Joyless Bahar Is The Democrat's Idea Of An Average Housewife


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009

If you've been paying attention to the news lately you'll know that Joy Bahar is in a one-way bitch-fest with Sharron Angle currently leading in the Nevada Senate race against Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. Most would think that calling someone a bitch at 11am on network television is out of line...but perhaps the networks don't think so. Joy Bahar even has her own talk-show on CNN. If you didn't know this it's probably because you were watching Fox News instead.

Joy is the current co-host of The View, a show infamous for hiring hosts like Rosie O'Donnell after she came out of the closet and became in some people's opinion a serious bitch herself and Whoopi Goldberg, a nice lady but sometimes someone who can be a bit bitchy herself. The show features up to four hard-core Liberals and one token Conservative in Elisabeth Hasselbeck who once famously broke down crying because of comments by other cast members and is often a source of ridicule on the show. Barbara Walters produces the show and often appears as a cast member herself and seems to be more centered then the rest of them acting like a female Phil Maher who seems to be on Politically Incorrect just to keep the show from flying out of control. Seems she's not able to do her job much lately.

Statistics show that America is mostly right of center possessing conservative values, not the values that are always on display in the View. So why would a network want to spend the time and money producing a show that most people feel rubs people the wrong way? Maybe they felt that being controversial would draw in viewers. Being shocking only works for a short while. Eventually just being shocking wears out and you lose interest. You eventually get tired of watching a train-wreck. I believe The View is an attempt to mold the viewpoints of housewives....if there are any left. But I also believe there is another hidden agenda. Maybe their target audience is one they don't want to mention?

To be honest I think that for the most part the only people that are available to watch The View are the unemployed and people that are home sick from most of what goes on during the show goes unnoticed, that is unless Fox News rebroadcasts snippets of the show. Perhaps the unemployed are the target audience of the show. Well, being unemployed to Democrats means you're a ready made loyal voter. So why not wet their appetites with some radical left-leaning ideology while they're enjoying their unproductive days and collecting their government payouts courtesy of the Democratic Party. What better viewer could you target on a show featuring a pack of angry bitches then someone who's angry about being unemployed?

Joy claims she's a comedian.


So all of that foul language and wild accusations are just a joke passed off as real news? How dishonest can you get.
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I see it everywhere. Conservatives are painted as radical extremists.

On The View Elisabeth Hasselbeck is the angry, bawling extremist and Joyless Bahar is the rational mainstreamer.
The left is led by comedians. Not just people you would insult by calling them comedians, but actual comedians.

Rosie O'Donnal
Whoopie Goldberg
Joy Behart
Al Frankin

When this is what you look up to for leadership, no one else can expect much from you.
I see it everywhere. Conservatives are painted as radical extremists.

On The View Elisabeth Hasselbeck is the angry, bawling extremist and Joyless Bahar is the rational mainstreamer.

That's what cracks me up everytime I hear these far leftist libs cry about "right wing extremists". To them a normal Christian conservative American is just as bad as a Islamofascist terrorist.
angle's letter was fucking hilarious. bahar should have hid in shame after it
Could you imagine yourself waking up every morning to that mug and that attitude?

I would carry around a piece of paper, pencil and a pistol just in case it got to be too much so I could write a suicide note quickly.
Could you imagine yourself waking up every morning to that mug and that attitude?

I would carry around a piece of paper, pencil and a pistol just in case it got to be too much so I could write a suicide note quickly.

:rofl: :clap:

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I see it everywhere. Conservatives are painted as radical extremists.

On The View Elisabeth Hasselbeck is the angry, bawling extremist and Joyless Bahar is the rational mainstreamer.

Can John Stewart restore Joy Bahar to sanity?

If you've been paying attention to the news lately you'll know that Joy Bahar is in a one-way bitch-fest with Sharron Angle currently leading in the Nevada Senate race against Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. Most would think that calling someone a bitch at 11am on network television is out of line...but perhaps the networks don't think so. Joy Bahar even has her own talk-show on CNN. If you didn't know this it's probably because you were watching Fox News instead.

Joy is the current co-host of The View, a show infamous for hiring hosts like Rosie O'Donnell after she came out of the closet and became in some people's opinion a serious bitch herself and Whoopi Goldberg, a nice lady but sometimes someone who can be a bit bitchy herself. The show features up to four hard-core Liberals and one token Conservative in Elisabeth Hasselbeck who once famously broke down crying because of comments by other cast members and is often a source of ridicule on the show. Barbara Walters produces the show and often appears as a cast member herself and seems to be more centered then the rest of them acting like a female Phil Maher who seems to be on Politically Incorrect just to keep the show from flying out of control. Seems she's not able to do her job much lately.

