Juan Williams talks NPR and life in 'big chair' on Fox


Handsome Devil
Feb 10, 2010
Z on TV: Juan Williams talks NPR and life in 'big chair' on Fox - TV show critic David Zurawik on the show business, culture and craziness of television - baltimoresun.com

Doing just what Foxnews has trained him to as their token black.

"Just consider the idea that Fox allows me the opportunity to sit in for Bill O’Reilly on their No. 1 show," he said. "That’s the franchise. That’s the moneymaker. If that show falls in the toilet, it’s bad for the whole lineup. And yet Fox allows a black guy with a Hispanic name to sit in the big chair and host the show."

And, he added, "If you ask NPR they’d say, 'Oh that could never happen at Fox.' But it is happening at Fox. And let me me ask you something? Do you see it an CNBC? Do you it at CNN in prime time. Am I lying to you?"
I wonder what's going to happen when he disagrees with the execs or is asked to knowingly lie on camera?
OMG, Williams is still playing the race card?

He was NPR's "only black on-air presence" even though he was on the r-a-d-i-o, then he was a "black guy with a hispanic name" who just has to gee shucks it over his lametable but virulent and oh so understandable bigotry towards Muslims and then he was "a victim of bigotry" at NPR when they "high tech lynched him" and now he is "aw shucks so grateful" to be allowed in with the white men at Fox?

Williams is rapidly becoming my favorite new chew toy -- is there a stupid racist stereotype about black men he hasn't reached for yet? Mebbe he could date a fat white chick for his next act.

I wonder what's going to happen when he disagrees with the execs or is asked to knowingly lie on camera?

He's a pundit, as such he is employed to speak his own views. I know this is a foreign concept to many on the left, but it's a fact.
I wonder what's going to happen when he disagrees with the execs or is asked to knowingly lie on camera?

Did you miss his faux outrage over his faux firing at NPR? I believe we know what will happen...he'll lie badly and Fox's sheeple will believe every word.
I wonder what's going to happen when he disagrees with the execs or is asked to knowingly lie on camera?

Did you miss his faux outrage over his faux firing at NPR? I believe we know what will happen...he'll lie badly and Fox's sheeple will believe every word.

Williams is a good reporter and, while human, has displayed a pretty good level of journalistic integrity. I don't think he will take kindly to being asked to fudge numbers or alter a story he wants to investigate.
I wonder what's going to happen when he disagrees with the execs or is asked to knowingly lie on camera?

He's a pundit, as such he is employed to speak his own views. I know this is a foreign concept to many on the left, but it's a fact.

He is not "allowed to speak his own views" on air when he has contractually obligated himself to restrict his speech to the employer's editorial standards, but when he CHOOSES not to do so, speaks in a manner that violates his contract and gets shitcanned for it, that is his choice......a factoid you Pavlovian Partisans seem unable to grasp or accept.
I wonder what's going to happen when he disagrees with the execs or is asked to knowingly lie on camera?

Did you miss his faux outrage over his faux firing at NPR? I believe we know what will happen...he'll lie badly and Fox's sheeple will believe every word.

Williams is a good reporter and, while human, has displayed a pretty good level of journalistic integrity. I don't think he will take kindly to being asked to fudge numbers or alter a story he wants to investigate.

I never heard of him before NPR fired him, snjmom, but so far -- completely unimpressed.
Did you miss his faux outrage over his faux firing at NPR? I believe we know what will happen...he'll lie badly and Fox's sheeple will believe every word.

Williams is a good reporter and, while human, has displayed a pretty good level of journalistic integrity. I don't think he will take kindly to being asked to fudge numbers or alter a story he wants to investigate.

I never heard of him before NPR fired him, snjmom, but so far -- completely unimpressed.

Well, that about sums it up nicely. You don't even know him, but you've made a judgement about him anyway. That makes you a fool, Maddie. Not for the first time. You seem very able to rush to judgement - normally without the facts. Which is why I tend not to take you seriously.

He's actually a very articulate, well informed, honest liberal. I don't usually agree with him, but I respect him.

See how that works, I disagree with Juan's politics but I respect the man. I like you as a person, but I have little respect for you - because you are remarkably ill-informed - and you know it - and yet you allow yourself to form opinions. That's pretty damed silly.
I wonder what's going to happen when he disagrees with the execs or is asked to knowingly lie on camera?

