Juan Williams Loses Job At NPR For Telling The Truth

Sorry, lefties who defend this: you are flat wrong. Righties, many of you would act the same way if Billy O went off the reservation the other way. Unsubscribe.

O'Reilly kept his job after paying millions to shut up a woman he sexually harassed, now he's back as the right's guru on societal morality.

And btw, I already said Williams shouldn't have been fired for this. I'm only dealing with the right's inevitable lies and distortions and exaggerations and general idiocy over the event,

which is they can never avoid engaging in.

You mean Andrea Mackris? The woman who made the allegation AFTER O'Reilly sued her for extortion, alleging that she had threatened him with a sexual harassment suit?
So now the lefties want to make up the RULES of what a "reporter" can or can't say.

People better wake up to this ASSULT on our FREE SPEECH RIGHTS.
Juan committed Thoughtcrime.

Free speech rights are not an issue here. That is a perfect example of what I just mentioned, i.e., the right having to take every episode and turn it into idiocy.

That's what the left says when someone says something they dislike.
So now the lefties want to make up the RULES of what a "reporter" can or can't say.

People better wake up to this ASSULT on our FREE SPEECH RIGHTS.
I didn't make up the rules...NPR did and Williams agreed to them.

IMO, reporters should strive to report the facts and keep their biases to themselves.

Sad for you that you'd rather be told what to think.

Yes, reporters should strive to report facts. Juan, however, was not employed by NPR as a 'reporter', he was, in fact, employed as a news analyst. For someone who has such a passion for 'facts', you really should try to use them.
:lol: Okay, then. Substitute journalist.
They can....and pay the price for it as well. I hope that million they got from Obama's main supporter, George Soros, was worth it to them.

We need to get rid of this foreign money in politics. All they're doing is screwing us over.
I guess SOROS DERANGEMENT SYNDROME :cuckoo: isn't enough, the insane DittoTards have to pile on with "FOREIGN MONEY." :ahole-1:
When did the Chamber of Commerce start donating to NPR??? :rofl:

The truth really hurts, doesn't it numb-nuts?
Wouldn't you have to tell some truth FIRST? :ahole-1:

Clever. (not really)
I must apologize. I did not know I could not post URLs here and since I don't post that often it might be a while before I reach the limit. However those interested can merely use your favorite searce engine for Dr Zero's and the Title of Reynolds 2002 essay "Patriotism and Preferences". Since I must edit out the URLs I apologize if the text looks a bit rough. About the Juan Williams firing by the left leaning NPR, I found an interesting thought here: Juan Williams and The Preference Cascade (Dr. Zero blog). Some snippets: http://hotair.com/greenroom/archives/2010/10/22/juan-williams-and-the-preference-cascade/
” I think one of the reasons the hardcore liberals who run NPR terminated Williams is their desire to abort a preference cascade. . . . As described by Glenn Reynolds in a classic 2002 essay, a preference cascade occurs when people trapped inside a manufactured consensus suddenly realize that many other people share their doubts. Preference falsification works by making doubters feel isolated and alone. . .

Since a free society makes it very easy for individuals to change their opinions, they must be prevented from even considering such a change. Manufactured consensus is very fragile in a competitive arena of ideas, when there is no fearsome penalty for a "Fresh Air" listener who decides to switch over to Rush Limbaugh.
The manufactured liberal consensus about Islamic terrorism rolled off the assembly line a long time ago. . . .

A credentialed, taxpayer-supported NPR liberal cannot be allowed to question this consensus. It will shatter too easily if the clients of liberalism begin connecting dots between underwear bombers and pistol-packing Army psychiatrists. They cannot be left to nod quietly in agreement with the earnest musings of Juan Williams . . . then look around the room and see all the other faithful liberals nodding at the same time. . . .

Juan Williams came too close to understanding ideas he was supposed to hate. The Left is deathly afraid of what happens when its constituents begin to understand the Right. They didn't like the idea of millions watching an NPR contributor break the biohazard seal on strictly quarantined ideas.”

