Juan Williams Loses Job At NPR For Telling The Truth

It was time for Juan Williams to go. He was/is a mediocre journalist at best. Notice that Fox isn't giving him the multi-millions that O'Reilly/Hannity/Beck receive. He is their token.

Every time some asshole calls a black man "a token" I call them a racist pig. You are our newest racist pig. We feed racist pigs shit.

Juan was and still is a Fox News contributor that gives the Liberal slant to viewers. He race was never an issue.
O'Reilly kept his job after paying millions to shut up a woman he sexually harassed, now he's back as the right's guru on societal morality.

And btw, I already said Williams shouldn't have been fired for this. I'm only dealing with the right's inevitable lies and distortions and exaggerations and general idiocy over the event,

which is they can never avoid engaging in.

You mean Andrea Mackris? The woman who made the allegation AFTER O'Reilly sued her for extortion, alleging that she had threatened him with a sexual harassment suit?

I wasn't aware that O'reilly won an extortion lawsuit against Mackris, please post that.

idiot, no where did she say "he won" she said clearly he sued. The outcome wasn't specified. No wonder you are so damn dumb.
O'Reilly kept his job after paying millions to shut up a woman he sexually harassed, now he's back as the right's guru on societal morality.

And btw, I already said Williams shouldn't have been fired for this. I'm only dealing with the right's inevitable lies and distortions and exaggerations and general idiocy over the event,

which is they can never avoid engaging in.

You mean Andrea Mackris? The woman who made the allegation AFTER O'Reilly sued her for extortion, alleging that she had threatened him with a sexual harassment suit?

I wasn't aware that O'reilly won an extortion lawsuit against Mackris, please post that.

1. That's not the topic, but nice attempt at deflection.

2. I made no claim about who won, only that O'Reilly sued her for extortion BEFORE she made allegations against him.

3. I have absolutely no interest in O'Reilly's private life.
Why would you want to go back to the Bush Administration's way of doing things? The republican agenda of the Bush Era is the reason our country is in such dier straits right now. Change does not happen over night and you surely see that you must give Obama a chance to accomplish his goals.
Being opposed to everything he stands for is counterproductive. The two parties have, at times, worked across party lines, but I have never seen the nasty division that I am seeing now. Obama is a good man and deserves to be heard. He has accomplished so much in his two years in office and I don't believe that the republicans are going to be as victorious as they think come November. The people paying for all the negative ads this time around are the wealthiest people on the planet and they don't care about the common person...only themselves and assuming more power and control over you, and me. Time for all to wake up and take back our power.

Your wrong, but at least you said it in a nice way. Progressive liberalism is the equivalent of a terminal cancer on our Republic.

That would be correct if you used the term "Regressive Conservatism". Nothing is more injurious to a Free Democratic Republic then wanting to "go back" to authoritarism..no matter if that be a king, or obsencely wealthy corporatists. Power in the hands of a very few usually has terrible outcomes.
Why would you want to go back to the Bush Administration's way of doing things? The republican agenda of the Bush Era is the reason our country is in such dier straits right now. Change does not happen over night and you surely see that you must give Obama a chance to accomplish his goals.
Being opposed to everything he stands for is counterproductive. The two parties have, at times, worked across party lines, but I have never seen the nasty division that I am seeing now. Obama is a good man and deserves to be heard. He has accomplished so much in his two years in office and I don't believe that the republicans are going to be as victorious as they think come November. The people paying for all the negative ads this time around are the wealthiest people on the planet and they don't care about the common person...only themselves and assuming more power and control over you, and me. Time for all to wake up and take back our power.

Another bullshitter hits the fan. :lol::lol::lol::lol:
Obviously you are someone with little critical thinking ability.
So, Juan Williams just happens to make some remarks offensive to Muslims, on Fox, gets himself fired from NPR, and then just happens to have a fat contract with Foxnews fall out of the sky into his lap, almost within hours.