Did you miss his faux outrage over his faux firing at NPR? I believe we know what will happen...he'll lie badly and Fox's sheeple will believe every word.

I want to see his reaction to other blacks who come on Foxnews who race bait and play the the prejudices and stereotypes of bigots.
Z on TV: Juan Williams talks NPR and life in 'big chair' on Fox - TV show critic David Zurawik on the show business, culture and craziness of television - baltimoresun.com

Doing just what Foxnews has trained him to as their token black.

"Just consider the idea that Fox allows me the opportunity to sit in for Bill O’Reilly on their No. 1 show," he said. "That’s the franchise. That’s the moneymaker. If that show falls in the toilet, it’s bad for the whole lineup. And yet Fox allows a black guy with a Hispanic name to sit in the big chair and host the show."

And, he added, "If you ask NPR they’d say, 'Oh that could never happen at Fox.' But it is happening at Fox. And let me me ask you something? Do you see it an CNBC? Do you it at CNN in prime time. Am I lying to you?"
:eusa_eh: I never realized Juan has such a big chip on his shoulder.
Well, you libturds lost one of your best advocates. Juan is going to make a fierce competititve conservative.

I just hate those sorry fuckers who call black men "tokens" they happen to be the sorriest fuckers on earth.
Williams is a good reporter and, while human, has displayed a pretty good level of journalistic integrity. I don't think he will take kindly to being asked to fudge numbers or alter a story he wants to investigate.

I never heard of him before NPR fired him, snjmom, but so far -- completely unimpressed.

Well, that about sums it up nicely. You don't even know him, but you've made a judgement about him anyway. That makes you a fool, Maddie. Not for the first time. You seem very able to rush to judgement - normally without the facts. Which is why I tend not to take you seriously.

He's actually a very articulate, well informed, honest liberal. I don't usually agree with him, but I respect him.

See how that works, I disagree with Juan's politics but I respect the man. I like you as a person, but I have little respect for you - because you are remarkably ill-informed - and you know it - and yet you allow yourself to form opinions. That's pretty damed silly.

Par for the course for that dipshit.
Well, you libturds lost one of your best advocates. Juan is going to make a fierce competititve conservative.

I just hate those sorry fuckers who call black men "tokens" they happen to be the sorriest fuckers on earth.

Pussywillow, you don't what a token is, but plenty of minorities do. Foxnews' coverage of African Americans has been and is very shoddy and the few blacks they do have appear of their shows as guests poorly and negatively portray African Americans. Now they hire Juan Williams and already off the bat he's pounding his chest talking about how good Foxnews is they hired him, a black man with a Spanish first name and he's the only one, thats typical stupid shit that tokens do, brag about how they're the only ones of their kind at someplace that underrepresents people from their group.
Z on TV: Juan Williams talks NPR and life in 'big chair' on Fox - TV show critic David Zurawik on the show business, culture and craziness of television - baltimoresun.com

Doing just what Foxnews has trained him to as their token black.

"Just consider the idea that Fox allows me the opportunity to sit in for Bill O’Reilly on their No. 1 show," he said. "That’s the franchise. That’s the moneymaker. If that show falls in the toilet, it’s bad for the whole lineup. And yet Fox allows a black guy with a Hispanic name to sit in the big chair and host the show."

And, he added, "If you ask NPR they’d say, 'Oh that could never happen at Fox.' But it is happening at Fox. And let me me ask you something? Do you see it an CNBC? Do you it at CNN in prime time. Am I lying to you?"

Sighs. Libs can be as silly as cons. Williams did not make a racist remark, Vivian Schiller went PC and fired him, Fox hired him, and this issue has bit NPR in the butt. It will affect its funding next year.
I take it that you know what a token black is you dumbass?

Any black person who does not vote Democrat.

So, you're a token black for the Democrats. You vote for them because you like being a pet project instead of an individual.

No you dumbass, pull you head out of your conservative ass before you speak.

Every black who does not vote Democrat is, according to you, a 'token black'. While I'm sure that you'll justify it by defining it differently, but the facts fit my definition. Or, you could tell me which non Democrat blacks are not 'tokens'.

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