about the Blow Back.

Yeah, this post is incredibly stupid, blaming the victim...the isis animals are a creation of saudi arabia, qatar, pakistan, iran and every other muslim shithole where the entire education system is predicated on the koran, and that non-muslims are animals to be murdered. Put the blame where it lies.
Wikipedia says the reporter was born and raised in Brooklyn, NY.

Which is code for juden.

So going to Iraq in the middle of a civil war wasn't a smart move by one of the Chosen People. .. :cool:
In this specific case, I actually am for attacking ISIS, given the cruelty of their members. They are bulling everyone in their path and I do believe the Kurds are at risk of getting wipes out in Northern Iraq (Kurdistan). But then again, the. U.S is kind of indirecly responsible for ISIS coming in to power.
I would be interested in a poll being done in Iraq asking them if they woukd rather have ISIS or Saddam in power...
When the US kicked out Saddam, there was place to set up a democracy. That the Iraqi people failed to set up a democratic state is not the fault of the US.
In this specific case, I actually am for attacking ISIS, given the cruelty of their members. They are bulling everyone in their path and I do believe the Kurds are at risk of getting wipes out in Northern Iraq (Kurdistan). But then again, the. U.S is kind of indirecly responsible for ISIS coming in to power.
I would be interested in a poll being done in Iraq asking them if they woukd rather have ISIS or Saddam in power...
When the US kicked out Saddam, there was place to set up a democracy. That the Iraqi people failed to set up a democratic state is not the fault of the US.
I'm not really blaming the U.S
I put more blame on the terrorists who were feeding the secterian violence.
Years and years and years of Sunni's killing shiites and vice versa...because they're not the same kind of Muslim!
Wikipedia says the reporter was born and raised in Brooklyn, NY.

Which is code for juden.

So going to Iraq in the middle of a civil war wasn't a smart move by one of the Chosen People. .. :cool:

Going anywhere near Muslim states is not smart because Muslims, specially Sunni Muslims, are the worst savages that roam this earth.
Islam has some seriously fucked up followers :cool:
Wikipedia says the reporter was born and raised in Brooklyn, NY.

Which is code for juden.

So going to Iraq in the middle of a civil war wasn't a smart move by one of the Chosen People. .. :cool:
BTW Sunni Troll, he was born in New Hampshire.
I always knew you were a stuoid troll, but I figured you could at least read :lol:
Wikipedia says the reporter was born and raised in Brooklyn, NY.

Which is code for juden.

So going to Iraq in the middle of a civil war wasn't a smart move by one of the Chosen People. .. :cool:

Going anywhere near Muslim states is not smart because Muslims, specially Sunni Muslims, are the worst savages that roam this earth.
Islam has some seriously fucked up followers :cool:
It's not advisable for anyone to wander around in the middle of a country during a civil it Africa, Latin America, Asia, etc.

But it's double dumb for a jew to be in a muslim country during a civil war.

As this guy found out........ :cool:
Wikipedia says the reporter was born and raised in Brooklyn, NY.

Which is code for juden.

So going to Iraq in the middle of a civil war wasn't a smart move by one of the Chosen People. .. :cool:
Why use the word "juden" all the time? You sound like a Nazi.
In this specific case, I actually am for attacking ISIS, given the cruelty of their members. They are bulling everyone in their path and I do believe the Kurds are at risk of getting wipes out in Northern Iraq (Kurdistan). But then again, the. U.S is kind of indirecly responsible for ISIS coming in to power.
I would be interested in a poll being done in Iraq asking them if they woukd rather have ISIS or Saddam in power...
When the US kicked out Saddam, there was place to set up a democracy. That the Iraqi people failed to set up a democratic state is not the fault of the US.

crystal-----that our leaders (USA leaders) thought they would
IS their (our) fault That our leaders did not KNOW---that
muslims in the HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS (not "all" of course)
harbor an agenda of CALIIPHATE which includes the deadly oppression of all non muslims------is their (our) fault
That so many people were stupid enough to LAUD the
"ARAB SPRING" as a battle for TRUTH AND DEMOCRACY ---rather than a herald of an age of horror and bloodshed----is
the fault of our deadly ignorance and failure to PAY ATTENTION

That there are people on this very messageboard who trivialize
the filth we face--------and we tolerate them----IS OUR FAULT

Events of the past-----like the lynchings of black kids in the
south accused of "winking at a white girl" were a microcosm---
of what we do today ------with regard to the islamo Nazis of
Syria and Iraq

remember Armenia--------the world yawned------it was that event
that encouraged the islamo Nazi Adolf Hitler -----and some
people still yawn re his activities of the past

we yawned when the islamo Nazis of Afghanistan bombed
Buddhist statuary almost 2000 years old-----just this week
we yawned over the destruction of an 1800 year old church----
yazidis? who cares? lets search for an Imam who
is willing to register a diplomate TSK TSK
Wikipedia says the reporter was born and raised in Brooklyn, NY.

Which is code for juden.

So going to Iraq in the middle of a civil war wasn't a smart move by one of the Chosen People. .. :cool:

Going anywhere near Muslim states is not smart because Muslims, specially Sunni Muslims, are the worst savages that roam this earth.
Islam has some seriously fucked up followers :cool:
It's not advisable for anyone to wander around in the middle of a country during a civil it Africa, Latin America, Asia, etc.

But it's double dumb for a jew to be in a muslim country during a civil war.

As this guy found out........ :cool:

Where did you read that he was Jewish, Sunni Troll

And there a lot of reporters in Syria. Only a true scumbag would condone this act. You're a sick sick person.

But like I said, no one s safe being in a state where Muslims are a majority. Their violence knows no bounds. Islam is the cancer if the world.

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