There's a certain more-than-meets-the-eye to this whole drama.
Why would you want to go back to the Bush Administration's way of doing things? The republican agenda of the Bush Era is the reason our country is in such dier straits right now. Change does not happen over night and you surely see that you must give Obama a chance to accomplish his goals.
Being opposed to everything he stands for is counterproductive. The two parties have, at times, worked across party lines, but I have never seen the nasty division that I am seeing now. Obama is a good man and deserves to be heard. He has accomplished so much in his two years in office and I don't believe that the republicans are going to be as victorious as they think come November. The people paying for all the negative ads this time around are the wealthiest people on the planet and they don't care about the common person...only themselves and assuming more power and control over you, and me. Time for all to wake up and take back our power.

Another bullshitter hits the fan. :lol::lol::lol::lol:
Obviously you are someone with little critical thinking ability.

Lesseeee here now :confused::cuckoo::eek: where have I heard THAT insult before? You guys keep a list of approved insults doyanow? like "token" eat some shit and die mon.
Why would you want to go back to the Bush Administration's way of doing things? The republican agenda of the Bush Era is the reason our country is in such dier straits right now. Change does not happen over night and you surely see that you must give Obama a chance to accomplish his goals.
Being opposed to everything he stands for is counterproductive. The two parties have, at times, worked across party lines, but I have never seen the nasty division that I am seeing now. Obama is a good man and deserves to be heard. He has accomplished so much in his two years in office and I don't believe that the republicans are going to be as victorious as they think come November. The people paying for all the negative ads this time around are the wealthiest people on the planet and they don't care about the common person...only themselves and assuming more power and control over you, and me. Time for all to wake up and take back our power.

Another bullshitter hits the fan. :lol::lol::lol::lol:
Obviously you are someone with little critical thinking ability.


This preference casade with the Williams thing seems as one with the Tea Party phenominom which definitely originated with Obama's massaive stimulus and was reinvigorated with Obamacare (and to a lesser extent with the Frank-Dodd finance 'reform' bill). Citizens initially (after the stimulus) felt our government was, generally, oversteping its bonds. This feeling was, somehow, subliminal. However, then the left started calling them nasty names the tea partiers felt the need to justify their feelings about their government. It was at this point they began reading our founding documents and the original supporting arguments for those codifications from Jay, Hamilton, and Madison, in the form of The Federalist, in order to sharpen their argument for smaller, less instrusive government. Some have even visited those of the Scottish enlightenment period and even Ayn Rand's essays on Objectivism.

Can of worms, indeed! Perhaps this awakening of the American people will go down in history as President Obama's crowning acheivement in turning America back onto its original path of self responsibility, individual liberty, and exceptiionalism. This, of course is not His vision but then it's not really up to Him...is it? Nov 3rd will give us a better view towards this trend. :eusa_think:

I still get the feeling that so voters many refuse to pay attention....and yet more votes will be stolen or ignored because of a corrupt election process.
So, Juan Williams just happens to make some remarks offensive to Muslims, on Fox, gets himself fired from NPR, and then just happens to have a fat contract with Foxnews fall out of the sky into his lap, almost within hours.

There's a certain more-than-meets-the-eye to this whole drama.

Interestingly, it appears that not all Muslims got the 'be offended' instruction. I had an email from a Muslim friend who agreed with Juan. Go figure. I guess them pesky Muslims are individuals too! Damn them!
So, Juan Williams just happens to make some remarks offensive to Muslims, on Fox, gets himself fired from NPR, and then just happens to have a fat contract with Foxnews fall out of the sky into his lap, almost within hours.

There's a certain more-than-meets-the-eye to this whole drama.

Are saying that a Black man could just possibly be a bigot?

Jeeze...I've been saying this for years. You're just now getting around to it even though in this case you're totally wrong.

But it seems that Juan was never a bigot till he pissed off the left. Then the label stuck.
You mean Andrea Mackris? The woman who made the allegation AFTER O'Reilly sued her for extortion, alleging that she had threatened him with a sexual harassment suit?

I wasn't aware that O'reilly won an extortion lawsuit against Mackris, please post that.

1. That's not the topic, but nice attempt at deflection.

2. I made no claim about who won, only that O'Reilly sued her for extortion BEFORE she made allegations against him.

3. I have absolutely no interest in O'Reilly's private life.

You made it the topic you fool. AGAIN, did O'Reilly win an extortion lawsuit against Mackris?