Statistics show that America is mostly right of center possessing conservative values, not the values that are always on display in the View. So why would a network want to spend the time and money producing a show that most people feel rubs people the wrong way? Maybe they felt that being controversial would draw in viewers. Being shocking only works for a short while. Eventually just being shocking wears out and you lose interest. You eventually get tired of watching a train-wreck. I believe The View is an attempt to mold the viewpoints of housewives....if there are any left. But I also believe there is another hidden agenda. Maybe their target audience is one they don't want to mention?

To be honest I think that for the most part the only people that are available to watch The View are the unemployed and people that are home sick from most of what goes on during the show goes unnoticed, that is unless Fox News rebroadcasts snippets of the show. Perhaps the unemployed are the target audience of the show. Well, being unemployed to Democrats means you're a ready made loyal voter. So why not wet their appetites with some radical left-leaning ideology while they're enjoying their unproductive days and collecting their government payouts courtesy of the Democratic Party. What better viewer could you target on a show featuring a pack of angry bitches then someone who's angry about being unemployed?

Joy claims she's a comedian.


So all of that foul language and wild accusations are just a joke passed off as real news? How dishonest can you get.

She is a comedian. She is hardly joyless, she's cute and funny. Boy, you all hate Joy Behar for talking about that fatass idiot teapartier in Nevada? :lol:

If you've been paying attention to the news lately you'll know that Joy Bahar is in a one-way bitch-fest with Sharron Angle currently leading in the Nevada Senate race against Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. Most would think that calling someone a bitch at 11am on network television is out of line...but perhaps the networks don't think so. Joy Bahar even has her own talk-show on CNN. If you didn't know this it's probably because you were watching Fox News instead.

Joy is the current co-host of The View, a show infamous for hiring hosts like Rosie O'Donnell after she came out of the closet and became in some people's opinion a serious bitch herself and Whoopi Goldberg, a nice lady but sometimes someone who can be a bit bitchy herself. The show features up to four hard-core Liberals and one token Conservative in Elisabeth Hasselbeck who once famously broke down crying because of comments by other cast members and is often a source of ridicule on the show. Barbara Walters produces the show and often appears as a cast member herself and seems to be more centered then the rest of them acting like a female Phil Maher who seems to be on Politically Incorrect just to keep the show from flying out of control. Seems she's not able to do her job much lately.

Statistics show that America is mostly right of center possessing conservative values, not the values that are always on display in the View. So why would a network want to spend the time and money producing a show that most people feel rubs people the wrong way? Maybe they felt that being controversial would draw in viewers. Being shocking only works for a short while. Eventually just being shocking wears out and you lose interest. You eventually get tired of watching a train-wreck. I believe The View is an attempt to mold the viewpoints of housewives....if there are any left. But I also believe there is another hidden agenda. Maybe their target audience is one they don't want to mention?

To be honest I think that for the most part the only people that are available to watch The View are the unemployed and people that are home sick from most of what goes on during the show goes unnoticed, that is unless Fox News rebroadcasts snippets of the show. Perhaps the unemployed are the target audience of the show. Well, being unemployed to Democrats means you're a ready made loyal voter. So why not wet their appetites with some radical left-leaning ideology while they're enjoying their unproductive days and collecting their government payouts courtesy of the Democratic Party. What better viewer could you target on a show featuring a pack of angry bitches then someone who's angry about being unemployed?

Joy claims she's a comedian.


So all of that foul language and wild accusations are just a joke passed off as real news? How dishonest can you get.

She is a comedian. She is hardly joyless, she's cute and funny. Boy, you all hate Joy Behar for talking about that fatass idiot teapartier in Nevada? :lol:

I guess being a has been comedian qualifies her to be an authority on politics. :doubt:

If you've been paying attention to the news lately you'll know that Joy Bahar is in a one-way bitch-fest with Sharron Angle currently leading in the Nevada Senate race against Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. Most would think that calling someone a bitch at 11am on network television is out of line...but perhaps the networks don't think so. Joy Bahar even has her own talk-show on CNN. If you didn't know this it's probably because you were watching Fox News instead.

Joy is the current co-host of The View, a show infamous for hiring hosts like Rosie O'Donnell after she came out of the closet and became in some people's opinion a serious bitch herself and Whoopi Goldberg, a nice lady but sometimes someone who can be a bit bitchy herself. The show features up to four hard-core Liberals and one token Conservative in Elisabeth Hasselbeck who once famously broke down crying because of comments by other cast members and is often a source of ridicule on the show. Barbara Walters produces the show and often appears as a cast member herself and seems to be more centered then the rest of them acting like a female Phil Maher who seems to be on Politically Incorrect just to keep the show from flying out of control. Seems she's not able to do her job much lately.

