Juan Williams Loses Job At NPR For Telling The Truth

It was time for Juan Williams to go. He was/is a mediocre journalist at best. Notice that Fox isn't giving him the multi-millions that O'Reilly/Hannity/Beck receive. He is their token.

Every time some asshole calls a black man "a token" I call them a racist pig. You are our newest racist pig. We feed racist pigs shit.
People such as yourself are the reason for birth control and abortion. Waste of sperm.
It was time for Juan Williams to go. He was/is a mediocre journalist at best. Notice that Fox isn't giving him the multi-millions that O'Reilly/Hannity/Beck receive. He is their token.

Every time some asshole calls a black man "a token" I call them a racist pig. You are our newest racist pig. We feed racist pigs shit.
People such as yourself are the reason for birth control and abortion. Waste of sperm.

poor little poopy pantywaist.
Why would you want to go back to the Bush Administration's way of doing things? The republican agenda of the Bush Era is the reason our country is in such dier straits right now. Change does not happen over night and you surely see that you must give Obama a chance to accomplish his goals.
Being opposed to everything he stands for is counterproductive. The two parties have, at times, worked across party lines, but I have never seen the nasty division that I am seeing now. Obama is a good man and deserves to be heard. He has accomplished so much in his two years in office and I don't believe that the republicans are going to be as victorious as they think come November. The people paying for all the negative ads this time around are the wealthiest people on the planet and they don't care about the common person...only themselves and assuming more power and control over you, and me. Time for all to wake up and take back our power.

Your wrong, but at least you said it in a nice way. Progressive liberalism is the equivalent of a terminal cancer on our Republic.

That would be correct if you used the term "Regressive Conservatism". Nothing is more injurious to a Free Democratic Republic then wanting to "go back" to authoritarism..no matter if that be a king, or obsencely wealthy corporatists. Power in the hands of a very few usually has terrible outcomes.

We are going to have to agree to disagree on Progressive Liberalism Sallow. I am not aware of a Regressive Conservatism movement.
Your wrong, but at least you said it in a nice way. Progressive liberalism is the equivalent of a terminal cancer on our Republic.

That would be correct if you used the term "Regressive Conservatism". Nothing is more injurious to a Free Democratic Republic then wanting to "go back" to authoritarism..no matter if that be a king, or obsencely wealthy corporatists. Power in the hands of a very few usually has terrible outcomes.
I am always bewildered at the hard-core republican mindset. Their world is crashing down around them yet they are blind-sided by the fear mongering going on that keeps them locked in their negative thinking regarding moving our country into the 21st century. Republicans used to stand for "something", but today's republican is angry, negative, and fear-based...usually uber religious as well. The current republican party is made up of ultra rich conservatives whose only welfare they are concerned with is their own. Don't be fooled by the hate-filled rhetoric being thrown around by the republicans...they own you...and me. I, for one, am doing all I am able to do on a personal level to make certain that my children and grandchildren are given the opportunity to become law-abiding, loving and caring individul who are concerned with all people of the world..not just a select few who believe themselves to be the elite of the world.

Republicans, on the other hand, are never bewildered by the hard-core leftie mindset. They understand the borg groupthink... and actively choose to engage in individual, critical thinking.

I am, however, fascinated that the left scream like fucking banshees about 'hate speech' from everyone else.... while completely ignoring the fact that they are engaging in 'hate speech' themselves. Double standards - I don't do those.
It was time for Juan Williams to go. He was/is a mediocre journalist at best. Notice that Fox isn't giving him the multi-millions that O'Reilly/Hannity/Beck receive. He is their token.

Every time some asshole calls a black man "a token" I call them a racist pig. You are our newest racist pig. We feed racist pigs shit.
People such as yourself are the reason for birth control and abortion. Waste of sperm.

What a self-parody.

