Juan Williams’ plagiarism problem


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
By Alex Seitz-Wald
Mar 7, 2013

In a case of apparent plagiarism, Fox News pundit Juan Williams lifted — sometimes word for word — from a Center for American Progress report, without ever attributing the information, for a column he wrote last month for The Hill newspaper.

Almost two weeks after publication, the column was quietly revised online, with many of the sections rewritten or put in quotation marks, and this time citing the CAP report. It also included an editor’s note that read: “This column was revised on March 2, 2013, to include previously-omitted attribution to the Center for American Progress.”

But that editor’s note mentions only the attribution problem, and not the nearly identical wording that was also fixed.

In a phone interview Thursday evening, Williams pinned the blame on a researcher who he described as a “young man.”


Read more:
Juan Williams? plagiarism problem - Salon.com
Juan Williams, Who Is An Extremely Dumb Person, Explains His Plagiarism By Noting That He Doesn’t Write His Columns At All
Just like O - who stole his entire political belief word for word from Karl Marx.

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