Statistics show that America is mostly right of center possessing conservative values, not the values that are always on display in the View. So why would a network want to spend the time and money producing a show that most people feel rubs people the wrong way? Maybe they felt that being controversial would draw in viewers. Being shocking only works for a short while. Eventually just being shocking wears out and you lose interest. You eventually get tired of watching a train-wreck. I believe The View is an attempt to mold the viewpoints of housewives....if there are any left. But I also believe there is another hidden agenda. Maybe their target audience is one they don't want to mention?

To be honest I think that for the most part the only people that are available to watch The View are the unemployed and people that are home sick from most of what goes on during the show goes unnoticed, that is unless Fox News rebroadcasts snippets of the show. Perhaps the unemployed are the target audience of the show. Well, being unemployed to Democrats means you're a ready made loyal voter. So why not wet their appetites with some radical left-leaning ideology while they're enjoying their unproductive days and collecting their government payouts courtesy of the Democratic Party. What better viewer could you target on a show featuring a pack of angry bitches then someone who's angry about being unemployed?

Joy claims she's a comedian.


So all of that foul language and wild accusations are just a joke passed off as real news? How dishonest can you get.

She is a comedian. She is hardly joyless, she's cute and funny. Boy, you all hate Joy Behar for talking about that fatass idiot teapartier in Nevada? :lol:

I guess being a has been comedian qualifies her to be an authority on politics. :doubt:

She has a talk show and does The View. That qualifies her as much as it qualifies Rush, Hannity, Palin or any of your Republican entertainers.
She is a comedian. She is hardly joyless, she's cute and funny. Boy, you all hate Joy Behar for talking about that fatass idiot teapartier in Nevada? :lol:

I guess being a has been comedian qualifies her to be an authority on politics. :doubt:

She has a talk show and does The View. That qualifies her as much as it qualifies Rush, Hannity, Palin or any of your Republican entertainers.

I don't listen to any of them, so I don't know. She was funny when she walked off the show when O'Reilly was on though. I will giver her credit for that.
She is a comedian. She is hardly joyless, she's cute and funny. Boy, you all hate Joy Behar for talking about that fatass idiot teapartier in Nevada? :lol:

I guess being a has been comedian qualifies her to be an authority on politics. :doubt:

She has a talk show and does The View. That qualifies her as much as it qualifies Rush, Hannity, Palin or any of your Republican entertainers.

Well when she pulls their kind of ratings get back to me.
Until then, she is a blow hard and a bigmouth....

and we all know what that is good for.... :suck:


If you've been paying attention to the news lately you'll know that Joy Bahar is in a one-way bitch-fest with Sharron Angle currently leading in the Nevada Senate race against Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. Most would think that calling someone a bitch at 11am on network television is out of line...but perhaps the networks don't think so. Joy Bahar even has her own talk-show on CNN. If you didn't know this it's probably because you were watching Fox News instead.

Joy is the current co-host of The View, a show infamous for hiring hosts like Rosie O'Donnell after she came out of the closet and became in some people's opinion a serious bitch herself and Whoopi Goldberg, a nice lady but sometimes someone who can be a bit bitchy herself. The show features up to four hard-core Liberals and one token Conservative in Elisabeth Hasselbeck who once famously broke down crying because of comments by other cast members and is often a source of ridicule on the show. Barbara Walters produces the show and often appears as a cast member herself and seems to be more centered then the rest of them acting like a female Phil Maher who seems to be on Politically Incorrect just to keep the show from flying out of control. Seems she's not able to do her job much lately.

Statistics show that America is mostly right of center possessing conservative values, not the values that are always on display in the View. So why would a network want to spend the time and money producing a show that most people feel rubs people the wrong way? Maybe they felt that being controversial would draw in viewers. Being shocking only works for a short while. Eventually just being shocking wears out and you lose interest. You eventually get tired of watching a train-wreck. I believe The View is an attempt to mold the viewpoints of housewives....if there are any left. But I also believe there is another hidden agenda. Maybe their target audience is one they don't want to mention?

To be honest I think that for the most part the only people that are available to watch The View are the unemployed and people that are home sick from most of what goes on during the show goes unnoticed, that is unless Fox News rebroadcasts snippets of the show. Perhaps the unemployed are the target audience of the show. Well, being unemployed to Democrats means you're a ready made loyal voter. So why not wet their appetites with some radical left-leaning ideology while they're enjoying their unproductive days and collecting their government payouts courtesy of the Democratic Party. What better viewer could you target on a show featuring a pack of angry bitches then someone who's angry about being unemployed?

Joy claims she's a comedian.


So all of that foul language and wild accusations are just a joke passed off as real news? How dishonest can you get.