Too close indeed. But surely one can see such a preference cascade following the release of the Climategate e-mails and perhaps even in Obama supporter Thelma Hart's being "... exhausted. Exhausted of defending you, defending your administration, defending the mantle of change that I voted for.” Yes, of course, the 'mantle' of change. But is Obama really to blame for her exhaustion? Perhaps she would have been better prepared for the results of an Obama administration had she insisted on Obama's clarity on not only what was going to change but, specifically, how he would bring about those changes.

But as has been pointed out, NPR’s Nina Totenberg’s comments and personal opinions* over the years have not brought her into conflict with NPR’s stated ‘principles’ and management’s interpretation of same whether she is considered a ‘pundint’ or ‘analyst’. But wait! She is neither according to her NPR Bio! She is a correspondent, a position Mr. Williams held at at NPR until he became so annoyingly opininated (to NPR anyway) that they changed his classification. One might think a NPR ‘Correspondent’ might be viewed more stringently regarding their opinions then say, an analyst or pundint. But then that is NPR’s private business, or is it? NPR gets some small amount of indirect funding from U.S. taxpayors, Non? Come January, if Congress is looking for someplace to cut federal spending perhaps the CPB (Corporation for Public Broadcasting) might be an excellent place to start.

*the classic, but by no means the only, Totenberg example is her lament regarding Senator Jesse Helms: "I think he ought to be worried about the--about what's going on in the good Lord's mind, because if there's retributive justice, he'll get AIDS from a transfusion, or one of his grandchildren will get it."

I must apologize. I did not know I could not post URLs here and since I don't post that often it might be a while before I reach the limit. However those interested can merely use your favorite searce engine for Dr Zero's and the Title of Reynolds 2002 essay "Patriotism and Preferences". Since I must edit out the URLs I apologize if the text looks a bit rough.

About the Juan Williams firing by the left leaning NPR, I found an interesting thought here: Juan Williams and The Preference Cascade (Dr. Zero blog). Some snippets:
” I think one of the reasons the hardcore liberals who run NPR terminated Williams is their desire to abort a preference cascade. . . . As described by Glenn Reynolds in a classic 2002 essay, a preference cascade occurs when people trapped inside a manufactured consensus suddenly realize that many other people share their doubts. Preference falsification works by making doubters feel isolated and alone. . .

Since a free society makes it very easy for individuals to change their opinions, they must be prevented from even considering such a change. Manufactured consensus is very fragile in a competitive arena of ideas, when there is no fearsome penalty for a "Fresh Air" listener who decides to switch over to Rush Limbaugh.
The manufactured liberal consensus about Islamic terrorism rolled off the assembly line a long time ago. . . .

A credentialed, taxpayer-supported NPR liberal cannot be allowed to question this consensus. It will shatter too easily if the clients of liberalism begin connecting dots between underwear bombers and pistol-packing Army psychiatrists. They cannot be left to nod quietly in agreement with the earnest musings of Juan Williams . . . then look around the room and see all the other faithful liberals nodding at the same time. . . .

Juan Williams came too close to understanding ideas he was supposed to hate. The Left is deathly afraid of what happens when its constituents begin to understand the Right. They didn't like the idea of millions watching an NPR contributor break the biohazard seal on strictly quarantined ideas.”

Too close indeed. But surely one can see such a preference cascade following the release of the Climategate e-mails and perhaps even in Obama supporter Thelma Hart's being "... exhausted. Exhausted of defending you, defending your administration, defending the mantle of change that I voted for.” Yes, of course, the 'mantle' of change. But is Obama really to blame for her exhaustion? Perhaps she would have been better prepared for the results of an Obama administration had she insisted on Obama's clarity on not only what was going to change but, specifically, how he would bring about those changes.