This thread is about the Left's intolerance for any opinions outside of their narrow orthodoxy, and here you are spewing the noxious filth that someone who says something you don't like shouldn't exist.
That would be correct if you used the term "Regressive Conservatism". Nothing is more injurious to a Free Democratic Republic then wanting to "go back" to authoritarism..no matter if that be a king, or obsencely wealthy corporatists. Power in the hands of a very few usually has terrible outcomes.
I am always bewildered at the hard-core republican mindset. Their world is crashing down around them yet they are blind-sided by the fear mongering going on that keeps them locked in their negative thinking regarding moving our country into the 21st century. Republicans used to stand for "something", but today's republican is angry, negative, and fear-based...usually uber religious as well. The current republican party is made up of ultra rich conservatives whose only welfare they are concerned with is their own. Don't be fooled by the hate-filled rhetoric being thrown around by the republicans...they own you...and me. I, for one, am doing all I am able to do on a personal level to make certain that my children and grandchildren are given the opportunity to become law-abiding, loving and caring individul who are concerned with all people of the world..not just a select few who believe themselves to be the elite of the world.

oh brother. another condescending Progressive, yipeee
pass the barf bag.:cuckoo:
I thought their might be adults posting on this site. I was wrong. Obviously, from your lack of the ability to carry on a civil conversation, you aren't even old enough to vote. Either that or you are missing some vital brain cells. Either way, I'm out. Dog help us if people like Christine O'Donnell are ever in political power. America is filled with uneducated, fear-based ignorant people such as yourselves. Maybe there are interesting people who have communication skils....none to be found here.
Your wrong, but at least you said it in a nice way. Progressive liberalism is the equivalent of a terminal cancer on our Republic.

That would be correct if you used the term "Regressive Conservatism". Nothing is more injurious to a Free Democratic Republic then wanting to "go back" to authoritarism..no matter if that be a king, or obsencely wealthy corporatists. Power in the hands of a very few usually has terrible outcomes.

We are going to have to agree to disagree on Progressive Liberalism Sallow. I am not aware of a Regressive Conservatism movement.

Well to be quite honest, I am not much a "Progressive" Liberal..as just plain liberal. I think change should be gradual..and frequently audited.

But agreeing to disagree. I am cool with that.
Why would you want to go back to the Bush Administration's way of doing things? The republican agenda of the Bush Era is the reason our country is in such dier straits right now. Change does not happen over night and you surely see that you must give Obama a chance to accomplish his goals.
Being opposed to everything he stands for is counterproductive. The two parties have, at times, worked across party lines, but I have never seen the nasty division that I am seeing now. Obama is a good man and deserves to be heard. He has accomplished so much in his two years in office and I don't believe that the republicans are going to be as victorious as they think come November. The people paying for all the negative ads this time around are the wealthiest people on the planet and they don't care about the common person...only themselves and assuming more power and control over you, and me. Time for all to wake up and take back our power.

Well your first post on Juan Williams thread is about Booosssshhhh. The rest that follow are just put downs of other posters. Great start here.
I am always bewildered at the hard-core republican mindset. Their world is crashing down around them yet they are blind-sided by the fear mongering going on that keeps them locked in their negative thinking regarding moving our country into the 21st century. Republicans used to stand for "something", but today's republican is angry, negative, and fear-based...usually uber religious as well. The current republican party is made up of ultra rich conservatives whose only welfare they are concerned with is their own. Don't be fooled by the hate-filled rhetoric being thrown around by the republicans...they own you...and me. I, for one, am doing all I am able to do on a personal level to make certain that my children and grandchildren are given the opportunity to become law-abiding, loving and caring individul who are concerned with all people of the world..not just a select few who believe themselves to be the elite of the world.

oh brother. another condescending Progressive, yipeee
pass the barf bag.:cuckoo:
I thought their might be adults posting on this site. I was wrong. Obviously, from your lack of the ability to carry on a civil conversation, you aren't even old enough to vote. Either that or you are missing some vital brain cells. Either way, I'm out. Dog help us if people like Christine O'Donnell are ever in political power. America is filled with uneducated, fear-based ignorant people such as yourselves. Maybe there are interesting people who have communication skils....none to be found here.

Don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya. ta ta.. and try not to call black men tokens. it doesn't speak well of your character. Advice is for free.
That would be correct if you used the term "Regressive Conservatism". Nothing is more injurious to a Free Democratic Republic then wanting to "go back" to authoritarism..no matter if that be a king, or obsencely wealthy corporatists. Power in the hands of a very few usually has terrible outcomes.
I am always bewildered at the hard-core republican mindset. Their world is crashing down around them yet they are blind-sided by the fear mongering going on that keeps them locked in their negative thinking regarding moving our country into the 21st century. Republicans used to stand for "something", but today's republican is angry, negative, and fear-based...usually uber religious as well. The current republican party is made up of ultra rich conservatives whose only welfare they are concerned with is their own. Don't be fooled by the hate-filled rhetoric being thrown around by the republicans...they own you...and me. I, for one, am doing all I am able to do on a personal level to make certain that my children and grandchildren are given the opportunity to become law-abiding, loving and caring individul who are concerned with all people of the world..not just a select few who believe themselves to be the elite of the world.