She is a comedian. She is hardly joyless, she's cute and funny. Boy, you all hate Joy Behar for talking about that fatass idiot teapartier in Nevada? :lol:

And I suppose what Bahar is saying about every conservative she knows about [not just Sarron Angle] isn't an example of hatred but a tasteful example of good humor?

Damn...... that is funny.

And what you said insults me because I'm one of those fat-ass idiot Tea Partiers.

I'll say this much for least you didn't say Tea-bagger. That would have really miffed me.
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She is a comedian. She is hardly joyless, she's cute and funny. Boy, you all hate Joy Behar for talking about that fatass idiot teapartier in Nevada? :lol:

I guess being a has been comedian qualifies her to be an authority on politics. :doubt:

She has a talk show and does The View. That qualifies her as much as it qualifies Rush, Hannity, Palin or any of your Republican entertainers.

She tells nasty and hate filled jokes based in utter bigotry. She merely reacts to the news in a nasty spiteful manner using stereotypes as her justification. Her jokes aren't funny unless you hate the opposition as much as she does.

To be honest when she claimed she was a comedian I was shocked. I never thought she was funny.

I'm not sure it's an act or she really feels that way. The fact she claims she's a comedian tells me she ether wants to deflect blame for her comments or she's giving away to us that it's all an act.

All of that hatred must really keep her warm on cold Winter nights. I couldn't live around someone like that.

If you've been paying attention to the news lately you'll know that Joy Bahar is in a one-way bitch-fest with Sharron Angle currently leading in the Nevada Senate race against Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. Most would think that calling someone a bitch at 11am on network television is out of line...but perhaps the networks don't think so. Joy Bahar even has her own talk-show on CNN. If you didn't know this it's probably because you were watching Fox News instead.

Joy is the current co-host of The View, a show infamous for hiring hosts like Rosie O'Donnell after she came out of the closet and became in some people's opinion a serious bitch herself and Whoopi Goldberg, a nice lady but sometimes someone who can be a bit bitchy herself. The show features up to four hard-core Liberals and one token Conservative in Elisabeth Hasselbeck who once famously broke down crying because of comments by other cast members and is often a source of ridicule on the show. Barbara Walters produces the show and often appears as a cast member herself and seems to be more centered then the rest of them acting like a female Phil Maher who seems to be on Politically Incorrect just to keep the show from flying out of control. Seems she's not able to do her job much lately.

Statistics show that America is mostly right of center possessing conservative values, not the values that are always on display in the View. So why would a network want to spend the time and money producing a show that most people feel rubs people the wrong way? Maybe they felt that being controversial would draw in viewers. Being shocking only works for a short while. Eventually just being shocking wears out and you lose interest. You eventually get tired of watching a train-wreck. I believe The View is an attempt to mold the viewpoints of housewives....if there are any left. But I also believe there is another hidden agenda. Maybe their target audience is one they don't want to mention?

To be honest I think that for the most part the only people that are available to watch The View are the unemployed and people that are home sick from most of what goes on during the show goes unnoticed, that is unless Fox News rebroadcasts snippets of the show. Perhaps the unemployed are the target audience of the show. Well, being unemployed to Democrats means you're a ready made loyal voter. So why not wet their appetites with some radical left-leaning ideology while they're enjoying their unproductive days and collecting their government payouts courtesy of the Democratic Party. What better viewer could you target on a show featuring a pack of angry bitches then someone who's angry about being unemployed?

Joy claims she's a comedian.


So all of that foul language and wild accusations are just a joke passed off as real news? How dishonest can you get.

She is a comedian. She is hardly joyless, she's cute and funny. Boy, you all hate Joy Behar for talking about that fatass idiot teapartier in Nevada? :lol:

No accounting for taste is there. She's a bitter old shrew, she tries to hide her filthy meaness behind humor but she got her ass kicked this week. A well deserved ass kicking.
My opinion of "Joy" is this, she is an angry sarcastic liberal shrew that probably hasn't felt the touch of a man for decades and she is pissed. So all she has is her high opinion of her own opinion and her big fat mouth and a soapbox someone gave her to spew her asinine attitude from. Basically anything that comes out of her mouth isn't worth much so I don't listen to anything she has to say. And she IS NOT funny. She's a dipshit.
My opinion of "Joy" is this, she is an angry sarcastic liberal shrew that probably hasn't felt the touch of a man for decades and she is pissed. So all she has is her high opinion of her own opinion and her big fat mouth and a soapbox someone gave her to spew her asinine attitude from. Basically anything that comes out of her mouth isn't worth much so I don't listen to anything she has to say. And she IS NOT funny. She's a dipshit.

Do you think she is the prototype for the average New Yawk elitist?

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