But as has been pointed out, NPR’s Nina Totenberg’s comments and personal opinions* over the years have not brought her into conflict with NPR’s stated ‘principles’ and management’s interpretation of same whether she is considered a ‘pundint’ or ‘analyst’. But wait! She is neither according to her NPR Bio! She is a correspondent, a position Mr. Williams held at at NPR until he became so annoyingly opininated (to NPR anyway) that they changed his classification. One might think a NPR ‘Correspondent’ might be viewed more stringently regarding their opinions then say, an analyst or pundint. But then that is NPR’s private business, or is it? NPR gets some small amount of indirect funding from U.S. taxpayors, Non? Come January, if Congress is looking for someplace to cut federal spending perhaps the CPB (Corporation for Public Broadcasting) might be an excellent place to start.

*the classic, but by no means the only, Totenberg example is her lament regarding Senator Jesse Helms: "I think he ought to be worried about the--about what's going on in the good Lord's mind, because if there's retributive justice, he'll get AIDS from a transfusion, or one of his grandchildren will get it."


I think the biggest fear now is that Juan is showing the way to other Liberals. The greatest asset to the looney-left is the constant state of confusion we're in. Once that state is removed and all the lies are laid bare and out in the open they know that they cannot sustain their false doctrine without being open to justifiable ridicule.

This is a bag of worms I'm sure they wished they hadn't opened.
I didn't make up the rules...NPR did and Williams agreed to them.

IMO, reporters should strive to report the facts and keep their biases to themselves.

Sad for you that you'd rather be told what to think.

Yes, reporters should strive to report facts. Juan, however, was not employed by NPR as a 'reporter', he was, in fact, employed as a news analyst. For someone who has such a passion for 'facts', you really should try to use them.
:lol: Okay, then. Substitute journalist.

Nobody is disputing his job title of analyst, but you.
Why would you want to go back to the Bush Administration's way of doing things? The republican agenda of the Bush Era is the reason our country is in such dier straits right now. Change does not happen over night and you surely see that you must give Obama a chance to accomplish his goals.
Being opposed to everything he stands for is counterproductive. The two parties have, at times, worked across party lines, but I have never seen the nasty division that I am seeing now. Obama is a good man and deserves to be heard. He has accomplished so much in his two years in office and I don't believe that the republicans are going to be as victorious as they think come November. The people paying for all the negative ads this time around are the wealthiest people on the planet and they don't care about the common person...only themselves and assuming more power and control over you, and me. Time for all to wake up and take back our power.
It was time for Juan Williams to go. He was/is a mediocre journalist at best. Notice that Fox isn't giving him the multi-millions that O'Reilly/Hannity/Beck receive. He is their token.
I didn't make up the rules...NPR did and Williams agreed to them.

IMO, reporters should strive to report the facts and keep their biases to themselves.

Sad for you that you'd rather be told what to think.

Yes, reporters should strive to report facts. Juan, however, was not employed by NPR as a 'reporter', he was, in fact, employed as a news analyst. For someone who has such a passion for 'facts', you really should try to use them.
:lol: Okay, then. Substitute journalist.

His function at NPR was that of a 'news analyst' or, in other words, a 'commentator'. His job was to comment, not provide fact. Honestly, Ravi, how the hell can you criticize someone when you don't even know what the hell he was employed to do.
It was time for Juan Williams to go. He was/is a mediocre journalist at best. Notice that Fox isn't giving him the multi-millions that O'Reilly/Hannity/Beck receive. He is their token.

He was NOT a journalist. Again, I have to ask, how is anyone to take someone seriously when they don't even understand what the man was contracted to do?

I wish I had a higher tolerance for ignorance.
Why would you want to go back to the Bush Administration's way of doing things? The republican agenda of the Bush Era is the reason our country is in such dier straits right now. Change does not happen over night and you surely see that you must give Obama a chance to accomplish his goals.
Being opposed to everything he stands for is counterproductive. The two parties have, at times, worked across party lines, but I have never seen the nasty division that I am seeing now. Obama is a good man and deserves to be heard. He has accomplished so much in his two years in office and I don't believe that the republicans are going to be as victorious as they think come November. The people paying for all the negative ads this time around are the wealthiest people on the planet and they don't care about the common person...only themselves and assuming more power and control over you, and me. Time for all to wake up and take back our power.