Republicans, on the other hand, are never bewildered by the hard-core leftie mindset. They understand the borg groupthink... and actively choose to engage in individual, critical thinking.

I am, however, fascinated that the left scream like fucking banshees about 'hate speech' from everyone else.... while completely ignoring the fact that they are engaging in 'hate speech' themselves. Double standards - I don't do those.
Bitch is too nice of a word to use on you. The "C" word is more appropriate. What a sad and miserable person you present yourself to be. You deserve what you get...and no doubt that is "not much." No doubt in my mind that you are trailer trash.
I am always bewildered at the hard-core republican mindset. Their world is crashing down around them yet they are blind-sided by the fear mongering going on that keeps them locked in their negative thinking regarding moving our country into the 21st century. Republicans used to stand for "something", but today's republican is angry, negative, and fear-based...usually uber religious as well. The current republican party is made up of ultra rich conservatives whose only welfare they are concerned with is their own. Don't be fooled by the hate-filled rhetoric being thrown around by the republicans...they own you...and me. I, for one, am doing all I am able to do on a personal level to make certain that my children and grandchildren are given the opportunity to become law-abiding, loving and caring individul who are concerned with all people of the world..not just a select few who believe themselves to be the elite of the world.

oh brother. another condescending Progressive, yipeee
pass the barf bag.:cuckoo:
I thought their might be adults posting on this site. I was wrong. Obviously, from your lack of the ability to carry on a civil conversation, you aren't even old enough to vote. Either that or you are missing some vital brain cells. Either way, I'm out. Dog help us if people like Christine O'Donnell are ever in political power. America is filled with uneducated, fear-based ignorant people such as yourselves. Maybe there are interesting people who have communication skils....none to be found here.


don't let the door hit where the good lord SPLIT YA.
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I am always bewildered at the hard-core republican mindset. Their world is crashing down around them yet they are blind-sided by the fear mongering going on that keeps them locked in their negative thinking regarding moving our country into the 21st century. Republicans used to stand for "something", but today's republican is angry, negative, and fear-based...usually uber religious as well. The current republican party is made up of ultra rich conservatives whose only welfare they are concerned with is their own. Don't be fooled by the hate-filled rhetoric being thrown around by the republicans...they own you...and me. I, for one, am doing all I am able to do on a personal level to make certain that my children and grandchildren are given the opportunity to become law-abiding, loving and caring individul who are concerned with all people of the world..not just a select few who believe themselves to be the elite of the world.

Republicans, on the other hand, are never bewildered by the hard-core leftie mindset. They understand the borg groupthink... and actively choose to engage in individual, critical thinking.

I am, however, fascinated that the left scream like fucking banshees about 'hate speech' from everyone else.... while completely ignoring the fact that they are engaging in 'hate speech' themselves. Double standards - I don't do those.
Bitch is too nice of a word to use on you. The "C" word is more appropriate. What a sad and miserable person you present yourself to be. You deserve what you get...and no doubt that is "not much." No doubt in my mind that you are trailer trash.

Wow, your civillity certainly went down the pooper rigfht along wit yer brain didn't it bitch?
Trailer trash. I got news for you progressive pooper. We've heard that one before too. Next.
I am always bewildered at the hard-core republican mindset. Their world is crashing down around them yet they are blind-sided by the fear mongering going on that keeps them locked in their negative thinking regarding moving our country into the 21st century. Republicans used to stand for "something", but today's republican is angry, negative, and fear-based...usually uber religious as well. The current republican party is made up of ultra rich conservatives whose only welfare they are concerned with is their own. Don't be fooled by the hate-filled rhetoric being thrown around by the republicans...they own you...and me. I, for one, am doing all I am able to do on a personal level to make certain that my children and grandchildren are given the opportunity to become law-abiding, loving and caring individul who are concerned with all people of the world..not just a select few who believe themselves to be the elite of the world.

Republicans, on the other hand, are never bewildered by the hard-core leftie mindset. They understand the borg groupthink... and actively choose to engage in individual, critical thinking.

I am, however, fascinated that the left scream like fucking banshees about 'hate speech' from everyone else.... while completely ignoring the fact that they are engaging in 'hate speech' themselves. Double standards - I don't do those.
Bitch is too nice of a word to use on you. The "C" word is more appropriate. What a sad and miserable person you present yourself to be. You deserve what you get...and no doubt that is "not much." No doubt in my mind that you are trailer trash.

