Juan Williams: libs are far more intolerant to opposing views


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
It has gotten so bad, even liberals are starting to admit how radical and intolerant the left has become (no surprise there though - oppression and intolerance is the foundation of communism and marxism)...

We’ve seen it time and time again, the so called loving, inclusive left aren't really all that loving — unless, of course, you are in lock-step with all of their views. Juan Williams explains how he found out in a "very painful way" that the left is far more intolerant than the right.

Juan Williams speaks candidly on the mainstream media ? Glenn Beck
It has gotten so bad, even liberals are starting to admit how radical and intolerant the left has become (no surprise there though - oppression and intolerance is the foundation of communism and marxism)...

We’ve seen it time and time again, the so called loving, inclusive left aren't really all that loving — unless, of course, you are in lock-step with all of their views. Juan Williams explains how he found out in a "very painful way" that the left is far more intolerant than the right.

Juan Williams speaks candidly on the mainstream media ? Glenn Beck

Yeah right. The minute a right winger strays from the party line, he is immediately branded a RINO and thrown under the bus. But then, intolerance and oppression has always been a hallmark of reichwing Nazis and fascists.
Juan Williams knows first hand what happens when a liberal wanders off the liberal plantation. When he raised a voice of common sense at NPR he got fired and of course his follow liberals now have to totally destroy his character. After all plagiarism is just fine for Joe Biden.
a lib stating what the rest of us knew all along.

Already the libs are lining up to crucify him

congrats Juan :clap2:
Fox loves Williams because he is a racist. They gave him a job for being so.
Yes indeed black Juan Williams is certainly a racist who just hates black people and wants to keep them down.
For the record, Juan Williams said the left leaning media, not liberals in general. I'm sure the righties knew that though.
A forgotten attribution is not plagiarism. It is a forgotten attribution. For real plagiarism, you have to go to Joe Biden and barakula obama. Has the presidebt ever given a speech that he didn't lift from someone else?
Juan Williams: libs are far more intolerant to opposing views


AS intolerant, definitely.

If you doubt that?

Ask somebody who is TRULY an independent with a leftist POV.

If there's anything liberals cannot stand its people who call them on their bullshit FROM THE LEFT.

They hate that,

Oh my GOD do they hate that.

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