Another bullshitter hits the fan. :lol::lol::lol::lol:
Juan committed Thoughtcrime.

Free speech rights are not an issue here. That is a perfect example of what I just mentioned, i.e., the right having to take every episode and turn it into idiocy.
And Juan was fired for speaking unapproved opinions. Do keep up.

Which even if true, is not a free speech issue. He might have indeed been wrongfully terminated in violation of his contract, but that is still not a free speech issue.
It was time for Juan Williams to go. He was/is a mediocre journalist at best. Notice that Fox isn't giving him the multi-millions that O'Reilly/Hannity/Beck receive. He is their token.

Every time some asshole calls a black man "a token" I call them a racist pig. You are our newest racist pig. We feed racist pigs shit.
Sorry, lefties who defend this: you are flat wrong. Righties, many of you would act the same way if Billy O went off the reservation the other way. Unsubscribe.

O'Reilly kept his job after paying millions to shut up a woman he sexually harassed, now he's back as the right's guru on societal morality.

And btw, I already said Williams shouldn't have been fired for this. I'm only dealing with the right's inevitable lies and distortions and exaggerations and general idiocy over the event,

which is they can never avoid engaging in.

You mean Andrea Mackris? The woman who made the allegation AFTER O'Reilly sued her for extortion, alleging that she had threatened him with a sexual harassment suit?

I wasn't aware that O'reilly won an extortion lawsuit against Mackris, please post that.
It was time for Juan Williams to go. He was/is a mediocre journalist at best. Notice that Fox isn't giving him the multi-millions that O'Reilly/Hannity/Beck receive. He is their token.

Every time some asshole calls a black man "a token" I call them a racist pig. You are our newest racist pig. We feed racist pigs shit.

Yep, and a stupid racist at that. (S)He doesn't even know the difference between a journalist and a news analyst.
Why would you want to go back to the Bush Administration's way of doing things? The republican agenda of the Bush Era is the reason our country is in such dier straits right now. Change does not happen over night and you surely see that you must give Obama a chance to accomplish his goals.
Being opposed to everything he stands for is counterproductive. The two parties have, at times, worked across party lines, but I have never seen the nasty division that I am seeing now. Obama is a good man and deserves to be heard. He has accomplished so much in his two years in office and I don't believe that the republicans are going to be as victorious as they think come November. The people paying for all the negative ads this time around are the wealthiest people on the planet and they don't care about the common person...only themselves and assuming more power and control over you, and me. Time for all to wake up and take back our power.

Your wrong, but at least you said it in a nice way. Progressive liberalism is the equivalent of a terminal cancer on our Republic.

This preference casade with the Williams thing seems as one with the Tea Party phenominom which definitely originated with Obama's massaive stimulus and was reinvigorated with Obamacare (and to a lesser extent with the Frank-Dodd finance 'reform' bill). Citizens initially (after the stimulus) felt our government was, generally, oversteping its bonds. This feeling was, somehow, subliminal. However, then the left started calling them nasty names the tea partiers felt the need to justify their feelings about their government. It was at this point they began reading our founding documents and the original supporting arguments for those codifications from Jay, Hamilton, and Madison, in the form of The Federalist, in order to sharpen their argument for smaller, less instrusive government. Some have even visited those of the Scottish enlightenment period and even Ayn Rand's essays on Objectivism.

Can of worms, indeed! Perhaps this awakening of the American people will go down in history as President Obama's crowning acheivement in turning America back onto its original path of self responsibility, individual liberty, and exceptiionalism. This, of course is not His vision but then it's not really up to Him...is it? Nov 3rd will give us a better view towards this trend. :eusa_think:

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