Wow, you just earned the fastest neg I've ever given for more than 1 post. C word? That's demonstrating your superiority to all the trailer trash! Good job. :cuckoo:
I am always bewildered at the hard-core republican mindset. Their world is crashing down around them yet they are blind-sided by the fear mongering going on that keeps them locked in their negative thinking regarding moving our country into the 21st century. Republicans used to stand for "something", but today's republican is angry, negative, and fear-based...usually uber religious as well. The current republican party is made up of ultra rich conservatives whose only welfare they are concerned with is their own. Don't be fooled by the hate-filled rhetoric being thrown around by the republicans...they own you...and me. I, for one, am doing all I am able to do on a personal level to make certain that my children and grandchildren are given the opportunity to become law-abiding, loving and caring individul who are concerned with all people of the world..not just a select few who believe themselves to be the elite of the world.

oh brother. another condescending Progressive, yipeee
pass the barf bag.:cuckoo:
I thought their might be adults posting on this site. I was wrong. Obviously, from your lack of the ability to carry on a civil conversation, you aren't even old enough to vote. Either that or you are missing some vital brain cells. Either way, I'm out. Dog help us if people like Christine O'Donnell are ever in political power. America is filled with uneducated, fear-based ignorant people such as yourselves. Maybe there are interesting people who have communication skils....none to be found here.

Over Eighteen - check
Have current voter registration - check
Degree from major university - check

What the Hell does Dog Chapman have to do with Christine O'Donnell? Maybe you meant God and just have a communication problem? Six posts and out, your pathetic.
Yes, reporters should strive to report facts. Juan, however, was not employed by NPR as a 'reporter', he was, in fact, employed as a news analyst. For someone who has such a passion for 'facts', you really should try to use them.
:lol: Okay, then. Substitute journalist.

His function at NPR was that of a 'news analyst' or, in other words, a 'commentator'. His job was to comment, not provide fact. Honestly, Ravi, how the hell can you criticize someone when you don't even know what the hell he was employed to do.

Broadcast News Analyst Job Description, Career as a Broadcast News Analyst, Salary, Employment - Definition and Nature of the Work, Education and Training Requirements, Getting the Job
Definition and Nature of the Work

Broadcast news analysts—often referred to as anchors or newscasters—host and synchronize news programs on radio or television. Their duties include reading news stories, providing lead-ins for reports by others, interviewing guests, and conducting panel discussions. Some may work once or twice a day on a major news program, while others broadcast five-minute news segments each hour.
A journalist collects and disseminates information about current events, people, trends, and issues. His or her work is acknowledged as journalism.

Yes, he most certainly was a journalist. Now he is solely a pundit.
I thought their might be adults posting on this site. I was wrong. Obviously, from your lack of the ability to carry on a civil conversation, you aren't even old enough to vote. Either that or you are missing some vital brain cells. Either way, I'm out. Dog help us if people like Christine O'Donnell are ever in political power. America is filled with uneducated, fear-based ignorant people such as yourselves. Maybe there are interesting people who have communication skils....none to be found here.

This is really rich from someone who claims another deserved to be aborted for having a differing opinion.
:lol: Okay, then. Substitute journalist.

His function at NPR was that of a 'news analyst' or, in other words, a 'commentator'. His job was to comment, not provide fact. Honestly, Ravi, how the hell can you criticize someone when you don't even know what the hell he was employed to do.

Broadcast News Analyst Job Description, Career as a Broadcast News Analyst, Salary, Employment - Definition and Nature of the Work, Education and Training Requirements, Getting the Job
Definition and Nature of the Work

Broadcast news analysts—often referred to as anchors or newscasters—host and synchronize news programs on radio or television. Their duties include reading news stories, providing lead-ins for reports by others, interviewing guests, and conducting panel discussions. Some may work once or twice a day on a major news program, while others broadcast five-minute news segments each hour.

I'm glad to see you working hard at proving your point. I admire that in a person. But, I think that most of the world knows now that George Soros gave Media Matters one million dollars, he gave NPR 1.8 million dollars. Media Matters has already called for Mara Liasson's head cause she works for Fox News. I think the whole world knows that Juan was fired because he works for Fox News and because CAIR pressured NPR. I think the whole world is also outraged. I think the repercussions are going to be distasteful to NPR. Have you read any of the comments over at the NPR site? It's not pretty.

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