And if you have no interest in O'Reilly's private life, why did you attempt to defend him with an unsupported allegation of wrongdonig against the woman he harassed?

And why, btw, wouldn't you have any interest in who in public arena, getting paid to pontificate on society's rights and wrongs, was or wasn't themselves guilty of sexual harassment?
So, Juan Williams just happens to make some remarks offensive to Muslims, on Fox, gets himself fired from NPR, and then just happens to have a fat contract with Foxnews fall out of the sky into his lap, almost within hours.

There's a certain more-than-meets-the-eye to this whole drama.

Are saying that a Black man could just possibly be a bigot?

Jeeze...I've been saying this for years. You're just now getting around to it even though in this case you're totally wrong.

But it seems that Juan was never a bigot till he pissed off the left. Then the label stuck.

Wow, you were among all the people I called 'bigots' for being Islamophobic in opposing the NYC mosque...

...it took you this long to admit it?

Why would you want to go back to the Bush Administration's way of doing things? The republican agenda of the Bush Era is the reason our country is in such dier straits right now. Change does not happen over night and you surely see that you must give Obama a chance to accomplish his goals.
Being opposed to everything he stands for is counterproductive. The two parties have, at times, worked across party lines, but I have never seen the nasty division that I am seeing now. Obama is a good man and deserves to be heard. He has accomplished so much in his two years in office and I don't believe that the republicans are going to be as victorious as they think come November. The people paying for all the negative ads this time around are the wealthiest people on the planet and they don't care about the common person...only themselves and assuming more power and control over you, and me. Time for all to wake up and take back our power.

Your wrong, but at least you said it in a nice way. Progressive liberalism is the equivalent of a terminal cancer on our Republic.

That would be correct if you used the term "Regressive Conservatism". Nothing is more injurious to a Free Democratic Republic then wanting to "go back" to authoritarism..no matter if that be a king, or obsencely wealthy corporatists. Power in the hands of a very few usually has terrible outcomes.
I am always bewildered at the hard-core republican mindset. Their world is crashing down around them yet they are blind-sided by the fear mongering going on that keeps them locked in their negative thinking regarding moving our country into the 21st century. Republicans used to stand for "something", but today's republican is angry, negative, and fear-based...usually uber religious as well. The current republican party is made up of ultra rich conservatives whose only welfare they are concerned with is their own. Don't be fooled by the hate-filled rhetoric being thrown around by the republicans...they own you...and me. I, for one, am doing all I am able to do on a personal level to make certain that my children and grandchildren are given the opportunity to become law-abiding, loving and caring individul who are concerned with all people of the world..not just a select few who believe themselves to be the elite of the world.
The liberals have no cards left, and it's showing. NPR's days of public financing will come to a close.

Even government knows it's downsizing, liberals must have missed the notification.

NYcrapinbeer? Clueless. He's still cheering for dinosaurs.
They should disclose all of the liberal millionaires on NPR's payroll.

Over 420 million a year taxpayer funded, plus private donations.

THIEVES, and arrogant ones too! It's who Democrats are.
Your wrong, but at least you said it in a nice way. Progressive liberalism is the equivalent of a terminal cancer on our Republic.

That would be correct if you used the term "Regressive Conservatism". Nothing is more injurious to a Free Democratic Republic then wanting to "go back" to authoritarism..no matter if that be a king, or obsencely wealthy corporatists. Power in the hands of a very few usually has terrible outcomes.
I am always bewildered at the hard-core republican mindset. Their world is crashing down around them yet they are blind-sided by the fear mongering going on that keeps them locked in their negative thinking regarding moving our country into the 21st century. Republicans used to stand for "something", but today's republican is angry, negative, and fear-based...usually uber religious as well. The current republican party is made up of ultra rich conservatives whose only welfare they are concerned with is their own. Don't be fooled by the hate-filled rhetoric being thrown around by the republicans...they own you...and me. I, for one, am doing all I am able to do on a personal level to make certain that my children and grandchildren are given the opportunity to become law-abiding, loving and caring individul who are concerned with all people of the world..not just a select few who believe themselves to be the elite of the world.

oh brother. another condescending Progressive, yipeee
pass the barf bag.:cuckoo:

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